Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

65 Achievements


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Graveyard Shift

Graveyard Shift

Defeat a Vampire Super Wave



How to unlock the Graveyard Shift achievement in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Definitive Guide

I spent ages trying on my own getting to wave 5 for this achievement and it didn't give me anything. As soon as I made the game public and had 4 players and the difficulty on normal I got a couple of super boss waves and finally the Vampire Super Wave, seemed to up my chances of getting it. I'm sure you can get it on Easy difficulty too I just wanted to give myself more of a chance of getting it.

I played hours on public 4 player Normal difficulty and only one super boss wave. So I tried Hard difficulty and ended up getting the Vampire Super Wave on round 10 within just a few games. I would stick to Hard difficulty to increase your chances of getting a super boss wave more frequently
Posted by Specialized48

02 Oct 2014 22:42

Got it tonight after 2+ weeks with 4-6 games a night. Was doing 2 player on easy/normal for the first 10 days and nothing. Started 4 player on normal the last 4 days and got it tonight on Jewel Junction. It will definitely come if you keep trying.

As others have said, number of players tends to increase odds and playing on at least normal difficulty helps as well. Sharkbite/Jewel Junction I noticed spawn more super waves compared to the other maps.
By JollyGrnGiant88 on 05 Jun 2020 06:21
I got this on the 360 before it was an achievement I remember always getting it during any game mode but since they made it achievement I would say NORMAL mode is the way to go. Tried hard no luck even with 4 players.

Got this today with 4 randoms my host, Normal mode - Crash Course (Night Time) I set it on random map chose - We were all peashooters also got 2 treasure yetis in the same game.

I thought I'd be nice and play one more from carrying randoms did it again and got another Vampire Super Wave on the map: Suburban Flats - 4 Players Normal mode Wave 10.

