56 Achievements
Atencraft shabti
Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Atencraft shabti achievement in Pharaonic - Definitive Guide
This is one of the three bosses located in Thebes.
If youve made it this far in the game then this boss is doddle compared to the others.
She has a predictable moveset. Listen for a triple swoosh noise then lay into her. Even though she is predictable she packs a punch one moveset will take most of your health.
Equip your best weapon and armor and you ll defeat her very quickly. Remember to use your magic
If youve made it this far in the game then this boss is doddle compared to the others.
She has a predictable moveset. Listen for a triple swoosh noise then lay into her. Even though she is predictable she packs a punch one moveset will take most of your health.
Equip your best weapon and armor and you ll defeat her very quickly. Remember to use your magic