24 Achievements



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Weapon Lord Patch

Weapon Lord Patch

Received after you collect all usable equipment for the Delta Saber.


How to unlock the Weapon Lord Patch achievement in PROJECT SYLPHEED - Definitive Guide

Gradually buy all the weapons available in the game (the extra DLC weapons do not count towards or against this achievement). Getting an 'S' rating will help with the number of points you get when completing a mission, so try to complete subobjectives and avoid making friendly fire mistakes.

If you play through on easy, it'll take around 3 or so playthroughs to accumulate enough points. Don't worry if the achievement doesn't unlock when you buy the last weapon - you'll need to play one more mission and get to a debriefing for it to unlock.

03 May 2009 18:52

Just one more thing: you make WAY more points on hard than you do on easy (it's been about 4 times as much for me so far), so perhaps after a couple playthroughs on easy to get some decent weapons you should change to hard to build up cash for the other weapons.
By Pedle Zelnip on 28 Jun 2009 07:35
One more thing, just for the record: it takes about 1.2 million points to buy everything. A complete playthrough on easy will net you in the 300-350K range, so you're looking at 3-4 playthroughs on easy.

On my hard playthrough I scored about 980K and that was with skipping 3 missions or so.
By Pedle Zelnip on 30 Jun 2009 20:31

This can be done in one play through if you get S rank on every mission and maximize all your points which is nearly impossible. Best way to do it is to run through the game on easy as you get some weapons unlocked for free and during your second play through you should make enough to buy the last weapons you need.