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Missing Persons

Missing Persons

You located all employees on Talos I.


How to unlock the Missing Persons achievement in Prey - Definitive Guide

Get ready because this is one hell of an achievement/trophy..

There are 267 crew members, guests, and volunteers aboard Talos I (268 if you include Commander Dahl). You need to locate 265 to unlock the Missing Persons achievement/trophy. This list places each crew member in alphabetical order under the map you can initially find them on, and what state that entity is in—sometimes crew members are mind-controlled or have been turned into Phantoms. If the state is not listed, the crew member is dead. Use this list and security stations to locate all missing crew members.

- Just simply press cn_X or Square on the body so it will count.
- Some of these you will need to come back to once you unlock more skills such as Hacking 3/4 and Leverage 2/3.
- Some only appear if you follow the correct steps to get them to show.
- You can check the PC in the Trauma Center and set way points to ones that you are missing. They will show up with a tick next to them if you've found them.

Neuromod Division (17)

Talos I Lobby (26)

Hardware Labs (16)

Talos I Exterior (11)

Psychotronics (18)



Crew Quarters (48)

Deep Storage (6)

Cargo Bay (15)

Life Support (22)

Power Plant (11)

Shuttle Bay (18)

Talos I Bridge (11)


05 May 2017 09:23

Dont worry about the 4 people in a good playthrough as they will not spawn and they will not count.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 02 Oct 2017 11:01
Are any of these missable?
By Agent0fSlythryn on 06 May 2017 05:35
so this is not possible to do if you're doing a no ability playthrough?
By OOOHHH YEAAHHH on 07 May 2017 16:50
Unlikely to be possible without at least Hacking. Would make it a lot more difficult to do as well. I'd recommend making a manual save after you clear the Cargo Bay and the whole of Talos I is open. Then when you finish the game and get the No Needles achievement you can reload the save, buy any abilities and cleanup some other achievements.
By Heraizen on 08 May 2017 01:41
Please add that the achievement is missable! I recycled two corpses by throwing Recycler Charges and didn't know that there were there.
By King fiShiZ on 08 May 2017 08:39
Carolyn Wheeler - Off Station - Status: ----

Grant Lockwood - Unknown - Status: ----

Any help if/where I can find these two people?

Does Off Station mean I do not need to find this person?
By Heraizen on 08 May 2017 10:31
@Heraizen at some point in the game there's a sidequest to activate Grant's bracelet, I assume the same is true for Carolyn's as well (I haven't gotten to the point where I can active them myself).
When you activate them you can then see where theyr'e located like anyone else.
I know Grant is in the Exterior, outside the floating rings around the station, somewhere. No idea about Carolyn.
By darkmikasonfire on 08 May 2017 12:22
@xTGE. First of all, thanks so much for giving us a solution / guide. However I have 2 questions:

1. I watched a YouTube Prey collectible video. It said that there should be only around 169 missing persons.
2. I know that there is a computer on Talos I which has a long list of missing people. This computer is accessible very early in the game. Is using this computer to track all missing persons a better way?
By on 08 May 2017 14:47
The only achievement of this game that unlocked without popping for me. It did at 265 or 266 but I managed to find 269. I dont think its bugged, I only think that you need to find a bit less that 100% of them to unlock it (the same happens with emails and audio logs).
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 29 Sep 2017 17:49
The computers with the list of Crew are called Security Stations, they are marked on the map and can be found in almost every area.

Using it is very helpful to track down who you are missing.
By Heraizen on 08 May 2017 23:17
Anyone know the location for the I.T storage closet keycard in Talos 1 lobby IT room.

Carolyn Wheeler left the station on a shuttle to earth so no need to look for her.

Grant is the end result of side quest 'disgruntled employee' (Deep storage - command centre. enter 1129 in the terminal to track him)
By LordSamoni1 on 10 May 2017 15:54
So, what do we do when a person like Kirk Remmer no longer shows and is only a ---? I have looked online and most people, once this happens, has to start another play through. I am only missing like 8 more ppl but do not want to do my kill everyone run while have to worry about tracking everything down again. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
By Dizyne on 11 May 2017 07:25
It seems using the Recycler on Named Phantoms is not allowed. These Phantoms must be gunned down so that their remains allow the game to register them
By on 11 May 2017 16:26
@LordSamoni1 To get the keycard for the closet, you have to kill Steve Folson, but there's a much easier way to get in-completely cover the door using the Gloo Gun, then throw a recycler charge at the door and you can just walk right through it.
By vexer6 on 12 May 2017 20:12
I didn't get the people in the IT closet as well as Stone (Life Support), Brandi (Life Support), Bill Nixon (Bridge), Gordon (Talos 1 Lobby), Sadie (Neuromod), and Annalise Galegos (because I recycled her). So I'd say there is some room for error.
By Moranathan on 13 May 2017 03:30
Crew Quarters becomes unavailable at the very end when you
By Calex dEUS on 13 May 2017 18:41
There is a glitch in crew quarters that prevents you getting 2 of the people in the Yellow Tulip supply closet. So make a saver before entering. The glitch is one that prevents the robot with the keycard spawning behind the bar.

