Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

51 Achievements

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Extreme Personality

Extreme Personality

You reached maximum or minimum Honor level.

How to unlock the Extreme Personality achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Definitive Guide

If you are planning on getting this to maximum here’s how I unlocked this.

Obviously keep doing nice things throughout the game to increase your honour level as much as you can but make sure you are doing Leopold strauss’s Missions. The debt collection ones. During chapter 6, you will need to go and collect debt off of two people. If I remember right one was called J john and the other was called Mr. Londonderry or something along those lines.

During these debt collections you can choose to forget the debt for the first one which will give you honor, and for the second person you can forget the debt and give money which will give you lots of honour.

Once you have done this, you will need to confront Strauss. After you get back to camp and confront him, a cutscene will play out and after this, you will be given a LOT of honour. If you still don’t have enough, you should be Very close.

Good luck!!

29 Oct 2018 16:20

Will my honor level decrease if I get a Wanted/Bounty?
By Uggadunk on 30 Oct 2018 14:21
I’m not too sure bud but I think it depends on the crime. So if you murder someone it might go down but I’m not 100%. Sorry.
By Groates on 30 Oct 2018 15:20
If it was part of the story then it won't. If you go tramples someone it will. I would also like to point out that if you finish the main story before you get this your honor will reset to the middle and you will have to restart.
By JungAndReckless on 30 Oct 2018 17:24
I also have the same issue! Maybe you can't reach the Maximum/Minimun of Honor until you have reached a specific progess in the Story?
By Keeper992 on 02 Nov 2018 10:13
I submitted a ticket with Rockstar Support and they asked to take a video. I'm not sure yet what exactly to record for them, but I keep you updated...
By eiz on 02 Nov 2018 16:47
I read somewhere that you have to be past a certain point in chapter five
By JungAndReckless on 03 Nov 2018 00:35
By sillkent on 07 Nov 2018 00:19
It appears that there is a cap... I'm in chapter 4, and even when I get + honor, the bar doesn't move. So I'm assuming it has to be later.
By Sashamorning on 07 Nov 2018 05:56
It is J John Weathers and Arthur Londerberry.

Can confirm this method works which I was a few points in the negative and my honour has raised enough to complete the necessary mission for having a certain positive honour level.
By GTAmissions1 on 07 Nov 2018 08:26
I was stuck for ages too, then I declined the the money in one of the main story missions in chapter 6 and it popped for me there.
By Calex dEUS on 18 Nov 2018 11:46
I am still in chapter 2 still ‘collecting’ honour, but as they don’t actually give you a number it is hard yo tell if you are actually increasing your honour even though you see the little +honour at the side of the screen for things. I still have loads of hunting to complete so shall see. Must be level 6 though cuz I can get the honour clothes but still only 25% off at the shops.
By Jumble Key Tree on 03 Dec 2018 09:49
I got the achievement right after confronting Mrs. Londonberry's widow and giving her the money. In the animation it looks like a huge wad of cash but it was only $55.
By marknocturnal on 05 Jan 2019 01:32
Can confirm, this dont work in online.
By on 11 May 2020 22:36
I got this right after Strauss confrontation
By THAYLORCS on 02 Jul 2020 02:28
Dang, I really wish I knew this before I did the mission
By JavaScriipt on 16 Jul 2020 23:56
False. The increase that he claims is “a lot” is not very much at all. I forgave both debts, confronted Strauss, and I’m still at mid range. It barely moved.
By Cursive Eve on 02 Mar 2021 12:46
I just did this and got my honour all the way up, great solution! +1 from me
By iiRasterrrrr on 16 Oct 2021 11:35
Cursive Eve, if you play like a bandit the whole time and expect 2 actions to fill up your honor bar, you have no one to blame but yourself. It doesn't detract from the solution. He didn't misinform anyone.
By EVIL IVIONKEY on 26 Oct 2021 19:38
Isn't it easier to kill people to max dishonor?
By beastman rules on 09 Oct 2022 23:57
@beastman rules : yes it's easier, but with honor, you get extras (clothes, 25 to 50% off in shops, ...) and you unlock a extra mission.
It won't change the end of the game, just the way it goes.
It's your choice : the good the bad and the ugly dance
By hugo3104 on 27 Oct 2022 08:38
Does anyone know if the achievement is tied to main story progession in any way? Or is it just bugged for me?

