Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

51 Achievements

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Red Dead Online: You reached Rank 50.

How to unlock the Notorious achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Definitive Guide

For those that dont like playing the Showdowns/Races, the best way to rank up is to start the New Collector Role . For each Full Collection you sell, you will get 1550XP. Took me two weeks to go from 9 to 50 without really trying. Buy Metal Detector when you have $700 as it helps find Coins/Jewelry and Buried Arrowheads. Each set will net you between $200-$600. smile

19 Oct 2019 21:26

Any idea what the payout per hour is in terms of XP?
By Belly Elly on 17 Nov 2019 12:10
After two full rotations of selling all collections, I've went from 13 or 14 to 39. This is definitely the best way to get XP and $ if you need it for stables/horses. +1
By VictimOfDesire on 30 Nov 2019 07:07
Good point, I have yet to finish single player! I might have felt differently
By Octobot Super on 09 Mar 2023 19:09
Collector is the way to go. 30 to 49 in two days.
By Trombonafide on 08 Jan 2020 13:08
Would anyone know if this is quicker than the 2 player method which is currently the highest rated solution?
By Swyer87 on 17 Jan 2020 13:11
What sets are you guys collecting? I spent hours in 3 sittings collecting almost every set and went from rank 15 to 22. Seems very slow
By YaIrishMick96 on 17 Apr 2020 20:51
Yeah I had just overestimated the amount of XP people were getting. Some had said they did one full collectors run and jumped from like 15 to 45, but thats rubbish.
By YaIrishMick96 on 22 Apr 2020 17:20
This is the way to go I'd. It's a lot less stressful than any other way of leveling up, and like ASUnknown1 said getting the metal detector items helps a LOT. I went from 19 to 50 from last Friday to this Thursday playing a couple hours each day
By FosterJag15 on 23 Apr 2020 18:23
Doesn't the collector role cost real life money, aka meaning you have to purchase gold bars in order to be able to obtain the role?
By Saifs Chem on 24 Apr 2020 19:52
Gold bars can be earned by doing the daily challenges.
If you get a streak going you can net around 8 gold bars a day.
By Simpso on 28 Apr 2020 14:24
Will the xp boost going on this week effect this in a good way? i havent played red dead in ages
By Markyshizzle on 29 Apr 2020 20:10
Over the last week I’ve collected one set of all the cards and flowers, then once I had the metal detector I did one set of everything. I went from 16 to 35. So it is still a bit of a grind, I’m expecting to do another two whole sets to get to 50. I got my collectors bag for free from Twitch Prime, but I don’t know if that is still available
By GReASySTRANgL3R on 30 Apr 2020 12:15
Who can buy this rol?
By on 15 May 2020 07:59
Great solution. Thanks.
For those starting the collector role and wondering how it works, I suggest the video which explain all the details.
(this is not my video. all credits to it's author)
By Stahp on 15 May 2020 10:15
-Interactive Map for the collector role really helps as well :

went from 9-50 in about 4 days. Around 10 hours of game play i would say
By l PartyWalrus l on 21 Jun 2020 01:02
I've been collecting chocolate daisies and now after about 8 collected it says I can't carry more? -- EDIT** realised I needed that collector bag
By DDev on 07 Jul 2020 12:54
Negative. Stupid guide.
By on 11 Jul 2020 07:42
Once you hit collector level 20 you don't gain the extra 50xp at the end when you sell your whole collections...

Coins are the best for finding, they net you between 200-300xp for every coin (15 total coins), then 1500xp and 540$ to sell the whole set
By N30YRD on 13 Jul 2020 23:38
thanks! was unaware where to start on level progression so ill definitely start the collector roll thumbs up! toast
By Wwau on 17 Jul 2020 14:23
To clarify what "completely random" means from Resinous' post, you also no longer have a guarantee of getting an entire set just by hitting all the spots in one day. Like you could end up getting the same coin 5 times in a row if you were unlucky. Total BS from R* angry
By LegoStud81 on 30 Jul 2020 20:08
With the added randomness, is this still the best way to go?
By Belly Elly on 20 Oct 2020 19:25
Just got the achievement, this is still by far the fastest way to level. Full collection sets give a nice xp bonus, but you get 100-300 xp per collectible. Just running around gathering everything will give enough xp to level up quickly. I focussed on the american flowers which are the easiest to collect, and you can finish 2 per day.
By Belly Elly on 26 Oct 2020 19:27
I've installed red dead online again, and willing to help anyone who's struggling with this method...

Obviously if your starting from level 1 you won't have all the equipment needed, but we can work round it...

Message me on xbox or on here
By N30YRD on 26 May 2021 10:06
Thanks for the guide! I made a video using it for anyone wondering the on more details and some tips. I had trouble being new to the game on where to get the collectors role and didn't realise it needed unlocking along and how to use the metal detector etc

I gave you credit too, feel free to add to guide if you want :)
By Reabo on 31 Jul 2021 22:14
If anyone needs a friend to do this and other online achievements you can add me GameTag - BajerKR
By BajerKR on 16 Oct 2021 12:13
I absolutely cannot stand the fact that the specialty roles are locked behind Gold requirements. It's almost... insulting.
By Octobot Super on 24 Jul 2022 11:09
This is currently double XP for the current RDO event. 3000 XP per set. Get grinding!
By Waggie5150 on 02 Aug 2022 22:18
^Agreed!! I think one of the fastest ways to get to level 50 while this event is live would be to start the collector role (enabling 2FA on the Social Club site will give you 10 gold within like 24 hours if you need the gold). Then just travel around the map completing the static sets (alcohol bottles, eggs, wildflowers, tarot cards, heirlooms) every day. Probably would only take 3-4 times of doing this to get to level 50.
By Octobot Super on 03 Aug 2022 09:46
Took me around 70 hours and five trips around the map three of which was me using the metal detector. Even with the massive nerf to this it's still faster then any other method. Getting the cash to get the detector and a good horse early on is the real blocker.
By My Ringtones on 05 Oct 2022 02:48
you're right : collector is a good role, that give you xp and money. 100 xp when you fin a card, and 1500 xp when you sell the entire collection ...
The interactive map helps you a lot : there are filters and markers that help for completing a collection .
The daily mission give you gold and xp too. you can easily unlock some gold belt, and you'll awarded of xp.
73 hours of non intensive play, using differents roles (during xp x2), and i'm almost lvl49 (4 collections of card to be completed and sold and it would be ok ;) )
By hugo3104 on 19 Oct 2022 12:02
By KarlaSouzaRJ on 09 Feb 2023 19:32
I can confirm that XBlood Raven's solution is the best.

