Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

63 Achievements



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Not the Boss of Me

Not the Boss of Me

Defeat 3 Super Boss Waves in Ops.



How to unlock the Not the Boss of Me achievement in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - Definitive Guide

Super Boss Waves are special levels in Garden Ops. The 5th and 10th wave has the slot machine that picks what the boss wave is going to be - when all three are matched as the same boss type you fight a Super Boss Wave of that boss. Completing three of these will unlock this achievement. Unfortunately, because it's random you could need to play many rounds of Garden Ops. It doesn't appear that there is a requirement for what type of Garden Ops (local, online, single player, etc.).

Edit: Per some commentors (thanks to you all!), if you have an Epic Quest for a Super Boss Wave you are very likely (guaranteed?) to get one on the 10th wave.

22 Feb 2016 15:41

Played 2 hard and 2 crazy all the way through today. No Super Boss waves. Hate these luck achievements.
By lI Majora Il on 23 Feb 2016 22:32
Yeah, they remove that. On the original, everytime you got 3 Diamonds a super boss wave came. Now for some reason It is really hard to get one. (Played 1 on crazy and 4 on hard and nothing)
By MuppeT May Cry on 24 Feb 2016 03:23
I'm now at 9 Hard in a row with no SBW. I keep getting two and then the 3rd rolls over to something else.
By lI Majora Il on 24 Feb 2016 03:33
Got my only one so far on Easy solo ops
By Rogue Wolf on 24 Feb 2016 17:14
Beat it on Crazy 3 times and Hard 8 times. 0 Super Boss waves. Who ever said you always get it on those waves is completely wrong.
By o Hitmanhavoc o on 24 Feb 2016 17:58
I dont think difficulty matters, I think its completely random if you get one or not.
By Serious X Devil on 25 Feb 2016 01:26
In the first game it was much more common to see it when playing with more people on higher difficulties. It doesn't seem to matter in this one.
By lI Majora Il on 25 Feb 2016 01:28
Difficulty definitely doesn't matter. I've gotten two of them so far on Easy Solo Ops.
By iceblu26 on 25 Feb 2016 04:39
So far I have seen them once on hard garden ops 4 player MP, twice on normal garden ops 4 player MP and once in solo easy ops.

