Portal Knights

Portal Knights

29 Achievements

100,000 XP

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Defeat the Worm Boss without defeating any Small Worm.

3,000 XP


How to unlock the Whack-No-Worm achievement in Portal Knights - Definitive Guide

Do not kill the small Worms. You only have to kill the worm tails to damage the boss and you should have this achievement after 4-6 times. The worm tail is bigger than the small Worms.

Here is a Video how to do it without defeating any Small Worm.


21 May 2017 20:51

To find this boss, follow my guide in
Portal KnightsExterminatorThe Exterminator trophy in Portal Knights worth 26 pointsDefeat the Worm Boss.
It is very easy to defeat the boss without taking out any Small Worms. You just need to aim for the Worm Tail and ignore all the worms. Just be aware that the game can lock on to a worm if it is closer than the tail when you start attacking.

If you kill the boss and do kill a worm, then you can use the map to travel back to this boss at any time to try again. You are not locked out if you miss it first time

26 Jul 2018 22:56

It is necessary to beat only the worm with the name “Worm Tail”, then the boss falls and damage passes through it. This worm is slightly larger than the others so it is easy to find.

08 Jan 2019 21:47

In Elysia, we open the portal of the great worm using the green artifact ball according to the plot, and find ourselves in the location with the skull on the map which. We challenge the worm to fight by hitting it on the tip of its tail sticking out of the ground. After the worm appears, we hit it and its tail, worms will appear nearby, they are a little smaller, so you can’t touch them. It’s better to come there after level 20 (you can return as many times as you like). the first time it will be difficult to defeat him even with two people.

15 Sep 2020 02:21