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Perfect Dark Zero

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1000 Players Infected

1000 Players Infected

DarkOps Award. Infected 1000 Players in DarkOps: Infection.


How to unlock the 1000 Players Infected achievement in Perfect Dark Zero - Definitive Guide

I'm sorry in advance for the wall of text, but I assure you it's worth it if you want the best method to getting this achievement.

This is the set-up I used (At the time of this guide, using):

Mode: Dark Ops
Scenario: Infection
Level: Desert
Level Variant: Small
Bot Count: 15
Bot Options: Agent/Vanilla
Points Limit: None
Round Limit: 10
Round Time Limit: 2

Now, normally you shouldn't be able to access the small desert with 15 bots. So in order to do this follow this method:

1. Enter Darkops and set the scenario to infecton.

2. Set the level to Subway and the level varient to bases 1+2 open and set the amount of bots to 15

3. Then, change the level variant to small.

4. Got to level and press right twice in order to get to desert.

Now when you start a round, if you spawn infected simply kill the opposing team with your pistol. Or switch to your fists and try to disarm (RB) an uninfected person with a good weapon and use it against them. Also, don't forget to melee when able to. Most of the action will take place in the middle, so head there.

If you start uninfected, I highly suggest purchasing the Mines (Thrown) and another explosive based on how much you have left after (Rocket Launcher is 15000, Super Dragon is 7500, and Grenades are 1000). Then go to the middle and wait for your team to start showing up. Simply lob a remote mine (RB) when you see a teammate or 2 and detonate it (LT) when you can.

Because the explosion will hang around for about 4 seconds, it will more than likely kill whoever you wanted to kill with ease (Or drop them to extremely low, health). You have 5 mines so that should be enough to kill 5-8 people, as well as your back up explosive to clean up the rest. Once all you teammates are dead simply let yourself die to trigger the next round.

Despite losing -$5000 each time you kill a team mate, at the end of each round you receive $5000 (Allowing you enough for mines and Grenades every round)

**NOTE** Do NOT commit suicide while uninfected. Doing so makes you sit out for the entire round (That's why the round limits are set to 2 minutes) as well, you start off with $0 for the next round.

Once you get the hang of this method, each 10 round game should take you roughly 12-15 minutes while averaging about 50-60 kills a game. So in the end it should take about 5 hours in total.

23 Aug 2010 05:25

By far the best solution, with the other one was averaging 40 infected, with yours 60 and it was fun to blow shit up.
By a holy chainsaw on 26 Nov 2013 21:27
Why am I always on the uninflected team?
By Falcon SVN on 10 Jul 2015 05:34
Well there are four infected players so the chance of you starting infected is 4/16 or 25%.
By Wcbezoeker on 14 Sep 2015 11:46
Do getting kills via mines while uninfected count towards the achievement?
By MegaManSurvives on 30 May 2016 01:59
I know this game is super-duper old. But all of these solutions involve betraying other uninfected players, and yet they don't seem to take damage from my weapons. Any idea what I might be missing?
By Yin on 03 Jul 2016 21:13
Replying to an older comment, but generally the bots always grab armor. That gives them more health and prevents headshot instakills. I tend to use the Plasma Rifle; two hits usually gets the job done even with armor, and there's an unseen area of effect that works down the other bots nearby. Just don't be too close, as you can get hurt too.
By Bahaumaut on 29 May 2017 21:34
I can't do damage to my team or even myself, looked every where for a friendly fire option but nothing. Was there an update or is there actually something to change to turn friendly fire on?
By ShadowXanlet on 29 Jun 2017 00:19
^ there is indeed a friendly fire option under "advanced options" when creating the lobby.
By iMaginaryy on 23 Sep 2017 17:25

I've been grinding this achievement in small bits over a long time with this solution and it finally just popped. Thank you.
By Twincats on 03 Jul 2018 21:45
By Cuprofen on 01 Aug 2021 16:43
Instead of an explosive based weapon, use the shotgun (5000). Much more fun and even simpler to kill humans. You can buy this in EVERY round!
By FCO Fazenetli on 20 Feb 2023 14:37
So essentially just kill everyone, infected or not, but only kills while you're infected against non infected players count.

Edit: I think team killing while your human counts towards your kills to infect other players. Killing skeletons does nothing though.

I wish I started with this achievement, could have gotten quite a few headshots or explosive kills while grinding it. Instead I saved it for last, lol
By Friggin Grease on 05 Dec 2023 04:21
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Alright, I know this game is super old but I think I found something that can make this go by pretty quick.

