50 Achievements
Use all RUSEs
How to unlock the Cunning achievement in R.U.S.E. - Definitive Guide
Start at the top of the RUSE list and use each one (I used all the decoy base types & decoy army types to be safe) and once they are all played, just let the time run out. It does not matter which section you play them on so I just picked random spots on the map for each different ruse I used. You will not get any XP at the end but it still counts all the RUSEs you used in the battle so once the summary screen pops up after the match time limit is done you will unlock the cheevo.
Once on the map, just cycle through the RUSE list from top to bottom, (be sure to build the necessary buildings for the 'fake building RUSES). There are quite a few so I do advise you go through in order, although as long as you remember which ones you've used it's fine.
There are 15 ruses in the game. Simply use each one at least once during the campaign when they become available and this will unlock at the end of Mission 21 (when the scores for the level come up). They are:
Decryption (shows what enemy unit’s have been ordered to do) – First available in Mission 3
Spy (reveals what the enemies hidden units are) – First available in Mission 4
Radio Silence (hides your units in the sector from the enemy) First available in Mission 7
Biltz (increased movement speed in sector) First available in Mission 9
Fake Offensive (launches an attack with decoy planes and tanks) First available in Mission 12
Fake Tank Assault (launches an attack with decoy tanks) first available in Mission 12
Fake Air Assault (launches an attack with decoy tanks) first available in Mission 12
Reverted Intel (Makes the enemy send anti infantry units to attack tanks and anti tank units to attack infantry) First available in Mission 15
Fanaticism (Makes your units fight to the death) First available in Mission 17
Camouflage Net (Hides your buildings from the enemy) First available in Mission 18
Terror (Makes enemies flee earlier) First available in Mission 19
Decoy Airfield (Diverts the enemy to your fake buildings) First available in Mission 21
Decoy Barracks (Diverts the enemy to your fake buildings) First available in Mission 21
Decoy Armor Base (Diverts the enemy to your fake buildings) First available in Mission 21
Decoy AA and Artillery Base (Diverts the enemy to your fake buildings) First available in Mission 21