Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

65 Achievements


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Garden Crazy

Garden Crazy

Complete a Garden Ops match on Crazy Difficulty



How to unlock the Garden Crazy achievement in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Definitive Guide

UPDATE 4/16/2014 --
The latest DLC has patched this and this method is no longer as safe as it was. Zombies will now jump up on to the arch with you.


Easiest way I found was to use load up Sharkbite Shores and use the left beach spawn. With a Pea Shooter in Hyper Mode you can jump up onto the stone archway and kill the zombies from up there. Make sure to replace your potted plants as needed between rounds as well. Can be done with 4 Pea Shooters or a mixed team.

While up there most enemies either can't hit you or don't except for Foot Soldiers. Watch out for them shooting or throwing a grenade at you. I never had 1 jump up there with me (not sure if they can) but you can easily run to the far side of the arch and be safe from them. Yeti's can also drop ice on you but if you move around on the arch you can avoid it.

How to jump up on the arch:

Video contains most of Wave 10 + Extraction

Bugged Achievement - Many people have reported not getting the achievement if everyone doesn't escape so be extra careful and make sure everyone is prepared to make the run to the pickup point. It is still possible to get the achievement if everyone doesn't make it to the point but not guaranteed.

Note: You do not need to play the whole game. You just need to be in the game at the end to get credit or it.

If you are having problems with horrible randoms you can do this SOLO and Zombies numbers DO scale with players. Thanks xSRYANx for this note.

Credit to Reddit user ThatAmirGuy for the location.

01 Mar 2014 21:48

Just to give some more info regarding enemies that can hit you on the arch; it's still possible for (most) Bosses to hit you.

The Gargantuar with the shades which uses the electric attack can shoot it upwards and the Disco Zombie can shoot upwards also. I don't think the Yeti Zombie can lob its ice shards at you (would need to be confirmed) however it can still use its AOE style attack with icicles falling from the sky on you which can be lethal.

I don't believe either of the two Gargantuars can/do shoot their exploder imps at the arch (would need to be confirmed). The regular Gargantuar (the one which doesn't wear shades) doesn't have any way of physically reaching you or attacking you from the arch. He will however, start hacking away at the garden immediately should there be no players on ground level for him to deal with (which if you are on the arch is obviously the case).
By RPG Lumi on 06 Mar 2014 10:16
Someone hmu to do this
By jimmyclutchman on 15 Mar 2014 18:55
This worked 100%!! Great solution. I had one jump up but other than that it was easy!!!!
By Michael Monkey on 01 Mar 2014 22:46
Glad it helped. I found the whole run to be super easy with this spot though I couldn't get the other Pea Shooter with me (random person) to join me up there.
By snipore on 01 Mar 2014 23:38
I don't understand. I just reached the end twice in a row with randoms and I still didn't get the achievement. We were all at the extraction zone, with only one person going down outside the zone, and it said "You successfully escaped", then right after it says the plants did not escape or something. I even got the bonus for escaping on the results screen. Such bullshit.
By Mainstream on 02 Mar 2014 03:08
I have heard people are not getting it if everyone does not escape. I'm going to update the guide to include that.
By snipore on 02 Mar 2014 03:25
i know it didnt work for me on hard due to that which is making things tricky
By Hobobicus on 02 Mar 2014 04:10
I did it with a group of four peashooters about an hour ago and we all got the achievement, even though I was the only one who made it out alive. So it's definitely buggy. Also great guide!
By An Aegean Cat on 02 Mar 2014 04:34
It is definitely buggy. With 4 players we had three peashooters and a Sunflower but only had two escaped so it said we failed and didn't get the achievement but got the escape bonus.

But I will confirm that it's possible with just two players. Two peashooters and we both made it out. It also seemed easier with less players because it felt like there were less zombies.
By BizzaroStormy on 02 Mar 2014 06:33
Did this exact method yesterday with 4 peashooters. I think only 3 made it out; I didn't and we all received the achievement at the results screen. Great strategy!
By Giygas on 02 Mar 2014 08:09
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Updated to included the glitched nature of the achievement.
By snipore on 02 Mar 2014 14:22
@Mainstream the Zombies DO NOT scale to players in any mode, so doing this with 4 people is your best bet
By Foxy Gray on 02 Mar 2014 21:10
Worked perfect. Making the escape relatively easy seeing as I had all 3 self revives intact
By L Davies7 on 02 Mar 2014 21:17
Looking to do this achievement. Anybody care to help? GT: McRedRover
I am on now and will be online all day. Message me on Xbox
By McRedRover on 03 Mar 2014 00:15
My team did it with 3 people, all pea shooters and we all stood on top of the arch. nice method
By RQuigleyWV on 03 Mar 2014 01:52
Great guide! It was a little glitchy though, I had to do it 2 times. Both of which I escaped but, I believe it has to do with where you die?? If you die in the circle your okay if your out then no? Maybe.
By JSpartan on 03 Mar 2014 21:56
If someone dies and doesn't escape there is a chance everyone won't get the achievement.
By snipore on 03 Mar 2014 22:06
This is way easier solo than it is with other people. Zombie count DOES scale. Put two scaredy shrooms at the back of the garden, put three pea gatlings surrounding the base, and then pea cannons on everything else. Jump up on the arch, complete waves and replenish as needed.

