Portal Knights

Portal Knights

29 Achievements

100,000 XP

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Dedicated Knight

Dedicated Knight

Complete 200 Event Quests.

9,000 XP


How to unlock the Dedicated Knight achievement in Portal Knights - Definitive Guide

1: You can do this the fast way offline. (Home console only) Go to Network Settings and set your Xbox offline, restart the console sign in and go to system Settings, Time and Change Date one day forward. Start Portal Knights select your character and on the universe select screen select map to go directly to the event. (You can focus on easy events to speed things up by changing the date until you get a event you like.) When you are done with the event go to main menu press Xbox button go down to the gear (Settings) and change the day one day forward. Rinse and repeat... write down how many events you are done with, when you reach 200 events go back online and do a couple more events to unlock the achievement. 2: The slow way to do events online, go to the universe select screen and select a new universe by pressing RB select a small universe and start it. Now you have to collect blue portal shards then craft blue portal blocks (10 for two portals) and go through the portal then go though the next portal. Now press Y select map and go to the event. Back at the universe select screen erase your boosting world. Rinse and repeat.... (Hope this helps toast
To make this as fast as possible, I'd add this

1. Make sure to choose "Small" as the world size. It significantly reduces loading time of the map and makes it far easier when you get quests like "find the chest"

2. You can have 3 worlds, use them all! That way, every time you switch the date you can complete 3 events. You'll need to navigate into settings far less.
By ALollz on 20 Jun 2017 03:31
I discovered a huge problem with this method. I picked the consecutive days for July 2017 (started at June 27th) and for the last last week, no events were spawning in all 3 Universes when I got back online. That is, because the game actually saves/marks the days on which you completed the Events on and doesn't spawn new Events on those days, even if you play Online.

To fix this, you will have to delete/create a new Universe and Events will spawn again, as soon as you unlock 2+ Islands. I recommend unlocking a few extra, though. Just to be safe.

Or be smarter than me and actually pick a completely different year, when you boost Offline. :P
By AkaiERA on 03 Jul 2017 16:00
I am at 208 completed challenges and the achievement has not popped. When did other people's pop? My 50 one popped at 52 or 53.
By DrPineapple on 24 Jul 2017 17:24
At 212 currently and still hasnt popped
By D34THBRINGER on 13 Aug 2017 18:47
I think there are a few different things that contribute to the event tracker, but not to the actual achievement progress.

I believe Hard Mode boss fights pump the number up by 1, but don't count towards the achievement. I'm unsure about limited time events like the Spring Festival and Kovaltis, etc. This may explain why some people are popping the achievement after the counter is past 200.

Can anyone confirm on whether all of the events have to be on the same character? I'm at about 70 events just playing here and there without grinding for them. I was contemplated starting another class, but I'd hate for the progress not to count towards the total.
By eohjay on 06 Feb 2018 16:25
Now that they have added progress tracking to this achievement I was able to confirm that Hard Mode bosses do not count towards it, but they do up the count in the game hub.

Ran 4 of them to be sure and the tracker never budged. Ran two event quests and it went it.
By eohjay on 11 Feb 2018 22:30
Not sure what is going on but when I finish an event, another pops up in about 5mins. I don't need to do all this boosting
By Sneaky G Wizard on 25 Feb 2018 18:42
Yeah, it's been like that since I've started playing a couple of months ago. I don't know if it was different in the past or what.

It still takes a while, though. Sometimes I'll get a really lengthy quest, most of the time it's just kill X amount of enemies.
By eohjay on 25 Feb 2018 19:01
Yeah, same here

Do you know anything about the "On the other side" achievement. I haven't seen this portal event at all
By Sneaky G Wizard on 25 Feb 2018 20:22
It's just a randomly triggered event. You'll see it eventually. To the best of my knowledge there isn't any way to trigger it faster and it isn't tied to a specific date.

It took me a while to actually get the event the first time, but I've seen a half dozen or so times since.
By eohjay on 26 Feb 2018 13:07
Thanks mate dance
By Sneaky G Wizard on 26 Feb 2018 20:19
This is complicated for no reason. Online-offline don't matter
1- create 3 small worlds
2- open the first 3 portals in each world
3- Using your main character, do event on 1st world, quit and load 2nd world, do event, quit, load 3rd world, do event, quit, reload the 1st world and so on.
4- 95% of the time the event will be 'stray chest' and it take 2-3 min each time depending on how fast you find the chest.
By GrumpyYogi1968 on 14 Aug 2020 08:15
Grumpy's solution above seemed way quicker for me. Had to create more worlds though cause I was clearing events too quickly. Hopefully you've saved up lots of golden teeth for those intensive care events :)
By hkmortenson on 07 Oct 2020 02:52
Used Grumpy's method. Glad I did. Shortened this process I was planning to take a week to get through down to like 6 hours total. Took a long time getting through just 75 normally. This one isn't worth the long grid at all.
By ACrtnShadeOfR3d on 20 Dec 2020 20:31
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Make sure that you have a decent amount of blue portal shards/blocks - you'll need 10 blocks for every time that you need to reset the universe.