I tried everything. Collector, Bounty hunting etc. For me collector was quite boring and exp reward is not very fast like the comments I read above. Bounty hunting is fun, but it is even slower than collector.
When I tried doing massacre on Thieves landing, I noticed that I get 1 lvl in ever 35-40 minutes and I did not even use expensive guns, I only use the default revolver I got from the beginning of online.
Just get the thieves landing, be on your horse, close auto aim (as there is a great bonus for free aim). There are almost always 5-6 guys standing at the entrance from the small bridge of Thieves landing (black water side). Start deadeye, aim their heads and if you are using the auto mark card, it will be easy. After you marked 6 guys on the head, you will start shooting and get 6 kills instantly. It will reward you with 5exp for killing, 5 exp for being on your horse, 20 exp for free aim, 5exp for headhot and 5exp for dead eye for each person you kill. So it is 40 exp for each person, which makes 240 exp in total. Other guys there will start shooting back at you, try to get cover and headshot on them. Once everyone is dead, just loot them and sell them at fence there for cash. Once it is done, get away to the 2nd bridge on the side of blackwater and you will notice that everyone is back again. Do the same again earn exp. You will also get chewing tobacco and snake oil for looting so you will have no issues with dead eye meter either.
Please note that this method provides less cash and lovers your honor to the bottom. But if you are going on for the achivement, you should not care about that because this is way faster than other methods.
By EmreTR1094 on 08 Mar 2023 06:08
just to add one more thing.
If you are having trouble shooting people with free aim when they start shooting back. Just rush at them and mash B to drop them on the ground. When they are down, use RT to shoot them on the ground. You will not get 5exp for being on the horse and 5exp for deadeye but it will give another +10exp for execution. sometimes it gives other bonuses as well so it is also good exp around 35 to 40, sometimes even more..
Happy killing everyone :)
By EmreTR1094 on 08 Mar 2023 06:19
Idk I really enjoyed the collector role. Most of the rest of the game is shooting people so it was a nice change.
By Octobot Super on 08 Mar 2023 10:47
As a person who completed all solo achivements, i would say i am more tired of collectibles headspin
By EmreTR1094 on 09 Mar 2023 04:01
So, I must confirm that Collector role is the best to boost your level to 50 and complete this achievement. Took me 4 days to get 50 level. In first day I just started to play and collect my 10 golds to purchase collectors bag. The next 3 days I have collected everything from the interactive map which guys have provided before in the comments. Spent around 7-8 hours per day. For every completed set I got 3000 XP points (maybe this is because Halloween event, cause its twise more than before. But anyway to safe your time just try to avoid collection locations in the mountains. It doesnt worth it to get for a single item. And make sure you have a shovel + metal detector.
By Edmadd1ct on 11 Oct 2023 23:20
This is definitely the way to go - avoids the stress of playing the garbage PVP. The payout probably isn't as quick as doing showdowns, but it's far more relaxing (and interesting!)

Also might be worth adding in a link to this page to help people find the collectibles in the current rotation:

A few personal tips: always hit the Random Spots that aren't too far out of the way between collectibles, you can save a LOT of time as each one awards you a random collectible. Also, always hit enemy bases, as killed enemies also have a chance to drop collectibles.
By crewdy#4923 on 10 Dec 2019 09:19
Just use the Collectors role map it updates every day at 7pm est. Ignore the wild flowers after you have 3 of each. In about 6 hours a day you can hit level 50 in 3 days and bank about 12000$ cash. Don't do any other random events waste of time. Once you hit level 20 in collectors role you can buy one of the horses that unlock and at regular rank 35 you can buy the best saddle and you'll get around much better than if you don't have a good horse. Buy the pass if you have the gold for it. The benefits are enough you won't need to even need to worry about consumables and you'll hit club lvl100 really fast and get all your gold back. I'd do it now as rockstar tried and failed to nerf collectables.
By Zarda1 on 08 Jan 2020 11:24
The new update just made this much harder.

"In the update, Rockstar made changes to the collectible spots to make them less predictable. Unlike a cycle change which we can update easily daily, this is a more complicated change that prevents anyone from using a map to rush to a specific spot and gather a specific collectible they need. In other words, what item you get from a spot will be completely random with no way to tell which item you're going to get, other than the loot tables.

This change has been made for Arrowheads, Coins, most Jewelry, some Heirlooms and the new Fossil sets."
By ResinousHashish on 30 Jul 2020 05:32
Got this done in 2 1/2 days (collectible refresh cycles)
First few days I played some missions, got used to the game, wasted some time here an there and went for other online achievement to collect some RDO$ so I could buy the shovel and other items necessary for this role. I spent 5 US$ (paid with MS points) on the 25 gold bar bonus and used that to start the collectors career.
I then collected every single collectible (except flowers) on two consecutive days and went from level 12 to 45.
Then I finished by collecting a few more items (about half of the available ones) on the third day.

Getting all RDO achievements took just a little bit over 40 hours. But leveling from 12 to 50 only took about 25 hours.
By Dr Marty on 17 Dec 2023 21:19
Using the collectible method and have ranked up from level 10 on June 20th and right now at level 49 as of June 26th. Roughly one week, but also make sure to try and do some of the awards such as spending $1,000 in-stores and resetting it once meeting the requirements.

Here are the collectibles I targeted which are guaranteed:

1. Card sets (there are four different sets)
2. Antique alcohol bottles
3. Bird eggs (make sure you mark off to avoid duplicating trips if already have)
4. Family heirlooms

The collectibles refresh at around 8 PM Eastern Standard Time or EST for short. If doing it all in one go, it took around 4 to 5 hours which also utilized fast travel.