I hope people read this and stop trying to do it with other randoms. Save yourself the headache.
By Anxsighety on 04 Mar 2014 18:23
I'll include your note in the solution.
By snipore on 04 Mar 2014 18:32
I did this lastnight with 4 players. It worked fine. I also got the super boss acheviment at the same time. Also FYI i was the only one to escape but all of us got the achievement for it.
By HARD2KILL NY on 05 Mar 2014 17:33
Me, my gamer friend and two randoms just made it to the end of our crazy difficulty session only for it to bug. It said no one had made it despite all 4 of us being at full health and within the pickup zone when the timer hit 0. Such BS -.-
By RPG Lumi on 05 Mar 2014 20:10
@ReptarOnIce3000 Thanks for this tip; will definitely try this out again later when I get back from work to see if me and my friend can get this.
By RPG Lumi on 06 Mar 2014 09:25
Just to add RE: Gargantuar since I can't edit, he may target offending potted plants first (peashooters, gatling, goop/ice/fume etc.) which may buy you enough time to vanquish him before he even considers targeting the garden.
By RPG Lumi on 06 Mar 2014 10:42
Can anyone confirm that it unlocked for them, even though they've failed to evacuate? I did it 4 times, each time we failed the evac state (only 1 ran) and it did not unlock.
By Pucieks on 06 Mar 2014 17:58
I managed to get this just now after it bugged twice with 4 people. Re: my above comments regarding enemies, ALL bosses are capable of hitting you if you're on the arch, make good use of the rock that is up there. It helped a lot to duck behind cover, especially since the Disco Zombies loved to spawn onto the roof opposite and shoot the hell out of you. Only thing this won't defend you against is Yeti's AOE style icicle from the sky attack.