With that said I've played the majority of my ops games on hard difficulty (prob 10+ games) and only seen it there once while I got 2 on normal within 4 games. I really think it's just random and difficulty doesn't make much, if any difference.
By Hickster on 25 Feb 2016 18:17
You need to grind out 5000 plants and zombie kills anyways so just keep playing ops. You'll get it eventually :)
By Hickster on 25 Feb 2016 18:18
Got the 5000 zombie kills and halfway through the plants one. Have had 1 super boss wave. The random gods are not with me it seems
By Rogue Wolf on 25 Feb 2016 19:09
From my experience the super boss wave only comes on the 10th wave. IVe never Seen one on the 5th. Same with the first PvZ
By evil terrorr on 26 Feb 2016 03:15
Played garden ops for almost two full days and not 1 sbw, mp or solo.
By ChadMarc on 26 Feb 2016 14:34
After playing Garden Ops around 30 times mostly crazy/hard difficulties I had no luck. Switched it down to normal and within 5 games I got 3 super boss waves!
By Andyhadpie247 on 27 Feb 2016 01:06
I have gotten two so far, both on Normal. I think completing the challenge waves has something to do with it because I completed all bonus waves and such. Not a guarantee but probably a higher percentage chance
By turkeyfly on 03 Mar 2016 13:48
play the shit on easy I have done 20 super boss waves on the game all are on easy
By SUPER FLY 1988 on 03 Mar 2016 22:45
i have played 20+ games on normal,hard and a few on crazy and have not gotten 1 SBW. This shit is getting very frustrating.
By oHIGHRISKo on 04 Mar 2016 15:32
I have played 300-400 waves and have yet to get a single Super Boss Wave. The RNG seems way worse than the first game.
By Franco 4 127hrs on 04 Mar 2016 18:53
Today I got 2 super Boss Waves one game after another,just keep playing and eventually you will get them.
By Franco 4 127hrs on 05 Mar 2016 23:32
I suggest people play the new map Aqua Center. I got 3 super waves to show up today. 2 on normal playing plants and once on hard playing zombies. All 3 times I was playing with 3 random players.
By Purple Hoody on 14 Mar 2016 05:36
I finally had the 2nd and 3rd pop today. All 3 of mine was on lunar landing, normal with randoms.
By BegFourMercy on 14 Mar 2016 14:33
Today i played Zombies with random players for 8 hours but no superbosswave. Then i played 2 singleplayer commandomode with ki and on round 10 in the first match and round 10 in the second match are superbosswaves.
By Loon11781 on 15 Mar 2016 22:57
Been trying for a single super boss wave for ages! Saw a few comments about Lunar Landing and tried it solo on easy. Got my first on wave 10. Tried again, no super boss wave. On my third attempt, I got my second on wave 10 again. Currently playing again for my final wave. Seems like solo Lunar Landing is the way to go!
By SwearySean on 21 Mar 2016 19:43
My first Graveyard ops game 3 player online Normal on Coliseum i got a super boss wave but haven't got one since then after multiple games. I Then played Lunar Landing garden ops solo and got one first try. I need one more now and will definitely update when i try again. Still complete luck but this map might have better odds.
By J2B9 on 22 Mar 2016 05:23
this is the only achievement I need an I just need one more boss if anyone gets a super wave could they chuck me an invite my GT is the same as my name please
By SkullessZombie on 26 Mar 2016 15:02
Lunar Landing SOLO easy is the way to go. For the record I got both my super boss waves within 13 matches
By BaronVoNewman on 02 Apr 2016 15:13
i got none but then after an update i got for the game i then got all 3 within 10 games on easy solo on lunar landing at point B.
By JPG30 on 02 Jun 2016 11:01
Yes first time Lunar Landing solo ops on easy works! Thanks everyone!
By Threestripes on 15 Jun 2016 05:55
Lunar Landing for me too. And on easy.
By Chris8875 on 15 Sep 2016 08:37
Lunar worked perfect for me too thank you!
By Barad 007 on 19 Oct 2016 18:10
Today I've played 6 solo ops on Lunar Landing as a plant and 1 as a zombie but no super waves
By Ink Splitters on 23 Jan 2017 17:55
By far one of the most annoying achievements I've ever come across. I can't stand achievements that require luck to get.
By Atreyu on 12 Mar 2017 18:06
Just got a Super Boss Wave on the daily "Beat x in Garden Ops/Graveyard on Normal or higher", don't know if it's just a coincidence or not but this is about 1 in 3 or 4 tries for me.
By Seitzz on 09 Feb 2019 17:48
Had a hard time trying to get the final Boss wave to happen, but when in solo I actually played with all AIs on Lunar Landing it appeared first time. So if your like me playing solo with no AI, turn them on might help
By Racknore on 17 Feb 2019 23:00
Oh my god!! I did two daily challenges and got TWO super boss waves!!!!!!! Holy crap I don’t know if it’s luck but damn!
By el teby on 24 Mar 2019 18:14
got 3 super boss waves in a row on lunar landing point B. playing as a zombie. On Easy. All 3 were the torchwood plants. Always on wave 10.
By Gdinut on 28 Mar 2019 13:55
Just going to add my experience in hopes that it can help any others. I was having a hard time getting a super boss wave to spawn. Finally got one on solo ops normal but it was the yeti. Got annihilated and was bummed that was my first experience with it. I ended up searching and got matched up with a group in the middle of a super boss wave. That counted for one. Searched about 20 more games throughout the day and backed out of it wasn't close to wave 10. Got the other 2 I needed. Just keep searching games and hope they are close to the end it back out. That way you don't gave to play a full 10 rounds if you have the garden ops achievement
By wildwest08 on 04 Apr 2019 06:37
Just got it for a Epic Quest task on Easy. For me, think it's totally random. Good luck to others toast
By Ian 1485 on 19 Apr 2019 22:58
Not sure if this is always the case, but it seems that if you have an Epic Quest for completing a Super Boss Wave active, you’re guaranteed one on the 10th wave. Got two back to back and I had two Epic Quests for completing a SBW.
By Ethigy on 29 Jun 2019 01:36
First try on Solo Lunar Landing, with zombies, site B, wave 10.
By Jissi on 05 Oct 2019 18:43
A Dreadful Shot comment worked first try. I thought it didn't work but I was playing for the wrong team. If you have an epic quest it seems to give you a guarantee. Also I had the most success on lunar landing, site B, as suggested. Both should be added to solution
By TheOnlyMatto on 15 May 2020 22:05
Lunar Landing Site B is somewhat reliable, got one on my second attempt there but am struggling to get my final super boss wave to spawn.
By HumidTube35 on 24 Aug 2023 14:06
Not sure if Epic Quests are the same for everyone, but I had an Epic Quest to defeat a super boss wave which I got on wave 10. Check your quests board and maybe you have a free Super Boss Wave waiting.
By Mario04253101 on 31 Aug 2023 18:45
Playing on Hard or Insane, ALMOST guarantees you get a super boss wave. On PVZ:GW could play 200 round in normal and nothing, but everytime I played on hard, or when I went for the Craaaaaaazy run, always had a super boss at wave 10.
By MuppeT May Cry on 22 Feb 2016 20:21
I don't think difficulty matters but I did have to put it on Normal / Normal after playing and trying to get it to unlock on Easy / Easy difficulty. I know a faster way of maybe getting it to appear is to do the map "Zen Park" to try to get the Zen Sensai jackpot to show up. I got him to show up twice on this map, for the last one I needed, it was the 9th round and I did it in solo ops on Normal / Normal difficulty I did put it on Easy once the other time. I planted the Garden in C if this helps also remember planting the other one that was on easy to B. You have to switch the settings to Normal as well as the world one by the Multiplayer portal.

