

58 Achievements


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Do No Harm

Do No Harm

You completed the game without killing any Humans.


How to unlock the Do No Harm achievement in Prey - Definitive Guide

Not so much a guide, but just some clarification for people worried about not unlocking this achievement.

• Mind-controlled enemies exploding when they approach you do not count as kills.
• Phantoms (or other things such as Operators) that have names do not count as human kills.
• Ignoring Quests that require you to save someone do not count as you killing them (as long as you don't directly kill them).

You can also use the Stun Gun to render humans unconscious, this is very handy to eliminate enemies without killing them.

07 May 2017 03:25

One concern I had was the phantoms that are named? Can you clarify if killing those counts against you?
By Calex dEUS on 07 May 2017 11:49
You can safely kill named Phantoms!
By Heraizen on 07 May 2017 12:37
Cheers for that , was a little worried as I'd killed a couple and only noticed the human names when I was looting the corpses.
By Calex dEUS on 07 May 2017 13:50
I never even considered that (thankfully, since I was already worried enough about Mind-Controlled Humans) but it definitely makes sense to be concerned about them.
By Heraizen on 07 May 2017 13:52
That's a relief, thanks Heraizen. I just shot a mind-controlled human with the Stun Gun and his head exploded...
By V1 Rage on 07 May 2017 14:31
Yep, sometimes if you shoot them they still end up exploding, you should be fine to get the achievement.
By Heraizen on 07 May 2017 23:05
Might be a dumb question but does the impostor count seeing as you don't actually kill them? (Trying to be vague to not potentially spoil)
By FUNKMASTA CLAY on 09 May 2017 19:42
I'm not sure what you mean by 'you don't actually kill them' since I ignored his quest after bringing him the award.
By Heraizen on 09 May 2017 23:02
Ah, no worries. I ended up just reloading before confronting him and got the achievement.
By FUNKMASTA CLAY on 10 May 2017 02:41
I only read this a good few hours in, will this only pop if your log states you killed zero humans? As I'm in GUTS, and only come across two people alive. The guys who's head popped in the trauma center and the guy in the cage, who I fed to mimics. I have a status of 1 killed against me, but I thought it only counted if you actually killed them?
By Frostygills on 12 May 2017 20:33
It's likely that the guy you fed to mimics counts against you.
By Heraizen on 12 May 2017 23:43
Cheers, we'll wipe this one off the tracker then :(
By Frostygills on 13 May 2017 07:33
Weird, I don't have a stat in my stat screen saying Humans Killed at all and yet I didn't get the achievement when I finished the game. Have the Deprogrammed Humans one at 16, but that's all I see on my screen in regards to humans. Not sure what happened.
By Alex Sobecki on 13 May 2017 21:19
Can someone tell me how to be friend with Dahl??
By Taipei Kindom on 14 May 2017 06:48
Follow the Incapacitate Dahl Questline. The easiest way to incapacitate him is with the Stun Gun.
By Heraizen on 14 May 2017 08:16
The Luther Glass quest wouldn't affect it, I let Ingram out of his cage but never returned to check on him. Leaving him in the Cage should work fine though.
By Heraizen on 14 May 2017 23:00
Then I haven't a clue what went wrong. Well, I started my kill everyone/Awkward Ride run. I'll try again for the No kills and empathy run afterwards.

Last 4 achievements I need. I'll probably come back and let everyone know what I did differently once I get this unlocked.

Thanks for the advice and quick response nonetheless.
By Theoretical Z on 14 May 2017 23:23
Beware, if you kill a Telepath with the Q-Beam and it explodes, this may kill mind-controlled humans within the blast radius, and they WILL count against you. I didn't realize this until too late, and now will miss this achievement this playthrough.
By risseless on 15 May 2017 05:58
That can happen, but did you make sure they weren't just unconscious?
By Heraizen on 15 May 2017 06:07
It's in Data > Stats and it is one of the first 10 entries in the list. Note, that you can only see the stat if your kills are above 0 (so if you haven't killed anyone yet it won't be there).

