

58 Achievements


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Galaxy Brain

Galaxy Brain

In Mooncrash, install every neuromod power for every character.


How to unlock the Galaxy Brain achievement in Prey - Definitive Guide

Before starting, the guide I want to thank the author of the video (The Gamer Society). For him it is all credit.

In order to obtain the largest number of neuromods in the shortest time possible, follow this guide:

It works perfectly. There are places where neuromods always appear in the same place and others are just a matter of luck.

The average number of neuromods per game is 25+ and it is done in less than half an hour and you can memorize the path.

Good luck!wave

02 Feb 2019 08:34

If you bring 8 of the big batteries used to power the tram with you on your run, you can put them in the battery slots in the Crater Tower and use the Typhon Towers to pretty much kill every hostile thing in the Crater, this makes it soooo much easier to get around (no hunting anything or worrying about the Moon Shark) coupled with maybe 4 Loop.Time things, I was able to get around 40 Neuromods (30 or so found, the rest made from material). It was actually a lot of fun.
By Leo Ascendent on 06 Dec 2019 20:57
@Leo Ascendent Isn't that like a lot of money though?
By Hanx on 09 May 2021 23:47
@Hanx roughly 1.5 million points. For real though fuck this achievement.
By MetroniumIV on 18 Mar 2022 00:06
I just farmed 62 neuromods in a single run and as I was loading them on the mule, my game froze!!! Only froze 3 times in 100 hours of play, but man that pissed me off. Can you say terrible timing :o(
By TrueWickedone on 09 Jun 2022 01:25
Recycle as much as possible to fabricage neuromods on top of the ones you find.
By Sjoeter on 09 Nov 2022 12:12
"I just farmed 62 neuromods in a single run and as I was loading them on the mule, my game froze!!!"
That's why I constantly wasted 93 seconds to Save and Exit then Continue to lock in major progress between area changes. Why they thought disabling quick save/load added to the "fun" of the game is beyond me.
Also don't be shy about spending sim points on neuromods near the end. I straight up bought the final 32 and still had 54K points for the Cryptomancer achievement when starting my final run and earned plenty more while doing it.
Any way you cut it though you will still need probably 6 to 7 farming runs to max out everyone so that's about 3+ hours to get a bunch of abilities you never wanted and will never use.
By Gilbert Prime on 21 Dec 2022 20:01

Still works, read comments for clarity. Mind-numbing but efficient, hope you have a podcast or show you like.
By Pistol 101 on 16 Jan 2024 19:10
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This will be the most time-consuming achievement in Mooncrash given the fact that you need over 300 Neuromods in order to unlock/install every ability for all five characters. What makes this even more tedious is that some of the abilities for each character require specific Typhon enemies to be scanned with the Psychoscope. Riley Yu will always have a Psychoscope in her default loadout, but in order to equip this item with other characters during the Loadout Menu (it costs 1,000 Sim Points), you will need to find its fabrication plan on the Moonbase. Fortunately, it has a fixed location: on the workshop floor in Riley Yu's office.

Some of the Typhon you need to scan will prove troublesome to find given that enemies are randomly generated inside the simulation. In fact, some of the bigger Typhon, like the Telepath and Technopath, may not even spawn on Corruption Level 1, which means you will need to purposely reach Corruption Level 2+ if you cannot find them on Corruption Level 1.

Nevertheless, listing out every enemy type, where to find them, and what abilities they unlock isn't necessary for the purposes of this guide. You will be running through the Moonbase simulation several times, encountering all enemy types naturally. Just know that once you have a Psychoscope, you should be scanning any and all enemies you come across. This includes Corrupted Operators, Mimics, Greater Mimics, Phantoms (all variants), Telepaths, Technopaths, Mind-Controlled Humans, Poltergeists, and Weavers. In addition to these enemies, make sure you scan a Harvester, the Moonshark, and a Nightmare (which can always be found locked up in the Typhon Containment room inside Pytheas Labs).

Lastly, you will want to find the Neuromod fabrication plan before you begin farming for this achievement. Luckily, it has a fixed location: Angela Wagner’s corpse (which also needs to be examined in order to unlock the Pilot ability for every character). With this fabrication plan, you will be able to craft Neuromods at any Fabricator on the Moonbase or purchase them at the Loadout Menu before entering the simulation.

With all of this in mind, please continue reading below for a great strategy to use in order to farm Neuromods.

Part 1 - Prep and Crater

In the Character Selection Menu, choose Joan. In the Loadout Menu, equip her with the following items:

- Shotgun + Ammo (60+)
- Med-Kit x5
- EMP Grenade x5
- T-Ration x5
- Anti-Rad x1
- Delay Loop.Time x5
- Control Module x4

Now load up the simulation. When you gain control of your character, head to the Crater, looting the three corpses along the way, and, using the strategy outlined in the "Apex Predator" achievement, take a few minutes to kill the Moonshark with your turret. Make sure to pick up the Delay Loop.Time from the Moonshark's remains and use it to buy back the time you used to kill the Moonshark.

