Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

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Really Epic!

Really Epic!

Complete 10 Epic Quests.



How to unlock the Really Epic! achievement in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - Definitive Guide

Hey everybody!

So, I decided to try and give an explained and detailed solution for completing Epic quests, whether they are needed for achievement, or you're simply trying to get stars (10 per Epic ) or coins ( 25.000 for Epic ).

Everything that will be explained below is based on my own experience and calculations for the shortest and most painless ways to complete those quests. Navigate between sections to find the answer to your question or for tips regarding specific quests.

EDIT ( September 2016 ) : new ToG DLC brought new quests into the game, along with new Epic ones. I am updating the solution currently as they appear.


How to get quests?

On both sides of the backyard, right in the middle there is a bounty board, that has quests on it. Those refresh every 48 hours. You should know that there is not always an epic quest when the board refreshes, and it's normal.

I suggest you pick the epic quest before doing anything else, just in case you won't have time to play, will get disconnected etc. etc. Once you have it in your quest list, it will stay there forever. Remember that you have only 5 empty spots 7 empty spots ( after May patch ) for quests to be held simultaneously.

However, if you decide to "cancel" that quest and it's after the previous set of quests changed to another - it will disappear for good. So just keep them in case you don't have time or character to finish the quest with.


What are the quests?

Epic quests will usually be divided into 4 categories :

- Win/play - these are the simplest but very time consuming and require you to play X times a specific game mode or win it.
- Getting kills - these are easy enough but time consuming and force you to play with specific characters.
- Crazy Ops - these can be either luck based or difficulty based, can be quick and painless and can be long and rage-inducing.
- Bots/Pots kills - these are the fastest and the easiest to do.

All of these can be done in Backyard or ( in they are multiplayer ones ) in Private matches!


As of Trials of Gnomus DLC there is at least one new Epic quest that can't be done in private match. "Getting a streak of 10" it's called. As someone who still plays GW2 daily I checked all options to find the quickest one to finish this quest.

If you have a second controller and a dummy account OR a friend that has GW2 and willing to help, spawn on different sides ( doesn't matter who on what side ) and run to the sewer. Let the person going after the Epic kill the other person ( dummy account ) 10 time in a row - DONE. Since you're in the sewer, you spawn pretty much next to each other.

If you don't have a second controller, you will have to go to MULTIPLAYER since this doesn't work in private matches. You best bet will be playing as Cactus or Deadbeard on OFFENSE ( less pressure from the attacking team if you're on defensive ) and staying far, far away from everybody. Use the drone, get some shots here and there, stay in cover at all times, beware of enemy snipers - you'll get 10 kills without a problem.


How to do quests?


Win/Play quests : you will usually see either 15 or 20 games played or games won in any playlist. It can be Team Vanquish, Vanquish Confirmed, Suburbination, Gnome Bomb or Turf Takeover. Here is your best setup for each type of game. Everything is in Private Play.

You can go and play every game in multiplayer, but for games that need wins and not participation - you're betting on your team. While in private you can put the difficulty to "easy" and have teams of Sunflowers or Scientists to side with ( a very neutral setup ).

Win/play Gnome Bomb : TTeam Setup : put the enemy team for NONE and your team doesn't matter, add the Speed Craziness also. Run through the map OR sit back, read/watch something - your team will finish the game in less than 3 minutes for you. Don't forget to switch the side once you started another match - stay on the side that has AI players.

Win/play Suburbination : Team Setup : put the enemy team for NONE and your team doesn't matter, add the Speed Craziness also. You don't even have to move because your team will capture the points. Each match will take around 7 minutes.

Win/play Vanquish Confirmed / Team Vanquish : Difficulty - Easy, Team Setup should fit your style. I preferred always to put an enemy team as Sunflowers or Z7 Imps, putting my own team as Scientists or Sunflowers just so I would be healed constantly and keep on killing the enemy team. You can try the same with any tank-ish character ( Super Brainz, All Star, Citron, Kernel Corn ). Times may vary here but you actually have to finish a match for it to count.

Win/play Turf Takeover : you have to play as a defending team ( as a zombie in Herbal Assault or as a plant in Gardens and Graveyards ) and put the other team in Team Setup to NONE. That way you just let the game go on for six and a half minutes until the timer runs out, giving you a win.

***Remember! If you want "on the go" to knock some non-epic multiplayer quests you can do them while trying to complete the Epic one. For example, achieve suburbination, capture X points, diffuse/arm X gnome bombs, revives, assists etc.

