Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare

65 Achievements


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Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Collect 7 Diamonds from the Treasure Yeti



How to unlock the Treasure Chest achievement in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Definitive Guide

This is 100% luck based and can get really annoying waiting for the Yeti to spawn. I found a little trick that makes it quicker to get diamonds (and Vamp kills for that other achievement) by using team revives. I get long winded so I'll try to briefly write a solution then a bit more detail about the Yeti after.

1) Start a Garden Ops solo game on easy and make sure it is private / invite only. Make sure you have at least 3 team revives or to be safe at least one team revive per diamond you need to farm (you / your team can only use 3 team revives / game).

2) I don't believe the map matters but after 8 straight hours of no Yeti spawns I started exclusively playing the Jewel Junction Night map. I don't think this made it any faster but its what I did.

3) The first wave you can see the Yeti is wave 3. So just keep replaying the map to start of wave 3 until you get the Yeti challenge.

4) When I got the Yeti on easy, it would always be a wave of just the Yeti (and his little minions he spawns) and a single foot soldier zombie. You have about 30 seconds to spot / get close to the Yeti to then extend the timer to about 2 minutes. So find the Yeti fast and start shooting and chasing him around the map. He will drop coins, coin bags and sometimes diamonds when you shoot him.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not kill the foot soldier zombie. This is because the Yeti goes away when the timer ends and if the foot soldier is dead as well, the wave will end...that's not what we want. Chase and kill the Yeti then let the foot soldier zombie kill you.

When given the option, use a team revive. This will restart the wave with the same Yeti challenge you just got. You can do this 3 times for a total at 4 rounds of chasing the Yeti for diamonds. If you are lucky, this is enough to get 7.

Misc. Info:

The Yeti you are looking for is the treasure Yeti. I don't believe you will ever get him from the slot reels on waves 5 or 10...only the challenge waves.

I believe the types of waves are fixed. For example waves 1 & 2 are always just regular zombie waves. Wave 3 always seems to be a misc. challenge wave. Wave 4 seems to be a special wave (like all stars or etc). Waves 5 & 10 are boss waves and won't spawn the Yeti. The only wave besides 3 I know you can spawn him in for sure is wave 8. I'd never play that far though,. I found it faster to just keep replaying waves 1-2 to get the Yeti on Wave 3.

Whether you play with 1 or 4 people, you only get 3 team revives and only the person who picks up a diamond gets credit. That said, you will save a lot of time by doing this one solo.

Lastly, I killed he Yeti 3 times in a row for zero diamonds. I have also had a wave where I got 2 diamonds off him at once and also a wave where I got 3 off him at once. One of those 3 seemed to be dropped by one of the little minions he spawns (after I killed it) but I think that was random...they don't always drop them.

Its still a miserable luck based achievement but using the team revives definitely makes it quicker. This approach also works for farming vampire zombie kills. I'll post a solution for that also.

01 Oct 2014 15:01

Complete luck but I was playing jewel junction night for this and rarely found the treasure yeti. My son said he played jewel junction and got the treasure yeti all the time. Sure enough, after five games on jewel junction I had the treasure yeti spawn 3 times.

This was compared to over 50 attempts on jewel junction night when I only saw him twice (while attempting to also get the vampire super wave)

The bonus garden didn't make a difference to me.

Complete luck but if like me you're not having luck on jewel junction night, try jewel junction only.
By Mince Pie 77 on 28 Apr 2015 06:56
Do not use the toxic pea. I was trying to use this method for the achievement and the aura from the toxic pea killed the soldier, so I'm back to trying to spawn another treasure yeti. Tough achievement but not impossible. Just thought I'd add the tip.


Good luck everyone.
By hockey582004 on 27 Apr 2017 01:44
I'm confused if the foot soldier kills me won't it just be a self revive which means the yeti will still be dead?
By iJigglypuff o on 01 Oct 2014 16:15
Oh ya I forgot about that, I'll give it a try +1
By iJigglypuff o on 01 Oct 2014 16:21
This is very thorough, thanks for the tip!
By SouperDewper on 01 Oct 2014 21:26
What the hell were the developers thinking?! I played for over 15 hours straight, getting up to wave 5 each time, no super vampire wave, not one treasure yeti.