Head to the Security Station in the Crater and check the terminal for the functioning Escape Pod, Tram Power, and any Hazards within the Moonbase. Now exit the terminal and head into the nearby Power Station. If there is an area without power, use two Control Modules to restore power to that section of the Moonbase. If all three areas have power, drop two of the four Control Modules from your inventory.

Now make your way to Pytheas Labs.

Part 2 - Pytheas Labs & Crew Annex Sweep

When you arrive, sweep the entire area, from bottom to top, looting everything you can (ideally, you would want to have Joan's inventory ability maxed out at this point) and killing any Typhon that get in your way. Remember to use a Delay Loop.Time whenever your Corruption Timer fills up about 50 to 75%. You want to stay on Corruption Level 1 during this entire run with Joan.

If and when you run out of inventory space, take the Tram to Crew Annex assuming the Tram in Crew Annex was operational; if it was not operational, you will need to return to the Crater and travel to Crew Annex the long way (once you arrive, make it a point to use one of your remaining two Control Modules to power the Tram [this same logic applies later to the Moonworks Tram, if needed]). Inside Crew Annex, make your way to the Recycler on the first floor and dispose of any junk and weapons (you only need one Shotgun during this run). Now use all of these newly acquired materials in the nearby Fabricator and craft as many Neuromods as possible. The reason you skipped over the Recycler in Pytheas Labs is because you cannot hack into that room while playing as Joan.

Once this has been done, return to Pytheas Labs and continue your full sweep, looting and killing everything. Make sure to make a stop at the Mimic Portal in the back of the labs and repair it so that Claire can use it as her escape method on a subsequent run. Once Pytheas Labs is pretty much "clean and wiped down," go back to Crew Annex.

In Crew Annex, you're going to clean the entire area of loot and kill every Typhon you encounter just like you did in Pytheas Labs. Again, when your inventory fills up to its max capacity, make a stop at the Recycler to break down junk, guns, and ammunition that you don't need. Every time you make this pit stop, remember to then make as many Neuromods as possible (and a few Delay Loop.Time items, too), all while ensuring the Corruption Timer remains at Level 1.

Part 3 - Moonworks Sweep & Escape Via Mass Driver

After you wipe down Crew Annex, make your way to Moonworks via the Tram (again, assuming that it's powered) and do a full loot sweep here, making a pit stop in the Mass Driver inside the central mine to empty your Anti-Rad, five non-alcoholic drinks (that you would have collected from Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs), and five T-Rations.

After cleaning up Moonworks of loot and using the Recycler in this area to break down more junk and create more Neuromods, repair the gravity lift in the central mine and take it up to the Mass Driver Control Room. Continue with the objective of escaping the Moonbase via the Mass Driver, but before you activate the controls, you must perform the following action:

- Use your Neuromods to unlock any abilities you have left with Joan
- If you have already unlocked all of Joan's abilities, then continue reading below

Now summon the Mule Operator and dump all of your loot on the companion (or as much as you can, but prioritize dumping Neuromods, Med-Kits, Delay Loop.Time items, Shotgun(s), and Shotgun ammo). Activate the Mass Driver controls and escape the Moonbase.

This first "full run" will typically net 30,000 to 45,000 Sim Points, or a bit more if, during the initial Loadout Menu, you equipped the Elite Chipset that increases Sim Point rewards.

Part 4 - Subsequent Runs (Assuming Joan is Maxed Out)

The next character you should choose is Riley Yu. You don't really need to buy anything from the Loadout Menu with her since, when you spawn into the simulation, you'll have all of the key items you need on the Mule Operator. Thus, when you do load into the simulation, summon the Mule Operator, collect all of its items, and use as many Neuromods as you need to unlock Riley's abilities.

Author's Note: On each "Joan Run," once all of her abilities had been unlocked, I would be able to collect/make a total of 50 to 60 Neuromods and leave them on the Mule for whichever character came next.

What you should do next with this second character for a massive surplus of Sim Points is, rather than reset the simulation prematurely and perform another "Joan Run," follow the walkthrough outlined in the "No One Left Behind" achievement. In other words, escape with all five characters in a single run. This is not 100% necessary, but it's extremely beneficial for all the Sim Points you accumulate by the end. In a way, it essentially pads each next "Joan Run" with a surplus of Sim Points to spend on her loadout detailed above.

Moreover, if you have well over 200,000 Sim Points by the time you've unlocked every ability for four of the five characters, you can safely scrap an entire "Joan Run" for this last character that needs Neuromods. Instead, just buy a heap of Neuromods during the Loadout Menu, load the character into the simulation, and unlock their remaining abilities. If you do this, just make sure to keep a surplus of 50,000 Sim Points for the "Cryptomancer" achievement.