Also, it is entirely up to you : feel free to go to Crazy settings and put "ridiculously low health" and "speed craziness" to speed things up ( tip by Cenrail ). Know that it will drastically cut your XP gain for that game, and if you're still going for 5 times promotion achievement, you should think twice before switching anything from Crazy settings.


Getting kills quests : this are side-based PLUS weapon based! Meaning - you pick them on either plants or zombies side, and is usually says "main weapon", so kills with drones, bombs, any special abilities won't count! Pay attention to that or you can find yourself wasting your time.

500 kills is what you'll need, and this will come with a requirement to get it with fire based class ( ice, electricity or toxic classes ). How to get a character? Two options here - if you are a GW1 veteran player, you will probably have at least on character on each side with the ability you'll need. Just import them into GW2 and you're set up ( go to your mailbox on any side, cn_B and get to the screen with the option to import with cn_Y ).

If this is your first Garden Warfare game, just play Ops or ranked multiplayer and buy 75.000 packs from the store that unlock a character for you. This itself can be grindy - just to find the character - is completely random... Good thing is that 75K is not hard to get at all - this might come from 3-4 Normal difficulty Ops if you do the challenge waves too or from 3-4 games of Turf Takeover ( where the offending team advances ).

EDIT - before wasting time on Character packs, check your mail at the base - there is always a "Hero showcase" that lets you use a character for free, weekly. This is completely random and up to PopCap but usually they let people try some Toxic/Fire/Ice/Electricity character there. So it's worth just keeping those Epic quests until you unlock one character with the ability you need or find him at the Showcase.

EDIT for ToG DLC : 750 kills. These can be done with ANY character, nothing special needed. Tactics are the same as for vanquishing 500 enemies with a specific character. Read below.

Tactics : the fastest way to do it on any side will be this : hop to the cannon on your base or just walk to the Flag of Power. The first wave is very easy and has 40 enemies in it. Finish it, leave the circle with the flag and hide beyond the wall next to your backyard. Enemies will capture the flag in a few seconds and you will be able to start again. Grindy, yes. But very quick and effective. Takes less than an hour!

Boss kills : this is the newest addition to a plethora of different Epic quests. 15 killed bosses is what you need. Will take not more than half an hour, so this is a short one.

Tactics : check again if you're playing on easy ( pause the game, on the left side under the menu you'll see the difficulty ) because this will make the quest really quick and less frustrating. Take your favourite character and get outside your base. Run to the other side and just get close to the gate. All hell will break loose. Now just try to survive and put a lot of damage into bosses that respawn constantly. From my experience, as long as you damaged a boss and you're playing in your own backyard, you'll get a credit for it ( as oppose to Ops, where sometimes it doesn't register you as a killer, even if you did 90% of damage ).

Multi-vanquishes : yet again, the newest addition to Epic quests. 30 multi-vanquishes is what you need. Can be done in less than half an hour, so this is an easy one.

Tactics : multi-vanquish is killing two or more enemies in a rapid success, not more than 1 second between kills. Easiest way to do it is using exploding attacks ( Corn's Shuck Shot, Pea's Chili Bomb, Cactus' Drone Corn Strike etc. ) or area of effect attack ( Super Brainz's Turbo Twist, All Star's Tackle, Rose's Arcane Enigma etc. ). Beware - only two first enemies count for this. You'll have to wait another 2-3 seconds before being able to get a multi-vanquish again. Play Flag of Power, easy difficulty, obviously. Each time you'll see a confirmation "multi-vanquish" in the lower left of the screen, you're one step closer to finishing this quest.

***Remember! All these kills count towards 5000 you need on each side for a corresponding achievement if you still haven't unlocked those.


Garden/Graveyard Ops quests : these can be either finish an Ops on Crazy difficulty quests OR finish a Super Boss Wave in Ops. They belong to a specific side (plants/zombies ) as well, so pay attention to that.

Super Boss Wave - there is nothing to say besides the fact that this is completely luck based. Difficulty doesn't matter, the number of people doesn't matter, and if it comes, it comes at wave 10. Just so you will not smack the controller against the wall, you should try this on normal difficulty. Unless you want a To survive the wave you can use the tips below.

Crazy Ops - can be required to play on any side. Yes, you have to finish it and at least 3 people have to escape ( if you're playing full 4 ). My personal advice would be this : Boney Island. The garden that is close to the water, on the right side from where you spawn.

Be sure to buy a few 2.500 packs, you'll need a supply of healing flowers/bots and some stuff that will work as a distraction. One healing flower/bot, right at the back of your garden, that's a must. On the opposite side, inside the garden put either a doom-shroom/explosive bot or ice/goop-shroom/stun bot. Put a plant/bot at every place available, just to hold off the enemies for a few precious seconds to give you a shot at them, and run after every wave to replace all the destroyed ones with new.