Also I don't wholly agree with Reptars comment that 2 is easier. Me and my friend made it to wave 6/7 and we got completely annihilated. I then tried solo and twice managed to get to the point where I was at evac but died unfortunately before I was picked up.
By RPG Lumi on 06 Mar 2014 23:11
Thanks a lot !! 4 Pea Setup !!
By Menininhu on 08 Mar 2014 20:07
Didnt unlock for me after I failed to escape
By BoatManJuzz07 on 09 Mar 2014 00:51
Awesome, awesome guide. Thanks so much for this. I was able to get it on the first try with three random pubbies using your technique. There was one other peashooter doing the same thing I was (maybe a TAer) and two sunflowers hanging out on top of the beach house with a double heal beam who would hop down and fix all the turrets and us peashooters between waves. Worked a charm. Even got a 4-man extraction.
By Beelzebozo Time on 09 Mar 2014 12:36
Solo is the way to go! Tried a few times in random public matches and didn't get close, but got it first try solo. Just make sure you have lots of good plants and keep them planted between rounds. I screwed up and only had one self revive for the escape round but that was enough.
By CUfuzzy on 09 Mar 2014 21:28
Worked 1st time with 4 randoms. We had two peas, a sunflower and a chomper. Cheers.
By x Fever on 10 Mar 2014 20:13
Solo, using this strategy, is the way to go. Got it first attempt. Cheers SNIPORE!!
By Goatsaresuper on 12 Mar 2014 16:02
Thanks! Glad I could help.
By snipore on 12 Mar 2014 16:11
Sooooo much easier solo. I just chilled on the arch until about 50 seconds remaining and then arrived at the landing zone with a few seconds to spare.
By WhitEarendur on 14 Mar 2014 01:12
Do the difficulty ones stack? Meaning if I complete Crazy, will it unlock the achievements for normal & hard? Thanks!
By InfiniteRefrain on 20 Mar 2014 00:32
did this today me and one other person, would like to add when trying to escape let the clock tick down to 40 seconds and then head to the pick useing your speed boost ignore everyone and go, i did get KO'ed but used a self revive and made it with 3 seconds to spare
By APIT80 on 23 Mar 2014 02:40
Did it with all 4 escaping and it didn't unlock. :(
By DaveKinetic on 23 Mar 2014 21:24
Single player is definitely the way to go on this. Got it on my first try, wasn't even that hard using this method. I stayed up there until 50 seconds then booked it to the pick up point, no problems.
By INCANTATI0N on 24 Mar 2014 18:43
So this is really random. It didn't pop when we did it the other day, but it's popped for all the people in the session 2 days later. I wasn't even online and it unlocked.
By DaveKinetic on 26 Mar 2014 00:58
Maybe it was fixed?
By snipore on 26 Mar 2014 01:27
Something to consider guys is that this achievement has a progress bar,there seems to be a few people saying it doesn't unlock etc so just reporting in on mine first attempt I joined a 4p game in round 8 we all achievement,second attempt 2p game only I achievement.third attempt 4p game a guy was downed right at the start I wasn't gonna go back for him.i still escaped and I got the achievement.
Before I requested a update on here my progress bar said 2/3 escape progress,it's just something to consider
By CheeevoHunter on 27 Mar 2014 23:06
The update bar is for the 3 difficulties.
By snipore on 27 Mar 2014 23:57
Got it first try! Thanks a bunch for the guide!
By Kasavias on 31 Mar 2014 02:55
Just wanted to explicitly state that if you complete this achievement, the ones for Normal and Hard will also pop if you haven't completed those yet.
By YOLO VonSwaggin on 31 Mar 2014 06:34
@APIT80 thanks, it worked very well ^^
By LEboueur on 01 Apr 2014 12:16
played last night and soldiers were constantly jumping up on the archway. don't know if they patch it to make it more difficult but over 5 games zombies jumped up every round that they spawned
By Bears Scare Me on 16 Apr 2014 21:27
Yup, DLC update nerfed this.
By MitoticActivity on 16 Apr 2014 22:39
Yeh I was having the same problem with the Soldiers jumping up after the DLC! Doh!
By Konador on 18 Apr 2014 07:46
Great tip SHIK0MIZUE! Worked for us - just had to get lucky and not have a Yeti boss ;)
By Konador on 21 Apr 2014 12:49
Update- Impossible to do solo, lol...
By South Park TFBW on 21 Apr 2014 19:22
Did this for a friend today apart from the foot soldiers jumping up nothing else has changed if your team focuses on them you can still do it this way.

Personally we kept dying on the escape but each with 3 revives using them one second before K.oed worked a treat, harder than before still the best way.
By Quickdraw1988 on 23 Apr 2014 22:50
Does this stack with normal and hard?

Also, how are people escaping solo..I completed the 10 waves easy, bur escaping is impossible.....
By Barad 007 on 19 May 2014 17:26
Can anyone help me do this please? I can get to around wave 5 but I think it's hard on this difficulty. I'm a decent player but I just can't seem to get it. I would really appreatiate it as I only need a few more achivements on this game. Message me if you can help. Cheers
By Chowny1 on 26 May 2014 15:12
I wasn't having much of a problem defending the arch against the soldiers that would randomly jump up. Just be observant and hide behind the rocks up there. What got me killed is the bosses jumping up there. As I'm shooting down on the snow monster, I get killed by the Disco zombie, on the arch right behind me.

