56 Achievements
The Red Pharaoh
Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the The Red Pharaoh achievement in Pharaonic - Definitive Guide
This is the final boss and the achievement unlocks once has been defeated.
There are 2 phases to the battle so essentially you need to defeat him twice.
Recommended Equipment
Sword of Astarte, Royal Ring of Aegean, Ring of Tireless Traveller, The Kept Promise ring, Ring of Overlord. Arrow of Desire Backpack & World Osiris backpack.
Recommended Build
I recommend Level 5 Heavy Armor, Level 5 Heavy Weapons, Level 5 Offensive Backpacks, Level 4 Light Armour Level 5 Light Weapons. I had 0 in shields and 0 in support backpacks.
Remember every merchant sells 1 Shabti Gem under items Equip your armor and weapons according to your final build.
Stamina is super important so take the weight into account. You want to be able to inflict heavy damage quickly, withstand heavy attacks but have high stamina. When you have chosen your equipment do a quick stamina test. Hit RB twice you should aim to have enough stamina available after two heavy attacks to comfortably dodge.
Phase 1 - Equip Kept Promise ring. This phase is mostly physical combat. Try and stay close to him. Dodge from his attacks then hit him with a quick 1-2 combo while he is composing himself always use RB to attack. Keep an eye on your stamina only attack when the bar is at least half way so you can escape. Don't risk being greedy if you use up your stamina you are a sitting duck.
The moveset in phase 1 are fairly predictable. You should be able too quickly get his health down. Do not use any magic during phase 1 save it for phase 2. You should aim to have all 3 of your canteens after phase 1. Using 1 is acceptable.
Phase 2 -After cutscene Equip Ring of tireless traveler you'll need extra stamina regen for this phase as here is where things get tricky as he uses mostly magic. Begin chipping away at his health try and stay as close to him as possible. Look out for lightning traps he lays on the ground they are devastating. You need to take as much health as quickly as possible before he summons help! Aim to get his health more than halfway down before he summons It is important to stay close to him and keep him in the top corner area.
Whenever you need to heal switch to the ring of Overlord of memphet this refills your whole health bar, this makes massive difference.
When he protects himself with a bubble he is invulnerable but stay close. Do not give him space or he will control the tempo of the battle and use his best moves at will. Keep on top of him, provoke him to attack then catch him. You want to be pressing him not vice versa.
You should be able to quickly take the first half of his health down very quickly. Once his health is less than half he will begin to summon help. This is why we saved our magic. As soon as he summons Quickly equip the Royal Ring which massively boosts your overall magic, begin firing the Arrows of Desire backpack. This is a huge help as not only will it hit the boss but it travels through enemies and quickly kills the summons. Dont spam the magic as it affects your stamina. Take targetted shots. It's really important to stay close to him in the corner area as this prevents him from summoning. During my first attempt he summoned around 6 enemies when I had him in the corner he summoned 1.
Switch backpacks again equip World of Osiris this inflicts massive damage use whatever magic you have left. When your magic is gone unequip the magic ring and go back to either ring of tireless traveler or Kept Promise. Also remember to quickly equip the drink boost ring then unequip after drinking health.
You will easily defeat phase 1. However phase 2 will require you to learn his moves it also requires a bit of luck, dodging his lightning traps and attacks is paramount. I was able to defeat him around my 4th attempt Personally I thought the hardest boss was the War Golem.
Here is a video.
As you can see in the video one more hit and I would have been toast, I recommend watching the video if you are struggling the key to this battle is keeping him busy and controlling the tempo.
Hopefully this guide and the video will help
There are 2 phases to the battle so essentially you need to defeat him twice.
Recommended Equipment
Sword of Astarte, Royal Ring of Aegean, Ring of Tireless Traveller, The Kept Promise ring, Ring of Overlord. Arrow of Desire Backpack & World Osiris backpack.
Recommended Build
I recommend Level 5 Heavy Armor, Level 5 Heavy Weapons, Level 5 Offensive Backpacks, Level 4 Light Armour Level 5 Light Weapons. I had 0 in shields and 0 in support backpacks.
Remember every merchant sells 1 Shabti Gem under items Equip your armor and weapons according to your final build.
Stamina is super important so take the weight into account. You want to be able to inflict heavy damage quickly, withstand heavy attacks but have high stamina. When you have chosen your equipment do a quick stamina test. Hit RB twice you should aim to have enough stamina available after two heavy attacks to comfortably dodge.
Phase 1 - Equip Kept Promise ring. This phase is mostly physical combat. Try and stay close to him. Dodge from his attacks then hit him with a quick 1-2 combo while he is composing himself always use RB to attack. Keep an eye on your stamina only attack when the bar is at least half way so you can escape. Don't risk being greedy if you use up your stamina you are a sitting duck.
The moveset in phase 1 are fairly predictable. You should be able too quickly get his health down. Do not use any magic during phase 1 save it for phase 2. You should aim to have all 3 of your canteens after phase 1. Using 1 is acceptable.
Phase 2 -After cutscene Equip Ring of tireless traveler you'll need extra stamina regen for this phase as here is where things get tricky as he uses mostly magic. Begin chipping away at his health try and stay as close to him as possible. Look out for lightning traps he lays on the ground they are devastating. You need to take as much health as quickly as possible before he summons help! Aim to get his health more than halfway down before he summons It is important to stay close to him and keep him in the top corner area.
Whenever you need to heal switch to the ring of Overlord of memphet this refills your whole health bar, this makes massive difference.
When he protects himself with a bubble he is invulnerable but stay close. Do not give him space or he will control the tempo of the battle and use his best moves at will. Keep on top of him, provoke him to attack then catch him. You want to be pressing him not vice versa.
You should be able to quickly take the first half of his health down very quickly. Once his health is less than half he will begin to summon help. This is why we saved our magic. As soon as he summons Quickly equip the Royal Ring which massively boosts your overall magic, begin firing the Arrows of Desire backpack. This is a huge help as not only will it hit the boss but it travels through enemies and quickly kills the summons. Dont spam the magic as it affects your stamina. Take targetted shots. It's really important to stay close to him in the corner area as this prevents him from summoning. During my first attempt he summoned around 6 enemies when I had him in the corner he summoned 1.
Switch backpacks again equip World of Osiris this inflicts massive damage use whatever magic you have left. When your magic is gone unequip the magic ring and go back to either ring of tireless traveler or Kept Promise. Also remember to quickly equip the drink boost ring then unequip after drinking health.
You will easily defeat phase 1. However phase 2 will require you to learn his moves it also requires a bit of luck, dodging his lightning traps and attacks is paramount. I was able to defeat him around my 4th attempt Personally I thought the hardest boss was the War Golem.
Here is a video.
As you can see in the video one more hit and I would have been toast, I recommend watching the video if you are struggling the key to this battle is keeping him busy and controlling the tempo.
Hopefully this guide and the video will help
1 Comment
If you have no offensive spells you can keep the adds bodyblocked behind the boss fairly easily. Tier 4 heavy axe and stam backpack & stamina ring made short work of this guy.
The 3x4 stone golem fight outside the boss room was the real end boss.
The 3x4 stone golem fight outside the boss room was the real end boss.
By Healtti on 14 Nov 2023 17:36