Record of Agarest War
50 Achievements
We Can Rebuild Them
Created three marionettes. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the We Can Rebuild Them achievement in Record of Agarest War - Definitive Guide
Created three marionettes.
The earliest you can get this one is in the 2nd Gen. You need to have at least one Forbidden Tome and a LOT of money. Visit the Alchemist shop in a town and purchase any 3 of the Marionettes (Hero/Heroines from previouse Gens).
The first time you can visil the Alchemy shop is in the 2nd Gen, the town where you get to choose to visit the coast or not when you first visit it. The first Forbidden Tome is in the dungeon that leads to that town.
The price for the marionettes depends on what level the character you want to 'resurrect' is at. Higher levels = Bigger price.
After Generation 1, you will have access to the Alchemist Guild where you can make marionettes of the hero and heroines from previous generations. However, to make them you must first find Forbidden Books that are all located in quest areas, 1 book in each generation after the first:
Ancient Forest (Generation 2)
Frozen Woods (Generation 3)
Bibrest Mountains (Generation 4)
Uttara Kulu (Generation 5)
Keep in mind that making marionettes is expensive and the price increases depending on the character's level. If you want to keep the price low, don't use every heroine in each generation too often to the lower the amount you have to pay.
If you're having trouble affording these marionettes, keep in mind that you can net an easy 50,000 by selling one item. Go to the adventurers guild and select TP Exchange. Look for the item Vessel of Life which can be received for 25 TP. Sell the item in the shop and you'll always get 50,000 for it. If you ever have money problems, this is the perfect way to get money.
You will gain access to the Alchemist's Guild when you find your first Forbidden Tome. In the guild you can purchase characters from previous generations at a cost of 5000 GP per level they had. Simply purchase three of them to unlock this achievement. If you are following the suggested party in the generational guides, you will unlock this naturally in Generation 4. There is one book located in each generation from the second onwards, each of them in a chest in a quest area:
- Generation 2: Ancient Forest
- Generation 3: Frozen Woods
- Generation 4: Bibrest Mountains
- Generation 5: Uttara Kulu