Portal Knights

Portal Knights

29 Achievements

100,000 XP

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Craft 50 Items.

3,000 XP


How to unlock the Tinkerer achievement in Portal Knights - Definitive Guide

One of the easiest achievements in the game by far, one of the quickest and easiest ways I got this achievement was just farming some enemies til I was able to make 50 blue portal blocks, and then the achievement will pop. Although you will naturally get this achievement anyway, just by crafting general items or materials you need.

20 Jul 2023 05:33

You can get this from crafting any items to a total of 50. Most of my 50 were straw blocks which are made using wheat that comes from mining corn looking crops. There is some in the starting garden which needs a little time to mature, and then can be mined to give you wheat and also a seed to plant more. The general starting area also has lots growing around.

I went with this strategy as I wanted to repair the straw roof on the starting house.

Obviously you can use any items you want for this as it will easily come over time

25 Jul 2018 21:30