Try switching everything to normal and see if it works. Mostly this achievement is luck based but I think on the Zen Park map will be the best bet for it to trigger three Sensai bosses.
By A Batwoman on 02 Mar 2016 05:19
Yeah so first garden ops game since my last one i got a super boss wave. Solo Easy Lunar Landing. Definitely try it out if you need it
By J2B9 on 24 Mar 2016 05:29
If anyone needs this achievement still, I think that it is 100% random unless you are playing it this evening. I think the developers must have increased the probability for it tonight. Previously, I played 30 or more solo, as a group, easy, hard, etc without 1 super boss wave. Tonight, I got 5 in a row (2 solo, 3 in a group) on 3 different maps from 9:00 to 12:00.

Anyways I do truly believe it is random but something happened this evening to make me and my coop buddies believe that the developers were maybe throwing us a bone.
By Rowdawg88 on 31 May 2018 04:17
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This achievement can be unlocked by surviving 3 Super Boss Waves in either garden or graveyard ops. Super Boss Waves happen when all three slots of the slot machine that appears in wave 5 and 10 have the face of a boss on them. This achievement should be easy if you play a lot of Ops.

Here's a video to help:
Super Boss Waves happen in Ops when, on waves 5 or 10, the roll results in 3 of the same boss type coming up.

This is basically just luck but you will roll it sooner or later. I'm not sure if difficulty affects the frequency of Super Boss Waves but I got this on Normal difficulty, and it probably took me something like 20-25 games.

Generally what will happen is two of the bosses will spawn near the start of the wave, and the third as a timed spawn a little later on. Focus your fire power on taking down one of the first two initially; generally these waves are pretty manageable as long as you don't get swamped by three bosses at once.

Beat 3 of these waves to get the trophy.

Note that, as long as you ultimately beat the wave, it does not matter whether you use auto-revives or team retries. I had to use a team retry on a Super Super Bean boss wave and still got the trophy.

11 Mar 2016 02:37

20-25 games, huh?
I've probably done a 100 and I'm yet to see it happen once.. 😕
By Shiftian_Be on 19 Mar 2016 17:48
Ug, that's really unlucky. If it's any consolation, I haven't had any Super Boss Waves since getting the trophy.
By CrucialVelocity on 19 Mar 2016 21:44