Fast travel fees are waived until June 29th. Bonus bounty hunter bonuses is the current promotion going on.
By GTAmissions1 on 24 Jun 2021 18:57
I worked on Bounty Hunting for a while as it much more interesting than Collectibles but I think I've a faster method.

You can boost kills down at Thieves Landing on the Del Lobos and other unfortunates around. Use the Lancaster Repeater with a scope and stick your aiming to Free Aim for a bonus (also be on a horse and have 200 rounds of normal ammunition and 200 special rounds as this gives a bonus as well).

Simply kill everyone you see (headshots preferably), loot the bodies and sell whatever you get to the nearby Fence for money. If nobody else spawns, go over the bridge towards Blackwater and head back immediately after a short distance over the bridge. It should respawn the people in the area. Your honour will go the lowest but you get xp for that award too.

I got 4000-5000 xp about every 50 minutes to an hour so four ranks for four hours grind (when it was the higher ranks, would be even better on the lower ranks).
By xBlood Raven on 06 Dec 2022 17:29
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This boost is an adaptation of the original but obsolete method posted on powerpyx last year.

You can read it here:

It is also a great way to level up for those who keep disconnecting due the error 0x20010006, or don't like competitive games / dealing with bad behavior players. I've updated it considering the new matchmaking system which is easier than Beta's and the "restart from checkpoint" that doens't work anymore. You also may earn 35% to 60% MORE XP during bonus events.


0 - Make a 2-player posse with a friend.

1 - Posse Leader must initiate replay of the online story mission “Kill Them, Each and Every One” (Pause Menu cn_start > Progress > Story > Select Mission > hold cn_X to Replay).
Note: The Posse Leader must have beaten this mission for replay to be available. The joining player only needs to have beaten the online tutorial.

2 - Posse leader must click cn_A to Start Mission then after a loading screen both players press cn_Y. Skip the cutscene (hold cn_A) to save time. One player goes to the mission objective which is the Fort Mercer. You can take some shortcuts avoiding the winding track by going in a straight line through cacti.

3 - After a cutscene where you put on helmets is where the actual XP boost starts. You will get for free “Split Point” Ammo for the Carbine Repeater and Revolver. Open weapon wheel cn_LB, hover over the Carbine Repeater and press cn_right to select Split Point Ammo!

4 - Both players take cover. Near each cannon there is a convenient cover spot: to the left of the Fort's entrance you can use a wooden barrel and a box and to the right there is a big rock. Kill both gunners using Maxim, few enemies that are near your cover and at least two guys protecting the Fort's wall (we call them snipers for convenience). Let three or four enemies alive in ground level.

5 - Open weapon wheel cn_LB, hover over the Revolver and press cn_right to select Split Point Ammo! Now is the main part: run towards your enemies and press cn_B when near enough to tackle them. Press cn_RT to execute with your revolver.

You should receive*: 5XP for kill + 10XP for execution + 10XP for kill with special ammo

Extra Bonuses:
"Eyes Wide Shut" + 10XP (not sure when this bonus is granted, but it pops sometimes)
"Last Chance" + 5XP (use all your 6 bullets to execute enemies and this bonus may be granted to your next kill - do not reload your revolver)

*Event Update:
Sometimes for a whole week, the values are increased by Rockstar to 7XP instead 5XP and 13XP instead of 10XP.

6 - Don't waste your time blowing up the Fort entrance with cannons, instead run to the left and use the stairs, then jump the wall. One player takes the left route killing everyone with executions. The other player takes the right path. Try to keep close as this makes the enemies to spawn nearby. Kill all enemies in the upper floor, go to the front yard of the Fort with no mercy but watch out an old man carrying a shotgun, then go to the backyard luring groups to the corridors, to avoid too much damage. Soon Teddy Brown will arrive..."Think I'm affraid of you fools?......Huummph". Kill the remaining henchmans but keep Teddy alive. Die spending your remaning lives until the mission fails.

7 - Press cn_X to restart the mission and repeat it once. You can only play it 2 times in a row, because after that you won't earn XP bonus for execution neither for using special ammo.

8 - After playing the mission twice, in the FAIL screen, press cn_Y to bring your posse to the open world. As soon you are able to move your character, repeat steps 1 to 7.

9 - You will earn some nice gold buckles during the boost, make sure to reset then as soon as you can and receive gold nuggets and extra XP.

10 - You will unlock cards and new slots to equip them as you level up. I recommend both players to equip these if they have money to spare:


In order to reach Rank 50 for the “Notorious” achievement you will need about 170,425 XP so this will take some time, I'd say about 25h or 30h depending of your disconnection rate due error 0x20010006 but it is much faster than playing PVP matches and you don’t need any skill to do this. You can also switch up routes so your XP farming doesn’t get too boring. Good hunt!

Feedback: Please, if you vote negative, take a minute to comment on how I can improve this solution. The same goes for any grammatical mistake you may find, because English is not my main language and I would gladly correct the text.

24 Jun 2019 13:19

This is the only solution that really works currently. I got the achievement using this solution. Great solution rafa1000house. clap
By netstryker on 24 Jun 2019 18:03
Great! :D
When I restart the mission for the first time I already dont get the bonuses for the Ammunition and Execution anymore.
Already fixed? Im just skipping step 7 and it still works fine for me.
By Xela Killaz on 01 Aug 2019 17:43
Thanks for your comment, Xela Killaz. Not sure if it was patched but I'm glad it still works and it's good enough for you. Did you try changing the posse host, or play in different servers? I hope an event with bonus XP can make things faster soon.
By rafa1000house on 01 Aug 2019 20:27
Love this solution. Looking to go for this achievement early this year and everything is laid out super clearly and easy to read. Will comment back when trying to confirm if everything is still working. Thanks for the help!
By R1KM4N on 04 Jan 2020 16:00
Thank you for your kindness! Good luck boosting it, I hope you have a good time with your boost partner(s).
By rafa1000house on 06 Jan 2020 20:39
While I'll probably take the longer, but less grindy path, you deserve a thumbs up for the well written guide.
By psybOltOn on 10 May 2021 22:29
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Hey everyone, since this game has been added to gamepass I would like to add an easier and quicker way of getting level 50, its quick however very boring and can take from 2-4days only playing this. I used this map to help me get all collectables It updates every 24hrs you can see how long u have until the locations refresh in the top left of the screen if you follow this link. However you will not be able to collect every collectable. You will need to rank up and earn money so when you start only collect the cards, flowers and whiskeys. After around rank 5 you will be able to buy a metal detector and a shovel once you have these two all collectables will become available. Now you will get about 100-350xp from collectables picked up depending how rare they are but when you sell them you could get $250-600 however only sell them once you have a full collection if u sell them individually u will make hardly anyone money or xp so just leave it.