Better try it with 4 people - 3 offensive plus one sunflower/scientist works wonderful. Let the healer revive all the fallen if he can get to them and try not to waste self-revives. There is always an option to die at the escape point. Just keep one self-revive in case you'll die 10 seconds before the timer runs out and bring yourself back 2 seconds before it's at zero.

***Remember! All the Ops based non-epic quests can be completed while doing this too, for example : finish X perfect waves, finish X boss waves, finish an Ops on X map at least on normal difficulty, get pots/bots kills etc. If anyone has troubles with Crazy, just message me and I'll gladly help you out on this. Doesn't matter if you're reading this a year after I posted the solution.


Bots/Pots kills : well, this is a bit weird. So far, after 11 quests since the game's release plus one that was on 10-hour EA access we had just one quest like this. I did it in less than 10 minutes ( only 75 kills ), so I would say they removed it because it's too easy to do. In any case, the strategy here is very simple : you need to buy a few cheapest packs ( 2500 coins each ), go to the Flag of Power as a healing class ( Sunflower or Scientist ) and raise the flag. Wait until the bombing have stopped and put 4 offensive plants/bots on 4 corners around the flag. First wave has 40 enemies, and you should not fire your weapon even once, just stay and heal the pots/bots.

Once you finished the wave you have 2 options : try and go through another wave while surviving or letting the enemies capture the flag and activating it again but that will cost you another 4 plants/bots since those you put there before will disappear.


I hope this solution helps and answers a few questions you might have. If there's anything else I missed and you think it should be mentioned/corrected - let me and everybody else know in the comments. More than anything - have fun in this amazing game!!!

17 Mar 2016 14:48

I don't think so. It's very situation-dependant. I would say that while playing Turf Takeover and being on defenders side you should stick close to the base. Choose any character that has an ability to kill 1-hit : bean bomb, burrow, potato mine, zpg etc. Look for shooting attackers close to your base and try to kill them - usually they will be shooting at your allies when you'll shoot them.

If you're asking for a "boosting" method, I don't think there's a magical way since this one deals specifically with real people allies on your mp team.
By tornprince2012 on 27 Jun 2018 07:39
Thank you for the awesome solution.
The negative votes are a disgrace and they should be ashamed.
By TheIrishBeast on 18 Mar 2016 19:27
Thanks, Irish! I appreciate it! Just wanted to make a very detailed solution but it seems like people either don't want to read that much, or they were hoping for giving them some magical way to unlock it in 5 minutes. Eh, what can I say...Just happy if this helps others.
By tornprince2012 on 19 Mar 2016 01:36
For the 3-kill streak 3 times, if you have a second controller, private matches are possible.

Log into a second account (must be opposing team) and kill 3 times, get killed, kill 3 times, ....
By PackageDonkey on 21 Mar 2016 06:01
For the 3-kill streak 3 times, if you have a second controller, private matches are possible.

Log into a second account (must be opposing team) and kill 3 times, get killed, kill 3 times, ....
By PackageDonkey on 21 Mar 2016 14:23
For the 3-kill streak 3 times, if you have a second controller, private matches are possible.

Log into a second account (must be opposing team) and kill 3 times, get killed, kill 3 times, ....
By PackageDonkey on 21 Mar 2016 17:27
@PackageDonkey : thanks for the info. Never thought about using second controller since these are quick enough to get in one game of TT.
By tornprince2012 on 21 Mar 2016 18:23
I have played this game for over 20 days of play and I have only seen 4 epic quests. Unlucky me!
By Kanchanaburi on 25 May 2016 08:30
The multiplier will decay, if that matters. It seems like epics are completely random now and appear once a week.
By tornprince2012 on 27 May 2016 20:11
@Kanchana - done. I feel that you're really unlucky with this. Epic has to be there once in 4 days. Maybe you missed them here and there.
By tornprince2012 on 15 Jun 2016 18:29
Awesome guide. +1 From me. It might be worth mentioning that if your epic quest is 'win team vanquish/vanquish confirmed' etc. That going to solo/private play and then adding the 'ridiculously low health modifier' in addition to 'speed boost craziness' will significantly speed up the time it takes to complete games.

It is irrelevant whether or not you manage to outcompete your enemy because you can just hit 'respawn' and then switch team to be placed in the winning team at the end.
By Cenrail on 20 Jun 2016 17:48
@Cenrail - edited & credited.
By tornprince2012 on 20 Jun 2016 17:55
Epic solution for an epic achievement!
By on 15 Feb 2017 02:57
@Psparky27, thanks for appreciation! Just happy to help!
By tornprince2012 on 15 Feb 2017 12:00
Excellent, thorough guide!

