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Pongemon achievements progress.
Start the game in 2 player mode
You earned 10 points! This major accomplishment will now contribute to your points on RetroAchievements.org!
You earned 1 point. This acheivement is worth 1 point. Bulbasaur is #1 in the Pokedex. Coincidence?
You made a mistake and now the opponent has a point! Better luck next time.
You completed one game of Pong and earned 21 points! The journey is more rewarding than the end.
Collect 10 points while the opponent's score is 0. Can you feel the heat?
You need to score 50 points in one session (across any games) for this achievement.Only then can you catch Pokemon #50, Diglett
Either win a game, or lose a game where the opponent has 20 points, or you have 20 points.
Have a score of 6 while the opponent has a score of 9
Complete a game of Pong without the opponent scoring a single point. This will give you lots of rage.
Win three games without losing any games. A game is earning 21 points.
Win 5 games in total in one session!
Win a game of Pong while only changing the direction of the paddle less than 100 times (measured).
Make the ball bounce until the achievement measured timer is full. Scoring a point will reset the counter.
Make the ball bounce until the measured bar is full. This is harder than Ball Bouncer. Scoring a point will reset the counter