Phantasy Star Universe

Phantasy Star Universe

13 Achievements



Xbox 360
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De Rol Le Slayer

De Rol Le Slayer

De Rol Le defeated.


How to unlock the De Rol Le Slayer achievement in Phantasy Star Universe - Definitive Guide

I would like to point out first that I did this using a level 35 Newman Fortetecher, Hunter Classes should expect to exceed this and Rangers Classes about the same.
The mission for this is 'Awoken Serpent', playing on C Rank the enemies within are level 20+ and the boss is at 25 making it rather easy, although the limitation of mostly Long Range weaponry makes the fight last longer. If you can over-level before getting here so weapons and techniques do all the extra damage you can get from them.

The mission is found with the following progression
-Mission: Valley of Carnage
-Mission: Mine Defense
-Mission: Tunnel Recapture
-Mission: Caves of Ice
-Target Mission: Awoken Serpent

De Rol Le is very similar to the Dark Falz fight however I actually found Falz easier. The two have different attack patterns despite being quite the same. The problem with this fight is that De Rol Le gives very few chances for melee combat. You will be making heavy use of Techniques and Long Range weapons. Carry duplicate weapons and/or Photon Charges.

Large Laser: This attack will freeze you but does not deal too much damage. It is worth going to first person and shooting without moving. However while doing these attacks it can be hit with Foie.

Bug Mines: Normally released when flying behind or in front of the raft. They are easily destroyed with a few shots but will circle about the raft until they explode.

Projectile Bugs: These are spawned from the units on either side. They are fired quickly but destroying them will prevent anything spawning from that section. After launching the bugs he may come close enough to the raft to get within range for Foie to hit

Circle Projectile: Same as the above but De Rol Le will be circling the raft. Use guns on De Rol Le as despite being close I had no luck with Foie making contact. Confirmation please?

Landing: The only attack that seems to bring the beast onto the raft. It does not last too long but use the chance to do whatever damage you can. Melee specialists this is the chance to do high damage (this happened to me only once).

The head, tail and the glowing pods on the side can all be destroyed and each one will stop or limit De Rol Le's attacks. I mentioned my use of Foie as I only had two higher leveled Techniques, the other was Barta which will not hit as it stops when reaching the end of the raft (unlike PSO where it continued off the raft to hit multiple times). I completed this fight within three days of starting to play PSU's online mode. As the servers are closing it is worth mentioning that this is easy to get and allows you plenty of time to enjoy the games online story modes.

16 Jun 2012 04:50

1 Comment
There's buttons on the raft to move it closer as De Rol le broadsides the raft. 4 a side, and you need to be on the button to make the raft move
By Mazrael on 12 Jul 2012 22:51