Portal Knights

Portal Knights

29 Achievements

100,000 XP

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Mass Production

Mass Production

Craft 1000 Items.

9,000 XP


How to unlock the Mass Production achievement in Portal Knights - Definitive Guide

This is just a quick and easy way to do it, bar the actual crafting of the items.

1. Make sure you have a drill.
2. Go to any portal that has sand.
3. Depending on what drill level you have (Such as Copper), mine the surrounding sand, this can take between 1 and 5 minutes depending on how much you need.
4. After grabbing a max of 1000 blocks of sand bring it back to any Workbench (works with level 1 workbench).
5. Craft Grey Concrete Blocks (you can only do 200 at a time).
6. Wait for your achievement to pop.

Playing through the game will actually shorten this down a ton, and require (if you're lucky) you to only need to craft those first 200 blocks of concrete. I'm happy to admit there may be faster ways but this is the way I got it done.

02 Jun 2017 05:43

1 Comment
great solution but u won't need more than 200 sand. 1 sand = 5 cement blocks. That means 200 x 5 = 1000.

1-02 has sand but you have to go about 8 squares down, maybe 7. Then it is all sand. Bombs are more efficient and can be bought in zone 1-03 by the lowest vendor I think his name is Milton or something like that.
By TheOnlyMatto on 03 Sep 2021 21:32
Just dig up 2000 stone blocks and make whetstones out of them. 1 whetstone = 2 stones, the trophy is done in half an hour if you received a super drill in the castle

20 Jul 2017 23:11

1 Comment
Obtained during the game (one of the first achievements since the passage began with the construction of the base)
By eXactMan on 09 Jan 2019 08:31
There is an easier way than crafting a whetstone. Get wood at 1 location and craft a wooden block in a level 2 workbench. 1 piece of wood is equal to 4 blocks, but if this is also not a pillow, then you can just play in any way better than getting 2000 stone

03 Feb 2019 22:02