I tried doing the 10 vanquish streak with the solo play multiplayer portal but did not count with the AI bots. Found your method and got it done in 2-5 minutes with a 2nd controller in the backyard battleground sewer, thanks!
By Rowdawg88 on 05 Jun 2018 13:44
I am glad to hear everything is still up-to-date despite the solution being 2 years old ;)
By tornprince2012 on 05 Jun 2018 16:34
Sry, one more question for a tactic. Is there a fast way to “save an ally” 30 times?
By Rowdawg88 on 27 Jun 2018 00:39
Thank you for the advice. I was having some luck on herbal assault and just watching allies that were being attacked. Still got a few to do but was able to get 8-10 per match.
By Rowdawg88 on 27 Jun 2018 12:52
Nice work! Always glad to help despite not playing for more than a year now after 1300 in-game hours :D
By tornprince2012 on 27 Jun 2018 17:01
Finally got this one done, took some waiting for the quests, but eventually got 10.
By Seitzz on 18 Mar 2019 17:53
Yup, the wait was quite painful. Congrats, bud!
By tornprince2012 on 18 Mar 2019 20:19
Any reasons why I haven’t had an epic show up in over a week)
By Kyotic GBaby on 18 Aug 2019 12:48
Can't really say because I haven't touched the game in over a month. Try asking on PvZ forums though.
By tornprince2012 on 18 Aug 2019 18:55
^ And 2 of those are for 500 fire zombie kills, right? laugh I hope you got yourself a fire one.
By tornprince2012 on 25 May 2016 11:55
In 7 weeks of having this game, I have only had 9 epic quests come up (not that I checked every day) but the advice about going on line just to check and then saving the quests as active if you get one is great advice and should be bold typed as it is very important! 1 more to go!
By Kanchanaburi on 15 Jun 2016 18:22
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So this achievement is going to take sometime, You have to complete 10 Epic quests. What are epic quests? They're the quest on the board with a lighting bolt badge on them and normally give 10 stars.

This achievement should only take around 20 days as the board only updates every 48hrs.

So they do not post one everyday. As of now I don't know when they post the epic quests. But a soon as we find out I will update!

The 1st Quest I seen was to kill 500 plants with a Fire weapon. So there is kind of a grind with these quests.

Hope this helped! If theirs anyway I can improve this please let me know toast

18 Feb 2016 09:58

Hey guys! Stop being children. Nobody offended the OP. I was the first one to correct "there's", alright? Being non-native speaker as well. After reading, quote : "Hope this helped! If theirs anyway I can improve this please let me know." end of quote - this was my way to improve it, because the solution itself is good.

Moreover, the OP didn't change those mistakes anyway.

Stop fighting and go back to fantastic, brilliant Garden Warfare 2 craziness. toast
By tornprince2012 on 27 Feb 2016 19:03
To note. it will take a minimum of 20 days as the reset timer on the quests is currently 48 hours.
By DJ NES on 19 Feb 2016 16:04
I can state that they do not necessarily post one every time. I just started the game today and there are no epic quests posted.
By SockGORE828 on 19 Feb 2016 21:16
Oh, Well that is going to suck. Alright thanks for the info :)! Will update now!
By Ayerow on 19 Feb 2016 21:22
I've had 2 epic quests so far. 1 required me to play 25 games of Vanquish Confirmed, and the other was just complete 1 super boss wave against zombies. Hope this helps get an idea of what some of the requirements will be.
By Cole#7335 on 23 Feb 2016 20:55

"I seen" should be either "I have seen" or "I saw."

"Theirs" should be "There's" - the contraction for "there is."
By EastX on 25 Feb 2016 02:02
Today no Epic quests... cry
By AlbeerBeto on 25 Feb 2016 15:51
Guys who gives a fuck about grammar stfu and go on with your lives and stop being bitches. As for the solution it gives one every other time quests are updates...atleast so far for the past 4 times.
By Sniff this unit on 26 Feb 2016 02:22
Uh oh, a caveman told us to stop caring about grammar. Maybe if I bump into walls enough, I'll stop caring about basic things we all learned in elementary school.
By EastX on 26 Feb 2016 08:02
Like manners which you apparently have not. roll