I suggest putting out a sun flower because randoms tend to goof off and your sitting there doing all the work. Glad I finally got it as well as some Diamonds. Normal would be the way to go for this.
By A Batwoman on 21 Feb 2015 06:42
I must have played about 40 garden ops already and cannot get the vampire super wave. I have tried private and public but have had zero luck.
By JuniorMT on 03 Oct 2014 09:06
I have just played 5 public games in a row on normal with a party of 4 (kept randomly joining games) and every time we got to wave 10 we got a super wave, so im guessing get a party of 4 and get to wave 10 and just hope you get the correct super wave, im playing with 3 people now I will update if I still get a superwave.
By Mattynicklin on 03 Oct 2014 10:36
I have finally got this achievement after many times of trying, I recommend doing this solution. As I never even got one super boss wave myself. Find a party a 4 and play it on normal and wave 10 will almost always be a super boss wave then just keep playing until you get the vampire one. Only 2 times out of 7 I didn't get a super boss wave in a party of 4 and that was when I joined a group of 3 at wave 8/9.
By Mattynicklin on 03 Oct 2014 12:56
I've played many hours of private solo (easy) as well as public four player (normal) and still haven't had this super wave come up. Turning into a pretty annoying achievement along with the Treasure Yeti ones! :(
By Mr Fiddler on 05 Oct 2014 04:45
I have no clue as to how matty saw super boss waves 5 out of 7 times when I played 30 matches yesterday and only saw it twice. I played with 4 people all of those matches too and I haven't seen anything close to a vampire super wave.
By EyeOfRage7 on 05 Oct 2014 13:16
I spent hours playin on normal four player public as well as solo, and not even one normal super boss, played on hard and got super boss waves more frequent but still no baron von bats as of yet, I'm gona stick to public hard games as super boss waves seem more frequent
By SL1CK1986 on 05 Oct 2014 17:52
Luck based achievements are awful tbh.
By Lil Miss Cherry on 05 Oct 2014 20:34
I just joined a random game, round 10 was just ending, and it popped, I didn't even do anything, talk about luck. I got 2 achievements just for joining the match, this one and the super boss wave one.
By rocking23nf on 09 Oct 2014 04:07
Gosh this is a boring grind!
By Fuzzmeister J on 13 Oct 2014 19:22
Anyone know if u need to be playing on a night map 4 this to work or if maybe it helps with the odds
By Nepherrae on 14 Oct 2014 06:13
I always play shark bite shores and was getting super boss waves on there, got the vampire wave on there also.
By Lil Miss Cherry on 14 Oct 2014 12:47
So after playing almost 30 plus hours trying to get this achievement(which by the way it took me less time to 100% the full game of shadows of mordor) I started to give up. My girlfriend was getting sick of hearing me complaining about this one achievement so she played even though she hates video games. And what do you know she gets the vampire super boss wave on the very first try. It was on port scallywag on normal with 4 people. I was both annoyed and relieved at the same time. I am now officially sick of garden ops.
By EyeOfRage7 on 15 Oct 2014 03:02
This achievement was a nightmare for me. I took me SEVENTY-TWO game of garden ops on varying difficulties and player counts to get this, in the end I got it in a 2 player game on easy playing on the Jewel Junction Night map, good luck with this achievement guys, it really is horrible.
By Matt Remastered on 15 Oct 2014 19:06
Took me a lot of games but got it on easy on Jewel Junction Night map
By HitchedFlea on 22 Oct 2014 22:02
Thanks for editing your solution, I have trouble getting to wave 10 on hard, there's either never anybody to play online with, or I lag out at wave 7/8 or 9. I can't remember the last time I was this frustrated with an Xbox game. Funnily enough I have never wanted to keep going back to a game this much either smile
By AnTiBiTe 2006 on 05 Nov 2014 18:40
Honestly it didnt take that long to do it just on normal, if you are struggling on hard. Try setting up a session with 4 people on normal, and pray lol
By Lil Miss Cherry on 05 Nov 2014 19:16
Yeah I did that last night, I had a lot of super gargantuar and super disco waves on normal, they seem to be popular. I just want these last 2 garden ops achievements out the way so bad!
By AnTiBiTe 2006 on 06 Nov 2014 09:32
I can imagine, I loved this game. This DLC totally ruined it for me, so much so I never bothered doing it on the 360, I really hope you get it soon :)
By Lil Miss Cherry on 06 Nov 2014 15:14
Anyone know if its a specific map i need to do this on?
By Law Ram on 12 Dec 2014 09:37
I don't think so, I got it on Sharkbite Shores.
By Lil Miss Cherry on 12 Dec 2014 09:56
Ok cool. Thank you . Have been trying forever to get this and still no luck :/ Last achievement as well!
By Law Ram on 12 Dec 2014 11:35
Thanks so much! Your solution helped me get the achievement. Awesome job!
By GreatLegendShow on 17 Dec 2014 01:54
After 8 hours on hard finally found it on sharkbite, playing hard wave 10 w one other person. We got our asses kicked and lost the opportunity. sooo disappointed.
By Juicyjams on 29 Dec 2014 03:05
I didn't have to play hard, I got it on normal, guess I was lucky, this achievement is a pain!
By Lil Miss Cherry on 29 Dec 2014 14:06
Just got this now by luck. I set up a public game on easy on the on the skally map as I was trying for the 500 pirate zombie achievement. I set it to public as my 5 year old was playing and it's a little difficult on his own....had 3 other people join and on wave 9 or whatever got the super vampire boss. You really need good team mates for this as even with 4 players on easy the vampires nearly won!
By base1ine on 01 Jan 2015 16:07
Got it after 3 public matches on hard clap
By lumpengott on 07 Jan 2015 21:51
I absolutely love this game, it's definitely my 2014 game of the year. These RNG achievements though are killing me.
By DanTheWhale on 21 Jan 2015 03:52
Got it in a 4 player game on wave 10. Sharkbite Shores, Normal.
By Ryn0 L on 25 Jan 2015 17:33
Terrible achievement! =/
By vduca on 27 Jan 2015 01:15
Can anyone remember what garden they used on Sharkbite Shores?
By dc0dr on 27 Jan 2015 15:48
I used the far left near the arch of rock that you can jump up with the peashooter
By Lil Miss Cherry on 27 Jan 2015 16:28

I've been trying to get this for months on the X360, never even came close,
but now on the X1 version i got it on first try.
Sharkbite Shores on EASY with 4 pea's.
By Ehrenfried on 28 Jan 2015 18:18
My question is do you have the start the game with 4 players in order for the super vampire wave to even have a chance at happening or does there just have to be 4 at wave 10?
By DanTheWhale on 11 Feb 2015 23:16
This achievement is getting on my last nerve. 30 hours of Garden Ops and nada!!!
By j wizite on 16 Feb 2015 02:20
I got mine on Normal with 4 players on Jewel Junction day time, hang on in there everyone you will get it eventually!
By Crossy1986 on 16 Feb 2015 09:47
I got this luckily today. Totally random achievement but finally got it...
By Gonzo345 on 21 Feb 2015 08:23
Yep i have been on this achievement for two full days of gaming now......this is really getting on my nerves.....
By XGC GunNut on 27 Feb 2015 03:33
got this TWICE today.
first i was alone, hard mode, public, any map.
Sharkbite Shores popped up i started playing, some random people came later waves and we got this special wave at the end.
i told a friend that i think the map is "the key" to it all... he joined me and we did again
hard mode, public, specific map: Sharkbite Shores
and after 3 runs, the 4th run we got this special wave.

so i can pretty much confirm, that Sharkbite Shores is a MUST to farm for this.

also: both times we got this, we had 2 sunflowers in the team and we used the left garden base. might not be relevant, but i'll leave it here.
By Phoenix C64 on 02 Mar 2015 20:33
60+ games of garden ops. Only got 2 vampire super waves (got disconnected the 1st time). Got all the other super waves 4 or 5 times each. Tried different lvls, different difficulties.