There is a trick to get in though so thanks to Rooks Gaming Corner youtube

Be sure to save before trying that as I recycled the bodies on my first attempt. Works on other doors too..... IT center for example.
By Calex dEUS on 14 May 2017 21:24
Doesn't need to find every person. Just 265 people and the cheevo popped. I recycled three guys accidentally.
By Taipei Kindom on 18 May 2017 04:29
People keep disappearing on me. I set them as the target objective, go to the area they are in, and fail immediately and their locations are listed as --- on the security terminal. It's happened with Tina Winter and Edna. Anyone else encounter this?
By ThronedFiddle75 on 18 May 2017 23:56
Just to reiterate what Taipei Kindom said, I've just got this having just reached 265 'TranStar Crew and Visitors Located' in the stats menu and I in no way have ticks next to all staff on the security computers.

Probably also worth mentioning I've neither got into the IT supply closet in the Lobby, nor the Yellow Tulip bar room. I'm also doing this on my run where I kill no humans, so it's definitely doable on a pacifist fun.
By Billargh on 22 May 2017 19:58
I got it to unlock at 264 people found. I saved the guy in escape pod by freeing it and safely launching it, so it didn't register that I found him, couldn't find Kirk Remmar as when I tried to set him as an objective it updated the quest for him as failed, guess I killed him but the body disappeared. Also encountered the glitch where you can't get into the Yellow Tullip supply closet and the latest patch took away the ability to glitch thru the door so I couldn't get into the IT supply closet either. I also had a couple of bodies either not spawn or glitch out on me,
The achievement also popped for me during a loading screen as I went from the neuromod division back to the Lobby
By wolfzero01 on 23 May 2017 17:52
I had it unlock at 264 as well.

There is a mistake with this guide beyond that though, there are actually 280 people on Talos I, excluding Dahl. My guess is you missed the personnel board in the Visitor's Quarters section of the Neuromods Division. This board can't be accessed anywhere else and can't access anything except its own members.
By Ashen Seraph on 25 May 2017 21:48
Is there any reason that this cannot be done on the same playthrough as the "I and It" achievement?
By reallifestory on 04 Jul 2017 23:06
Just an FYI, Otto Lauda is missable if you don't find his/her body during your first run through Psychotronics. She's the very first person you find going into that area.

I popped my achievement at 277.
By StumblesMcGee on 22 Jul 2017 20:09
@reallifestory - No, you should be able to get "I and It" while working on this. I just unlocked it.
By StumblesMcGee on 22 Jul 2017 20:54
Sanjay Puri isn't near Andrea Hudson in the rafters in Psychotronics. The waypoint is saying she is in the nearby bathroom in the ceiling basically. Any ideas?
By GriZzly GRiP on 02 Aug 2017 11:31
Rich Ivers just up and vanished from my game, apparently. He is not where he is supposed to be.
By hunterIV on 17 Aug 2017 02:23
I.T Supply Closet seems to be bugged, you can't get in and both Steve Folson and Harley Grainger are in there. Weird.
By TheTailsEffect on 01 Oct 2017 18:32
The people in the escape pod can still be located after saving them: select them on the computer list then go to the empty bay where pod 2 used to sit.