English isn't everyone's first language on this site.
By Lost Legends on 26 Feb 2016 17:43
I was polite with my correction. I was only rude to the guy who treated me rudely first.
By EastX on 26 Feb 2016 18:14
And trying to sound all smart and like a high school know-it-all on the internet is a good idea. Do you just troll solutions all day commenting on grammar mistakes? Seriously you sound like one of those kids in high school who thought it was cool to know and have an input on everything to sound smarter.
By Sniff this unit on 27 Feb 2016 00:48
Something to add to the guide itself, any quests you select to put on your active list stay on your list even when the quests reset. So even if you don't manage to finish the epic quest in the 48 hours, as long as it's on your active list, you can keep working on it.
By redjarman on 28 Feb 2016 03:40
How has someone already got this achievement when there has only been 7 epic quests to date?
By BinaryOni on 10 Mar 2016 12:20
Hi Binary! There are players who have the game for review websites , youtube channels, ...
By AlbeerBeto on 10 Mar 2016 13:11
How often are the epic quests meant to appear as ive noticed instead of every 2 days my epic quests are starting to appear every 3 days?
By Halfblind Cloud on 10 Mar 2016 15:43
New quests pop up every 2 days. Sometimes there isn't a epic quest.
By BinaryOni on 10 Mar 2016 19:00
Really because normal quests are popping up every 24hours for me since the update
By Halfblind Cloud on 11 Mar 2016 02:38
Then it's only you, Halfblind Cloud. My countdown says 1 day 21 hours aftr picking up today's quests...
By Comrade Spanner on 12 Mar 2016 12:59
this epic quest available now is stupid, you can only get it if you have a zombie with a fire-based weapon, of which I have none. =-/
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 13 Mar 2016 05:57
like I said above, accept the quest and it won't go away until you complete it. So you can save it for when you finally get one
By redjarman on 13 Mar 2016 06:13
There's plenty of fire type zombies. It's not hard to farm some money and unlock one.
I'm really frustrated about this achievement. I only got the game for my birthday last week so I'm already a few epic quests behind. (Not TA or EAs fault admittedly). But for the 1K challenge it's now going to be impossible :(
By EllJaii3 on 13 Mar 2016 12:42
Yep its really frustrating, i originally thought there was an epic quest every two days, so i held of buying the game straight away after my ea access trial ended. There's 9 more two day periods left before the TA competition ends, I just need there to be 6 epic quests before then.
By eViL mOnKeY 270 on 13 Mar 2016 16:42
Can someone name some fire variant zombies? I swear I've unlocked a ton of zombies and none have fire weapons unless I'm missing something.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 14 Mar 2016 19:13
Cricket Star (All Star), Centurion (Foot Soldier), Lil Drake (Imp), Welder (Engineer)
By redjarman on 14 Mar 2016 19:21
you can easily get around 20k coins per turf takeover match. just play some and get to opening the 75k packs
By redjarman on 15 Mar 2016 00:21
wow, I have none of them. FML.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 15 Mar 2016 00:27
+ Paleontologist ( Scientist ).
By tornprince2012 on 15 Mar 2016 00:58
just got Lil Drake, nice! Thanks guys.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 16 Mar 2016 00:52
I didn't troll anyone. The solution was difficult to read, so I made some corrections. It's called being helpful.

And you really should've paid more attention in school. That kind of stuff pays off later in life.
By EastX on 27 Feb 2016 18:59
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Go to the Backyard Battleground

Go to the Quest Board

Epic Quests can be identified by the yellow exclamation mark on them.

Quests only update once every two days, and in two sets of quests I've only seen one epic quest so this will take a while to do.

My first and so far only epic quest involved winning 15 gnome matches under multi-player quests, I did this in private matches, with no zombies under team setup and always picked a plant when spawning in.

As there were no zombies to stop us, winning was a breeze

25 Feb 2016 19:24

I've just completed my first epic quest which was complete 25 games of suburbination (win or lose luckily). Pain in the arse really because it was quite lengthy but it's done anyway! Gave me the chance to constantly use one character to promote 5 times which was good.

Does anybody happen to know whether active quests expire at all whilst you're doing them? Or will they just stay until completed or deleted in your active quest list?
By adonbilivit88 on 17 Aug 2016 07:46
The epic quest variants I've seen so far include:
Win [x] matches of a particular multiplayer mode
Complete [x] matches of a particular multiplayer mode
Achieve 30 multi-vanquishes as a plant / zombie
Defeat 500 enemies with the primary weapon of a specific elemental plant or zombie variant (e.g. ice / fire / electricity)
By CrucialVelocity on 25 Mar 2016 03:38
I don't understand the question sorry, but I haven't played the game for some time though.

If you activate a quest into your log/journal and it goes past the due by date, you'll keep it and progress but you won't get a new quest to do from memory when you complete it until the normal changeover (though all of this could have changed)
By xblOrder on 18 Aug 2016 21:05
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