Farming Summary

In short, use Joan and her maxed out inventory to clean up the entire Moonbase. Search every box, cabinet, and room possible. In the end, assuming you don't use any Neuromods on Joan, you should amass 50 to 60 Neuromods to then pack away on the Mule Operator and use on your next character. Each run after Joan takes about five minutes to complete since all of the other escape methods are extremely simple (assuming you've done them before). Plus, since you are always keeping the Corruption Timer at Level 1, no enemies will respawn during subsequent runs, making the Moonbase an extremely quiet and non-dangerous playground.

NOTE: Please be aware that there are actually a few fixed locations for Neuromods around the Moonbase. For example, Volunteer Cell 3 in Pytheas Labs (which can only be opened with Riley) has three Neuromods and Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs also has three Neuromods. Additionally, be mindful to loot quite literally everything, including golden boxes (which usually always contain a Neuromod or two), but more importantly dressers, cabinets, and the like (such as those in Riley Yu's office, Alex Yu's office, etc.).

24 May 2020 14:40

This could be a little late as I don't know how many people are going through this anymore. The guide is really good and I'm following it now.

Just a brief note on your point of having to go to the crew annex from Pytheas Labs in order to recycle the loot because you can't hack the door as Joan, there is actually the code to the weapons labs in one of the rooms just outside around the mimic portal on a sticky note. It's spawn is random but always in those rooms. Check walls and the computers. It might help cutting down time and use less delay loops.
By Joutja on 30 Nov 2020 12:12
@Joutja, I had never found that, or realized that! Very good to know, thanks for pointing it out!
By BiggDope on 01 Dec 2020 05:02
Thumbs up, of course.

I recommend using Riley Yu (armed with stun gun & cutter) once you upgrade her Psychoshock to tier III. I use the suit mods that accelerate cooldown & increase the damage of Psi attacks. One can get over 200 neuromods in a single run with Riley. The Psychoshock III decimates all enemies including the Moonshark & Nightmare.

Riley is the only character who can perform necropsy on Typhon kills to harvest additional materials that, when recycled, yield huge amounts of exotic materials—the scarcest material for neuromod fabrication. This is the reason Riley is so prolific--she farms almost double the materials of any other character. Additionally, Riley with Psychoshock III and the Volunteer with Kinetic Blast III are the only two characters that can easily navigate level 5 corruption--the most lucrative materials farming venue.

My technique is to go systematically through the simulation starting with the Pythias Labs (because I am particular to the elite Psychostatic Cutter). It’s beneficial for the corruption level to increase. If you keep Psychoshock III active & hold down left trigger, it slows down the enemies so they can’t ambush you. Release LT when an enemy lights up indicating it’s targeted. Riley obliterates most enemies with one blast. Because the target is stunned & can’t use psi abilities, it’s usually most expedient to finish durable Moon Sharks, Nightmares, & anything else that is not gracious enough to accommodate you by instantly dying with the Regular Psychostatic Cutter rather than wait for Psychoshock III to cool down. Note that Psychoshock does not work on robotic enemies but there are many ways to deal with them including the cutter.

As Riley conducts a systematic rampage, she will get enough materials for about 200 neuromods. She’ll also pick up a couple dozen or so as normal loot. I recycle everything except for stun gun & ammo, cutter, time delay loops, typhon spores & lures, recycling charges, & the all-important psi hypos to replenish Riley's psi potential. The recycling charges I use judiciously to acquire the materials I’m most in need of. Any time delay loops I pick up, I save to prolong corruption level 5 to keep the simulation from ending. Note that level 5 is more than a quarter of an hour without the use of loops.

I upload Riley's consciousness to escape the simulation after loading the neuromods in the mule just before level 5 maxes out to avoid resetting the sim. If I cut it too close, I'll buy a time delay loop for the next character with 2500 sim points & activate it immediately when the sim starts. There's no need to do anything else with the other characters. Abort the simulation with each one after using the neuromods ensuring any surplus is left in the mule for the next character.

@Joutja’s comment is spot on. The weapons lab code is on a yellow sticky note. It’s random but I usually find it posted on the white board to the left as one enters the room with the elite Psychostatic Cutter.

I found also that I could break a window & use a Huntress bolt caster to shoot the unlock button on the other side. Riley can also use her mimic ability to slip through the bars. So, the weapons lab is not as inaccessible as it might appear &, since it houses the only recycler in Pythias Labs, is quite important. One’s inventory fills up rapidly when farming for neuromod fabrication & efficiency demands that all fabricators be easily accessible.
By Allgorhythm on 06 May 2023 20:40
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This achievement is missable.

This will be the most time-consuming achievement in Mooncrash given the fact that you need over 300 Neuromods in order to unlock/install every ability for all five characters. What makes this even more tedious is that some of the abilities for each character require specific Typhon enemies to be scanned with the Psychoscope. Riley Yu will always have a Psychoscope in her default loadout, but in order to equip this item with other characters during the Loadout Menu (it costs 1,000 Sim Points), you will need to find its fabrication plan on the Moonbase. Fortunately, it has a fixed location: on the workshop floor in Riley Yu's office.