Just to let you know Madam Nazar is the person you want to speak to about starting this event

I really hope this helps you guys knock out this achievement alot easierdanceheadspin
Wo can buy this rol?
By on 15 May 2020 07:59
Hey sorry your online character can buy it, do you mean who do you buy it from if so its Madam Nazar
By on 15 May 2020 09:47
You forgot to mention that you need to 15 GOLD BARS to even become a collector. I'm level 5 and have 1 bar. Don't know how I'll quickly get the other 14 as it's the premium currency rockstar wants one to pay for.
By LARRY CHICKEN S on 10 Jun 2020 02:17
Hey Larry, I’m pretty sure I didn’t have to do that and my brother started rd as it’s on gamepass and I helped him and he never had to do that either maybe it’s an update thxs for telling me I’ll keep that in mind 👍🏼💎🏆
By on 12 Jun 2020 02:37
Hey Larry, I’m pretty sure I didn’t have to do that and my brother started rd as it’s on gamepass and I helped him and he never had to do that either maybe it’s an update thxs for telling me I’ll keep that in mind 👍🏼💎🏆
By on 12 Jun 2020 10:29
To buy the metal detector you must be level 5 collector... Which is around 10,000 collector xp also have $700 and have 3 blue tokens
By N30YRD on 13 Jul 2020 23:35
thxs bro, i cant believe I put lvl 20 huge mistake thanks for correcting me
By on 13 Jul 2020 23:44
The map in the link still updates after the new cycles. Just collecting everything will give you a bunch of XP, especially if you manage to make a full set - don't sell until you have a complete set.
By psybOltOn on 20 May 2021 12:53
The new update just made this much harder.

"In the update, Rockstar made changes to the collectible spots to make them less predictable. Unlike a cycle change which we can update easily daily, this is a more complicated change that prevents anyone from using a map to rush to a specific spot and gather a specific collectible they need. In other words, what item you get from a spot will be completely random with no way to tell which item you're going to get, other than the loot tables.

This change has been made for Arrowheads, Coins, most Jewelry, some Heirlooms and the new Fossil sets."
By ResinousHashish on 30 Jul 2020 05:35
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UPDATE 2/5/20 - Solution might not be viable anymore. See spoiler tag below for ChunkzUnlimited's findings.

There are many ways to grind this out and the other solutions do a great job of covering that. But if you're like me and don't really care for this kind of MP format then I have great news; you can idle the entire thing with minimal effort on your end.

In order to do this you'll need some kind of way to run macros (CronusMax, Titan One, or even a simple turbo controller will suffice) in order to bypass the idle kick. Rubber banding your sticks won't cut it, Rockstar has implemented a system to detect this and you will get booted after a couple matches. The good news is that you don't need to run any sort of complicated script; just turbo the A button.

You'll be doing all your idling in showdown matches. You have 2 options; the standard Showdown with 16 max players and the Showdown Large with 32 max players. There are pros and cons to both. The 16 player showdown has a larger pool of gametypes with most of them being team modes. Team games yield more XP per match even if you lose, but you do get a bonus for being on the winning team. The 16 player showdown only has 2 teams for all but one gametype, which increases your chances of being on the winning team and thus yields a higher XP payout. The 32 player large showdown is more populated and has a better chance of holding up on non-peak hours. The downside to the showdown large playlist is that the team modes have multiple teams, meaning you will rarely win, and also only 3 gametypes with 1 being a FFA mode. FFA modes will not award you as much XP even if you do well. I played one out to test and placed second and still netted worse XP than idling a losing team match. For this reason I recommend the 16 player showdown unless you can't get a match (more on this later).

Like I said earlier, all you need to do upon getting into a showdown match is turbo the A button. This will prevent you from being idle kicked, respawn you quickly, and bypass the results screen and place you into the next session right away. The one negative to this is that once you're in the pre-game menu the A button turbo will immediately place a vote kick on yourself. The good news here is that the player base doesn't seem to care about vote kicking idle players because it never happened to me. You need 50% of the players in the room to initiate a vote kick to boot you and I never had it happen so I wouldn't worry about it.

What does happen unfortunately is that sometimes the game will boot you to free roam between matches for no reason. Anyone who has played GTAO knows Rockstar's servers aren't the greatest. My longest session was 13 consecutive hours before being dumped into free roam, but typically you can go 3-5 hours without an issue provided you have a reliable connection. For this reason you need to check in periodically to make sure you're still in a showdown match. A good way to do this is to just check your status on It will say "Red Dead Redemption 2 - Playing Red Dead Online: Showdown Series" if you're still in showdown matches, otherwise it will say "wandering around Blackwater" or something similar if you got tossed into free roam.

XP Payout

A standard 7 min match will typically yield around 200-250XP per game if you're on the losing team. You then have around 3 mins of loading screens and pre-game lobby time before the next match so you can run around 6 matches an hour. You will get more if your team wins; the highest I saw was 414XP. You will get less for a FFA match, usually around 90-100. Time spent in the match is the main factor in how much XP you get, the second being a team game, and third winning said team game. Beyond that it doesn't matter. Other than getting XP for individual kills, performing well and the match and sitting there doing jack shit didn't change the end result much from what I observed. My 13 hour session took me from a low 39 up to a high 45, so it's about 2 to 2.5 hours per rank when you get higher up, but of course this is highly dependent on getting lucky with being on winning teams. Obviously you'll level at a faster pace at the lower levels. My final stretch from 49 to 50 took almost exactly 2.5 hours.

