

58 Achievements


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I and Thou

I and Thou

You completed the game in the most empathetic way possible.


How to unlock the I and Thou achievement in Prey - Definitive Guide

Okay, so I just picked up the strategy guide for this game, and it had a little table that details this achievement. In a nutshell, you need to complete the game in the most EMPATHETIC way possible. There is a way to determine your empathy which I will put into spoiler tags, as even just glancing through the book I saw some things I kind of wish I hadn't. It's worth mentioning that the game is really excellent and will require multiple playthroughs to complete anyway, so it might be best to leave this achievement until a later playthrough as to not soil your first run on Prey.

That being said, this spoiler table details the most efficient way to earn the achievement:

...And this spoiler will detail all the ways to add and detract from your empathy points, if you want to have more choices available to you.

I hope this helps those of you looking to grab this who may have missed it on their first runs, or if you're like me and couldn't resist the temptation to see what it was all about!

06 May 2017 21:55

The only things I did wrong were letting Ingram die (which I felt bad about cuz he’s voiced by Walton Goggins, one of my favorite actors!) and I was credited with 3 human kills. Two mind-controlled and the cook. Based on the point system, I thought I had plenty of empathy. Didn't get the achievement. ☹️
Thumbs up on the guide tho! 👍
By EliteAssassin13 on 06 May 2022 14:28
I'd like to add that this achievement unlocks after the credits.
By Heraizen on 07 May 2017 03:39
Thanks for the info !!!
By Calex dEUS on 07 May 2017 21:11
So, if I understand this right, if you get the Do No Harm achievement, you'll get this achievement too.
By Cpt Obvious1994 on 11 May 2017 01:50
@Cpt Obvious1994 I thiiiink so, but technically I am not so sure that NOT saving somebody is the same as killing somebody, so I don't know if you could technically earn that achievement without earning this one. I'll be interested to see what others say after more time
By Aggro Graf on 11 May 2017 04:40
Hey Aggro Graf, can I use this table in my achievement guide over at
By NShepherd N7 on 11 May 2017 15:02
@NShepherd N7 - Absolutely! I basically just copied information from the strategy guide and added a few bits, so it would be hypocritical of me to say 'no' haha
By Aggro Graf on 11 May 2017 15:54
Thanks bud, cheers!
By NShepherd N7 on 11 May 2017 19:24
@Aggro Graf.

You can get "Do No Harm" so long as you do not personally kill any humans yourself, not saving a human or a mind-controlled human exploding by itself will not count against you(also Phantoms with names do not count).
By vexer6 on 11 May 2017 19:42
Just a minor note: this achievement unlocks after the credits, when you are being evaluated by Alex Yu and all those "characters" you have interacted with in the game. It does NOT unlock together with the "no gunman killed" achievement
By on 21 May 2017 13:42
Not sure why I didn't get this, the only bad things I did were left Ingram to die and didn't get Luther glass. I completed all the rest and it didn't pop during the eval at the end. :(
By Frostygills on 23 May 2017 18:38
To confirm, you won't lose any empathy if you kill January?
By NoHeroes94 on 25 Jun 2017 16:40
Im near the end. Saved Doctor Igwe, Sarah Elazar, Mikhaila Ilyushin, Alex Yu, done the Gustav Leitner quest, and Incapacitated Dahl. I think I've also saved Aaron Igram but I'm not sure. Apparently for Mind without limits, you need to kill January?
By NoHeroes94 on 25 Jun 2017 16:44
Killing January does not void this achievement... I bashed him when appropriate and still got the achievement.. It may be a -1, but will not void it for sure.
By I Argonaut I on 03 Jul 2017 18:27
Prey's an amazing game..but boy is it buggy (cheevos and quests alike)...i did the same as: DGC Valent. aside from "Help Luther Glass Completed" i didn't get to his body in time...but no way did i NOT get the points required from my initial playthrough. Not sure if i will try it out again after seeing there's problems with finding people as well...
By Ultamisia on 19 Jan 2018 06:40
Great. 1 human accidentally killed (no idea where, just randomly showed up on the counter) everyone else saved and didn't get it. Love glitched achievements ruining game experiences for me. Ridiculous.
By PhenIX613 on 24 Jan 2018 23:29
Seem somewhat buggy. Did a playthrough where I did every single thing on the list above, empathy quotient was "exceptionally high" but no achievement. Finally got it on a playthrough where I made sure I never met the cook, seems like killing him was voiding my achievement, even though a lot of people say killing him doesn't count.
By F4cile on 25 Mar 2018 14:42
Tried twice to get this ach. I did everything the guide said but not no ach. Killed just one human, the guy in the trauma center under mind control. Surely killing just him isn't enough to void it? Does it matter what choice u make at the end, ie using the nullwave transmitter or the keys? Also at the very end after the credits does it matter if take Alexs hand?
By Ratpoizen on 26 Nov 2018 22:47

Just got this on my first playthrough without really knowing about it. I did most of the side missions and saved/spared everyone I could. I saved most of the brainwashed people, some I couldn't reach or died after I knocked them out, but I also earned the "No harm" ach too.

