Record of Agarest War

Record of Agarest War

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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The More the Merrier

The More the Merrier

Execute a coordinated attack with six characters.


How to unlock the The More the Merrier achievement in Record of Agarest War - Definitive Guide

If you are having trouble getting this, there is a small bug. You have to have Battle Animation - Effects and Movement turned on inside the Settings in order for the game to register the achievement.

18 Jul 2010 18:57

If you use the force field battle option with. Leo, Fyuria, Zerva, Luana, Borgnine and Vira-Lorr they will automatically enter battle all linked up together. All you need to do is find the person you want to attack and highlight them after that you will have to choose skill. You will have to cycle through all the people by hitting [RT] and there you can choose one attack (or more) from each person the lowest AP attack for fighting is 8AP

After you have chosen your attacks hit the [START] button and you will attack even if you kill the enemy you will just overkill them and get extra treasures if your lucky! Hope this is helpful.

04 May 2010 13:27

For anyone haven't trouble getting this, you have to have effects turned on. I was getting so mad cause I had done this about 20 times and it never gave me the achievement. I don't know why it matter, but it's true.
By gambitwes on 16 May 2010 19:50
this is an easy achievement, but you have to know what exactly yo do, like Essence of evil said.
By Zacek Taisen on 29 Nov 2011 23:40
Pretty simple. Make sure to line everybody up in the link boxes and have them all attack the same target. Each person needs to hit the target at least once. I just used the lowest AP attack for each person once and it unlocked as the 6th was preparing to attack.

28 Apr 2010 23:12

This achievement cannot be obtained until you recruit your 6th character. When in battle you'll notice green lines will connect characters. Make sure that every character is connected, and string together at least one attack from all 6 characters in one attack.

26 Sep 2010 22:38

One other condition I haven't seen mentioned is that all six members of the party must be story characters. I had one captured monster in my party, and it was only when I replaced it with a story character (and then performed a linked attack with all six) that the achievement popped.

09 Aug 2010 10:22

You must have 6 party members. The earliest point in the game you can accomplish this is after recruiting Zerva after the battle at Zelzagun Fort in Generation 1. You must connect all your party members during your movement phase before battle. How you can tell if a character will connect at a certain spot is by the yellow outlined squares shown when you select the character, also known as their extended areas. Your 6 man link looks like this after you set it up:

On your first turn in the battle phase, have each party member set with at least one attack. After the final attack by the final party member, this trophy should unlock.

Note: It seems that for a majority of players this trophy will not unlock if you have your animations turned off, if that's the case simply go to your settings (in the battle menu) and switch them back on.


To obtain this achievement, you must simply perform one attack with each character in the same move list when selecting your attacks in the action phase. You must have all six characters linked by placing them in each other's extended area. This is a fundamental aspect of the battle system, and you should obtain this achievement naturally early on in the first generation when you first obtain 6 characters.