The other great thing about this is that you make bank doing this too. You will get 0.16 gold bars for a full 7 min match. The cash payout fluctuates, but you usually get between $10-$13 per game, sometimes more for a team game win and less for a FFA match. I made enough money to knock out all the achievements involving buying things, including owning 5 horses, by level 28. I've made several thousands of dollars since that point so don't worry about money at all, you'll be swimming in it when you reach the upper levels. If you plan on playing the PVP at all just for fun, I recommend buying the Bolt Action rifle, Pump Shotgun, Dual Volcanic Pistols, and the split point pamphlet when you hit level 28. I also recommend following BabyishDuck's solution with regards to which ability cards to use as I found those to be quite useful in the handful of matches I played.

Sometimes the game struggles with putting you into a showdown match from free roam. If you see the message "waiting for showdown to start", just quit back to free roam because trust me it never actually starts. When this happens you should quit and reload the game completely and try the other showdown mode. If showdown standard gives you problems, try showdown large and vice versa.

If you don't mind putting a little time into the free roam, the daily challenges are a good source of XP. You get 200XP for completing a daily challenge, so try and stick to the easy ones that will take you 10 mins or less, otherwise that time is better spent just idling in showdown.

29 Aug 2019 22:41

I strongly, strongly, STRONGLY recommend using the Collector role to grind for experience.
If you're anything like me you probably prefer to avoid pvp whenever possible. Trophies that require pvp or the assistance of others can be unpredictable and a bit of a hassle, especially in a game like this where you will spend at least a month in single player mode.
The Collector role is an excellent way to grind large amounts of experience AND money without having to be at the mercy of other players.
To begin you must find Madam Nazar, she will sell you an item called Collector's Bag. You will need 15 gold bars to purchase this bag so be aware that you may end up purchasing the bars from the PS store. All of the roles (Collector, Bounty Hunter, Trader, Moonshiner) in RDR2 Online require you to pay gold bars in order to participate so if you do not want to pay microtransactions plan accordingly...
After that you can now begin searching the map looking for items from 14 different sets using this interactive map:
It's best to get all of the sets in one go, create a route that hits as many collectable items so you can dump them all at the end of your journey.
Be aware that some items are buried and require a metal detector & shovel to recover, which require more gold bars to buy from Madam Nazar.
It's also very important to remember that while the item locations are fixed they rotate to a different pattern each day.
Finished sets of items can be mailed to Madam Nazar or sold to her directly for anywhere between $200 to $500 dollars AND at least 1000 to 1500 exp each.
It is a large time commitment and potentially require you to pay-to-play gold bars, however this is by far the easiest way to grind experience without the stress of dealing with matchmaking lobbies and griefers.

04 Jun 2020 18:17

1 Comment
So using this strategy, how long would you expect it to take? (I played this on Xbox One in 2019 but I can't recall how long it took, but I also did a lot of pvp.)
By sjp-sjp-sjp on 22 Feb 2024 22:55
Absolute best way to earn exp as of 5/1/2019 is to play the team modes/make it count.

FFA and most wanted are decent but i always quit out and search for a new game because i find most wanted really annoying and FFA is highly skill dependant so if youre good, it can yield decent exp.

As for team modes, you can earn 250-350 exp if youre on the winning team.

Make it count is what you want to focus on. Its basically a dumbed down battle royale mode. Ive won 95% of all the make it count games ive played by simply going clockwise or anti-clockwise close to the perimeter of where youre suppose to be and where you arent allowed to be. In other words, stay near the outer ring where its greyed out but dont step outside as youll automatically die if 10 seconds pass.

By doing this, youll buy yourself time, letting the other players kill each other, leaving maybe only one or two players allowing you an easy win. *make* sure you have vibration on as any player nearing your proximity will make your dualshock 4 vibrate. If youre not confident in killing off the few remaining survivors, simply stay alive (you dont have to win) to gain a ton of exp. You can easily earn between 300-500+ exp by either winning or staying alive. If you stayed alive long enough and killed a few but died, dont quit! Youll still be rewarded but only between 200-300 which is still decent. Also dont stand still at any point as you will show up on the other players minimap and always crouch and move slow.

Be prepared for a grind as going up just one level can easily take a few hours depending whether or not youre on the winning teams or not or how much you manage to win in make it count.

Side note: how much exp you actually get is based on how much time has passed in a match of make it count or any team mode. If you finish make it count in 2-3 minutes the reward is greatly reduced. However, if 8 minutes has passed for example, the reward is much greater.

The exp range i provided above still holds true provided enough time have passed in any given match.

A good example of this is the team mode where you need to capture zones. If you manage to capture all zones on your team relatively quick the exp reward can be as low as 25-50 exp. So there is absolutely no incentive to quickly winning a match in regards to rewards.

Edit: i had to change the amount of exp you earn as rockstar has apparently made a hotfix that rewards you even less now than
before. It used to be between 600-800+ for make it count for winning/letting enough time pass and 300-500 by simply staying alive long enough but not doing so well (dying/not killing anyone) etc.

05 Jan 2019 16:31

To unlock the Notorious trophy in Red Dead Online, you need to reach rank 50 in the online mode. This is only halfway through the available ranks but it still requires an intense grind, especially in these early days when there are few options available.

If you are very good at first or third person shooters in PvP, your best bet (and probably your most enjoyable route) is to consistently win Showdown Series (Large). However if you cannot consistently win these rounds you will not end up with much XP. If you are a good shot, keep an eye on the Combat and Sharpshooter Awards in the menu -- you get 500 XP each time you hit a Gold Buckle award and many of these award counters can be reset once you hit the target.

The other possibility is to win Races. At the time of writing Races seem to be full of people farming XP by continually walking their horse in a circle so they aren't booted, and Rockstar don't seem to be kicking these players for idling because of this simple movement. This means that there are often only 1 or 2 other players actually bothering to race. The downside to this is that you often have to wait up to 15 minutes for the game to end because so few people are bothering to reach the finish line (if three people cross the finish the rest only have 30 seconds to complete the race).