I took Alex's hand as well, all the characters at the end said they thought I should live. The only negative was not killing the imposter cook (found Mikhalias father and let her listen to it as well)
By Leo Ascendent on 27 Jan 2019 06:46
Can you install Typhon Neuromods and still get this? I’ve installed Minic Matter. And can you finish the cooks quest without killing him?
By MugenKairo on 16 Mar 2019 06:41
just an FYI doesn't pop until the end of the credits, as your playthrough is being discussed.
By Mr SpinelesS on 15 Feb 2020 15:48
Wouldn't it just be best to optain this when doign the "Do No harm" achievement? Since it is a run where you have to save every human, im guessing ones empathy will be a perfect. And then SLAM! 2 birds, 1 stone.
By Rguldborg on 27 Mar 2020 22:38
dont kill the cook i did all the above except killing the cook and the achievement did not pop
By Batarang76 on 23 May 2020 10:55
So i have finished this achievement along with no needle runs its simple save the following people
Save Aaron Ingram
Save Dr. Igwe
Save Sarah Elazar
Save Mikhaila Ilyushin
Save Alex
and save mind control people found at beginning at crew with electric shock gun (cook area is not neccesary)
By Batarang76 on 30 May 2020 22:20
I just got this in a run along with Do No Harm in NG+. I skipped much of the cook's sidequest by hacking the turret in the kitchen, then hacking the door to the freezer while it was still locked. He panicked and ran, the turrent ID'd him as hostile and killed him for me without it counting as murder in my stats.
By Greek Ingenuity on 16 Jan 2022 06:11
@Batarang76 No killing the Cook at all? Even if you just disarm his charge and laughs himself to death?
By MetroniumIV on 19 Feb 2022 23:29
I let the cook die by his recycler charge and still got this (also got the no kills achievement with it). I didn't know you could disarm it. Maybe that counts as a kill because you intervened whereas all I did was walk in and walk back out.
By MachineGryphon on 09 Jul 2022 19:58
I'll come bk guide once got first run out way
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 28 Aug 2022 09:56
According to the guide I should have got this. Although the end game stats showed 1 human dead which was early in the game I think I accidentally killed the guy locked up in isolation in the Trauma centre.... anyway no achievement.

Despite's a great game, but I think I will end up 1 or 2 cheevos short of 100% after my other play through... Next play through is only Typon powers so it's appropriate to KILL ALL HUMANS!!
By Captain Heroic on 18 Nov 2022 22:07
@machinegryphon even if you disarm it he will suddenly die so there's no use
By cactusine on 05 Mar 2023 09:07
I did all of the empathic choices listed above, with the exception of killing the cook. I did however make sure to advance that particular quest line until the point where Danielle asks you to kill him on the bridge. The achievement unlocked midway through the final cutscene just after Danielle finishes speaking to you.
By MashedPeas11 on 02 Jul 2023 01:48
@eloteassassin13 I literally thought 20 mins ago when playing 'he sounds like Walton Goggins' (always Shane Vendrell to me). Came in to read this guide and you've confirmed that! Thanks and lol
By Roose91 on 17 Aug 2023 01:08
I made a last minute choice to go back to the crew quarters cafeteria to kill the cook. I had only tazed him earlier. My idea was to complete Danielle's side quest for +points towards the good ending.

The cook thus became the only human killed by me, as per the stats page.

During the final evaluation cutscene Danielle no-sold the whole side quest based on "unclear motivations"... Riight... And despite saving the mind controlled humans she voted no. Thus, no achievement!

I re-loaded my backup from before cafeteria detour and went straight to Alex to get the nullwave schematics. Danielle's quest therefore failed as incomplete, and later according to her I never encountered the impostor. But more importantly, she ultimatel voted yes and I got the achievement.