Finally got it on Jewel Junction (Day). 2 players only - 1 peashooter, 1 sunflower. Normal. I joined at wave 5. Seems to be pure luck. Maybe other combos increase your odds, but hard to say for sure.

Can't tell you how happy I am this is done. Ruined an otherwise enjoyable game for me.
By Gavorkna on 10 Mar 2015 03:08
(6) sessions (2) hours each (4) rounds of 10 played each session and we finally get it on the last session with 5 minutes to spare, this is just random and sucks ass. We got it on Normal difficulty Night level (not jewel junction)
By ResinousHashish on 13 Mar 2015 20:58
^^^^^^^ We tried Hard and had many super waves, today we only did normal and it gave us a super wave ^^^^^^
By ResinousHashish on 13 Mar 2015 20:59
Having spent quite some time waiting for a super wave, the stars aligned tonight and I got this and the super wave on EASY!

I didn't even realise I had set the game public until a cactus turned up. Best thing of all was I think it was his/her first game as, they didn't know how to play and just walked around lol. They now are 80 points to the good as a level one cactus!!!!

By the time of the super boss wave, there was 4 of us and, on easy, it was a cake walk. A very lucky night.
By Presariofu on 25 Mar 2015 21:10
got my wave on jewel junction night on easy. had spent 4-5 hours playing. ended up joining a random session the host was idle at wave 2 and the garden was about 10% health played til wave 10 and got it there
By Bears Scare Me on 30 Mar 2015 19:04
Perhaps its just me but everyone is saying do this do that and it increases your chances when it seems quite clear to me its 100% random what you get when the zomboss spins those reels. I haven't saw one comment on this solution that identical to another so you could do one game or 100 games and still not get it. I can confirm 100% though that if you play a game of garden ops, you may get the vampire super boss wave ;)
By ArogueHaggis on 30 Mar 2015 22:44
so 25 mins after my last comment i decided it wasn't happening playing solo easy so jumped into a few online games on normal, then went back down to easy. Joined a game on port scallywag at wave 5, was in the middle of a standard boss wave with a vampire and tombstones. Got to wave 10, boom, super vampire wave. Almost jizzed on the wall. There was 4 players in by this time. Just my lucky day I guess.
By ArogueHaggis on 30 Mar 2015 23:13
Got it last night while playing a "Quick Match" with 3 other randoms. Easy on Chomp Town. After spending about 5-10 hours going for it, I can say that there is no trick to getting it, outside of being online with at least 2 people. Best of luck to others trying for it.
By Eggnogga on 09 Apr 2015 12:09
I hate this achievement with all of my person.
By ParanoydAndroid on 20 May 2015 00:36
I dont really think this is so random. I just made it on easy playing in crash course with half garden health lost (in purpose).
I had 3 times super vampire wave in crash course (2 of them on insane difficulty), also this map was added with the vampire boss, so i really think this map has higher chances to spawn super vampire wave than others.
By Ilindur on 29 May 2015 20:53
So could I get this achievement by just using a a second controller as to keep it from being solo?
By Because Im Ryan on 03 Jun 2015 18:35
This is awful. Almost at 80 hours into this game and it was so much fun. But to have to end it with this garbage is so lame
By xAHAx Skywalker on 28 Dec 2015 06:36
I cannot for the life of me get this, I've maxed my rank, completed the stickerbook, I have literally nothing left but these achievements. I play and play and I just can't get a super wave of vampires.
By xCrimsonLegendx on 21 Jan 2016 08:16
All you people complaining it took a few hours, and I've over here 5 days later and still no super wave -.-
By Gravekin on 16 Feb 2016 03:21
Help :( Are there any players ? Is everybody gone to GW2 ? It's my last achievement, I try to play in Hard, I have super waves sometimes but no vampires :(
By Alexleserveur on 29 Feb 2016 22:14
So its 3x baron von bat, no solution clearly states, last achievement left?
By UNDEADZ3LD4 on 17 Apr 2016 19:36
When i have finally found the Vampire Super Wave we have lost because of my team (random guys). I'm crying :(
By AOTP iTz Sn1p3r on 07 May 2016 13:31
Second time found, second time lost :'(
By AOTP iTz Sn1p3r on 09 May 2016 18:57
Finally got it :')
On Jewel Junction Night normal 4 players
By AOTP iTz Sn1p3r on 10 May 2016 19:47
Got It on jewel junction night 2 players crrrraaazy
By WizZy PL on 19 May 2016 07:07
played for hours online with a friend, got it on easy on "Garden center"
By DrHeIicopter on 19 May 2016 13:18
Just got it. Joined a 3 player game mid-game (wave 2), making me the 4th person. Got one vampire boss in round 5, then got the super wave in round 10. I think there's a better chance of getting a super wave if you get one vampire boss in Round 5.
By Eric From Cali on 13 Jun 2017 00:11
Still trying to get this if anyone wants to shoot me a message.
gamer tag krismer
By Krismer on 20 Nov 2019 20:38
- Jewel Junction Night
- Easy
- Public
- Three Players

This is after spending anywhere between 15-20 hours during this week alone trying for this achievement.
By Yummy Baklava on 30 May 2021 02:44
I got it on Crazy Difficulty - Garden Center. 4 players.