I DID manage to complete wave 10 solo after 3 attempts, but I was not able to escape on my own. Quickly overrun when the big lightning zombie crashed my escape party.
By DDROverKill on 29 May 2014 22:26
Adding to the chorus of people that the achievement glitched to them on. With 4 peashooters, we cleared wave 10 and headed for the drop zone. One of us got knocked out and nobody was able to revive him. The other 3 of us were alive in the drop zone when the timer hit 0 and it gave the message that our team was knocked out. Here's the last 30 seconds of that gameplay which shows it perfectly.
By DDROverKill on 30 May 2014 22:27
If there's anyone who wanna try to get this trophy, send me a DM (GT: lukagaraujo)
By lukagaraujo on 07 Apr 2021 17:23
Need to get this achievement is anyone available to help?
By beckstar2000 on 28 Dec 2021 10:51
This is one of the most frustrating achievements ever..
We can finish the 10th wave but we always die on the escape wave.
So frustrating..
By Punknot26 on 06 Jul 2014 05:52
@Punknot26 if you are having problems with the escape then wait a bit before you make your way to the escape point. This way you don't have to sit at the escape location and get overrun. Move around and only jump into the point right at the end (<10 seconds). If you go down then just hold a revive and use it right before the timer tickets down to 0.
By snipore on 06 Jul 2014 13:38
Thanks snipore.
Today after brekkie I decided to try o join a match, and, purely by luck, thanks to a glitch, got the achievement. I was the only one in the escape zone too. Here it is.
By Punknot26 on 08 Jul 2014 02:16
If anyone wants to team up add me iEvo xD
By iEvo xD on 10 Jul 2014 22:31
Piece of cake solo great guide, lots of bamboo and it's a breeze.
By sonnyliston1 on 15 Jul 2014 22:34
add my gamertag if you want to team up and do this: Morbid TC
By Morbid TC on 17 Aug 2014 21:44
If anyone is still after this then please add me! gt: T00NKEV
By toonarmy206 on 19 Oct 2014 19:36
Really easy to do alone. Tried so many times with a team, and kept failing.
Tried it alone, and completed it first try. Bamboo shoot all the way, did all the work for me. So make sure you have 50+ of those, and if you're able to use smartglass, do so.
I used the resurrection once. I had one self-revive left but wanted to save it for the end.
Don't run too early, I ran at 50 and was about to get killed in the very end. Just running around at the spot for 15 seconds -.-
By ThaGurk on 24 Oct 2014 14:34
I'll add my confirmation that as long as one of the team extracts you all get the achievement.

Played yesterday on Crash Course (the one with the garden on the bridge - really good site actually), bunch of shooting peas + 1 player as sunflower + 1 cactus; waited until we got mobbed on the bridge for extraction (bout 45 seconds left), then sped away. I was the only one to make it to the extraction point and survive (lone survivor) - but we all got the achievement.
By angelsk on 09 Nov 2014 09:35
We did it with 4 people, 2 of them using a self revive in the last second in the evacuation point... Don't know why some people got this while losing plants while evacuation, this never worked for me, either on Xbox 360 or xbox one... On both platforms I only got the chevo when all plants survived...
However, thanks for the guide, sharkbite shores is still a good place to do this IMHO.
By tajbender on 14 Dec 2014 23:25
Im struggling with this one. Anyone one wanting to team up?
By Zarr0ch on 16 May 2015 09:25
Just wanted to add my two cents. I tried a decent amount of times with randoms. Got to the end with two extracting and two downed (myself being one of the two that were extracted) but I personally did not get the achievement (maybe the others did, IDK).
Finally tried by myself (peashooter on Sharkbite Shores) and got it first try. Def. got a little lucky on boss rounds and you def. want to have a good setup of plants but otherwise very doable by yourself.
By hudd2000 on 26 May 2015 23:15
Adding my info... I unlocked the fire pea today and wanted to see how strong he was so i loaded up sharkbite shores solo on crazy. spent the first 5-6 waves just planing pea shooter plants not really trying at all. Once i got to wave 7 I decided to start using bamboo shots and doom shrooms and ended up escaping my first solo try. my first time even using the fire pea (nothing upgraded). I have gotten close to escaping many times on many maps. Solo with a fire pea is the way to go.
By REJECt444 on 07 Aug 2015 01:59
Anyone looking to boost this?
By PhantomWolf007 on 30 Aug 2015 07:50
the last achievement for me. Anyone want to try this? Message me: rafaceesar
By rafaceesar on 08 Jan 2016 21:37
hello ... plz send me a messge .. wanna boost all online Achievements
my GT : thecodebs
By thecodebs on 20 May 2016 10:11
I'm still looking for this achievement, GT: hockey582004
By hockey582004 on 21 Apr 2017 06:21
just got this today on solo after trying so many times.

i can conirm fire pea using bamboo shoots in all potters, unless you need a heal flower. method worked great and got it on my first run.