The entry is titled "Humans Killed". After you killed the Chef it should say 1.
By Heraizen on 16 May 2017 11:58
Well, Im not seeing that stat, so Im just going to hope that this unlocks for me at the end.
By KD9 37 on 17 May 2017 12:15
Good luck <3
By Heraizen on 17 May 2017 12:16
mine says i killed three and i have no idea how that happened. oh well...
By OOOHHH YEAAHHH on 17 May 2017 18:01
is it necessary to save everyone in the greenhouse in the Aboretuem? I managed to hit one with my stun gun, but when I killed the Telepath the other 2 were dead, yet in my stats it doesn't show any humans killed, so does that mean I'm ok?
By wolfzero01 on 20 May 2017 16:38
You should be fine from the stats, are you sure they aren't just unconscious, because when you kill a telepath they instantly go to that state?
By Heraizen on 20 May 2017 23:47
got the achievement even though the ones in the greenhouse were dead, they must have killed themselves just before I killed the telepath since when I went back into the greenhouse they where listed as corpses
By wolfzero01 on 24 May 2017 18:28
Possible, there is also a Phantom roaming around that area that can kill them.
By Heraizen on 24 May 2017 23:29
Does anyone know if destroying the Advent shuttle counts as killing people? I chose to destroy it, and i don't have any human kills on my stats screen, but I'm still concerned about it keeping me from getting the achievement.
By risseless on 28 May 2017 18:50
I'm not 100% certain, but you should be okay. If you can I would reload a save anyway.
By Heraizen on 28 May 2017 23:45
In the guide book it says destroying the Advent shuttle will count against you.
By From the VOID on 05 Jun 2017 17:00
I can state for certain that feeding Ingram to the mimics will count against you - If you want to avoid any surprises I'd just leave him in the cage.
By TheTailsEffect on 01 Oct 2017 12:58
I was very surprised to see it pop, I didn't think it would, as I let ingram go, and found him dead later in the armory.

I did all the 'I and Thou' requirements as well, while Destroying the Advent shuttle, and stunning every mind-controlled Human in the game.
I also triggered Luka's recycler in the pod, which didn't kill me, so he committed suicide.
By B3N1 on 22 Nov 2017 23:29
I have a (potentially stupid) question about that first dead (?) person you come across next to the goo gun. I hit them with a wrench, even though I was sure they were dead, they still made a sound as if I had just killed them. Is there a chance I'm locked out of the achievement because of that?
By FaithN0M0re818 on 27 Mar 2018 14:06
You should be fine, what do your stats say?
By Heraizen on 28 Mar 2018 00:35
With the 'Chef' questline, i think it's more that...

By Flabyo on 05 Apr 2018 14:46
If you do not see "Humans Killed" above the "Mimics Killed" in your stats section in data, you didn't kill any humans. It'll only show when you kill a human yourself. Suicide or self explosions do not count as kills. You have to actually shoot/hit them for it to count as a kill.
By BoxKingKevin on 28 Mar 2020 04:17
Does the mimic project on aaron count as killing a human or not?
By cactusine on 30 Sep 2022 22:22
I wasn't trying for this achievement in my first run through and not only did I blow up the shuttle Advent but I also beat Luka the fake chef to death with a wrench and destroyed his body with a recycler charge. Still popped at the end with Humans Killed at 0.
By Gilbert Prime on 05 Dec 2022 03:26
If I just leave Ingram in his cage, and incap all of the mind-controlled, that should do it right? That had to be why I didnt get this last night.

I let Ingram out and he ran away. Turns out he ran into a hallway that had flames shooting from pipes... (I later found his body after I Gloo'd the pipes up)

And I killed the Telepaths soon enough that none of the mind-controlled suicided. Also incapacitated the one in Trauma Center.

I don't understand why I didn't get this. I'm about to start another run. No way it was from the Luther Glass quest since he was dead thw entire game lmao... so frustrating.
By Theoretical Z on 14 May 2017 20:20
Is there a stat somewhere that shows how many humans you've killed? I thought it would be under 'stats' but I purposely killed the Chef during his side mission for the achievement, checked stats and couldnt find that it showed me killing a human. Reloaded my save to be sure but Im wondering if there is a fool proof way to tell? I got into a fight with a telepath who exploded and kept killing unconscious humans, so kept reloading saves thinking that I was being dinged for that.
By KD9 37 on 16 May 2017 11:55
I managed to pop this in my very first playthrough without worrying about it at all. I can confirm that if you haven't killed any human, the stat "Humans killed" isn't included in the Stats menu. So if you can't see that, then you're still good.