Wave ten. I don't think I have ever seen any super wave at wave five.

I got it on the Garden Center map on both the 360 and this version of the game.
By SincereSeeker6 on 22 Jun 2022 15:41
Thought I would just add mine, 4 player normal, shark cove . Over going foe this I came across no super boss waves om easy regardless of players then on normal I was getting them om wave 5 and wave 10
By lifebringer23 on 05 Nov 2023 22:44
This is possible on Easy, but guessing it's rare. Now about those Treasure Yetis...
By AL1 on 06 Oct 2014 03:09
I played hours on public 4 player Normal difficulty and only one super boss wave. So I tried Hard difficulty and ended up getting the Vampire Super Wave on round 10 within just a few games. I would stick to Hard difficulty to increase your chances of getting a super boss wave more frequently
By Specialized48 on 07 Oct 2014 14:27
I finally got it last night, after a few nights of trying to get it on hard, and eventually getting the super vamp wave Three times and losing, I was a bit disheartened. So I tried normal difficulty, and got lucky on sharkbite shores. You need a decent team to help you on hard, but not so much on normal. There seems to be more people playing on a weekend though, which I'm sure helped me out. I'm now two non luck based achievements away from 100% This game has set me back a bit but least it'l be done before Far Cry 4 comes out! :)
By AnTiBiTe 2006 on 09 Nov 2014 08:38
Anybody want to grind a bit online sometime? and aim for the treasure yeti ones as well, this achievement is extremely annoying and boring when you're alone.
By SleepyCreed on 08 Feb 2015 00:34
what a pIle of shit! Just got the achievement. Played about 40 hours of Garden Ops on Hard and not even close to getting the Vampire Super Wave. Just joined a random NORMAL public game on the 9th wave, and on wave 10 what do you know. Fucking Super Vampire Wave! I guess it's a case of the good advice that I just didn't take.....
By j wizite on 19 Feb 2015 19:09
This is the last achievement i need for the completion and the grind is becoming unbearable. I feel myself getting nauseous after every useless game of garden ops and the worst thing is that with this type of achievement you make no progress at all. It's hit or miss :/
By Gewehr Mags on 11 Jul 2015 03:05
Okay this is the last cheevo for the whole game... I have moved on to other games but ... I lose sleep over this one stupid luck based cheevo.. Cool thing is i have found this site looking for any information on how to improve my chances... If you are still trying to get this one hit me up
By ooStuStu on 24 May 2016 19:23
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First of all this achievement is luck-based. However I do believe there are three things to take into account that MAY increase your chances:

- Play on easy, public 4 players
- Don't quit at wave 5 stay until wave 10, I have rarely seen a super at wave 5

As you may have noticed the more players in the game the more zombies there are. So I believe this means the more chance of a super wave to make it harder for 4 players.

I have done this on both 360 and XB1 now and I must have played about 20+ solo matches on easy jewel junction night. Never got a vampire super or barely even a super wave. Once I tried public play on the XB1 I got a vampire super on my 4th game. Port scallywag easy on the 10th wave. I joined on the 4th wave and there were 4 players at that point.

On the 360 I got it on my 3rd game and the only other difference was it was the garden center map.

Also there is no reason to play on any other difficulty other than easy in my opinion. The super vampire wave is actually quite hard so don't make it harder for yourself. So if you are lucky enough to get one you still have to be able to beat it.

This is only what I recommend. You could get it using the complete opposite of this but I think the main thing is to play with maximum players and play to wave 10 to give the best chance of getting one.

Hope this helps and If you get one, pray you or the host does not disconnect shock

13 Apr 2015 23:07

After so may tries over last few days in the last two or three sessions we manged to get it with just two people after the the other two decide to leave.

We got a vampire super wave on jewel junction night map on normal difficulty with two players on the garden next to the train with two pea shooters but not 100% sure it may work for you but i thought i put it up a solution which may or may not help you.

25 Apr 2015 17:47

I would like to know if you did this on wave 5 or wave 10?
By Unmet Player on 07 Jul 2015 06:53
10 i thinks it was
By mcsteel31 on 09 Jul 2015 17:50