The process
Create a new universe with small islands to make it quick and easy to get around, and also quicker to load the individual islands.

Open the first two portals (to levels 1-02 and 1-03), when you get to the third island (1-03), there's likely an event waiting for you to start. If not, leave your map screen open till an event appears. Because you've only opened up to island 3, only a specific set of quick and easy events will occur.

The general process for this is to complete an event, then stand somewhere safe and open the map. The next event will show automatically. This can be almost instant, or anywhere up to ten minutes for the next event to spawn. Whilst you're waiting for the next event, fill that time with something else... Watch some TV, etc. I built some LEGO kits I had sitting around and curated a new music playlist.

But beware!

If/when the "The Pillar and the Temple" event shows up, this is where you jump ship - back out to the title screen, delete the universe and start again by creating a new one.

Event tips
Some tips for the events you'll encounter at these levels:

Intensive Care
Get the recipe, then only kill the Mummies when you need more Mummy's Tear
It's quicker and more effective to cut down Berry bushes, Agave plants and Cactus for the Water, Berries and Agave needed for the Minor Healing and Minor Mana potions.

Increased Healing Flask
4 Minor Healing, 8 Minor Mana, 1 Mummy's Tear
(1 Water/2 Berries) (1 Water/2 Agave)
Nectar of the Earth
Kill Maggots until you have the recipie. At this point, you should already have the ingredients to make the flask, and probably enough to repeat this event a number of times. The one you're likely to run out of is Stone Block, but that's easy enough to come by. Return to finding and killing Maggots when you get low on materials for the flask.

This one can be painful to grind, if the island it's on doesn't have any good spawn points for Maggots. Try looking in caves and shallow water as their most likely spawn points.

Mining Damage Flask
(1 Copper Ore/1 Electro Quartz/1 Stone Block/1 Worm Goo)
Running Wild
Kill the Fallen Squires until you have the recipie. However, unlike Intensive Care and Nectar of the Earth, you'll not have a level open to farm the materials to keep with you. Your choices are to kill the Fallen Squires for their drops, or load up another world where you have an Ice island available, grab plenty of materials (Sea Sapphire Dust/Ice Rose) and keep them on you.

Swiftness Potion II
(2 Sea Sapphire Dust/4 Ice Rose)
Fresh Water Fountain
Simple - spawn in, look for the fountain. Open it. Should be easy enough with the small island size.

Stray Chest
Simple, spawn in, look for the chest. Open it. Should be easy enough with the small island size.

These two events are a good time to collect some materials (Agave/Berries/Water) for the other events whilst your running around looking for the Chest/Fountain.

If you can't find any more mobs to kill for these events, travel back to your home island and then return to the island with the event. All the mobs you've killed will respawn when you come back.

Overall, this achievement will take a considerable amount of time to grind out, so settle in for the long haul. Alternatively, do it in batches to take some of the tedium out of the process.

12 Aug 2018 18:38

If you always log out at dusty junction, the event will always be a stray chest at the fort. (1-3, forgot the name) An event never seems to spawn at your login island. Do it like this and you should get 20-30 events in one hour
By rutunk on 08 Aug 2020 13:54
Thanks Rutunk, that tip is really helping speed the process up! toast
By IronFistofSnuff on 11 Jan 2021 18:23
main solution to prep islands and Rutunks comment to get the achievement. ty both
By TheOnlyMatto on 31 Aug 2021 14:14
You can repeat the current Easter event by destroying the drafting table then collecting your eggs back up, main menu and regenerate the world in the settings and then repeat the event creating the golden egg again
By x Tyian x on 10 Apr 2022 12:11
Do you have to do this with the same character?
I'm already level 30, and if I make a new character I can at least level up again...