Some of the Typhon you need to scan will prove troublesome to find given that enemies are randomly generated inside the simulation. In fact, some of the bigger Typhon, like the Telepath and Technopath, may not even spawn on Corruption Level 1, which means you will need to purposely reach Corruption Level 2+ if you cannot find them on Corruption Level 1.

Nevertheless, listing out every enemy type, where to find them, and what abilities they unlock isn't necessary for the purposes of this guide. You will be running through the Moonbase simulation several times, encountering all enemy types naturally. Just know that once you have a Psychoscope, you should be scanning any and all enemies you come across. This includes Corrupted Operators, Mimics, Greater Mimics, Phantoms (all variants), Telepaths, Technopaths, Mind-Controlled Humans, Poltergeists, and Weavers. In addition to these enemies, make sure you scan a Harvester, the Moonshark, and a Nightmare (which can always be found locked up in the Typhon Containment room inside Pytheas Labs).

Lastly, you will want to find the Neuromod fabrication plan before you begin farming for this achievement. Luckily, it has a fixed location: Angela Wagner’s corpse (which also needs to be examined in order to unlock the Pilot ability for every character). With this fabrication plan, you will be able to craft Neuromods at any Fabricator on the Moonbase or purchase them at the Loadout Menu before entering the simulation.

With all of this in mind, please continue reading below for a great strategy to use in order to farm Neuromods.

Part 1 - Prep and Crater

In the Character Selection Menu, choose Joan. In the Loadout Menu, equip her with the following items:
  • Shotgun + Ammo (60+)
  • Med-Kit x5
  • EMP Grenade x5
  • T-Ration x5
  • Anti-Rad x1
  • Delay Loop.Time x5
  • Control Module x4
Now load up the simulation. When you gain control of your character, head to the Crater, looting the three corpses along the way, and, using the strategy outlined in the "Apex Predator" achievement, take a few minutes to kill the Moonshark with your turret. Make sure to pick up the Delay Loop.Time from the Moonshark's remains and use it to buy back the time you used to kill the Moonshark.

Head to the Security Station in the Crater and check the terminal for the functioning Escape Pod, Tram Power, and any Hazards within the Moonbase. Now exit the terminal and head into the nearby Power Station. If there is an area without power, use two Control Modules to restore power to that section of the Moonbase. If all three areas have power, drop two of the four Control Modules from your inventory.

Now make your way to Pytheas Labs.

Part 2 - Pytheas Labs & Crew Annex Sweep

When you arrive, sweep the entire area, from bottom to top, looting everything you can (ideally, you would want to have Joan's inventory ability maxed out at this point) and killing any Typhon that get in your way. Remember to use a Delay Loop.Time whenever your Corruption Timer fills up about 50 to 75%. You want to stay on Corruption Level 1 during this entire run with Joan.

If and when you run out of inventory space, take the Tram to Crew Annex assuming the Tram in Crew Annex was operational; if it was not operational, you will need to return to the Crater and travel to Crew Annex the long way (once you arrive, make it a point to use one of your remaining two Control Modules to power the Tram [this same logic applies later to the Moonworks Tram, if needed]). Inside Crew Annex, make your way to the Recycler on the first floor and dispose of any junk and weapons (you only need one Shotgun during this run). Now use all of these newly acquired materials in the nearby Fabricator and craft as many Neuromods as possible. The reason you skipped over the Recycler in Pytheas Labs is because you cannot hack into that room while playing as Joan.

Once this has been done, return to Pytheas Labs and continue your full sweep, looting and killing everything. Make sure to make a stop at the Mimic Portal in the back of the labs and repair it so that Claire can use it as her escape method on a subsequent run. Once Pytheas Labs is pretty much "clean and wiped down," go back to Crew Annex.

In Crew Annex, you're going to clean the entire area of loot and kill every Typhon you encounter just like you did in Pytheas Labs. Again, when your inventory fills up to its max capacity, make a stop at the Recycler to break down junk, guns, and ammunition that you don't need. Every time you make this pit stop, remember to then make as many Neuromods as possible (and a few Delay Loop.Time items, too), all while ensuring the Corruption Timer remains at Level 1.

Part 3 - Moonworks Sweep & Escape Via Mass Driver

After you wipe down Crew Annex, make your way to Moonworks via the Tram (again, assuming that it's powered) and do a full loot sweep here, making a pit stop in the Mass Driver inside the central mine to empty your Anti-Rad, five non-alcoholic drinks (that you would have collected from Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs), and five T-Rations.

