Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends

50 Achievements



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That was fast!

That was fast!

Save 3 Teensies in an Invasion painting



How to unlock the That was fast! achievement in Rayman Legends - Definitive Guide

Invasions paintings are altered versions of an already completed painting that unlock at set stages of the story and appear next to the completed painting. They are basically shortened speed runs that require you to complete the level as fast as possible.

You will be notified when one is ready to play. Simply enter the painting and complete the level in the given time. To unlock the 3 teensies you need to beat the level in 40 seconds.

A good tip for all the invaded paintings is to make use of the speed dash. To do this press x whilst running to get a temporary speed boost.

My video is for the level Ray and the Beanstalk (Invaded) but you can get the achievement in any invaded painting.

24 Feb 2014 10:15

1 Comment
First one appears after the collection of 120 Teensies. Invasion version of Castle in the Clouds.
By Gizmo2k on 07 Aug 2014 20:09

There are 28 Invasion paintings and they unlock as you progress through the game. To save the three Teensies in any of them, you must complete the level in under 40 seconds.


Invasion paintings are unlocked after you've saved enough Teensies and are speed runs that will put your skills to the test. Simply complete one of these in under 40 seconds to save all 3 Teensies and get the trophy.

See this fantastic Invasion Paintings Guide by Wozamil

A fairly simple achievement. To get it, you need to go through any captured painting in 40 seconds . Captured paintings will become available around the middle of the game.

06 Sep 2013 20:00