EDIT: Yup your events carry over to a new character. Made 2nd Island my home, and sit on the first (no event where you are, or at your home) seem to just be getting "find the chest" quests :P
Not sure if it helps or not, but I have also been destroying the torches that come with the chest. they don't seem to appear where a torch was left...
By Mr SpinelesS on 25 Dec 2021 15:34
Just a few tips you might want to add to you Guide:
Events will not appear in*:
World set as Home
World you are currently in
World with a Special Event (eg: Festival Portal)
*may change in a future update

Only events that spawned for me (2021, 27th dec)
Squire's Knoll: Fresh Water Fountain (Find Fountain on surface), Nectar of the Earth (Kill maggots for mining), Intensive Care (Kill mummies for healing)
Dusty Junction: Christmas Festive Portal Special Event so no other events loaded here.
Fort Finch: Stray Chest (find chest on surface)

Since I had festive portal I made Squires Knoll my home, and only the stray chest event would spawn. If there isn't a special event on Dusty Junction I would suggest making it your home, and staying on Squires Knoll while waiting for Fort Finch chest event to spawn as dusty junction sounds like it has the worst quests of the three.

I created a new character so I could level up again, but before starting I had my original character make a Cape of wings (blueprint dropped by Hollow King) and some double jump pants for my new character. Also had my new character grab all the golden teeth my main had stored up.
By Mr SpinelesS on 27 Dec 2021 09:00
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For this achievement, the easiest way to do it is to find the event titled "Jade Stone Merchant." Go find the house and open the door. It will register as Event Complete. Quit to the main menu, regenerate the world, and re-enter. The Jade Stone Merchant event will be reset. Simply find the house and open the door again.

Rinse and repeat. Boom. Done.

**Credit to ChRoNIcTpwnz for the assist with this solution. His genius is unmatched.

20 Feb 2022 22:49

1 Comment
I can confirm that this still works as of the 30th of May 2022 and is by far the most efficient method to completing this horrible achievement.

Simply entering the house is sufficient to complete the event, the following quest from the Merchant doesn't count as an event, but a quest, so doesn't need to be completed.

Just keep completing events in your main world (I would suggest completing some of the easier ones whilst working on the rest of the achievements) until this event appears and then knock out the remaining events during the 24hr period that the event is active.
By masterelliot994 on 31 May 2022 15:11
I'm writing this guide as the most up to date (10/8/2020) because the other guides were either too slow, or flat out didn't work.

Set Up

You are going to create 5 small worlds. IMPORTANT: Before deleting your main world it is highly advisable to grab all ancient golden teeth and get the super drill from the final island by giving an NPC 400 dirt for a quest. Also, if you have any alabaster mushrooms sitting around, take those too. You will thank me for this later. Now delete your main world and create worlds until you have a total of 5. Optionally, you don't have to delete your main world if you'd like to keep it, but it will be a little slower. In each world, unlock portals until you get to Fort Finch (level 1-03). Once you spawn there, events should start popping up. You are going to start on the first world, do the event, quit to main menu, load next world, do event. Keep doing this down the list until you've done all worlds and cycle back to the top. A new event should be ready by the time you reach the first world again. This method will take you at least 10+ hours unless you are very, very luck with events and very quick. Stop here if you're not willing to invest that amount of time. Now for some tips below that will likely save you hours.

General Tips

Before loading into any world, check the little nav icon next to the world. This will let you see if there is an event and which island it is on before loading into the world, saving precious load screens. If there aren't any events, move on to the next world.

For "The Pillars and their Temple" & "Kolemis Temple Trials" (11h events) you do not need to complete the event. Just grab the cube, summon to the island and it will count as a completed event. If you want to confirm this, check your social hub progress before and after using the cube.

Always do the events that are quickest first (stray chest, water fountain chest, nectar of the earth) and always save "Intensive Care" for when you have no other events. Intensive care typically takes the longest and gives your other worlds time to respawn their events.

Hotbar your mount, you will be using it constantly. If you have the DLC and can afford 400k coins, buy any of the +12 speed mounts from Slackjaw in Stoutheart Landing. Otherwise, the fastest mount in the base game is the Armoured Warthog Mount from an epic chest in Tomb of C'Thiris at +10. Might be worth farming this event a couple of times.

If none of your worlds have an event, wait 1-2 minutes and one of your worlds should have an event now.

Odd tip: I haven't tested this, but if you have an external SSD drive, install/transfer the game there. It has cut down on loading time in other games, so I imagine it would with this one as well (and you will be on loading screens hundreds of times).

Event Specific Tips

Intensive care sucks, no way around it. This event always occurs on Dusty Junction. You need to farm mummies until getting 8 ancient golden teeth. There are typically 4-6 mummies above ground and 2 in the mine. Usually you will not get all 8 teeth in one run, therefore load to home island, and load back to Dusty Junction to respawn mummies. Remember to save this event for when there are no other events.

