Record of Agarest War
50 Achievements
Xbox 360
You've got 50 titles now! The glass is now half full. Or half empty, if you're that kind of person.
How to unlock the Vassal achievement in Record of Agarest War - Definitive Guide
This achievement does not refer to your Level. You will need 50 titles to obtain this achievement, Your title list can be accessed from the adventures guild in any shop.
Titles can be earned by doing various things Doing so much damage, carry certain items, or kill certain enemys.
Titles can be earned by doing various things Doing so much damage, carry certain items, or kill certain enemys.
I think you mean this achievement DOES refer to titles. :P
By HeroicNewtype on 05 May 2010 17:00
yes it does I will edit that right now!
By ESS3NC3 0F 3V1L on 08 May 2010 18:13