PowerGig Rise of the SixString

PowerGig Rise of the SixString

37 Achievements


Xbox 360
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One With The Clans

One With The Clans

Earn 300 total seals over the course of Unite The Clans


How to unlock the One With The Clans achievement in PowerGig Rise of the SixString - Definitive Guide

This really isn't very difficult and will probably unlock for you on the very last gig of the game. You have a fair amount of wiggle room to mess up and get less than 5 seals on songs, but you are going to have to get mostly 5 seals if you want to unlock this on your first playthrough.

Here are some tips:

*Play on Virtuoso difficulty if you are good at music games, rather than the hardest difficulty. If Virtuoso is too hard for you then just play a difficulty that feels right to you.

*Use the girl as the singer. Her mojo power makes you automatically get all "Perfect" hits when it is in effect. This can help a lot. Personally I used the girl characters as the drummer and singer. For guitarist I used the male. Fill his mojo power as much as possible before using it to get a long streak of notes and collect a lot of points.

*Play songs you already know. It will help you to stay on beat and get more "Perfect" hits.

20 Jun 2011 09:47

I wasn't counting, but this popped on the final gig against the headliner. I had quite a few 4 seal (star) songs, but the majority were 5 seals.
By DJP519 on 08 Jul 2011 04:55
@troyoy: I really don't think too many people are going to have a hard time with this achievement. If you are going for the Swift Victory achievement (for playing less than 80 songs) and you get it you are almost certain to get this achievement as well. I think doing all that extra stuff would just make things more confusing for a lot of people. If it works for you, though, then that's great! And thanks for posting a suggestion. I know people read the comments when they're looking for extra help.
By MissFuchsiaFire on 02 Mar 2012 19:55
Thanks. I know I am gonna have to play this twice cause I didnt know what I was doing at first and wasnt advancing. I was just playing and didnt know I should be concerned with club, players and the symbols on the songs. I will definately go over the 80 songs. I hope no one eles has to play it twice unless they want to.
By troyoy on 02 Mar 2012 21:17
Don't feel so bad. I had to start over half way through when I realized I was doing it wrong. :P
By MissFuchsiaFire on 02 Mar 2012 22:05
I got Swift Victory in almost the quickest way possible, and I still got this achievement on the last gig. So yeah, most people shouldn't have to worry, but it's definitely a good idea to back up your save anyway, before you hit the last gig.
By Tommy Gun CRG on 11 Apr 2012 18:51
I got swift victory and did not get this. No seals are given for final songs. Is this accumulative or do I need to start over and do 60 songs all over again?
By izret102 on 25 Aug 2012 19:55
Already at 30 seals in a new campaign. Definitely does not carry over :-/
By izret102 on 25 Aug 2012 20:23
@izret102: I'm sorry... And I'm sorry I can't be more help, but I haven't played this game since I posted this solution so I don't even remember much anymore. Do you have any suggestions on how I can update this solution to make it better so that doesn't happen to others?
By MissFuchsiaFire on 26 Aug 2012 22:53
I was following one of the suggestions for the swift victory achievement and only played songs that would fill both sides of the triangle later in the game. I would definitely suggest against doing that.

Keeping track of the songs played shouldn't be too bad. It takes 10 per segment if you 5 seal every song... I think

But your solution is excellent as is. The achievement has been flagged as missable now so hopefully no one else runs into my problem in the future.

Also upvoted thanks for responding :)
By izret102 on 31 Aug 2012 23:51
I also got the swift victory without getting this, with every song being 4 or 5 starred. You must be able to get swift victory for less than 80 songs, which is why two of us didnt get the 300 seal achievement.
I did only play the songs that would give me full progress towards uniting the clans.
By Kit Fisto78 on 16 Nov 2012 02:39
Couldnt a guy pick the wrong songs to hardly advance to insure getting this? If done you might miss the beat the game with less than 80 songs cheev. I suggest making a few saves along the way on flash drives or the cloud, just in case. I would go for the 80 song one first. Then load up a later save and choose wrong songs to get 300 seals if needed.
By troyoy on 02 Mar 2012 19:25
@izret102: Thank you for your comments! It's the only way I learn and make better solutions. :)
By MissFuchsiaFire on 01 Sep 2012 00:27
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