Puzzle Quest Galactrix
12 Achievements
Rock Star
You have successfully mined 10 asteroids.
How to unlock the Rock Star achievement in Puzzle Quest Galactrix - Definitive Guide
The easiest combination I found is in the top left of the galaxy map, in the starting systems. If you hit each of the below asteroids, the first one will be ready for use again once you complete the fourth one, so you can just travel in a little circle between systems, only going for the easiest asteroids.
These are the easiest asteroids I could find:
Ceti: BK409B
Erebus: E3CF36J
Talus: XK786T
Elea: PH549D
Barring some bad luck, you should be able to hit all or most of these every "lap" around the galaxy, making the 10 successful operations easy to acquire. This is quite a bit easier than trying to do it in Beta Centauri or anywhere else that has difficult asteroids.
1. Asteroids reset after you mine three other asteroids, successfully or unsuccessfully. Use this to your advantage!
2. Use the direction of matching to your advantage. Make the gems pull away from the side of the screen with the most materials, increasing your chance to match more later. You are also awarded more material for Nova and Supernova matches, which are more likely when matching this way.
3. There are the most asteroids on Beta Centauri (five total), which is close to Terra, although these can be challenging to mine successfully.
4. You need to complete (mine all required materials) from ten asteroids total. You can mine the same one multiple times, and the ones close to the beginning are the easiest. So just fly around the beginning areas and mine the easy ones until you get ten successes if you want this quickly.
EXTRA CREDIT: Don't forget to sell your extra materials for quick credits or save them for crafting items. You do have limited capacity to carry them depending on your ship. Some factions offer more for certain materials (price in green) and less for others (price in red).
(Let me know if anything is unclear instead of neg-voting and I will edit this as needed
Tip: Mine as many asteroids as you can that are around the starting galaxies. As these should be slightly easier.
Tip: You can mine the same asteroid as many times as you like, but you must mine at 3 others before the it becomes mine-able again.
Edit: You MUST fully mine each of the 3 resources on the asteroid for the mining to count towards your 10.
You have to complete successfully 10 mining mini-games. This mini-game is located on spiky asteroids. They have some random combination of letters and digits as names (e.g. "E3CF36J").
The mini-game goal is to get the required amount (shown at the beginning of the mini-game) of the 3 resources on the asteroids.
If you finish the mini-game with a "Black Hole", it won't count as a success. Once finished, the asteroid won't be minable until you mine 3 other asteroids. The resource quantities needed will vary from asteroid to asteroid.
Little tips: You can quit and retry the mining game to get a better gem disposition. The following asteroids have small mining requirements (the numbers between brackets) so they should be quite easy to mine. Furthermore, the systems they belong to are quite close to each other.
E3CF36J - Erebus system (15/10/3)
E50A56P - Erebus system (18/12/4)
BK409B - Ceti system (10/7/2)
JH69T - Vega system (10/6/1)