TL;DR Don't kill the cook! And don't trust the +/-1 math!
By Healtti on 07 Aug 2019 08:57
I'm almost certain it's the cook quest that voids this. I watched an ending of someone who did get the empathetic ending and the only difference was Danielle saying that I had a drive for retribution vs. a low drive in the ending that did get it. I didn't even kill the cook myself, I disarmed his trap and he bled out and I still didn't get it. I was credited with one human killed but I think that was a mind-controlled case, I still got the voiceline about going out of it's way to avoid harming humans however.
By RiddLs on 09 Jun 2022 17:54
I got this achievement on my second play-trough and I think that the game is partly unclear about the requirements for it unlocking. I tried unlocking this on my first play-trough but no luck. The weird thing is that by calculating the points in this guide, I would have gotten more points the first time I played trough the game..

What I did different between play-troughs:
- 1st time I completed a lot if not all side quests in the game, I unlocked all collectable achievements.
- I completed all the quests pointed in this guide.
- According to my data I accidentally killed 1 human, I do not know who but I am sure that it was no one detailed in this guide.
- On the final cutscene, all characters who speak to you were positive about me.

- 2nd time I only did the main quest-line and just a few side missions.
- I saved Aaron Ingram.
- I saved Dr. Igwe and did the Leitner side quest.
- I saved Sarah Elazar.
- I saved Mikhaila Ilyushin and completed her side quest by showing the audio file to her so she would learn the real truth about what happened to her father.
- I saved Alex Yu.
- I did not kill a single Human in the game. I did kill humans that transformed into Typhon. I did not kill mind controlled humans.
- I did not do the Danielle Sho / Cook quest-line. Make note that I never ventured to the cafeteria area in the game so I never met the cook in the first place. This might be a key element because me not meeting the cook at all was mentioned in the final evaluation so this way I wasn't able to know that I had to kill him.
- I did render Dahl unconscious. After shooting him, I did not repair the broken part for cargo bay during the ultimatum quest, however I used the part from Psychotronics thinking no one would be killed. This does end up killing Aaron Ingram, however it does not count as a human killed in your data. When I returned to Psychotronics during the final quest I checked his location and he was in fact dead though. After the game I got a mention of this as well during evaluation. Specifically, what was said was that I did not let him live but that the evaluators wanted to let me live despite Aarons fate. Right after that sentence the achievement popped.
- I did not remove the Neuromod from Dahl.
- I did not complete the Escape attempt. Keep note that I never knew about this quest in the game on this play-trough.
- I did not help Luther Glass. Again, I had no knowledge about this quest either in my quest log.
- I did not save any mind controlled humans.

The second run was a no human kills / no Neuromods run btw. This might shed some light on this rather glitchy achievement.
By Sam Pardon on 02 Jun 2017 23:43
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This achievement is obtained by being sufficiently "empathetic"; the easiest way to be sure you'll get this achievement is by sparing everyone and trying to save as many humans as you possibly can, and completing the sidequests for the various major auxiliary characters. This achievement is exclusive with the "I and It" achievement, but is easily obtained alongside the "Do no harm" achievement.

20 Jan 2018 00:00

This is tied to the achievement "Do No Harm", but whereas that requires you not to kill any humans, this achievement also requires you to go out of your way to save them. Empathy is a sort of hidden statistic the game uses to determine your morality. While there isn't an in-game way to see it, there are certain actions you can take to add/subtract from your empathy score:

You can earn one point of empathy by doing any of the following:

  • Save Dahl (Incapacitate Dahl Completed)
  • Rescue Dr. Igwe
  • Save Alex Yu
  • Complete Dahl's Ultimatum
  • Assist Mikhaila Ilyushin Completed
  • Mikhaila's Father Completed
  • Escape Attempt Completed
  • Gustav Leitner Completed
  • Help Luther Glass Completed
  • Danielle Sho Completed
  • Save 10 Mind-Controlled Humans

You can lose empathy points by doing any of the following:

  • (-100) Achieve Psychopath status (kill many humans)
  • (-1) Kill Aaron Ingram
  • (-2) Kill Alex Yu
  • (-2) Kill Dr. Igwe
  • (-2) Kill Mikhaila Ilyushin
  • (-2) Kill Sarah Elazar
  • (-1) Allow Dr. Igwe to die in Talos I Exterior
  • (-1) Allow Mikhaila Ilyushin to die in Power Plant
  • (-1) Allow Sarah Elazar to die in Cargo Bay
  • (-1) Allow Aaron Ingram to die in Psychotronics

You need at least +4 points to earn the achievement. It will unlock after the end credits.