I should have this done in about 25 years at this rate.
By angry often on 02 Oct 2014 05:34
You can get diamonds after every wave if you have a Gold Garden. Not sure if they count as of yet, though (I still need 5 diamonds). The only diamonds I've gotten have been from these gardens.
By warm slurm on 02 Oct 2014 06:57
And now that I have the achievement, I can say that diamonds from Gold Gardens do not count, at least they didn't for me. I had to get 7 diamonds from the Treasure Yeti.
By warm slurm on 02 Oct 2014 07:19
Is this over the course of multiple games?
By MikeProcurator on 02 Oct 2014 12:41
That's right about garden diamonds. You will sometimes get the option to plant a bonus garden and it spits out coins and an occasional diamond. Those diamonds didnt count for me towards the achievement either.
Yes its also over multiple games. In fact, it would be really lucky to get them all in one game even using the team retry approach
By NJDuke007 on 02 Oct 2014 15:08
Will it count towards your cheevo if a team mate picks up the diamond or not? Do you have to be the only one to pick it up?
By Michael Monkey on 02 Oct 2014 18:18
I'm pretty sure it only counts for the person who picks it up so you should do it solo or be prepared for it to take very long.
By NJDuke007 on 03 Oct 2014 00:37
Just to add make sure you take a open map where the diamond can't go out of bound(happen to me twice already). Ill say take sharkshore beach(if i'm not wrong) and put your garden on the beach and you should be good. Destruction site is not a recommend for chasing the yeti.
By KLP X BRs X on 06 Oct 2014 03:18
Yea good point. It didnt happen to me but a friend had one go out of bounds on jewel junction.
By NJDuke007 on 06 Oct 2014 12:51
theres always tons of adds when the treasure yeti spawns on all the maps Ive done it on am I doing something wrong? Easy Private match.
By on 07 Oct 2014 06:24
I'm not sure what you mean by adds. When the yeti spawned for me it was just the yeti, a foot soldier and whatever minions the yeti would summon.
By NJDuke007 on 07 Oct 2014 14:29
I got 3 treasure yeti's in a row on the 360 version. Hoping I get so lucky with this version.
By DaOverUnder on 12 Oct 2014 18:43
Got the treasure yeti 5th try on jewel junction night on wave 3. Fucked up and restarted and got him on 2nd try. Not sure if it's only pure luck or if the jewel junction night map is the way to go.
By ThaGurk on 24 Oct 2014 14:15
Jewel junction seems to be the way to go. Also got it in two appearances of the yeti. Thanks for the info.
By BIGB EC on 11 Nov 2014 10:25
You have my +1, it is very only luck with a lot of boring! This cheevo was born bad... warning
By Centurion 47th on 13 Nov 2014 19:01
Did you need to get a golden garden for the yeti to appear? I've only had one appear before and it was during a gold garden.
By I MitchyP I on 22 Nov 2014 15:47
I found this really easy, play garden ops solo on easy on the level with the ship in the middle, i was getting yetis a lot on that level.
By rocking23nf on 24 Nov 2014 20:51
I don't think that the golden garden makes him any more likely to appear but maybe. I do know that you do NOT need to have the golden garden to spawn him. I'm pretty sure its all random
By NJDuke007 on 24 Nov 2014 23:03
Just wanted to piont out if you're going to torture yourself with this achieve, then it's best to pick a map and stick to it. Statistically better chance to encounter treasure yeti
By PASSIVERAEN on 16 Jan 2015 01:00
How do you get a golden garden? I've only seen a Yeti appear when I've gotten a golden garden (twice) out of 30+ rounds played today. On 5/7 Diamonds.
By alladaskill17 on 17 Jan 2015 21:28
Unless they changed the game (which is possible), the golden garden is a random spawn and will occasionally show up on one of the garden locations. You have to choose that one to get the gold garden bonus. Which I believe only spits out coins and diamonds after waves didnt count for the achievement. It also didn't seem to cause the yeti to spawn for me. I think it was a coincidence that you got both garden and yeti in same game twice
By NJDuke007 on 18 Jan 2015 07:34
I now hate this game. I had him spawn twice on Jewel Junction Night and I'm stuck at 6/7.
By dc0dr on 27 Jan 2015 15:58
So I finally got another Yeti spawn, the only place I've seen him is on Jewel Junction Night. Spent 105+ hours perfecting the game.
By dc0dr on 30 Jan 2015 14:20
I have a theory on when the treasure yeti appears, and I'd like to see if anyone else has experienced this. Whenever I started a level and the "Bonus Garden" was available, if I planted my garden there, on the third wave a treasure yeti would appear. I played for several hours and only on the times when I had the option of a bonus garden did I see one. Can anyone else confirm this happened to them?