Only killing humans count towards infection. Skeletons do nothing towards this achievement. It does not matter if you are a skeleton or human to make the human kills count towards infections.
Saving the game to your hard drive greatly reduces load times.
Random as to whose side you are on but you are more likely to start as human on round 1.
This will take a while. Each round you can get up to 12 kill and the rounds last 2 min. 1000 divided by 12 is 83 rounds times 2 min a round 166 min plus errors, loading and learning curve is 210 min minus 2nd round early finish back down to around 160 min.


1. Set your game as follows:

Scenario: Infection
Level: Tower
Level Variant: Small
Bot Count 15
Bot Options:
Max Bot Count: 16
Bot Difficulty: Agent
Bot Distribution: Fixed Bots
Bot Personality: Feud
Points Limit:
Round Limit: 2
Round Time Limit: 2min
Advanced Options Disallow all weapons except plasma, viablade and shield.
Start Money: 15000CR(set to highest amount)

It may seem like you can not set up 16 bots with this map and have small Level Variant but you can trick it in to doing so. The feud option is important because most infected will ignore you to get to their target instead.

2. Purchase the plasma rifle. If you should start as infected/skeleton, back out and start again.

3. Round 1 Start killing the humans but stay up on top of the hill where you spawn. There is a small cave entrance that you have to crouch to enter. When you have killed all of the humans, retreat here. You may even find it safer to leave one last one out there. Keep falling backwards into the cave going up the path as you need. You really should try to stay alive for the entire round.

4. Round 2 Killing the skeletons at the end of the last round should have earned you some credits. purchase a shield and viablade if you can. If you happen to have spawned as a skeleton, just stick it out. DO NOT EXIT this will erase any kill you have.

5. Use the same strategy as before but this time it does not matter if you die. In fact, as soon as you are the last one alive, let them come and get you. DO NOT SUICIDE this erases all kills you have.

If you become infected or start as an infected 2nd round, quickly headshot a skeleton and take their guns(dual-wield.) Do your best to take out the humans. If you can steal one of their powerful weapons, great. My best as an infected was 5 kills in 2 minutes.....ugh.

13 Jun 2013 06:33

Good guide, I was averaging 18 kills every two rounds, using plasma on round one and mines on round two. And for anyone with rare replay wondering if this still works I can confirm it does.
By pantyhamster on 24 Nov 2015 10:40
I don't understand how to purchase the plasma. It only gives me the option of armor or gadgets.
By Octobot Super on 22 Feb 2016 11:45
Okay, nevermind. The settings say 1,500 cr so I set it to 2,000. I didn't realize that the author meant 15,000.
By Octobot Super on 22 Feb 2016 12:00
What exactly am I missing here? There is no option for enabling/disabling friendly fire, and I cannot kill uninfected players if I am not infected myself. Even if I unload into them, they take no damage period.
By Yin on 03 Jul 2016 21:06
Thank you so much for mentioning that team kills as a human counts as an infection! I knew I was missing something!
By Skeptical Mario on 16 Mar 2017 21:23
I can't do damage to my team or even myself, looked every where for a friendly fire option but nothing. Was there an update or is there actually something to change to turn friendly fire on?
By ShadowXanlet on 29 Jun 2017 00:05
it seems like you can only team kill when human with explosives
By Rubbish Dave on 08 Jul 2017 06:25
Interesting. I wonder if there were any changes to this when it was brought to Xone.
By bobby trippe on 10 Jul 2017 02:53
No changes, you should be able to team kill
By Octobot Super on 10 Jul 2017 09:10
Can't confirm if this is the FASTEST per se, but it's probably the most entertaining so far. Nothing like watching your teammates float through the air and turn into skeletons when you mine them to hell and back in the spawn crevasse, haha.
By earlofillusion on 06 Dec 2020 02:27
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This is best done on solo with bots on small contained maps, the best are the Old Town and the Desert, and obviously on Infection mode. I found it best to have 15 bots mostly set to Agent but I set a few to higher ranks because they will progress the game along and they have a better chance to kill you so you can become infected (it's actually difficult to die on purpose from Agents 'cos they are so bad).

Kill your teammates when not infected to become infected; Friendly fire is automatically on, it's just that your teammates have full armour and you do slightly less damage to them than enemies, proximity mines are good for team kills (but don't step on them yourself, if you commit suicide you will be forced to spectate for the remainder of the round), the shotgun or any machine gun is good, just repeatedly shoot them in the head 'til their armour pops off then kill with a headshot, helping also with the 1000 headshots achievement.

If you have attained the 1000 DarkOps games achievement before this then set to max rounds, time, and no point limit. I would not recommend setting to quick games because the 1000 DarkOps achievement is easier in Eradication mode.

My only other advice is to try and mix it up a little regarding maps and weapons, a little variation takes the sting out of such a long grind, you can ban all weapons in the settings menu but the starting handgun will still be present and I don't recommend banning the Mines, like I said throw a few down at the start and it will kill some allies straightaway.