be advised i think i used 40+ bamboo shoots so have a good stock ready
By x Slick Hick x on 20 Aug 2017 20:06
Very doable solo. Bamboo shoots are definitely the way to go.
By Ethigy on 18 Jan 2021 06:14
yeah, you got to make it to the damn van, or at the minimum 1 person; just bunker down until like the last 20 or so secs or 25 and then rush so in case you die you can self revive; the closer the better.
By Angels Kill Too on 07 Feb 2021 03:15
did this on the crashsite
Doom shrooms on all pot after wave 5 (there's 2 underneath the bridge; the zombies will take splash damage)
had a fully upgraded fire pea shooter
my friend was a fully upgraded sunflower (forgot what type)
By Angels Kill Too on 07 Feb 2021 20:28
I'm still looking to grab this one. Tag: Ms TERRItorial
By Ms TERRItorial on 11 Apr 2022 18:13
I need to do thos and a few others if you would like too. Thanks. Gt IxKnighty87xI
By IX Knighty87 XI on 03 Nov 2022 16:47
Has anyone tried the same glitch as l4d2 where play through to help then 1 player quits and joins back at the end achievement pop
By stoner sully on 07 Mar 2023 00:09
Down to do this tonight, gave up to 4 accounts but not enough people to man them lol
By asfan42069 on 10 Mar 2023 01:23
I'm looking for three partners to do this, message me on xbox
By xXBandicoot69xX on 29 Apr 2023 17:38
Did it today solo berry peashooter got to wave 9 on first attempt but did it on the second try used laser Bean, fire pea and bamboo as my pot plants. Great map and garden suggestion helped a lot
By Slayer8580 on 10 Nov 2023 10:45
Just wanted to add as I didn't see this info anywhere recently, but you will also unlock the "Garden Hardcore" and "Garden Normal" achievements if you jump straight to the crazy difficulty. I personally earned the Hardcore achievement while going for the "Garden Crazy" achievement in 2023.
By Freylis x on 02 Sep 2023 00:05
You could maybe add that you don't have to play in the whole session to get this, I joined a game at the 10th wave and the achievement popped at the end
By zJakey on 02 Mar 2014 15:41
Guess I'll try to get this again later with another group of randoms. Thanks for the guide, though! This definitely makes it a lot easier.

Also, can anyone confirm that less players = less zombies? It didn't really seem that way when I played solo.
By Mainstream on 02 Mar 2014 17:10
Great tactic but worth mentioning that aswell as soldiers you need to watch out for yetis dropping ice from above worked a treat still though
By Diesel XTR on 16 Mar 2014 23:32
Definitely easier solo on sharkbite with a pea shooter. Did it first try. Just make sure youre upgraded. I used the stock pea with full upgrades + the 2nd upgraded chili bomb. I gave it a try with randoms and failed miserably since there was no communication. Solo was cake. I can help if you have a mic + up'd peashooter if its giving people trouble. just add me and message.
By antmoney151 on 21 Mar 2014 14:54
doing it solo is easiest way. tried it with 4 people and the best I got was to the final boss wave, but the garden only had about a quarter health and was destroyed really quick. solo I easily did all waves, garden lost about half health. just make sure you have enough potted plants, especially pea gattlings and scardy shrooms. also wait until about 40 to 50 seconds remain on the extraction wave then go to the site, helps to have at least 2 self revives and exploit the amount of time left before reviving yourself. I was downed and waited until there were 4 seconds left before Crazy Dave left before reviving myself
By wolfzero01 on 26 Mar 2014 17:44
They patches this and the xb one so zombies jump on the ridge. Still easily done though. I've done it on the 360 and One since the patch. Just find a good group of randoms. First time two people died, I stayed alive and it unlocked. Second time I died and only one guy made it and it unlocked. So it seems to just be glitch rather than needing to have everyone survive. Ohh and make sure you only attempt it on either suburban flats or shark bite shores. Those are the only two maps with good vertical space. I'd say suburban is actually better, but I got the achievement on both. And yes, randoms can be very good at the game. What I did was search for crazy shark bite shores or suburban and sometimes you'll get in a good match. If you don't have 4 peashooters, and maybe 1 cats or 1 sunflower and 3 Peashooters your fucked. You should have half health by the time you get done wave 5. If the randoms duck back out and search again. Got both versions done in 3-4 hours each with randoms. Got very close many times. Randoms can be very goos.
By DaOverUnder on 10 Jun 2014 20:50
I set up a coop session for this guys. Be on the lookout. If no one joins I guess I’ll have to run this solo.😬
By x MA55ACR3 x on 10 Mar 2022 14:32
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EDIT: 12/3/14
I am currently out of sticker packs, and will not have enough to help others with this for a while. Been too many other releases recently to have the time to build up my pots again. Will update when this changes.
Method still works though, the fire pea was slightly nerfed in an update.

After trying many other suggested methods and always failing on wave 10 or the evac, I finally found a way that worked great. It combines some tips, while also adding my own.