By foodiddiedoo on 04 May 2015 16:59
If they haven't changed anything in recent updates, I believe its totally random. But if I said I went bad to confirm or intend be lying! So glad this one is done with! I feel all your pain
By NJDuke007 on 05 May 2015 13:18
I finally got a treasure yeti wave after about 50 games of trying. As soon as I go to the yeti, he commits suicide in the ocean and the round ends. Words cannot describe how fucking pissed I am right now.
By South Park TFBW on 13 May 2015 03:46
I would like to mention, I got the only Yeti's on Jewel Junction. The first 2 on Jewel Junction during daytime, the last one that got me 6+ Diamonds with a retry left was on Jewel Junction Night, FIRST TRY. This was after countless tries on Sharkbite Shores, far too many tries on Jewel Junction Daytime.. Also, My Yeti ALWAYS dropped a Diamond when I killed him. So I was getting one from shooting him and one from killing him each time...
By Shadow 00 Fox on 20 Jul 2015 20:18
do all 7 diamonds have to be collected in one session? I have 5 diamonds collected and when i looked at my progress today it says i only have 1.
By Scrapcan on 04 Sep 2015 23:22
do all 7 diamonds have to be collected in one session? I have 5 diamonds collected and when i looked at my progress today it says i only have 1.
By Scrapcan on 04 Sep 2015 23:23
No.... they don't... and that's AWFUL... hopefully it'll still pop for you when you hit 2 more.... if you keep trying on Jewel Junction Night you should be able to get it eventually, I got it that way finally after lots of others tries. If you shoot him enough until he drops one, then kill him, you can 2 per retry as long as you leave the soldier alive..
By Shadow 00 Fox on 05 Sep 2015 00:05
i am hoping it will unlock once i collect 2 more also. yup i keep replaying jewel junction night over and over. have to take breaks in between tho gets annoying lol. just missing this and the achievement to defeat a vampire super wave and thats it. wish me luck.
By Scrapcan on 05 Sep 2015 17:18
Only 2 achievements left in the game and both random. So frustrating.
By DrewJCraig on 20 Sep 2015 02:56
Whoever created this achievement should be kicked in the shins. I thought I would go back and finish off the last few in this game before the sequel releases, but I don't think I have it in me to grind this stupid treasure yeti. cry
By Beelzebozo Time on 18 Jan 2016 02:16
Lol well put and agreed. Luck based achievements are even worse than devs that make shit games that take couple hours to 1k just so people buy them for easy score. All achievements aren't for everyone but FFS give me diffculty / skill based achievements any day over random luck /collectible hunt / boring grind or baby shit for easy score! But random bs achievements are by far the worst!
By NJDuke007 on 18 Jan 2016 06:21
I just got all diamonds in random searched coop. There's a larger chance spawning a treasure yeti, I have a fire chomper so it's a bit easier to defeat it without too much effort. I keep hitting it usually it drops 2-4 diamonds. Some picked up by teammate but I got most of it.
By Echo Yin on 28 Jan 2016 13:15
I did try to do it on solo in wave 3, after 10+ tries without any luck spawning treasure yeti then I decided to search coop. It's not as hard as it seems.
By Echo Yin on 28 Jan 2016 13:18
I have gotten the Yeti to spawn three times in a row now on Jewel Junction Night by shutting down the game completely after wave 3. Without restarting the game, I'd always get one of the other possible challenges. So, the first time I played Garden Ops on JJN after restarting the game got me a Yeti.
By MustaPastori on 07 Mar 2016 15:19
^^ WOW.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 07 Mar 2016 18:19
I was playing on Port Scallywag to get the pirate zombies and managed to spawn one, using the team retry method got the achievement in 1 session, with the Yeti giving me 3 first time, none second time, 3 third time and 4 last time. Think I was quite lucky!
By UNDEADSPYR0 on 09 Apr 2016 16:11
Wow thank you for this! I actually got it first try doing it this way :)
By Davis 888 on 28 May 2016 22:12
I also experienced the same situation, MustaPastori. Took me 3 hours to find a Treasure Yeti by using Jewel Junction Night as a fire cactus. When I did, I got 5 diamonds via the four available attempts, completed the current wave 3, made sure that wave 4 loaded, and then closed the game. When I reloaded Garden Ops and got to wave 3, I got another Yeti.