Finally, if the PvP just isn't your thing, you want to focus on playing and replaying the story missions. The best mission to replay is "Kill Them, Each and Every One" because there are lots of enemies to kill, and you also get special ammo in the Fort Mercer fight even if you are a low level which grants more XP. You should also aim to Execute as many enemies as possible by tackling them for a little more XP.

Ideally, you want to fail the checkpoint during the first assault on Fort Mercer BEFORE the cutscene where the armoured guy appears, so that you can farm XP on the regular enemies in the first section. Obviously this means agreeing with a 4-man Posse to do so, which is tricky. There is allegedly trick to starting the mission with just 2 players in your Persistent Posse, by starting matchmaking on the mission, quitting out with your Posse and then travelling with your second player to the mission start in Free Roam and starting the mission together. Otherwise you will have to take your chances with randoms and hope you can get lots of kills before someone manages to complete the mission.

05 Dec 2018 11:49

This boost is an adaptation of the original but obsolete method posted on powerpyx last year.

You can read it here:

It is also a great way to level up for those who keep disconnecting due the error 0x20010006, or don't like competitive games / dealing with bad behavior players. I've updated it considering the new matchmaking system which is easier than Beta's and the "restart from checkpoint" that doens't work anymore. You also may earn 35% to 60% MORE XP during bonus events.


0 - Make a 2-player posse with a friend.

1 - Posse Leader must initiate replay of the online story mission “Kill Them, Each and Every One” (Pause Menu cn_start > Progress > Story > Select Mission > hold cn_X to Replay).
Note: The Posse Leader must have beaten this mission for replay to be available. The joining player only needs to have beaten the online tutorial.

2 - Posse leader must click [cn_A] to Start Mission then after a loading screen both players press [cn_Y]. Skip the cutscene (hold [cn_A]) to save time. One player goes to the mission objective which is the Fort Mercer. You can take some shortcuts avoiding the winding track by going in a straight line through cacti.

3 - After a cutscene where you put on helmets is where the actual XP boost starts. You will get for free “Split Point” Ammo for the Carbine Repeater and Revolver. Open weapon wheel [cn_LB], hover over the Carbine Repeater and press cn_right to select Split Point Ammo!

4 - Both players take cover. Near each cannon there is a convenient cover spot: to the left of the Fort's entrance you can use a wooden barrel and a box and to the right there is a big rock. Kill both gunners using Maxim, few enemies that are near your cover and at least two guys protecting the Fort's wall (we call them snipers for convenience). Let three or four enemies alive in ground level.

5 - Open weapon wheel [cn_LB], hover over the Revolver and press cn_right to select Split Point Ammo! Now is the main part: run towards your enemies and press [cn_B] when near enough to tackle them. Press [cn_RT] to execute with your revolver.

You should receive*: 5XP for kill + 10XP for execution + 10XP for kill with special ammo

Extra Bonuses:
"Eyes Wide Shut" + 10XP (not sure when this bonus is granted, but it pops sometimes)
"Last Chance" + 5XP (use all your 6 bullets to execute enemies and this bonus may be granted to your next kill - do not reload your revolver)

*Event Update:
Sometimes for a whole week, the values are increased by Rockstar to 7XP instead 5XP and 13XP instead of 10XP.

6 - Don't waste your time blowing up the Fort entrance with cannons, instead run to the left and use the stairs, then jump the wall. One player takes the left route killing everyone with executions. The other player takes the right path. Try to keep close as this makes the enemies to spawn nearby. Kill all enemies in the upper floor, go to the front yard of the Fort with no mercy but watch out an old man carrying a shotgun, then go to the backyard luring groups to the corridors, to avoid too much damage. Soon Teddy Brown will arrive..."Think I'm affraid of you fools?......Huummph". Kill the remaining henchmans but keep Teddy alive. Die spending your remaning lives until the mission fails.

7 - Press cn_X to restart the mission and repeat it once. You can only play it 2 times in a row, because after that you won't earn XP bonus for execution neither for using special ammo.

8 - After playing the mission twice, in the FAIL screen, press [cn_Y] to bring your posse to the open world. As soon you are able to move your character, repeat steps 1 to 7.

9 - You will earn some nice gold buckles during the boost, make sure to reset then as soon as you can and receive gold nuggets and extra XP.

10 - You will unlock cards and new slots to equip them as you level up. I recommend both players to equip these if they have money to spare:


In order to reach Rank 50 for the “Notorious” trophy you will need about 170,425 XP so this will take some time, I'd say about 25h or 30h depending of your disconnection rate due error 0x20010006 but it is much faster than playing PVP matches and you don’t need any skill to do this. You can also switch up routes so your XP farming doesn’t get too boring. Good hunt!

Feedback: Please, if you vote negative, take a minute to comment on how I can improve this solution. The same goes for any grammatical mistake you may find, because English is not my main language and I would gladly correct the text.

05 Jul 2019 20:51

To reach Rank 50 you will need a total of 175,300 XP. You gain experience from doing online missions, free roam missions, playing matches/races etc. and by doing miscellaneous things like killing people and animals.

There used to be a very nice glitch that allowed you to rank up fast by exploiting the in-game awards and being able to repeatedly earn the bonus XP for resetting them. Unfortunately, of course, that has been patched out. Since any exploit that may or not be found in the future will just get patched eventually, you will have to simply take part in what Red Dead Online has to offer.

As mentioned above, there are plenty of game modes, side missions and some story missions for you to partake in to help along the way. Use crafted ammo when you get kills for that little extra XP boost, get kills from your horse and work towards buckles in the game’s numerous awards/challenges in the Progress menu. These are for performing tasks such as X number of kills, kills with a particular weapon, animals killed, parts sold to a butcher etc.