20 Oct 2010 02:30

As sayed as Andrew x360a, you don`t have control of how you play as infected or not, so another strategy to get this achievement more quickly, is that if you start as not infected you can buy weapons AND throw them in special places of the map so you can pick them up when you are infected and use them to your advantage...

If you start the round as infected, there`s always someone who buy the best weapon so you can take his / her weapon away and use it against them...

23 Jan 2010 07:53

Play on Urban with 16 bots and yourself. Usually you can get away with clicking small and still having 17 total players, but if not use bases 2&4. Set the money to 15,000.

If you start as a healthy player, buy the Plasma. It only takes 3 hits to kill a fully armored and healthy bot. You'll almost always start off in the back behind the building with the spiraling stairs. Stay in this area.

Then when it's down to about 12/17 players infected, head for the really large ramp that goes above the level and connects to the parking garage. The bots will follow you up. Usually the infected players will only get 1 kill off of the bots by the time you're doing this. Then when the bots follow you, kill them off with the plasma.

When you're heading up the ramp it should give you enough time to charge the Plasma back to full.

If you still haven't got 1000 Explosive kills you can go for that against the skeletons until the timer runs out or they kill you. A good strategy is to run all the way to the other side of the big ramp, past the parking garage exit, and to the road barrier. you'll be far enough away to snare a few kills before they can even touch you with bullets, then you can just run up and Plasma them until you die or kill them all.

10 Jul 2010 23:32

Alright. So obviously I'm a bit late in doing this, since it is 2020 at the time of writing, and the game was released back in 2005. But I thought if anyone has the ability to do this, I will post another Method in getting this Achievement, which I pretty much found it, to be the "Easiest" way, to get the Achievement.

If you use this Method, you are Guaranteed to get Kills. But there is some Advantages in Disadvantages towards it, as you read through the Guide.

Before we do so though, you will need the following Items in order to give this a try...

A Minimum of 2x XBox 360 Consoles
A Minimum of 2x Copies of Perfect Dark Zero
At least 8+ XBox 360 Controllers

If you don't have any of these, you might as well not bother reading the rest of the Solution and letting me, waste your time.

Note: This game is Backward Compatible on the XBox One Console. But for some Unknown reason, whenever you try to play XBox Live with 4 XBox One Controllers attached to the Console, it kicks you back to the Title Screen, and Signs you out. I've never had this on the XBox 360 Console, hence the reason why I used this Method. Of-course, if this was fixed, you can probably use an XBox One Controller with Multiple Controllers, instead of the XBox 360. But it's up to you at the end of the day.

Tip: If you have an XBox 360 with 4 Controllers and an XBox One with 1 Controller, it's possible you could put your Main Profile that wants the Achievement on your XBox One, and then have Multiple Controllers on the XBox 360 as Dummies. Use this if you like to have a Bigger Screen and a Bigger Gun.


Now... here's what I figured out with the game, when you play Infection Mode, the amount of people that appear in the Start of the Rounds as Infected, depends upon how many opponents are in the Match itself. This includes Humans & Bots all-together in your match. So as listed below as an example...

4 Players in the Match = 1 Infected Player at the Start and 3 Survivors
8 Players in the Match = 2 Infected Players at the Start of the Round and 6 Survivors
12 Players in the Match = 3 Infected Players at the Start of the Round and 9 Survivors
16 Players in the Match = 4 Infected Players at the Start of the Round and 12 Survivors

Obviously, the more Bodies you could have, the more Kills you can achieve in the Round. But there will be Benefits & Drawbacks as hinted above.

Setting Up Your Match

If you are the Host of the Match. You will need to do into "Combat Arena" and choose "XBox Live". From here, you will want to Create a Darkops Match. Now you need to set it up with the following...

Scenario: Infection
Level: Urban
Level Variant: Small
Maximum Players: This depends upon how many Accounts you got joining in your game.
Bot Count: 0
Points Limit: None
Round Limit: 10
Round Time Limit: 5 Minutes (Can be more or less, personal choice)
Friendly Fire: On (Important)

Once you have done all of these, press the cn_start button to move to the next screen.

Now here is the Important part, this is where you will need to Sign in your Extra Controllers on your Account, and this is also the menu where your Partner will need to Sign in their Controllers as well. I'm just assuming you'll be boosting this with yourself and a Dummy Account. But if you have more Players and Controllers, then you need to sign them all in as well.