Maybe it was just pure luck, but it was an unusual occurrence.
By TheSpinalClerk on 13 Jul 2016 09:31
got the yeti to spawn 3 times on jewel junction day!!
By KieraaKahler on 06 Nov 2016 17:43
After trying for hours on other maps, including Jewel junction, I found a yeti by accident just yesterday. I joined a random game with one random level 9 guy on Crash Course, Normal difficulty. Got a treasure yeti in wave 3, but my partner was a random, so we just killed him and moved on. I'm going to go back and try that map and see if I have any luck.
By Eric From Cali on 12 May 2017 06:34
Just done this myself, got him to spawn reasonably regularly on zomboss estate map, I always used the garden to the left of the spawn, in the pumpkin area. Quit out on wave 3 every time. Did wave 8 once but due to the extra enemies it’s more difficult to not be downed when chasing the icy git.
By merkins7 on 30 Mar 2018 12:59
Definitely lucky based. I found the yeti at my third attemp. Then i did 3 times the same wave following this solution and it worked like a charm. The spawn of diamonds is also variable as my last wave gave me 4 diamonds within the same wave.

Good luck.

Ps: I use the Jewel Junction map but i think there is no link between.
By Lejy old on 11 Mar 2019 12:15
I dont think one comment or solution actually says this is cumulative... but it is. For anybody going for it.
By Markyshizzle on 14 Apr 2019 14:33
Just for reference so people don't give up...these are how many times the other events came up before I finally got 2 loot yetis in a row...nearly all on the roof of the Garden Center.

Break the Vases 9
Mini Gardens 3
Zombomb 3
Loot Yeti 2
Mint Garden 7
Hacking 3
Speed run 9
Tombstones 3
Chieftains 2
Unscathed 3
By Legohead 1977 on 06 Jun 2022 14:08
No I don't think so. I never had that happen. It will first give you the option to use a self revive...don't and let the timer run out. After that, it will ask if you want to use a team revive...use that. If you self revive,yes, the Yeti will be dead but if you die / bleed out and team revive, the wave restarts with the Yeti alive.
By NJDuke007 on 01 Oct 2014 16:17
You can also get diamonds, coins and coin bags after a wave from the garden. I got 4 diamonds alone in one match from the garden. I don't know what the requirements are for drops to come from the garden as it's not consistent. It's not from a perfect wave either. The possibility is there though. I will say that I already had the achievement when I started getting diamonds from the garden so I'm not sure if they will actually count for the achievement. Someone else will have to confirm.
By NutriWhip on 02 Oct 2014 06:42
Hey guys I had yeti spawned like 100 times on and no dimond came out of him. Any of you knows why? 4/7
By bksJupik on 06 Mar 2015 19:41
Garden Center > Easy > Private