There are also seven daily challenges that you can complete, each of which will reward you 200 XP. These are relatively straight forward, such as cooking a particular type of meat, killing a flying bird with a sniper rifle, picking flowers, getting headshots etc. These are very similar to the regular awards and single-player challenges so are nothing new.
The easiest way by far to level up nowadays is by utilising the collector role. You'll need 15 gold bars to unlock it (though it occasionally goes on sale) so play story missions, do challenges, or god forbid spend real money until you have enough. This will unlock collectibles around the map. There are over 260 of them, they give 100-300xp a pop and reset daily at midnight UTC, meaning these can be endlessly farmed. Here is a link to a map that shows you where collectibles are on each day: LINK. Completing sets and selling them to Madam Nazar will earn you an XP bonus. Some collectibles require a metal detector and/or shovel which need to be unlocked and bought. Therefore on your first day of this method, just focus on the Tarot Cards, though you can also get Plants and Antique Alcohol Bottles without any extra equipment, plus the Bird Eggs if you have a Varmint Rifle. If you get all of those in a day you'll have more than enough Collector XP to unlock the Metal Detector for purchase, plus the money you'll need to buy it and the shovel. From there you'll have everything you need to collect every collectible.
If you can invest enough time in a day you can easily grab all of the collectibles, but if you only have a bit of time to game it'll still be very helpful to get as many collectibles you can each day. The aforementioned sets plus the Family Heirlooms have set spots (that rotate each day) so if you're not getting all of them in a day you can easily mop up the ones you're missing on another day to complete the set for bonus XP and money. The remainder of the collectibles are random to the exact one you'll find, bar some Jewellery which can be found in fixed spots but only on certain days. Even if you're getting every collectible in a day you may not complete those sets, but they're definitely worth grabbing anyway. This method will also get you all the money you'll need for other trophies.

While that method is still a grind, you're looking at a longer grind if you don't fancy doing collectibles. If that's the case, pop in to the multiplayer every now and then, rather than trying to grind it out once you've done everything else.

[Credit to Ashtimus Prime and danc]
Gold has been fixed. I did this:
(+ farming money to complete four more online trophies that require purchasing horses, recipes, camp upgrades, etc.) in general, two birds with one stone)

Completed several tests to achieve silver and bronze awards. I don’t remember exactly in numbers, but for example:
- Collected 499 plants
- sold 499 plants to the doctor
- shot 499 animals
- Shot 99 flying birds
- collected 499 animal parts
- Sold 499 animal parts to the butcher
- Sold 99 jewels to a buyer
In general, the point is to have one unfulfilled unit left before receiving the rewards. Then, in the Leymon area, he was preserved, near the house where there was a comic book for Jack (in the same house there is always a rep of jewelry) and began to pass the tests:
- We collect jewelry in the house
- We collect one plant (we get 200xp)
- Shoot one flying bird (get 150xp)
- kill the crocodile (200xp)
- Refresh a crocodile or a shot bird (200xp)
- Let's go to Saint Denis, sell one plant to the doctor (200xp) (+farm money)
- Let’s go to the buyer, sell one piece of jewelry (150xp) (+farm money)
- We go to the butcher, sell a piece of animal meat (200xp) (+farm money)
- Turn off the game using the ps button. Let's boot up again.
Total: 1300 xp at a time. With a reboot, all this takes no more than six minutes. 13000hrs per hour. I came up with this method) I took the trophy without straining in two less than full days)

But, there is one very important nuance. While doing all this, you should not kill anyone and most importantly, do not die yourself. If you get shot by some asshole, you need to quickly close the game using the ps button. This is necessary so that the game does not have time to save progress. Otherwise, your trials will also be saved and you will have to collect them to gold, then reset them and collect them again to silver. Because, for some reason, gold is given out no more than three times. And the experience for silver drops constantly.
They already write that when moving to the next LVL, the progress of the buckles can also be preserved. Therefore, I recommend finishing off the last few XP with kills, saving, and then moving on to the buckles.
You can experiment and add a few more tests to yourself, thereby increasing the number of xp for each run. In my opinion, this is the fastest and easiest way to level up at the moment. Use it while it works.

07 Dec 2018 12:59

Maybe I’ll seem like a CEP, but after each competition (race or confrontation), in the leaderboard, you can press the up or down arrows on the d-pad, evaluating each task. For each rating you get 20 xp.
By Wan33eD on 15 Dec 2018 14:20
Farm experience without glitches and other crap. Real speed dialing: video .

PS. In the video, the guy gets 25 experience per cop, from level 32 express cartridges will appear, by shooting them you get an additional 5 XP. Total: 30 experience from 1 cop, almost 100 experience from 3 cops. In my opinion, not weak.

PSS And I still don’t take into account the experience that will accrue for a certain number of executions, shots from a revolver and time spent in the Wanted... all these points can be discarded in rewards and accumulated further in the same way.
By Resonator84 on 13 Dec 2018 04:08
The glitch with experience farming on buckles no longer works (Most likely it was fixed with the update of February 26). I'll keep you posted.
By TheMrMercenary on 04 Mar 2019 11:46 After patch 1, 06, many bonuses for killing cops were removed, but with this method you can get up to 30 XP per kill and not really bother.
By TH31STROCKSTVR on 06 Mar 2019 01:04
Single pumping option.

1. If there is a stable Internet connection and Rockstar servers do not fail, i.e. It doesn’t always kick you out of the session, so I recommend leveling up through missions of strangers. We carry out the mission and practically complete it, i.e. We drive up to the yellow circle and stand next to it. This way you become invulnerable to other players, wait until the timer reaches 30 seconds. and finish the mission (applies to escort missions, hostage rescue, hunting, and in some cases delivery). If the mission is assassination, kill the last target as late as possible.

Farm in Rhodes, there are 3 stranger missions.

Advantages: 0.16-0.24 gold; $15-18; Experience 350-500xp, not counting side experience for killing mobs. The minimum mission time is ~ 12 minutes, the maximum is 20 minutes, this is a hunt and 500 xp are paid for it. The frenzied grind is diluted with tea breaks and watching YouTube while time passes.

Disadvantages: If you kick out of the session, you will receive nothing except experience for killing mobs during the mission. Players, especially high-level ones, are often jerks.

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________

2. If you constantly get kicked out of the game, we go to the Braitwater estate, which is south of Rhodes.

There we kill the estate guards (there are a maximum of 10 of them on the territory) and they constantly respawn. During the day there will also be hard workers, they don’t give experience for them and they raise the alarm (which is good). At night there will be only guards, in rainy weather there will be no one near the estate, guards will only be in the fields.

At level 28 of leveling up your character, be sure to buy the “Notched Ammo” recipe.