I am in chapter 3 and only doing "good things", i.e. things that give positive honor. But for quite some time I'm stuck at rank 6 of 8(?) I guess:
I even tried to tith $800 in $20 chunks to the camp. The rank won't increase at all.
Yet any dishonorable deed is decreasing my rank. I tested this by killing a single random person:
For direct comparison:

Eventually I tried to reach the minimum. But that's not possible for me either. I shot countless people in Saint Denis for about half an hour and I was stuck at the "opposite" point (-6 of -8??) in the "bad honor" part...
By eiz on 01 Nov 2018 13:51
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First, DON'T waste your time trying to achieve this early, as I DID crywarning

According to the official RDR2 guide,
1. "This can be achieved after [Paradise Mercifully Departed] in Chapter 5"
2. Chapter 6 will have 1.5x multiplier, so it will be easier to get in Chapter 6, but NOT must.
3. This is a list of Honor point by each event affects it:
External image

06 Nov 2018 07:19

Good list - do you know if you could abuse the tithing box by just putting in say 5cents at a time; or is there a minimum amount that gets you the +10?
By Onsidic on 22 Nov 2018 15:05
Each camp chore is +5?
By xXBlackTarXx on 21 Dec 2018 02:00
I would also like to point out that I am on chapter 4, and have been attempting to max out my honor by greeting everyone I see. At this point the marker on the bar will not progress any further even though I'm still getting the symbol and sound for doing a good deed In other words - It does not seem possible to get this achievement before level 5... at least if you go the honorable route.
By z RagnaroK z on 10 Jan 2019 09:53
I played normally always being a good person, doing all honor missions and doing good things for random pepople. Eventually I "Greet" with everyone I came across in most populated cities and made some camp activities.
By netstryker on 17 Mar 2019 23:33
Although you kinda mentioned it, it isn't really clear. YOU CANNOT get this achievement until the max honor is unlocked. Meaning, your honor level is capped at 80% until after you complete the mission noted in the solution.
By Kanchanaburi on 08 Apr 2020 22:56
I saw people on youtube doing 20$ per time. but i dont have any idea about the exact amount.
BTW, I recently got this achievement only by completing the side missions of "Do not seek Absolution I and II", it seems being good in missions gives you way more honor than these.
By JazzyArtifact51 on 25 Nov 2018 06:35
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If you are looking to get your honour maxed out by being good then a nice little trick is to simply "Greet" everyone you come across. Simply wander round a town and press cn_LT to pull up the chat option and select greet. Your honour will rise every 4 greets or so. Still takes time but can be gotten a lot earlier than other solutions.

Also worth noting that there is at least one honor mission needed for the "Lending a Hand" achievement that only shows up if you have high honor.

15 Nov 2018 20:35

This solution is for people near the end of the game and still want to get the highest honor as opposed to the lowest. When you're in chapter 5 or 6 and you greet people, you get a lot of positive points fast. I went from level 6 to 8 in about 20 minutes in Saint Denis just walking around pressing X.

Again, this is for people near the end who still want to do the last few honor missions and weren't paying attention.

08 Nov 2018 02:07

To unlock the Extreme Personality trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2, you must reach the maximum or minimum honor level in the game.

Honor in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a system that isn't immediately obvious but it is important. It will track how you act throughout your time with the game and will determine how other characters in the game interact with you and if you receive discounts from stores.

The Honor scale in Red Dead Redemption goes from -8 through to 8 with 0 being neutral.

Taken from the Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide:

1. This can be achieved after [Paradise Mercifully Departed] in Chapter 5
2. Chapter 6 will have 1.5x multiplier, so it will be easier to get in Chapter 6, but NOT must.

