Record of Agarest War Zero

Record of Agarest War Zero

43 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Got your first title! Keep it up and earn some more.


How to unlock the Homeowner achievement in Record of Agarest War Zero - Definitive Guide

For this achievement you have to complete your first title and go to the Adventures Guild and claim your reward.. You can view titles at the Adventure's Guild in any town or city with the shop icon above it. My first one was:

Beginner - Win 10 battles

Hope this helps!

17 Jun 2011 14:20

This should be one of the first trophies you unlock in the game, after completing the first quest area at "Trizon Fortress" and the facilities become available simply go into the Adventurer's Guild in town and titles you are able to earn will be highlighted in green, select them with and you receive progress towards this and other trophies correlating towards titles.


When you first enter the Adventurer’s Guild, you are bound to have least one title in green for you to unlock. Simply press A twice on it to unlock it and gain some items as well as an achievement!