This is tied to the achievement "Do No Harm", but whereas that requires you not to kill any humans, this achievement also requires you to go out of your way to save them. Empathy is a sort of hidden statistic the game uses to determine your morality. While there isn't an in-game way to see it, there are certain actions you can take to add/subtract from your empathy score:

You can earn one point of empathy by doing any of the following:

  • Save Dahl (Incapacitate Dahl Completed)
  • Rescue Dr. Igwe
  • Save Alex Yu
  • Complete Dahl's Ultimatum
  • Assist Mikhaila Ilyushin Completed
  • Mikhaila's Father Completed
  • Escape Attempt Completed
  • Gustav Leitner Completed
  • Help Luther Glass Completed
  • Danielle Sho Completed
  • Save 10 Mind-Controlled Humans

You can lose empathy points by doing any of the following:

  • (-100) Achieve Psychopath status (kill many humans)
  • (-1) Kill Aaron Ingram
  • (-2) Kill Alex Yu
  • (-2) Kill Dr. Igwe
  • (-2) Kill Mikhaila Ilyushin
  • (-2) Kill Sarah Elazar
  • (-1) Allow Dr. Igwe to die in Talos I Exterior
  • (-1) Allow Mikhaila Ilyushin to die in Power Plant
  • (-1) Allow Sarah Elazar to die in Cargo Bay
  • (-1) Allow Aaron Ingram to die in Psychotronics

You need at least +4 points to earn the achievement. It will unlock after the end credits.

To get the trophy you need to finish the game with 'positive' karma. I am attaching a list of actions that increase and decrease karma. According to Powerpix, the required karma level should be 4+. Complete side quests and don't kill any people. Knock out Dahl using an electric shock, then take him to the medical bay in the same location. After changing the location, go back and the trigger should work. After this, Dahl's quest will continue.

Save Dahl (“Incapacitate Dahl” completed) +1
Rescue Dr. Igwe (see trophy Adrift) +1
Save Alex Yu (Arboretum area) +1
Complete “Dahl's Ultimatum” +1
Complete “Assist Mikhaila Ilyushin” +1
Complete “Mikhaila's Father” +1
Complete “Escape Attempt” +1
Complete “Gustav Leitner” +1
Complete “Help Luther Glass” +1
Complete “Danielle Sho” +1
Use Mindjack Typhon power to save 10 Mind-Controlled Humans +1
Become Psychopathic by killing Sarah Elazar, Dr. Igwe and Mikhaila -100
Kill Aaron Ingram -1
Kill Alex Yu -2
Kill Dr. Igwe-2
Kill Mikhaila Ilyushin -2
Kill Sarah Elazar -2
Let Aaron Ingram to die in Psychotronics -1
Let Dr. Igwe to die (fail to do Adrift trophy) -1
Let Mikhaila Ilyushin die in Power Plant -1
Let Sarah Elazar die in Cargo Bay -1

08 May 2017 19:39

Apparently, you cannot perform a single action with a minus sign. I completed the first 10 items on this list, but fed Ingram to the Typhons. Didn't get the trophy.
By magicman on 09 May 2017 03:03
It is not necessary to use Mind Hack. You can stun all captured people with a shocker.
By new1 on 31 May 2017 16:56
I did the first 10 points and didn’t perform a single action with a minus sign, but I killed one person at the very beginning of the game in a quarantine medical center (Accidentally. I didn’t realize it was a person, I found out too late). The trophy was not given, although the ending was the one needed for the trophy. I tried to blow up the station and not to blow it up - they wouldn’t let me. Don't kill people =(
By Alexa_D_Killa on 19 May 2017 16:04
I killed the cook on the quest "Daniella Shaw" - they didn't give me "Me and You" and "Do No Harm". Conclusion: don't kill.
By mondeo135 on 13 Apr 2018 13:39
He did everything as said: he saved everyone, helped everyone, didn’t kill a single person, stunned everyone controlled by aliens, and... received the “me and it” achievement for killing everyone alive at the station. I have no idea how this could have happened.
By Allen on 22 Jun 2017 03:59
He did all the good deeds, but did not save the captured people (their heads exploded), and ended up in his pocket.
By cowboy11187 on 16 Mar 2018 01:19
Saved igwe, Ekaterina, Dal, Alex, elazar (cargo compartment), didn’t find Daniel show, didn’t save or meet the rest, didn’t save employees, heads exploded. The trophy fell out.
By Polypoker on 02 Oct 2023 06:20
it is not necessary to kill the cook, he will explode himself, we find him in the rescue capsule, he invites you to come in next to him, you can see the explosive device, quickly go in and leave, it is activated and the cook is killed, you have nothing to do with it
By xleborezka on 01 May 2018 07:47
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if you did everything correctly, saved everyone, helped everyone and completed additional tasks, then you will receive the trophy in a secret location, which will be after the credits.

11 Sep 2017 10:50