I only used one revive, and it was at the very last second of the evac part. This method does not require, but relies on having someone use the Smartglass companion app to help you. This works for 1-4 players as well. If more then 1 player needs the achievement, don't invite them until wave 10. Play through 1-9 by yourself. Have them in the party, but make sure they are not listed as "in your game" or in the same multiplayer session (even if they didn't accept the invite). If they are, have them snap the party, and go to leave, "multiplayer". Once wave 10 starts, double tap the guide button to switch to the snapped party, invite party to game, and have them accept right away. They should all be fire or ice peas if possible. If not, any pea should be ok.

You will need about 30 fire peashooter pots, 30 ice peashooter pots, 10 doom shrooms, the Sombrero Bean Bomb and Fire Peashooter unlocked. Have a second person start up the Xbox One Smartglass app on a tablet/Windows 8 PC and be ready to help you.

Person 2 on the Smartglass app will need to focus on the dropping "suns" which is how you get the points needed to help the player. The assists you want to focus on are the health pots, the air strikes, and the revive. Maybe play one practice round so player 2 learns how to use Boss Mode.

Person 1 playing the game, go to Sharkbite Shores, and use the spot on the left with the archway you can get up on. As soon as the garden is planted, put the Ice pots all around it. There is one lone pot slightly ahead of the garden in front of a rock. Put a Doomshroom there to blow up any Zombies that are getting close. Put the fire peas in the four pots in front of the archway rock, and a fifth one by the water.

In between rounds I would start at the garden and replace any pots there, move towards the water if that one was down, then circle around the front of the archway replacing the pots that needed it. For the most part, you should have enough time to replace them after every round as it takes some time for the zombies to get to you. Then use Hyper to jump up on the arch.

Keep an eye on where the zombies are coming from. Watch for where the pots are shooting at. Just help the pots as much as you can, and be ready to drop Sombrero bombs near the pots if they get over run.

Have the person on Smartglass drop health pots on the archway with you so you can be healed. In the middle of the arch there is some cover if the soldier zombie starts shooting you from the roof of the building next to you. They should use air strikes on tombstones (it wont kill the tombstone, but will kill or damage the zombies that spawn there), and on the garden if any make it through. To use an assist on the smart glass, you click and drag, or touch and drag the assist you want, to where you want it, then let go. If using a revive, make sure its right on the player icon or it will be wasted.

As long as you replace all the pots and help the pots enough, your garden shouldn't be touched. I made it to wave 9 before it took one hit. By the end it still had over 90% health.

Just keep working through it, getting the health pots dropped on you as needed or in between rounds. At wave 10, invite anyone in your party that needs the achievement, or just keep doing as you were doing.

The Disco zombie will come up on the rock with you. Make sure to have a bomb ready for him, and a health plant next to you, and use the little rocks for cover. If there is an air strike ready, use it on him as well. If you get the vampire boss, he can probably get up there with you too, and is a pain to kill. I did not have to fight him though (thinking he doesn't spawn for one player).

Last step, the evac. As others have said, wait on the rock until there is about 45 seconds left. Save a Sombrero bomb for the trip as well. At this point most of the bigger zombies should be around you, so jump off, and boost away. Head towards the RV while trying to avoid the tombstone areas. When you start getting shot in the back after passing the under the bridge, turn and drop your bomb. Then turn back and keep running. Once in the circle, you will probably getting KOed which is a good thing. When there is 2-3 seconds left, use a revive. At this point you should still have all 3 if everything went well for you, but all you need is one. Make sure all players are in the circle, and are all revived in the last 2 seconds.

Timer hits 0, and you win and should get the achievement.

If you cant get it on your own, set up a boost session and message me on here. If I have time, I can try to make it. It takes 15-20 minutes. I will play through the first 9 waves, then invite you for the 10th. If we can get 3 players at once, that would save the most time for me.

02 Sep 2014 03:40

1 Comment
Great method. Thanks for the solution. Got it on my first try.
By Fancy Bacon on 19 Sep 2014 02:06
Incredibly easy to do with as low as 2 people (depending on skill).

I guess I would call it the Doomshroom Apocalypse.

Start up a game on the Crash Site map (day or night shouldn't make much of a difference, I play day though). Make sure you have at least 1 Peashooter ( prefer the Berry shooter or Fire) and 1 Sunflower. Build your garden in the middle of the bridge.

On the outside flower pots just plant repeaters, fire peas, or gatling peas for the first few waves. In the inside ones by the garden plant Doomshrooms and Bamboo Shoots.
Make sure you have a lot of plants to plant. Especially Doomshrooms, Bamboo, and any Ice.