All You Can Mine: this is where the super drill comes in handy. You need to mine 60 coal for the event. This is a breeze with the super drill. Head into the mine shaft on Dusty Junction and mine away. I would typically regenerate my world before starting this event to ensure I had a fresh supply of easily accessible coal.

Running Wild: Alabaster Mushrooms can be farmed from fallen squires. The drop rate seems to be similar to that of ancient golden teeth from mummies. However, the squires are easier to kill and there are a lot more of them. The squires in the mine shaft don't count.

Nectar of the Earth: The first time you get this event, kill more maggots than you need. Save up 10-20 goo. Next time you get this event, you can load into world, instantly craft item, and event done. Cuts down on loading screens.

Stray Chest: This typically spawns on Fort Finch. The chest is always outside the fort walls with the exception of one chest that will spawn on some grassy area inside the fort near the entrance. After running this loop a few times, you will get very good and knowing where to check for chests and can complete it in usually 1 minute or less.

That's everything I got. If you have more tips feel free to add them below and I'll try to update this guide. Good luck!

08 Oct 2020 18:36

Note: The Xbox achievement tracker works, but total player percentage is bugged to hell(currently 28.33%).

I would not focus on this until you've finished everything else in the game. What I did is start a second world, and make it small so everything in it is pretty concentrated. If you've reached maximum level (30), mobs are a joke at this point, so fixing the first few blue portals will be easy. Only access the first few islands; I have 5-6 islands including the starting one. Because you haven't fought the first boss in the new world, only specific events will naturally occur over time (every 5-10 minutes depending on how quickly you complete them). Most events will be "kill x amount of this enemy" and occasionally a crafting recipe event. Any events that show up that are like 11 hours in duration will not count towards event completion, they are more of quests that reward experience, I believe. This method will take some time (assuming you still need all 200), 200 events x 7 minutes (average) = 1400 minutes = roughly 23 1/2 hours of farming. At the time of writing this, I'm at 55% of the 200 events..

Edit: After finally achieving this last month, I can say that this achievement alone is my most valuable TA achievement so far. Worth going for if you have the time and dedication.

20 Mar 2018 16:01

In order to get this achievement, you can cheat, after completing the daily task, you need to exit the game and move the time forward a day and enter the game again, a new task will appear. Performed in the game "offline". THERE IS ONE “BUT”: after moving the time forward, remember the last date, because on this day and time you will no longer be able to receive the daily assignment (I haven’t tried moving the time by 6-8 hours).

20 Jun 2017 14:41

The fastest way is to use the Easter event.
By Norito on 13 Feb 2019 15:02
The hint above seems to be no longer relevant. Events go one after another with a break of a couple of minutes. The main thing is to open more islands as quickly as possible, and then calmly clear them while being distracted by events.
By eXactMan on 09 Jan 2019 08:33
We create a level 4 alchemical table and we have the opportunity to craft the “Cube of Ktiris”.

Crafting a cube requires 10 stone blocks and 1 energy crystal (rainbow sphere). The cube takes 5 minutes to craft. This cube opens the “Tomb of Ktiris” event, in which you need to find a room with a huge skull and destroy it.

We go down the stairs from the teleport to the first door we encounter, the skull will be there 100%, but you need to find his room. It is not necessary to kill opponents, the main thing is to kill the skull. For killing you will receive 2-3 energy crystals, which pays off the costs and allows you to craft more cubes. Completing the event takes up to 3 minutes (depending on the range of the boss).

5 minutes per cube means you can make 12 cubes in an hour. We set up a large batch of crafting overnight and go through it the next day. Cubes can be duped with the help of a second player. We write the save to a flash drive or to the cloud, drop the cubes to the player, load the save into the console, drop the cubes to the player, etc. (checked).
By ParanoidSAR on 30 Jan 2019 21:55
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The most tedious trophy in the game, but can be done in 2-4 hours. To do this you need the following
1. Turn off the Internet, set the time to 1.04. 2018. Easter event starts.
2. Collect 15 eggs of 3 types and craft a golden egg (you will need a level 1 drafting table) as soon as you have collected the eggs, set up a table and start crafting
3. Now the most important thing is that the quest is counted at the moment the crafting begins, and the crafting itself takes 5 minutes , so after the quest is counted, we destroy the table and the eggs return to the backpack. Then we go to the main menu and regenerate the world and the quest for the golden egg is available again and all the resources are already available. Thus, the quest takes 1-2 minutes. Repeat the trophy drop

07 Feb 2019 12:04