Rayman 3 HD
12 Achievements
Pest control
Find and get the bonus score of every Matuvu.
How to unlock the Pest control achievement in Rayman 3 HD - Definitive Guide
I have only found 1 complete Guide to all the Collectibles so far, click HERE to show it. It has all the Collectibles in the game.
(Go to the "Green Is So In" Achievement, and click on "Toggle Spoiler", you'll see every level and you have to press "Toggle Spoiler" for each level to see the Collectibles.)
(Go to the "Green Is So In" Achievement, and click on "Toggle Spoiler", you'll see every level and you have to press "Toggle Spoiler" for each level to see the Collectibles.)
Thanks a lot for the link to the guide it realy is 100% accurate
By TWIGHLIGHT Z0HA on 26 Dec 2012 21:52
No problem :)
By General Joury on 27 Dec 2012 00:26