Here is a list of the actions that affect your honor:

Increase Honor in Red Dead Redemption 2:
Donate cash or jewellery to the camp tithing box
Disarm an opponent during a duel rather than killing them
Peacefully surrender to the law and do your time in jail
Complete chores around the gang's camp
Kill rats in town
Pay off debt at post offices to clear your bounties

Decrease Honor in Red Dead Redemption 2:
Watch an animal bleed to death
Scare civilians by shooting near them
Steal a horse hitched to a post
Knock out a civilian and loot them
Trample an innocent civilian with your horse
Intimidate or beat someone in a robbery
Kill domesticated animals (dogs, pigs cows etc)
Shoot or use explosives on specific graves or dead bodies
Hold up a store and steal from the cash register
Antagonise or intimidate someone
Watch your horse writhing in agony without helping it
Kill an animal and leave without skinning/stowing it on your horse
Kill a civilian or lawman

13 Feb 2019 11:47

1 Comment
Fishing and throwing the fish back into the water is also increasing your honor
By A4XRBJ1 on 26 Nov 2020 19:33
Throughout the game, most actions you do either grant or take away honor, as shown by the bar that pops up at the bottom of the screen. You can see your current honor at any time by holding . There are two ways you can go for this:

Maximum Honor (harder but required for other trophies)
  • Choose honorable choices in missions. Spare people when given an option etc. These should be obvious.
  • Be nice to everyone, say hello to NPCs in town, help random people you meet (white dot), talk to people at camp (white dot).
  • Do all honor and side missions (some side/honor missions aren't playable with low honor).
  • Do camp chores (little black dots at camp).
  • Throw back fish after fishing.
  • You get a discount in stores, the higher the honor the higher the discount.

Minimum Honor (easier but will lock out honor missions)
  • Choose dishonorable choices in missions. Kill people when given an option. Again, should be obvious.
  • Be an asshole to everyone, kill random people.
  • Overkill animals (i.e. shoot them with stronger weapons than required, birds are easiest).
It is suggested to go for maximum honor, as some missions for Lending a Hand require a certain honor level. If you want to do minimum honor but still want to do 100%, do all honor and side missions first (some side/honor missions are missable or unobtainable with low honor). If you consistently do honorable things across the game you will easily max out your honor, though if you don't have this trophy by the end of the game it’s much easier to go for minimum honor than maximum.

[Credit to VersionII and danc]

More details on the first point - if you donate more than $20, the number of honor points will be more than less than 20. If you need to make, for example, a donation of $100, divide it into parts and get a greater benefit in terms of points.

01 Nov 2018 13:04

If you (like me) are worried that you only do good deeds, but karma seems to have hit a “wall”, don’t worry, this restriction will be lifted after the 5th chapter.
By Xioshi on 13 Nov 2018 15:40
Don’t worry about karma, you can always raise your honor while fishing by releasing the fish you catch or stupidly saying hello to everyone.
By CAHEKrus on 24 Nov 2018 10:49
As far as I understand, if you finish the chapter before the prologue with good honor, then the ending will be good, but this is not certain.
If you don’t care about this, then I advise you to first increase and then lower the honor, it’s easier that way. It’s even better to make a save with a good one, merge it and return after receiving the trophy
By Ratty_bage34 on 03 Nov 2018 19:09
There is Fort Walas in New Hanover. We go there and kill the soldiers (for them they greatly reduce their honor
By Said-575 on 25 Mar 2019 15:59
It is possible to reach the maximum level of honor only in the 5th chapter, after completing the first task from Dutch (This is Murphy's land) - then we immediately go to Saint Denis and you feel sick from a terrible illness, you go to the doctor (mission - Fork. This can also be go for gold). After leaving the doctor, you hear flashbacks and see a deer... And after that, you can immediately just walk around the city and say hello to everyone (raising the honor level), until you raise the honor level to 100% (Now the honor level not limited to 80% as previously in previous chapters). Until the fifth chapter and up to this point it is impossible to increase the honor level by 100% (Game restrictions - as always...) PS
By romansway777 on 16 Sep 2019 00:17
Karma affects the ending of the game, or more precisely, its mood. The outcome itself will always be the same for any choice and for any reputation!

To achieve maximum karma, it is enough to complete all the main and secondary missions related to Arthur’s honor after the fifth chapter. Towards the end the counter will be reached and you will get the good ending. Well, or from the very beginning of the game, try to do only good deeds. (Inserts with a deer against a sunset background mean the protagonist’s good reputation)

To achieve a low reputation, it is enough to kill, rob and not meet even your comrades from the very start of the game. You will end up with a bad ending. (Insertions with a wolf against a background of a thunderstorm mean the evil reputation of the protagonist)
By MorthShooter on 18 Nov 2018 19:50
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“You can increase your reputation to the maximum according to the plot after chapter 5.” (thanks to Black_Nero )
so don't spend hours fishing like I did

04 Nov 2018 12:48