Stay in the garden area and defend both openings. It is very easy to do this with potted plants as defense. Sunflower needs to make sure not only that the teammates are healed, but any severely wounded plants as well.

If you have more than 2 people, then an extra peashooter and a cactus would be perfect. Cactus can set up defenses at each end of the bridge and pick off zombies from afar.

Once you start getting into the later waves (8, 9, and 10) use exclusively Doomshrooms.
During extraction plant a Doomshroom and have the Sunflower drop a healing flower.

Using this method almost makes destroying Crazy far too easy and you will take minimal garden damage.

I finished this with only myself and another person playing Sunflower.

Try it out and give me your thoughts.

05 Oct 2014 22:39

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Garden Crazy \ Jardim doidão - Achievement


16 Feb 2016 14:12

Okay, here's how I and 3 mates did.

Pick Garden Center. Make sure you have 1 Sunflower to heal, and 3 Peashooters.

Go to the right, I think it's a BONUS Garden you can use, it's this end with a giant statue.

One peashooter takes the left path, and one takes the right path.

Here's the best part. The last peashooter jumps on top of the statue. (THIS IS DONE ON 4/20 AFTER THE LATEST PATCH)

On top of the statue, you'll pretty much be untouched, and the same time, be extremely usefull, when it comes to attacking.

I just attacked with normal peashots, and Gatling. The boss's like Yeti, couldn't do anything to me, and while the rest of the party, just helped attacking, and defended the Garden, I just spammed attack the Yeti or Guang-whatever.

I can't assure it will work for you, but it worked for us on the first try.

20 Apr 2014 01:35

Just did this now.

Crash zone, bridge defence.

Actually plants don't matter too much we used a mixture of:

Goop/ice - to slow
bamboo is great for barage zone damage
fire shooter are good for long range on the outsides
doom shrooms and caribans work but we only had a few

Mainly using sunflower a good one can lay down sunbeam and heal almost at the same time whilst dropping healing plants, just be sure to move around.

We had a garganutan round super boss and it makes it almost impossible, you can run and avoid them round in circles under the bridge but they are very difficult.

on the final round we had disco stu super boss and this is easily done with fire to burn them long distance, gattling pea to drain them and sunbeam mixture - we had two sunflowers and two peas and if you get 3 in the door way and lay into them as quickly as possible you can take down three quickly.

On the final wave extraction have one or two as a distraction on the bridge moving around and one reserve to stay alive in the roof above the extraction zone, then in the last seconds lay down healing plants in the zone and defend it until escape

rejoice the extraction is very easy compared to others.

21 Jun 2015 21:26

The easiest way to do it on the “Sharkbite Shores” map is with a pea shooter, because you can jump onto the mountain, preferably with four people (it’s possible with one, but it’s more difficult)
Video guide .

25 Aug 2014 22:43

You can also try your luck by connecting to other people’s games (set the desired difficulty level and preferred map in the settings in advance), so I had someone else’s match taking place already on wave 9, after which there was nothing left (you don’t have to fly away, the main thing is that you do it at least someone from the squad).
By Hujinn on 21 Jan 2015 21:36
Basically, I just want to add a few points:

