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The Black Pharaoh

The Black Pharaoh


How to unlock the The Black Pharaoh achievement in Pharaonic - Definitive Guide

Here is a solution to get all 3 Endings in one Playthrough!

1.Play the Game till you come to the area called "Palace of the red Pharaoh". When you enter there is a save to the right. SAVE THERE!!!! Wait a little bit so that the save is in the cloud too!!!

2.Now disconnect from XBOX Live!!!!!!

3. Now to the right of the save there is a women. Speak to her and answer with YES! Play the game to the end, defeat the last Boss and walk up the way for the first ending!

4. Now go to the Dashboard and delete your save!!!

5. Connect with XBox Live and all achievements you got should pop up.

6. Start the Game again and get your CLOUD SAVE back!!!

7. DON´T DISCONNECT FROM XBOX LIVE!!!! This time answer with NO!!!!

8. Play the game to the last Save before the Boss and save there and wait a little bit so that this save is in the cloud!!!!

9. Now disconnect again from XBOX Live!!!

10. Finish the last Boss and walk up the way for the second Ending!!!

11. Dashboard out and delete your save again!!!!!

12. Connect to XBOX Live, achievement should pop. Start the game and get your Cloud Save back!

13. Finish the last Boss again, but this time DON´T walk up the way for ending 1+2, instead walk back to the Save point and you should get Ending 3!!!

Hope this helps. Worked 100 % for me!!!!!

20 Jul 2016 10:03

thanks a lot for this guide. It worked perfectly for me. I messed up my 1st playthrough though. I reached the faraoh's chamber and saved the game after ansewering yes to the woman while still connected to the xbox live, thus unlocking only the 1st ending. Then I finished the game again but this time I followed your guide correctly from step 7 and unlocked the 2 remaining endings on the 2nd time around. Too bad I spent more time than necessary playing but the important thing is that I got all the endings with no trouble. Thxs and cheers!
By LERISBILLSALOVE on 10 Mar 2018 21:56
Thanks for the solution, worked like a charm. Just a tip, if you don't even speak with Astarte, you can fully explore and loot the Palace and then go back to the beginning of the level to make a save and start using your guide. I even went into the Throne Room to activate the last Heka Stele and I backtracked to the save just before Astarte.
By DVDiano360 on 21 Jul 2016 19:29
This is a good guide and others have commented that it works, but you need to calm down on those exclamation points.
By EightGramsOfFat on 27 Jul 2016 16:45
Nice guide, used it to get all 3 endings.

Now I'm just missing the achievement for killing a boss with low health, which seems to have glitched on me as I've done it several times already.
By Slam Shot Sam on 11 Aug 2016 01:09
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