After cleaning up Moonworks of loot and using the Recycler in this area to break down more junk and create more Neuromods, repair the gravity lift in the central mine and take it up to the Mass Driver Control Room. Continue with the objective of escaping the Moonbase via the Mass Driver, but before you activate the controls, you must perform the following action:
  • Use your Neuromods to unlock any abilities you have left with Joan
    • If you have already unlocked all of Joan's abilities, then continue reading below
Now summon the Mule Operator and dump all of your loot on the companion (or as much as you can, but prioritize dumping Neuromods, Med-Kits, Delay Loop.Time items, Shotgun(s), and Shotgun ammo). Now activate the Mass Driver controls and escape the Moonbase.

This first "full run" will typically net 30,000 to 45,000 Sim Points, or a bit more if, during the initial Loadout Menu, you equipped the Elite Chipset that increases Sim Point rewards.

Part 4 - Subsequent Runs (Assuming Joan is Maxed Out)

The next character you should choose is Riley Yu. You don't really need to buy anything from the Loadout Menu with her since, when you spawn into the simulation, you'll have all of the key items you need on the Mule Operator. Thus, when you do load into the simulation, summon the Mule Operator, collect all of its items, and use as many Neuromods as you need to unlock Riley's abilities.

Author's Note: On each "Joan Run," once all of her abilities had been unlocked, I would be able to collect/make a total of 50 to 60 Neuromods and leave them on the Mule for whichever character came next.

What you should do next with this second character for a massive surplus of Sim Points is, rather than reset the simulation prematurely and perform another "Joan Run," follow the walkthrough outlined in the "No One Left Behind" achievement. In other words, escape with all five characters in a single run. This is not 100% necessary, but it's extremely beneficial for all the Sim Points you accumulate by the end. In a way, it essentially pads each next "Joan Run" with a surplus of Sim Points to spend on her loadout detailed above.

Moreover, if you have well over 200,000 Sim Points by the time you've unlocked every ability for four of the five characters, you can safely scrap an entire "Joan Run" for this last character that needs Neuromods. Instead, just buy a heap of Neuromods during the Loadout Menu, load the character into the simulation, and unlock their remaining abilities. If you do this, just make sure to keep a surplus of 50,000 Sim Points for the "Cryptomancer" achievement.

Farming Summary

In short, use Joan and her maxed out inventory to clean up the entire Moonbase. Search every box, cabinet, and room possible. In the end, assuming you don't use any Neuromods on Joan, you should amass 50 to 60 Neuromods to then pack away on the Mule Operator and use on your next character. Each run after Joan takes about five minutes to complete since all of the other escape methods are extremely simple (assuming you've done them before). Plus, since you are always keeping the Corruption Timer at Level 1, no enemies will respawn during subsequent runs, making the Moonbase an extremely quiet and non-dangerous playground.

NOTE: Please be aware that there are actually a few fixed locations for Neuromods around the Moonbase. For example, Volunteer Cell 3 in Pytheas Labs (which can only be opened with Riley) has three Neuromods and Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs also has three Neuromods. Additionally, be mindful to loot quite literally everything, including golden boxes (which usually always contain a Neuromod or two), but more importantly dressers, cabinets, and the like (such as those in Riley Yu's office, Alex Yu's office, etc.).
This achievement is missable.

This will be the most time-consuming achievement in Mooncrash given the fact that you need over 300 Neuromods in order to unlock/install every ability for all five characters. What makes this even more tedious is that some of the abilities for each character require specific Typhon enemies to be scanned with the Psychoscope. Riley Yu will always have a Psychoscope in her default loadout, but in order to equip this item with other characters during the Loadout Menu (it costs 1,000 Sim Points), you will need to find its fabrication plan on the Moonbase. Fortunately, it has a fixed location: on the workshop floor in Riley Yu's office.

Some of the Typhon you need to scan will prove troublesome to find given that enemies are randomly generated inside the simulation. In fact, some of the bigger Typhon, like the Telepath and Technopath, may not even spawn on Corruption Level 1, which means you will need to purposely reach Corruption Level 2+ if you cannot find them on Corruption Level 1.

Nevertheless, listing out every enemy type, where to find them, and what abilities they unlock isn't necessary for the purposes of this guide. You will be running through the Moonbase simulation several times, encountering all enemy types naturally. Just know that once you have a Psychoscope, you should be scanning any and all enemies you come across. This includes Corrupted Operators, Mimics, Greater Mimics, Phantoms (all variants), Telepaths, Technopaths, Mind-Controlled Humans, Poltergeists, and Weavers. In addition to these enemies, make sure you scan a Harvester, the Moonshark, and a Nightmare (which can always be found locked up in the Typhon Containment room inside Pytheas Labs).

Lastly, you will want to find the Neuromod fabrication plan before you begin farming for this achievement. Luckily, it has a fixed location: Angela Wagner’s corpse (which also needs to be examined in order to unlock the Pilot ability for every character). With this fabrication plan, you will be able to craft Neuromods at any Fabricator on the Moonbase or purchase them at the Loadout Menu before entering the simulation.

With all of this in mind, please continue reading below for a great strategy to use in order to farm Neuromods.

