Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
27 Achievements
Xbox 360
10 years of Service
An award to honour 10 years of service in Master League.
How to unlock the 10 years of Service achievement in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 - Definitive Guide
Basically you have to complete 10 of years of Master League. Quickest way to do is to pick any team, a good one if you want to get other achievements without playing and before each match choose to allow your coach to take charge. It takes a while and is VERY boring so don't forget to save regularly. Also keep an eye on your finances and buy/sell players if necessary because its game over if you go bankrupt.
A small tip that may save some time is to try playing with an average team unlikely to be involved in European football. I did this achievement with Barca, but being such a good team, I was consistenly reaching the last 4 of both the CL and Copa del Rey. Thanks to LDU02167 for that.
A small tip that may save some time is to try playing with an average team unlikely to be involved in European football. I did this achievement with Barca, but being such a good team, I was consistenly reaching the last 4 of both the CL and Copa del Rey. Thanks to LDU02167 for that.
you can either play the matches or leave them to coach, the achievement will pop either way. whatever speed you play on, too.
By mydefposse on 09 Jan 2011 07:12
so you unlock it only after the end of season 10 ?
By Le Benjo on 03 Aug 2011 11:46
for unlock this achievement, you need finish the season 2019. you have this achievement when you skip at the season 2020. I use Barcelona team. control your finances and buy/sell players if necessary. i have simulated EVERY match! this achievement is veeeeeeery long. need like 12-15 ours to unlock!
Ho sbloccato questo obiettivo al termine della stagione 2019. in pratica lo otterrete quando vi dirà che la stagione è finita e andrete alla stagione successiva ( 2020 ). Inutile dirvi che è un'obiettivo lungo e noioso in quanto dovrete simulare PARTITA DOPO PARTITA. Non ho mai giocato un match, quandi simulate tranquillamente ogni incontro! l'obiettivo come ho detto, non lo sbloccherete giocando una partia ma finendo la stagione 2019. Armatevi di pazienza!
Spero di essere stato di aiuto.
Ho sbloccato questo obiettivo al termine della stagione 2019. in pratica lo otterrete quando vi dirà che la stagione è finita e andrete alla stagione successiva ( 2020 ). Inutile dirvi che è un'obiettivo lungo e noioso in quanto dovrete simulare PARTITA DOPO PARTITA. Non ho mai giocato un match, quandi simulate tranquillamente ogni incontro! l'obiettivo come ho detto, non lo sbloccherete giocando una partia ma finendo la stagione 2019. Armatevi di pazienza!
Spero di essere stato di aiuto.
First and foremost, you should be using the Master League (ML) setup from the "The Invincibles" trophy. Assuming that you've knocked out your first season by completing that trophy and the other ones associated to it, you will just be simulating the next nine seasons. Sadly, as you've probably already noted, you can only simulate one game at a time. As long as you set up your ML as specified in the "The Invincibles" trophy, the simulating will go fairly quickly. Just keep simulating by choosing the "Leave To Coach" option. In particular, you don't need to worry about the status of your team or players. Just keep simulating! Even if everybody on your team hates you and you have no fans, just keep simulating! Occasionally, you will want to save your progress, because god forbid something horrible happens (like a power outage) and you lose your progress, and subsequently, have to resimulate a bunch of matches. Once you simulate through your tenth season, the trophy will unlock. Thank god!