Only one single side quest could possibly void the achievement, but that's not the case:
By Anima Pura on 27 Nov 2017 03:40
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This is a guide to fully complete the game Prey. I will be showing you how to obtain all of the game's achievements and trophies, including the collectibles for: Press Sneak, Missing Persons, Psychometry, Dear Future Self, Black Market, and TranStar Gourmand. I'll also show you how to save and kill everyone (in separate playthroughs of course) for I and It, Do No Harm, and I and Thou. In the first playthrough, I'll be showing you all of the collectibles, all miscellaneous achievements, and completing the game with no kills and in the "most empathetic" way as well as using no Neuromods for the No Needles achievement/trophy.

Afterward, I will show you where to find all of the crewmates on your second playthrough and how best to kill them for I and It and Awkward Ride Home.

**Note that for Split Affinity, you will need to reload at the end of your first playthrough and use one Typhon neuromod, then complete the last few seconds again to get that to count as your first playthrough. Then, complete your second playthrough in a new campaign slot, and make sure that you only use human neuromods throughout that playthrough.

For the I and It playthrough, be sure to keep saves outside of major areas so that you can reload if any NPCs die without you having personally killed them. There will be 42 people you need to kill, so keep checking your tracker to make sure that the count adds up.


29 Jul 2017 21:57

There are a handful of human enemies in the game. You can take them out non-lethally using a Disruptor stun gun. It charges up then knocks them out. You can find it early in the game after you pick up the GLOO Cannon. Use the cannon to build a stairway up to the next level in that room. The gun should be near a dead body. Alternatively you could repair the Gravity Lift to get up to the second floor. When you encounter human enemies, knock them out stealthily with the stun gun. The stun lasts forever but the bodies will disappear if you leave the area. If you check a Security Console it will say "Safe", so wherever they are they still count as alive.

As long as you don't kill them yourself, human deaths do not count against you, such as those killed by Typhons. Mind-controlled humans exploding their heads are okay. Phantoms and such that have names are okay to kill. If you ignore a quest that requires you to save someone, you are okay as well. In the quest to kill the cook, if you disarm the Recycler Charge he will die of blood loss, and this will not count against you and still allow you to still get "Best Served Cold". If you're ever worried you may have killed someone, you can check your stats in your menu. As long as there is no "Humans Killed = X" category, you're in the clear.


There are a handful of human enemies in the game. You can take them out non-lethally using a Disruptor stun gun. It charges up then knocks them out. You can find it early in the game after you pick up the GLOO Cannon. Use the cannon to build a stairway up to the next level in that room. The gun should be near a dead body. Alternatively you could repair the Gravity Lift to get up to the second floor. When you encounter human enemies, knock them out stealthily with the stun gun. The stun lasts forever but the bodies will disappear if you leave the area. If you check a Security Console it will say "Safe", so wherever they are they still count as alive.

As long as you don't kill them yourself, human deaths do not count against you, such as those killed by Typhons. Mind-controlled humans exploding their heads are okay. Phantoms and such that have names are okay to kill. If you ignore a quest that requires you to save someone, you are okay as well. In the quest to kill the cook, if you disarm the Recycler Charge he will die of blood loss, and this will not count against you and still allow you to still get "Best Served Cold". If you're ever worried you may have killed someone, you can check your stats in your menu. As long as there is no "Humans Killed = X" category, you're in the clear.

To receive the trophy you must fulfill the following conditions:
1) Do not kill human allies (logical, cap)
2) You cannot kill people taken under control (they will attack you)
3) If the people taken under control run at you and their heads explode, then this does not count as a kill and will not affect the trophy, the main thing is not to kill these people with your weapons and abilities. If you knocked out such a person with a shocker, then after moving to another location, all unconscious people will be safe .
4) You can choose any ending, even if it results in the death of all the people at the station. This does not affect the trophy
5) You don’t have to complete side quests and don’t help people, the main thing is not to kill anyone with your own hands (Weapons or abilities) , but you can combine them with the trophy I and Thou / Me and you , In that case!!! To do this, be sure to complete side quests and help everyone you can

The trophy is easy to get during Speedrun

16 May 2017 09:47

If you blow up the station, then killing Alex at the end near the activation terminal does not affect the trophy. In the secret location, he will say that he would have done the same. As a result, I received “do no harm”,
"Me and You" and "Push the Fat Man" game version 1.05
By VOLcOM on 06 Jun 2018 05:25
I killed the cook on the quest "Daniella Shaw" - they didn't give me "Me and You" and "Do No Harm". Conclusion: don't kill.
By mondeo135 on 15 Apr 2018 21:53