Part 1 - Prep and Crater

In the Character Selection Menu, choose Joan. In the Loadout Menu, equip her with the following items:
  • Shotgun + Ammo (60+)
  • Med-Kit x5
  • EMP Grenade x5
  • T-Ration x5
  • Anti-Rad x1
  • Delay Loop.Time x5
  • Control Module x4
Now load up the simulation. When you gain control of your character, head to the Crater, looting the three corpses along the way, and, using the strategy outlined in the "Apex Predator" achievement, take a few minutes to kill the Moonshark with your turret. Make sure to pick up the Delay Loop.Time from the Moonshark's remains and use it to buy back the time you used to kill the Moonshark.

Head to the Security Station in the Crater and check the terminal for the functioning Escape Pod, Tram Power, and any Hazards within the Moonbase. Now exit the terminal and head into the nearby Power Station. If there is an area without power, use two Control Modules to restore power to that section of the Moonbase. If all three areas have power, drop two of the four Control Modules from your inventory.

Now make your way to Pytheas Labs.

Part 2 - Pytheas Labs & Crew Annex Sweep

When you arrive, sweep the entire area, from bottom to top, looting everything you can (ideally, you would want to have Joan's inventory ability maxed out at this point) and killing any Typhon that get in your way. Remember to use a Delay Loop.Time whenever your Corruption Timer fills up about 50 to 75%. You want to stay on Corruption Level 1 during this entire run with Joan.

If and when you run out of inventory space, take the Tram to Crew Annex assuming the Tram in Crew Annex was operational; if it was not operational, you will need to return to the Crater and travel to Crew Annex the long way (once you arrive, make it a point to use one of your remaining two Control Modules to power the Tram [this same logic applies later to the Moonworks Tram, if needed]). Inside Crew Annex, make your way to the Recycler on the first floor and dispose of any junk and weapons (you only need one Shotgun during this run). Now use all of these newly acquired materials in the nearby Fabricator and craft as many Neuromods as possible. The reason you skipped over the Recycler in Pytheas Labs is because you cannot hack into that room while playing as Joan.

Once this has been done, return to Pytheas Labs and continue your full sweep, looting and killing everything. Make sure to make a stop at the Mimic Portal in the back of the labs and repair it so that Claire can use it as her escape method on a subsequent run. Once Pytheas Labs is pretty much "clean and wiped down," go back to Crew Annex.

In Crew Annex, you're going to clean the entire area of loot and kill every Typhon you encounter just like you did in Pytheas Labs. Again, when your inventory fills up to its max capacity, make a stop at the Recycler to break down junk, guns, and ammunition that you don't need. Every time you make this pit stop, remember to then make as many Neuromods as possible (and a few Delay Loop.Time items, too), all while ensuring the Corruption Timer remains at Level 1.

Part 3 - Moonworks Sweep & Escape Via Mass Driver

After you wipe down Crew Annex, make your way to Moonworks via the Tram (again, assuming that it's powered) and do a full loot sweep here, making a pit stop in the Mass Driver inside the central mine to empty your Anti-Rad, five non-alcoholic drinks (that you would have collected from Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs), and five T-Rations.

After cleaning up Moonworks of loot and using the Recycler in this area to break down more junk and create more Neuromods, repair the gravity lift in the central mine and take it up to the Mass Driver Control Room. Continue with the objective of escaping the Moonbase via the Mass Driver, but before you activate the controls, you must perform the following action:
  • Use your Neuromods to unlock any abilities you have left with Joan
    • If you have already unlocked all of Joan's abilities, then continue reading below
Now summon the Mule Operator and dump all of your loot on the companion (or as much as you can, but prioritize dumping Neuromods, Med-Kits, Delay Loop.Time items, Shotgun(s), and Shotgun ammo). Now activate the Mass Driver controls and escape the Moonbase.

This first "full run" will typically net 30,000 to 45,000 Sim Points, or a bit more if, during the initial Loadout Menu, you equipped the Elite Chipset that increases Sim Point rewards.

Part 4 - Subsequent Runs (Assuming Joan is Maxed Out)

The next character you should choose is Riley Yu. You don't really need to buy anything from the Loadout Menu with her since, when you spawn into the simulation, you'll have all of the key items you need on the Mule Operator. Thus, when you do load into the simulation, summon the Mule Operator, collect all of its items, and use as many Neuromods as you need to unlock Riley's abilities.

Author's Note: On each "Joan Run," once all of her abilities had been unlocked, I would be able to collect/make a total of 50 to 60 Neuromods and leave them on the Mule for whichever character came next.

What you should do next with this second character for a massive surplus of Sim Points is, rather than reset the simulation prematurely and perform another "Joan Run," follow the walkthrough outlined in the "No One Left Behind" achievement. In other words, escape with all five characters in a single run. This is not 100% necessary, but it's extremely beneficial for all the Sim Points you accumulate by the end. In a way, it essentially pads each next "Joan Run" with a surplus of Sim Points to spend on her loadout detailed above.

