Rapala Fishing Frenzy
9 Achievements
Xbox 360
Spotted Bass Expert
Caught 25 Spotted Bass.
How to unlock the Spotted Bass Expert achievement in Rapala Fishing Frenzy - Definitive Guide
Catch 25 Spotted Bass. This is a cumulative achievement. Throughout the course of all three cups you'll end up getting about 10 spotted bass(in my case). Once you're done with the cups head straight to Quick Challenge and pick Lake of Ozarks, it mainly puts you to fish for spotted bass. By going into Quick Challenge you'll also add to your count for the 30 Quick Challenge achievement.
After the 3 Tournaments I had 20 Spotted Bass on my bag, Spotted Bass is a long greeny and silver Fish with two crest on top, is very similar to Largemouth only... with a smaller mouth LOL.
This is what I did to get them:
1- Choose Lake Logan Martin Hit B as soon as you Start,
2- Hit RB till you select Striped Bass,
3- then Hit Directional Pad right Till you select "Jigging Fuzzy Bait" Lure With 0,06oz / 4.75" and 0ft
Ok, before Step 4 Two things to know, there are 2 kind of Challenge in this lake. Achieve more than 10.000 points in 20min catching Largemouths bass (Quit join again) and get more than 15.000 points while catching Spotted Bass in 25 min (Step 4).
4- Throw you bait to 90-100 ft long and wait for them to Bite the lure, Do the Right Stick mini game or just wait for them hitting LT so you move slowly the lure as If it was alive. with RS 9 of 10 it was a Spotted Bass. If you saw a Largemouth or Smallmouth Click Left Stick to Cut the line and Start steep 4 again.
Hope this help
This is what I did to get them:
1- Choose Lake Logan Martin Hit B as soon as you Start,
2- Hit RB till you select Striped Bass,
3- then Hit Directional Pad right Till you select "Jigging Fuzzy Bait" Lure With 0,06oz / 4.75" and 0ft
Ok, before Step 4 Two things to know, there are 2 kind of Challenge in this lake. Achieve more than 10.000 points in 20min catching Largemouths bass (Quit join again) and get more than 15.000 points while catching Spotted Bass in 25 min (Step 4).
4- Throw you bait to 90-100 ft long and wait for them to Bite the lure, Do the Right Stick mini game or just wait for them hitting LT so you move slowly the lure as If it was alive. with RS 9 of 10 it was a Spotted Bass. If you saw a Largemouth or Smallmouth Click Left Stick to Cut the line and Start steep 4 again.
Hope this help
1 Comment
Ozarks is a single fish how can you justify the other challenges
By on 15 Jul 2021 09:37
My achievement came after 32. See Largemouth Bass Expert.