Record of Agarest War Zero
43 Achievements
Combined monsters.
How to unlock the Monstrous achievement in Record of Agarest War Zero - Definitive Guide
You are able to do this after you have reached the city of Rue Trark because the Monster Guild has become available. Capture 2 monster and return to a city. Head to the Monster Guild and you can combine them to make one. It shows a little pic of what monster your going to get before you make your choice final.
Some times when your combing 2 monsters they make one of the 2 monsters you were combining. It doesn't matter though it will still count as a combination.
If your looking to use monsters in your party, your better off trying to make the monster your looking for because the stats are better than if you captured them.
I hope this helps everyone!
Once you got 2 of them, simply go to the monster guild and select combine, whatever the result, you will get your achievement.
Please refer to "The Combine" for more information.
In order to combine monsters, you must first have two captured monsters. To capture monsters, you will need the Dark spell “Capture” and the Extra spell “Merciful Strike.” Capture will actually capture the enemy, while Merciful Strike will bring an enemy down to 1 HP and not kill it, allowing you to capture it instead. Simply damage an enemy to low health, then do the remaining damage with Merciful Strike to make sure that you won’t kill it. Enemies may be captured with HP anywhere from 1HP to 5% HP, but the lower HP, the higher the chance of capturing it. The LUK stat also influences this, as some enemies may show a message that says, “This enemy cannot be captured,” when in reality, your LUK stat is too low.
Once you have captured two monsters, go to a town and enter the Monster’s Guild. Choose the option to combine monsters, and put two together. Achievement unlocked!