Moreover, if you have well over 200,000 Sim Points by the time you've unlocked every ability for four of the five characters, you can safely scrap an entire "Joan Run" for this last character that needs Neuromods. Instead, just buy a heap of Neuromods during the Loadout Menu, load the character into the simulation, and unlock their remaining abilities. If you do this, just make sure to keep a surplus of 50,000 Sim Points for the "Cryptomancer" achievement.

Farming Summary

In short, use Joan and her maxed out inventory to clean up the entire Moonbase. Search every box, cabinet, and room possible. In the end, assuming you don't use any Neuromods on Joan, you should amass 50 to 60 Neuromods to then pack away on the Mule Operator and use on your next character. Each run after Joan takes about five minutes to complete since all of the other escape methods are extremely simple (assuming you've done them before). Plus, since you are always keeping the Corruption Timer at Level 1, no enemies will respawn during subsequent runs, making the Moonbase an extremely quiet and non-dangerous playground.

NOTE: Please be aware that there are actually a few fixed locations for Neuromods around the Moonbase. For example, Volunteer Cell 3 in Pytheas Labs (which can only be opened with Riley) has three Neuromods and Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs also has three Neuromods. Additionally, be mindful to loot quite literally everything, including golden boxes (which usually always contain a Neuromod or two), but more importantly dressers, cabinets, and the like (such as those in Riley Yu's office, Alex Yu's office, etc.).

This achievement is missable.

This will be the most time-consuming achievement in Mooncrash given the fact that you need over 300 Neuromods in order to unlock/install every ability for all five characters. What makes this even more tedious is that some of the abilities for each character require specific Typhon enemies to be scanned with the Psychoscope. Riley Yu will always have a Psychoscope in her default loadout, but in order to equip this item with other characters during the Loadout Menu (it costs 1,000 Sim Points), you will need to find its fabrication plan on the Moonbase. Fortunately, it has a fixed location: on the workshop floor in Riley Yu's office.

Some of the Typhon you need to scan will prove troublesome to find given that enemies are randomly generated inside the simulation. In fact, some of the bigger Typhon, like the Telepath and Technopath, may not even spawn on Corruption Level 1, which means you will need to purposely reach Corruption Level 2+ if you cannot find them on Corruption Level 1.

Nevertheless, listing out every enemy type, where to find them, and what abilities they unlock isn't necessary for the purposes of this guide. You will be running through the Moonbase simulation several times, encountering all enemy types naturally. Just know that once you have a Psychoscope, you should be scanning any and all enemies you come across. This includes Corrupted Operators, Mimics, Greater Mimics, Phantoms (all variants), Telepaths, Technopaths, Mind-Controlled Humans, Poltergeists, and Weavers. In addition to these enemies, make sure you scan a Harvester, the Moonshark, and a Nightmare (which can always be found locked up in the Typhon Containment room inside Pytheas Labs).

Lastly, you will want to find the Neuromod fabrication plan before you begin farming for this achievement. Luckily, it has a fixed location: Angela Wagner’s corpse (which also needs to be examined in order to unlock the Pilot ability for every character). With this fabrication plan, you will be able to craft Neuromods at any Fabricator on the Moonbase or purchase them at the Loadout Menu before entering the simulation.

With all of this in mind, please continue reading below for a great strategy to use in order to farm Neuromods.

Part 1 - Prep and Crater

In the Character Selection Menu, choose Joan. In the Loadout Menu, equip her with the following items:

  • Shotgun + Ammo (60+)
  • Med-Kit x5
  • EMP Grenade x5
  • T-Ration x5
  • Anti-Rad x1
  • Delay Loop.Time x5
  • Control Module x4

Now load up the simulation. When you gain control of your character, head to the Crater, looting the three corpses along the way, and, using the strategy outlined in the "Apex Predator" achievement, take a few minutes to kill the Moonshark with your turret. Make sure to pick up the Delay Loop.Time from the Moonshark's remains and use it to buy back the time you used to kill the Moonshark.

Head to the Security Station in the Crater and check the terminal for the functioning Escape Pod, Tram Power, and any Hazards within the Moonbase. Now exit the terminal and head into the nearby Power Station. If there is an area without power, use two Control Modules to restore power to that section of the Moonbase. If all three areas have power, drop two of the four Control Modules from your inventory.

Now make your way to Pytheas Labs.

Part 2 - Pytheas Labs & Crew Annex Sweep

When you arrive, sweep the entire area, from bottom to top, looting everything you can (ideally, you would want to have Joan's inventory ability maxed out at this point) and killing any Typhon that get in your way. Remember to use a Delay Loop.Time whenever your Corruption Timer fills up about 50 to 75%. You want to stay on Corruption Level 1 during this entire run with Joan.

