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Ranger Danger

Ranger Danger

Reach Level 10 with Scarlett.



How to unlock the Ranger Danger achievement in Project Spark - Definitive Guide

Achievement might become unobtainable on August 12th, 2016.

The fastest way to level a character is in the Crossroads. Make your world as full as possible. If Scarlett isn't available as your hero, press cn_X, until she is. Choose her Include a long path to the goal. Play quickly. Repeat.

14 Oct 2014 01:47

This experience glitch works for both systems, Xbox one and Win 8.

You begin a crossroad whichever way you desire. Upon the character select choose from any of the characters. It may take afew attempts to get the glitch to work but if you keep trying it should work in the end (I personally struggled to get Scarlett to work). Talk to the NPC to trigger the invaders then dispatch of them. Talk to the NPC again to choose a boss lair (Corrupted Tower seemed to be the best since it provided a back wall). Position it as close to the home base as you can to save time and avoiding additional fighting. Talk to the NPC infront of the tower and choose whichever opponent and number you wish to fight. Now for the important part.

Once they are taken care of choose Defective Drone as the boss. Proceed to kill him and claim the item for retrieval. You'll know the glitch is successful if once you kill and claim the item his health bar remains depleted. Go back to the very first NPC to turn in the item but do not exit the level. Head back to the boss, once you see his health bar reappear stop. This is the distance you need to remember (its usually the beginning point of your exploration). He might already be back to full health if not just wait. Proceed to kill him again once the health is restored (he will not fight back). You'll be granted 600xp for each kill (please note there will not be xp particles) and you can just keep repeating this process for however much experience is needed.

The video provided is from xTMx Voytek who was kind of enough to record for me.

If you still need 5k coins you can do the waterskin trick by choosing the Sacred Tree as your initial landmark and picking it up near the water barrel. Choose the pawnshop to be the leftmost building (if you are looking straight at the boss). You can trade away and if you notice the bosses health disappear while in the interface this means that the boss is read to fight. Doing both the boss and money seemed to freeze my game more then none so if you don't mind risking it you can kill two birds with one stone. If the crossroad crashes you'll still be credited the do and the coins but the completion of the level will be lost.

28 Nov 2015 14:56

Edit for Scarlett: This solution is identical to the solution for other characters. However, with Scarlett, tapping cn_X to kill the Fallen Ranger doesn't seem to give as much XP. Instead, use the charged shot (hold cn_X and release). I got 1 to 2 600XP gifts per fight using the charged shot.

This is a new solution post-update, now that Project Spark is totally free. Use this guide if you are done with the Void Storm campaign and are only left with grinding XP for characters. This guide is loosely based on SnD ACiD RAiN's guide, but I wanted to point out that the order in which you take actions is important. For example, if you build houses before completing the main quest, your hero won't receive any XP.

1. Start a Crossroads game. The starting setup doesn't matter.

2. Select your hero. You can set the difficulty to easy with cn_left.

3. Talk to the NPC, kill the invaders, and generate the ending lair. Put it close to the village to save time.

4. Reach the boss lair, and spawn the Fallen Ranger. This boss will randomly give 600 XP to 1200 XP during fight. Just hit him with cn_X and collect easy XP. You can expect 2-3 random XP "gifts" per fight, on top of the XP for the kill.

5. Go back to the first NPC and collect your reward. From this point on, all actions that require a decision on your part will grant you free XP.

6. Start by building the 3 blue buildings in the village. Each building should give 160 - 380 XP...this seems random. Build the Fortune Teller and make her tell your fortune for another XP gain.

7. Talk to both blue NPCs that grant side quests. Choose Observatory and Puzzle Stones.

8. Puzzle Stones is really easy and only requires you to read the sign and press the correct stones. Onyx=Black, Citrine=Yellow, Sapphire=Blue, Amethyst=Purple, Emerald=Green, and Ruby=Red.

9. Observatory gets you 2 XP gains. 1) Talk to the guy on top of the tower and press cn_B has your first answer. He'll give you the caged pet. 2) Look into the spyglass and drop the meteor. Now go see what fell from the sky to earn more XP.

10. After #5, anytime you come close to a blue house or NPC, you can at least trigger its quest to gain free XP. No need to complete the quest (note that The Kodian Beacon is quite easy).

There you have it! I hope it will help you get to lvl 20 faster! Good luck

Side note= When you level up, the game shows a huge amount of XP on your character. This is not a new XP gain. It's simply a bug.

04 Nov 2015 23:28

Power leveling. This is freakish.

There is a world called "FAST! Level all champions to MAX!" by Tr1ckstr360. It takes about 45 minutes to level all of your characters to level 20.

Edit: I'm going to be honest: I can't do game DVR, so I can't make a video to show this. So I'm going to lay it out step-by-step in the spoiler box below.

I hope that made a lot more sense.

The short version is that this isn't a guide to leveling yourself, but it WILL level you up a bit by leveling your characters. A LOT. Which is good since the servers are closing soon.

Yes, it really works.

You need to find a world called "FAST! Level all champions to MAX!". There are a few copies out there. The original is by Tr1ckstr360. The gist is that you use the brain in his world, go into Void Storm, replace a brain there with his brain, and then test the world. The XP will fly.

You should get these along the way:

Project SparkDruid SavantThe Druid Savant achievement in Project Spark worth 165 pointsReach Level 20 with Avalon.
Project SparkKnight SavantThe Knight Savant achievement in Project Spark worth 162 pointsReach Level 20 with Haakon.
Project SparkGoblin SavantThe Goblin Savant achievement in Project Spark worth 157 pointsReach Level 20 with Karlsnor.
Project SparkRanger SavantThe Ranger Savant achievement in Project Spark worth 155 pointsReach Level 20 with Scarlett.
and if it doesn't glitch,
Project SparkThe Squirrel SavantThe The Squirrel Savant achievement in Project Spark worth 156 pointsReach Level 20 with Conker.

Hope this helps! toast

16 May 2016 16:22