To Sign everyone in at once, ensure all Controllers are Activated to their respective Consoles, and your XBox 360 detects 4 Controllers. You then need to open the cn_guide, then press cn_A on each Controller. You then need to search for the Profile on each Controller that says the words "Guest". Press cn_A on that, and rinse and repeat until all 4 Controllers are the game. The Player 1 Default Profile will then sign in everyone once completed. Will take awhile.

Once everyone has Signed in, you will need to invite anyone who is not in your Lobby into the Lobby, by using the cn_guide Guide, and giving them a Game Invite.

Next, each Controller that has appeared in this Lobby, needs to Ready Up. If they don't Ready Up, they will Spectate and they won't be participating in the Match. The Host however, doesn't need to do this, because as soon as they press the cn_start button to Launch the Match, they will automatically drag any Dummies into the Match to play, even if they haven't Readied Up.


All of this, only applies to the person that's going for Kills.

Not Infected

If you are not Infected at the start of the Round, then you'll need to become Infected as quickly as possible. Urban is the best Map in my opinion to do this on, because the Spawn Points are pretty much close by. If you have 8 Accounts, the 6 that are not Infected usually spawn on either side of the Roadways. What I noticed as well is the Host always Spawns with the 3 other Accounts together, if they are not Infected. Which in honesty, is a Bonus.

As soon as the Round Starts, have one of these 3 Accounts aim for the head of your Main Account and shoot them. A Headshot is an Instant Kill in this game, and the Falcon Pistol does that too, so you don't need to purchase any Weapons.

When you come back as the Infected, you need to Dash as quickly as you can to where the Accounts are and Kill them. Go for Headshots, aim the Crosshair on their Head until the little Dot turns Green, and then Shoot away. A Headshot is a 1 Hit Kill in the game. Once you've cleared one side, run quickly to the other side and obtain the remaining Kills you get for the Round.

You have to be pretty fast, because in the Match, you have to wait 10 Seconds before it Starts, then after 40 Seconds, the Purchase Screen for the Non-Infected will be Disabled. After that, the Accounts that are Standing Still will get a Warning, saying that they will become Spectators for the Round, unless they Move. Now obviously you can move the Accounts if you want to, but truth to be told, unless you know which Controllers belongs to which Account, I personally find this useless, as it adds additional time for the Round your Working on.
With enough Practice, you should be able to get your Kills done in the round in around 45 Seconds - 1 Minute Tops.

If you Fail to Kill the Account before they become a Spectator, then they will disappear and you will lose that Account for the Rounds, preventing you from obtaining a Kill.

Once the Round is over, rinse and repeat the above if you are Not Infected again.


If you end up being Infected for the start of the Round, you pretty much have the easier Step, as you can just simply run over to the other side of the Map where the Accounts are standing Idle, and you can obtain your Kills. The Bonus when you are Infected, is that you can obtain an Extra Kill, because you did not have to sacrifice your Main Account getting Team-Killed, to become Infected.

Read the above for the Non Infected on whereabouts your Accounts will be placed on the Urban Map, and also the fact that you have to race against the Clock to get these Kills.

Calculations Of Kills

In a Match of 10 Rounds, you will likely become Infected for at least 2 or 3 Rounds. If you successfully manage to obtain all of the Kills in each Round. After 10 Rounds your outcome will likely be...

With 4 Controllers - 32 - 33 Kills Per Match
With 8 Controllers - 52 - 53 Kills Per Match (What I Used)
With 12 Controllers - 72 - 73 Kills Per Match
With 16 Controllers - 92 - 93 Kills Per Match


The amount of time needed to get the Achievement will differ, depending upon how many Controllers and XBox's you got that can support this gimmick. With 8 Controller, I managed to get the Achievement in around 3 Hours, with 2 Hours and 30 Minutes, spent on the day I got the Achievement.

I hope this alternative method helps. Good Luck!

11 Aug 2020 23:14

Infect 1000 players in DarkOps: Infection. The quickest way to get this achievement, is to set up a match with the following settings:

Mode: Infection
Map: Old Town
Map Size: Small
Points Limit: None
Round Limit: 10
Time Limit 3
Starting Money: 15,000CR
Weapons: Disallow all except Multi-Mines and the SuperDragon.

If you start as the infected (skeletons), you must kill the humans. Each kill against a human is one infection. As you start with only a pistol when infected, it is a good idea to press to put your gun away, then when you're near an enemy. This will allow you to steal their weapon.

When you begin the round on the humans side, buy the SuperDragon and Multi-Mines. Again, you want to kill the humans (teamkill). Do not under any circumstances suicide when you are a human, as you will need to sit out the rest of the round. If you're killed as a human, you will be turned to the infected side. Using this method you can get between 300-400 kills each hour. Therefore, it will take two and a half to three hours to infect 1000 players. It can be a mix of online and offline.

*You must complete the match for your achievement progress to register.