I was only playing until Wave (3) if it wasn't a Treasure Yeti I quit,

After (4)-(5) rounds of quitting at Wave (3) I got a Treasure Yeti and farmed it with the Team Retry option,

Quit after that round of farming, started another one and received a Treasure Yeti on Wave (3) again and popped the achievement!
By ResinousHashish on 15 Mar 2015 17:23
Great solution, got within two Yeti occurrences. Jewel Junction Day was pretty lucky for me. I would also suggest force closing the game after each successful Yeti round, but not sure if it actually makes a difference. Of course, be sure to fully die and exit the match so the progress saves.
By Failure Online on 26 Mar 2017 23:18
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This is just a companion solution to njduke007. This is a complete pain. So i far i have encountered 10 differnt wave 3

1. Break the vases
2. Mini Gardens
3. Zombomb
4. Loot Yeti
5. Mint Garden
6. Hacking ( forgot what the game calls them)
7. speed run
8. Tombstones
9. Cheiftans
10. Unscrathed

So basically there is a 1 in 10 chance of getting the loot yeti but it fells like it's worse than that. After istarted playing the first 3 rounds and quiting out it took 42 times to get the loot yeti 4 times. This can be done sooner but i wasn't always getting a diamond, however the last time i killed him i got 3.

05 Oct 2014 19:37

1 Comment
4/42 is just shy of 10% odds. That sounds about right. Thank you for the complete list!
By magmashark20 on 24 Mar 2021 05:27
Its also worth noting that you must finish or fail the game to receive credit for the diamonds. If you quit out, it will not count.

Mattynicklin has confirmed that finishing the wave and then quitting also works.

08 Oct 2014 10:08

it will count you just have to finish the wave first.
By Mattynicklin on 08 Oct 2014 14:53
Will update solution. Thanks!
By Slayer Reigning on 08 Oct 2014 19:57
my achievement popped when I picked up the last diamond, I didn't have to complete the wave.
By rocking23nf on 13 Oct 2014 14:34
The progress works like that. But any progress before 100% diamonds will be wiped if you immediately quit.
By Slayer Reigning on 13 Oct 2014 16:51
yes definitely finish wave 4 just to be safe! i collected 4 diamonds and quit out and lost that progress :( but i just found another yeti and finished wave 4 and those diamonds i picked up counted!
By KieraaKahler on 06 Nov 2016 17:27
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All the other solutions are good, no doubt about it but after i spent (wasted) hours over hours on this achievement, i finally got a nice and cozy solution figured out.
(got this sucker on 360 and X1 now)

This is what you do:

Start a Garden Ops SOLO match on "Sharkbite Shores" / "EASY" / "Private Game"
One the game started plant the garden on the coast, left from the starting point.
(The one with the rocky Arc, used for the Crazy Achievement)

DON'T bother planting anything, just hop on the Arc (Peashooter only!)
or play as the cute Sunflower, hide with her in the back (huts) and shoot anything.

When Wave 3 comes there are 10 possible outcomes:

1. Break the Vases
2. Mini Gardens
3. Zombomb
4. Treasure Yeti
5. Mint Garden
6. Hacking
7. Speed Run
8. Tombstones
9. Chieftans
10. Unscrathed

If anything else than a treasure Yeti comes -> QUIT out and Restart the procedure.
If "Hacking" came and you quit out, it will never come again as long as you restart the Garden Ops.
So the chance of a Yeti appearing is 1:9

If the Treasure Yeti appears, rush towards him and shoot him until he drops diamonds.
He drops them very unregulary... that son of a icy bitch.
Leave him be and jump into the water if his energy is very low or the timer runs out.
So you can take advantage of the 3 garden retries, and if you use one it will be the Yeti again.
So you have 4 tries to get the seven diamonds.
I needed around 5 hours of playing and around 4 tries to get all seven since he drops them at luck.
If you kill the Yeti in your fourth retry, kill him and he mostly drops a diamond.

The diamond counts towards the achievement as soon as you pick it up!

16 Apr 2015 20:51