273 and not popped yet, hopefully soon.
By mike cupcake on 23 Mar 2018 00:23
Do I have to find the 4 people in the I.T supply closet to get this achievement? Because to do so I need to kill everyone, but I haven't.
By HappyFeeettt on 01 Apr 2018 15:05
Unlocked exactly at 265 persons found. I can confirm that you don't need to find them all.
By Hieronimus on 27 Jul 2018 14:10
Just popped at 264 for me. During a loading screen. I would say no need to fret over getting every last crew member.
By PLAST1CFANGS on 17 Aug 2018 15:52
265 for me too. Got the achievement before even entering the Talos Bridge. smile
By Lockie on 19 Aug 2019 12:39
Is there any way to locate Emanuella DeSilva and Frank Jones, the two people you rescue in the stuck Escape Pod outside the Shuttle Bay? They never got a checkmark for me, and after rescuing them their status is "Safe" and location "Unknown". I saw some people mention that you could go to the Escape Pod Bay and have them register, but that doesn't work for me.
By tobiasvl on 30 Aug 2019 23:07
Rich Ivers was not at the location in the walk through text or video version for me.
By BegFourMercy on 06 Apr 2020 15:41
Emanuella DeSilva and Frank Jones: you have to select each of them on the computer and then go next to the shuttle pod so they count.
By Ernst Austen on 14 Apr 2020 04:42
So a little confused. Is this achievement still possible if you successfully helped the escape pod and Frank is off station? For whatever reason, the tick didn't appear next to his name, even though I couldn't get to him, ever? Lol
By Lord Von Chimp on 14 Apr 2020 10:12
Ya same on w10 version second time around ,. Rich Ivers in not in the room with the girl...
By A DEAD B0DY MAN on 15 Aug 2020 03:53
Sounds long
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 10 Oct 2022 10:45
Although I located the people on the IT store room, I had not opened it before the achievement popped. So as the guide says you don't need every single human, although some of the bodies are very well hidden.
By Captain Heroic on 14 Nov 2022 23:31
Helden graves is not in his office ! Just blood :/
By HaKaNoW on 04 Oct 2023 21:05
Also, I unlocked the achievement at exactly 265, however I still had at least 5 people left to find according to Security Terminals.

There is also a Security Terminal in the Volunteer Quarters of the Neuromod Division which is the only terminal which shows Volunteers (and I believe they count towards this achivement).
By Heraizen on 09 May 2017 23:23
This might be added to the guide later but here is what I got to help calm down a few nerves:
I found 265 people on the dot for the achievement to pop
Killed 39 humans (towards the kill everyone achievement)
12 that I never found that had a status/circle check box but no checked off mark
2 persons that was marked as a ---- and 1 happened to be a phantom that I never checked after killing it(so it was technically on talos)
1 person marked off station and had a --- (Carolyn Wheeler)
By Dizyne on 13 May 2017 08:59
It unlocked me at 265 on a playthrough with only human neuromods and trying to save everybody. Could the total required amount depend on events of the playthrough? I still have some unfound persons, a couple of unreachable quest persons missing, and Kirk Remmer not spawning (and thus not found).
By Rhhe82 on 13 Jan 2018 18:39
Accidentally recycled one body (Status: ----- in the logs) with no check mark.
Still unlocked exactly at 265. This game is quite dynamic so I think the devs left a good margin of error (>280 people on Talos), so you won't become frustrated when some of the bodies can't be found in your game. Just don't go nuts with the recycler charges and you should be OK.
By LeXXuz on 24 Aug 2018 19:24
Hey, all who are doing the "Missing Person" achievement while doing the "Do No Harm" achievement, there are four members that are stuck in the I.T. Supply Closet in the Talos I Lobby. I have looked online for a solution and everyone is saying to glitch the door. I have tried that, but it didn't work. So, I have spent about three hours trying to make an acceptable video.

There is a way to have these people marked off the security terminals list without doing the "Showing Initiative" side quest

Here is the list of people in the I.T. Supply Closet room:

Talos I Lobby:
- Harley Grainger
- Maxine Ford
- Richard Coveney
- Steve Folson

Use the security terminal in the Trauma Center; which is two jumps away from the closet and the Trauma Center Security Terminal. I recommend clearing out the Trauma center room and the attached rooms from the Phantoms before trying this.

In order to count these four people off your checklist without killing, you'll have to keep running and jumping and sliding into the door and walls of the I.T. Supply Closet.

I recommend highlighting Harley Grainger (Talos I Lobby) when attempting this. This person is the hardest person to get. While you are doing this, you'll eventually get only two other name's marked off your list: Maxine Ford and Richard Coveney. (If you don't, then just highlight the person's name and go back and do the same thing.)

For some reason, in order to get Steve Folson's name, you'll have to go back to the Security Terminal and highlight his name. I have tried countless times but for some reason, Steve Folson was still unmarked. Sidenote, sometimes you'll be able to have Steve Folson marked at first, but I have tried this about 20+ times, and only 4 times he was marked.

