Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity

48 Achievements


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Terror of the White March

Terror of the White March

Defeat the dragon that dwells in the White March.


How to unlock the Terror of the White March achievement in Pillars of Eternity - Definitive Guide

This Achievement is unlocked for defeating Alpine Dragon located in Longwatch falls Cave.

If you thought the Adra dragon fight was difficult you aint seen nothing yet.

i recommended a party between level 14 - 16. I recommend also retrain your charachters to maximise their abilities for this fight, high defences, the beast slayer ability. Also you will have collected lots of figurines on your travel, have at least 1 equipped on each party member, these allow you to summon help.

Chanter, Priest, Eder (tank) Grieving Mother Cipher (essential) i had manea as another fighter/tank

Defeating Concelhaut from Siege of Cragholt allows you to carry his Skull as a pet, this allows you to Summon Concelhaur once per rest. I recommend this as he has excellent defences and pack a punch. Make sure You equip as many figurines with summon abilites as possible. i had 1 with each party.

Also when choosing weapons and armour dont just equip item which bolster your character stats eg bracers which boost Intellect on a tanked character, instead favour weapons and armour which will give critical damage and turn misses to grazes, grazes to hits and hits to crits. Understanding your equipment really helps.

have at least 5 major endurance potions on each party member, 10 on your tanks.
Retrain your tank so he mainly has passive abilities, and abilities which turn his hits to crits and improve his attack/defence. have a great shield equipped.

Applying WHite Forge Enchantments to your tanks weapon/armour massively helps.
Change the AI on your characters from Aggressive to Either Support or Defensive, have your Chanters Ai Summoner, have your Tanks AI Hold the Line, but dont rely on the AI you should be giving orders and choosing the best abilities.

Have WHispers of Treason quickslotted on your Cipher, its only level 1 and is essential.
have your best Buffs slotted on your priest, Dire Blessing, Holy Meditation, creat a custom chant for your CHanter focusing on Buffs for Allies and have Summon Drake and Summon Skeletons QUICKSLOTTED.

Equipping weapons which have the abiliting to turn hits into Crits is a massive boost, as well as armour which can turn crits into hits.

Make Sure when the battle begins that you turn game speed to either normal or slow, every second counts.

on entering the cave rest up and save.

As soon as combat begins, pause. Position your charachters so they are spread out around the dragon all but my tank were equipped with ranged weapons with the beast slayer addon. Make sure your priest and Cipher are near each other.

Begin using your Figurines and summon some help, these will focus on the additional enemies, cast Holy meditation around your Cipher. i completely ignered the other enemies. Use the Spell WHisper of Treason this will Charm the dragon, and he should kill any remaining enemies for you, helpful.

Use your abilites and heal your party. PPause the game every few seconds, take stock,
assess the sitution and act accordingly, dont rely on the computer to pause the game

Your main Charachter will have the ability to summon Concelhaut he is a great help. Have your priest Cast dire blessing whenever possible this turns 20% of hits into Crits and Criticals take huge health off the beast.

As soon as your chanter has 5 chants summon the drake, keep on summoning help. The dragon will be focused on your tank, your tank will take a battering keep on using endurance potions and have your priest increase his defences. Whisper of treason should be cast every 10 seconds or so, this is a massive help it gives you time to assess the situation. Every single action should be done by the player. DONT RELY ON THE AI. Other than my tank all my party had ranged weapons equipped, your custom chant should have chant in which increases reload speed.

The priests Cleansing flame spell is also pretty good. During my fight my Dragon had half health then I had critical which took 300 health off him. I then summoned a Drake and it finished him off. WHisper of treason will really take the sting out of this battle. I was able to defeat him quickly. Remember though to position your players.

the key to this battle is to stay in control, keep pausing and giving orders. i really recommend retraining your characters to maximise their abilities. Dragons are classed as Beast so the Beast slayer ability and enchantments are a help. Secondary enchantments on weapons should be Burn. Summon a drake whenever possible, and use whisper of treason all the time. Keep your tanks endurance up and the rest of your party should be able to end the quickly.

09 Mar 2018 09:51

1 Comment
I just killed it twice thanks for a bug, I pressed X and some animation bugged, and I didn't get the achievement. Also I wasn't be able to loot the dragon.
The second time I didn't paused and I got the achievement.
I played Story Time difficulty. I was level 12, I had a few Major Endurance potion, I have had Concelhaut summon (DLC), and 5 figurines (spiders, and shades).
My party was Edér with a small shield, Sagani with an arbalest, Durance, Aloth, and Pallegina. Some had a beast (25%) enhancement. My char was a fighter, with the DLC weapon Grey Sleeper. I did it first try.
By JimmieWorld on 15 Sep 2023 05:58
This is a White March trophy. You must defeat the Alpine Dragon within the White March. Your party should be over level 14 to attempt this, with decent equipment, rested to replenish your abilities and spells and with a rest bonus when possible! Boost your endurance with food and carry potions and scrolls in order to improve your survival chances.

27 Sep 2017 16:48