1. I recommend taking only fire and electric ones (as well as special suits from the nibbler

2.before starting, please make sure that all improvements have been collected for this character ( additional ammo, increased damage and fast) reloading can save your life
By SuperUdacha on 12 Feb 2015 13:33
Pinch more Bamboo Shoot they are very effective.
By yosiking on 07 Mar 2017 14:37
The method described above seemed complicated to me and I couldn’t get a trophy using this scheme, because... soldiers jump onto the rock with bazookas, and the bosses also hit you. In my opinion, the key to success is a team of 2 sunflowers and 2 peashooters and everyone acts together, covering each other, and then it doesn’t matter what the map is. So I got a trophy for hard and for an insane difficulty level without any problems
By Bratok on 28 Oct 2014 07:08
The method indicated in the tip itself is simply excellent, I followed it the first time. Most likely, the majority heard that you need to take the regular Peashooter. Apparently, if you take it, and not the improved options, then weaker zombies will spawn in the location.
By Icky on 10 Mar 2016 17:51
The method with the most ordinary rumble thrower works. Until the 10th wave I had no problems at all, only on the 10th wave did the real challenge begin, but at that moment 3 more players joined and we calmly completed the Operation.
By GOFFY on 25 Sep 2016 22:44
It’s easier to do this trophy alone, since in a team the difficulty increases significantly. I managed to complete this difficulty solo in almost all locations. The mystic completed it with a flower, an ordinary cactus, and an ordinary pea shooter, they have higher damage. I didn’t even think about the trophy at that time Since I was farming coins, on this difficulty I reached rank 313. I won’t show off, well, out of about 10 attempts, 6 of them were successful, depending on your luck on the boss. It would be desirable for the boss to be a huge zombie with a pillar. And we don’t skimp on the consumables, we arrange everything to the maximum, it helps a lot.
By nick22011985 on 23 Oct 2019 03:53
It’s very difficult to get a trophy according to the scheme above, my friend and I sat for several hours, we didn’t even get a trophy for more than that, the SharkbiteShores map seemed inconvenient to me, since even at a height bosses and some opponents get to you.. Playing only as a peashooter is also useless, in any case the team needs a sunflower. We filled up the trophy on the Chomp Town map, the team consisted of Sunflower , Chomper , Cactus and Peashooter , we sat out in the square, but it is also possible in the market, the main thing is that the team consisted of the above-listed heroes, Cactus uses garlic and bombs clumps of enemies and bosses, Sunflower more often throws pots of sunflowers, Chomper slows down the bosses so that the cactus bombs the boss with garlic, catches zombies in coffins and dry closets (since they need to be killed for a very long time, during which time they will have time to smash the base), Peashooter uses a machine gun more often, if there is somewhere to go climb higher, climb! We played with a friend and two random players, and passed easily the first time, but if you have friends who play, it will be even easier.
By Vyacheslav96 on 11 Dec 2014 19:31
So many people, so many opinions. I started trying to get trophies for all maps except sharbite shores . The maximum reached level 10 with a barely alive garden. The reason is simple, the bosses reach their goal very quickly and either you die or hide, but endanger your garden. Having chosen the sharbeteshores card, I got it the second time (the first time I was unlucky, the flower was killed during the resurrection of an ally). We run to the left corner.
The scheme is simple. We played 2 peashooters - 2 sunflowers, but not fundamentally, the main thing was 1 sunflower and peas. Before starting, we plant plants according to the principle: the most impactful ones near the garden and less impactful ones (but not useless) around the perimeter. You need a lot of plants, we plant them again every round, keep this in mind. For myself, I chose fiery peashooters and black (the rarest) mushrooms. Fire pea shooters very quickly kill zombies in the booth, and this is important, mushrooms with an explosion have good splash damage. Then everything is simple, sunflower + 1 ally climb onto the house, pea(s) jump onto the rock. I advise you to choose a freezing pea shooter, it is the most effective... of course you can use a plasma one, but for this you need to shoot very accurately. And we demolish the enemies.. Sunflower and his colleague move only near the bosses, shoot pea shooters with bombs from afar, not forgetting to watch out for zombies that can climb the mountain. Chili pepper is very effective when attacked by enemies attacking a plant in a flower bed. This tactic will bring victory pretty soon, I played with random allies and we had 1 noob.. In the end we won without difficulty. Do not forget to spend resurrection cards only for lvl 10, always leave 1 resurrection card to run to the mad Dave, at the end of the wave, it is better to finish off the last ones than to run to raise your allies.
By xHateCorex on 15 Dec 2014 10:49
In fact, the secret is simple, you need a team and preferably a bunch of all 4 types of plants, playing alone, IMHO is useless, they just call out. You can win on any map, I played with 3 randoms, all 4 different heroes, 4 maps in a row either finished or died during evacuation simply because there were no rollbacks. The main thing is to choose a place so that there is either a house nearby or at least a gazebo that you can jump onto.
By dorian9 on 22 May 2017 00:49
in a random team I earned it on the first try. There are almost no difficulties in this trophy. The main thing is a good competent team. 2 sunflowers and 2 pea shooters. Divided into 2 groups. We were all located near the base. Use the chili bomb only if zombies begin to destroy the point. It is advisable not to use the resurrection card until the first boss (wave 5). Then they will be more needed. When respawning a pot, there are definitely at least 2 sunflowers. If a random team dies before wave 5, then it’s better to leave right away. And under no circumstances be a hero. Just be close to the team
By golovorez on 30 Jan 2015 12:55
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It’s easier to do it alone because there are fewer enemies (bosses) and then it’s easier to evacuate without having to wait and save other players. calculate the time and save at least 1-2 resurrections just in case and go to the evacuation point.

26 Aug 2014 16:25