Here is a link of myself getting the names marked off. I will also show proof that I am doing the "Do No Harm" achievement and that there are no "Humans Killed" on my Stats list.

Sorry for the rush, this was my 20th (I think more) time trying to film this and I was trying to get 3 minutes on the film without trimming while using Xbox Capture. On another side note, I purposely stayed in place to make sure that I met the 3-minute mark.
By DeftDapperDan on 31 Dec 2021 08:37
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While at first this seemed like a daunting task because there are well over a hundred of them, it isn’t that difficult. When you go to a security terminal there will be a list of every employee on the station, their whereabouts, and whether or not they are still alive. If you have already inspected (read: looted) their corpse, a checkmark will appear there. If not, you will be able to select them and an indicator will appear on your HUD to tell you where to find them.

Unfortunately you can only do this for one person at a time, but you will find the vast majority of them by just doing thorough exploration. Sometimes these indicators will lead you to secret rooms you may have missed the first time you went by. Once you have located every single one of the employees, the achievement should unlock. Be careful using Recycler Charges, because if they suck in any unlooted bodies, those bodies will no longer be able to be found.

Note: There is some room for error in finding all of the bodies. The achievement will unlock early, likely with at least a dozen bodies still unfound. This is in case bodies are sucked into Recycler Charges or fall through floors. It should be noted that in the Lobby, the I.T. Storage Room is inaccessible in the game without glitching through the door. Those people only appear later in a quest given by Dahl after killing many people. However, this achievement is still available on a "No Kill" playthrough because of this room for error.


While at first this seemed like a daunting task because there are well over a hundred of them, it isn’t that difficult. When you go to a security terminal there will be a list of every employee on the station, their whereabouts, and whether or not they are still alive. If you have already inspected (read: looted) their corpse, a checkmark will appear there. If not, you will be able to select them and an indicator will appear on your HUD to tell you where to find them. Unfortunately you can only do this for one person at a time, but you will find the vast majority of them by just doing thorough exploration. Sometimes these indicators will lead you to secret rooms you may have missed the first time you went by. Once you have located every single one of the employees, the achievement should unlock. Be careful using Recycler Charges, because if they suck in any unlooted bodies, those bodies will no longer be able to be found.

Note: There is some room for error in finding all of the bodies. The achievement will unlock early, likely with at least a dozen bodies still unfound. This is in case bodies are sucked into Recycler Charges or fall through floors. It should be noted that in the Lobby, the I.T. Storage Room is inaccessible in the game without glitching through the door. Those people only appear later in a quest given by Dahl after killing many people. However, this achievement is still available on a "No Kill" playthrough because of this room for error.

In each location there is a security terminal, in it we select a person and he is marked with a beacon. In total, you need to find 265 people, there are more of them at the station. Volunteers also count, but they are not in the lists of terminals.

08 May 2017 06:33

Total 280 people. But for the trophy it is enough to find 264
By Kok on 14 May 2017 02:07
Volunteers can only be marked at one terminal, which is located in the neuromod department on the 2nd floor (volunteer cabins).
By BlakFantom on 08 May 2017 10:52
The trophy fell at around 264 employees.
By Mikey_Sorrow on 08 May 2017 19:26
The trophy is actually simple.
90% of people you will find doing the main story and side quests. You will find the rest at the terminal.

But there is a nuance):
Make the trophy before you kill, stun Dahl and talk to Alex. Due to the attack of the tentacles, access to space and some locations will be closed.
By new1 on 01 Jun 2017 05:05
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At each location, closer to the middle of the game, go to the terminal and find all the corpses! Try to clear each location before moving on to another!
1. Because moving around the station from one end to the other is very long and painstaking, and by the end the running around will start to infuriate you.
2. You need to look not only in the tab with the name of the location you are in, but also in all the others. The person you need can be located in the “Hardware Laboratory” tab, and the location (opposite each name on the right there is a location and status (alive/dead/not found, called differently) will be “living compartment.” And if you have already cleared the Living compartment, you will have to run there and this will happen many times!
3. Start doing a complete clearing of locations to search for people, audio books and letters before going to the power plant (then there will be changes in the landscape and several people are missing). There is no point in doing this before, because you will constantly come across heavy objects that cannot be moved without skills, passwords and door codes, which means clearing out every corner again after leveling up. First, upgrade and find passwords/passes if possible. At first, just collect what you see, but don’t get too hung up, it’s impossible to find some corpses without studying the level with a magnifying glass!

06 Nov 2018 18:01