If and when you run out of inventory space, take the Tram to Crew Annex assuming the Tram in Crew Annex was operational; if it was not operational, you will need to return to the Crater and travel to Crew Annex the long way (once you arrive, make it a point to use one of your remaining two Control Modules to power the Tram [this same logic applies later to the Moonworks Tram, if needed]). Inside Crew Annex, make your way to the Recycler on the first floor and dispose of any junk and weapons (you only need one Shotgun during this run). Now use all of these newly acquired materials in the nearby Fabricator and craft as many Neuromods as possible. The reason you skipped over the Recycler in Pytheas Labs is because you cannot hack into that room while playing as Joan.

Once this has been done, return to Pytheas Labs and continue your full sweep, looting and killing everything. Make sure to make a stop at the Mimic Portal in the back of the labs and repair it so that Claire can use it as her escape method on a subsequent run. Once Pytheas Labs is pretty much "clean and wiped down," go back to Crew Annex.

In Crew Annex, you're going to clean the entire area of loot and kill every Typhon you encounter just like you did in Pytheas Labs. Again, when your inventory fills up to its max capacity, make a stop at the Recycler to break down junk, guns, and ammunition that you don't need. Every time you make this pit stop, remember to then make as many Neuromods as possible (and a few Delay Loop.Time items, too), all while ensuring the Corruption Timer remains at Level 1.

Part 3 - Moonworks Sweep & Escape Via Mass Driver

After you wipe down Crew Annex, make your way to Moonworks via the Tram (again, assuming that it's powered) and do a full loot sweep here, making a pit stop in the Mass Driver inside the central mine to empty your Anti-Rad, five non-alcoholic drinks (that you would have collected from Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs), and five T-Rations.

After cleaning up Moonworks of loot and using the Recycler in this area to break down more junk and create more Neuromods, repair the gravity lift in the central mine and take it up to the Mass Driver Control Room. Continue with the objective of escaping the Moonbase via the Mass Driver, but before you activate the controls, you must perform the following action:

  • Use your Neuromods to unlock any abilities you have left with Joan
    • If you have already unlocked all of Joan's abilities, then continue reading below

Now summon the Mule Operator and dump all of your loot on the companion (or as much as you can, but prioritize dumping Neuromods, Med-Kits, Delay Loop.Time items, Shotgun(s), and Shotgun ammo). Now activate the Mass Driver controls and escape the Moonbase.

This first "full run" will typically net 30,000 to 45,000 Sim Points, or a bit more if, during the initial Loadout Menu, you equipped the Elite Chipset that increases Sim Point rewards.

Part 4 - Subsequent Runs (Assuming Joan is Maxed Out)

The next character you should choose is Riley Yu. You don't really need to buy anything from the Loadout Menu with her since, when you spawn into the simulation, you'll have all of the key items you need on the Mule Operator. Thus, when you do load into the simulation, summon the Mule Operator, collect all of its items, and use as many Neuromods as you need to unlock Riley's abilities.

Author's Note: On each "Joan Run," once all of her abilities had been unlocked, I would be able to collect/make a total of 50 to 60 Neuromods and leave them on the Mule for whichever character came next.

What you should do next with this second character for a massive surplus of Sim Points is, rather than reset the simulation prematurely and perform another "Joan Run," follow the walkthrough outlined in the "No One Left Behind" achievement. In other words, escape with all five characters in a single run. This is not 100% necessary, but it's extremely beneficial for all the Sim Points you accumulate by the end. In a way, it essentially pads each next "Joan Run" with a surplus of Sim Points to spend on her loadout detailed above.

Moreover, if you have well over 200,000 Sim Points by the time you've unlocked every ability for four of the five characters, you can safely scrap an entire "Joan Run" for this last character that needs Neuromods. Instead, just buy a heap of Neuromods during the Loadout Menu, load the character into the simulation, and unlock their remaining abilities. If you do this, just make sure to keep a surplus of 50,000 Sim Points for the "Cryptomancer" achievement.

Farming Summary

In short, use Joan and her maxed out inventory to clean up the entire Moonbase. Search every box, cabinet, and room possible. In the end, assuming you don't use any Neuromods on Joan, you should amass 50 to 60 Neuromods to then pack away on the Mule Operator and use on your next character. Each run after Joan takes about five minutes to complete since all of the other escape methods are extremely simple (assuming you've done them before). Plus, since you are always keeping the Corruption Timer at Level 1, no enemies will respawn during subsequent runs, making the Moonbase an extremely quiet and non-dangerous playground.

NOTE: Please be aware that there are actually a few fixed locations for Neuromods around the Moonbase. For example, Volunteer Cell 3 in Pytheas Labs (which can only be opened with Riley) has three Neuromods and Volunteer Cell 5 in Pytheas Labs also has three Neuromods. Additionally, be mindful to loot quite literally everything, including golden boxes (which usually always contain a Neuromod or two), but more importantly dressers, cabinets, and the like (such as those in Riley Yu's office, Alex Yu's office, etc.).