We shoot at the guards from a starting carbine (7 rounds) from a horse.

We get: 5xp (kill) + 5xp (horseman of death) + 10xp (eyes wide shut) + 5xp (special ammunition), i.e. 25xp for each killed. If you shoot from afar, you will get +5xp (distance). For every 7th person killed, you will receive another +5xp (last chance) if you kill him with the last cartridge.

If anyone doesn’t know how to shoot accurately from the hip: aim at the enemy, release at the moment of the shot .

Each killed guard drops cartridges for a carbine (5-10 Patricks). They supply you with them themselves, you don’t need to buy cartridges.

How I farmed: I arrive on horseback, kill everyone 2-3 times, and loot the corpses. I leave witnesses, they call the lawyers. “Special forces” arrive, I craft cut cartridges at the boat station, and the lawmen leave. We repeat everything again.

Advantages: You consistently get 25xp for every kill, 30xp for every 7th kill, and another +5xp if you are a sniper and shoot from afar.
Opponents constantly respawn, supplying them with ammo, occasionally jewelry and some money.
Geographically, it is an almost ideal place: within walking distance of Rhodes and Saint Denis with shops, to the left of Rhodes in the bay there is a lair of bandits, schools of herons (8 pieces each) and pelicans with ducks often fly on the territory of the estate during the day; at night owls and bats if you need them for daily challenges and money. Each bird dropped +13xp.

A lot of buckles swing at once:
-Kill enemies with weapons
-Kill enemies with headshots
-Kill enemies without getting off your horse
-Kill enemies with hip shots
-Make potions (upgrade by crafting ammo)
-Rob your enemies
- Travel on horseback

-Kill animals
-Kill flying birds
-Survive wanted status
-Reset wanted status

After receiving the gold buckle, reset your stats if possible. Get 0, 2 gold and 500xp.

The guards will be considered enemies (i.e. pumping buckles) only when they are shot back and reflected as red dots on the mini map.
If the game kicks you out of the session, you will lose some progress on pumping up buckles (but this will happen in any option), but experience per level is not lost.
If there are other players on the estate, the guards will respawn unevenly.
The reputation scale is consistently in the red zone.

PS At level 49, the game surprised me - for each action I received +6xp, +12xp (with eyes wide shut), +600xp when resetting the gold buckle, and when killing birds +12xp.
By Lord_D on 27 Mar 2019 02:03
The Farm HP tooltip on the last mission was slightly fixed. Now dying at the end doesn't help. The two of us were thrown back to the beginning of the mission and now there is no point at all. You will waste more time. In my opinion, it’s better to play a series of confrontations now. In 7-10 minutes of play you are given 350 HP for winning rounds. It's much faster thanks to the recent economy patch.
Holding the sticks and leaving the console overnight doesn't help either. I tried. Sometimes the character just stops (I don’t know why) and doesn’t walk, even though the sticks are held down. Sometimes the servers lag and throw you out of the session. For the afk method they give 80-150 hp, but extremely randomly. You may simply be thrown out after the first round.
You can farm on rewards. Let's say for murder. Killed 499 enemies. Saved by exiting the session. Kills 500 (500 kills for a silver reward) and gained experience. About 200. The Internet was cut off. The experience will be credited to you, and the reward will again be at 499. This is the fastest way. In 2 minutes 200 hp. You can combine rewards. Freeze "carbine kill", "horse kill" and "enemy kill" on silver (let's say at 499, without the last kill for silver). And all without the last murder. Save. We kill the horse and you will already get 600 HP in 3 minutes.
By Detigo on 09 Dec 2018 01:06
11.12 The checkpoint method still works.
Death at a checkpoint returns you to the beginning of the firefight, as before
By Cryofblackbirds on 12 Dec 2018 10:00
want to level up quickly? Just buy the collector role with your starting gold, turn on the interactive map and go. in 5 hours you can collect 12 collections (that’s about 20k experience for picking things up) + 1500 for selling each collection (that’s another 18,000). Well, for all 12 it turns out to be about 4000 dollars
By ivental on 18 Jun 2020 18:10
All the clues about the role of the hunter are not completely correct.
The reward depends on time - yes, but not on the red zone of the timer. List of awards from time to time.
5 minutes - 0.08 gold
8 minutes - 0.16 gold
10 minutes - 0.24 gold
12 minutes - 0.32 gold
15 minutes - 0.36 gold
20 minutes - 0.40 gold

Experience also increases. According to calculations, the most effective delivery time will be 12 minutes. This way you will get the biggest profit in an hour.
After taking the contract to capture, as soon as you are given control of the character, turn on the timer on your phone and complete the mission. After 12 minutes, hand over the bandit and you will make a profit.
By Nick___ on 26 Aug 2021 06:06
Create a squad and select the “kill every single one” mission from the “Progress” menu. When it starts, we quickly pour it in so as not to play with randoms. When it rains, a yellow marker will appear on our map indicating the mission in New Austin. Let's go there together with my partner. There will be an option to “Start Mission” on site. As a result, at the first checkpoint we farm kills. Before the last enemies in the far part of the fort, we simply die and farm the keels again.
By Andresson on 06 Dec 2018 17:55
If you have a device that allows you to program a gamepad (for example, Kronusmax), you can write a script for afk farming. Otherwise, the good old method of squeezing the sticks with rubber bands and hoping that you won’t be kicked out of the game (once it didn’t kick you out for 10 hours in a row)
By FunTox on 16 Mar 2019 23:07
Boost with buckles fixed!
But STILL there is a new way to boost:
3 people gather on the island, one of them kills everyone and they are reborn a couple of seconds later in the same place.
Important: only one person is boosting! If you change, the session is disrupted and the rep is thrown to another island or even to the continent.
Rebuilding the session and re-entering the game does not give any results, the rep gets lost.
The correct method is to boost one for as long as possible, then take a break and boost the next one.
Kill 15xp + on a horse 5xp + headshot 5xp + special cartridge 5xp = 30xp (every 6 seconds including respawn time)
300 xp per minute = 18,000 xp per hour - this is about 4 levels of pumping
Accordingly, if you kill two, then 36,000 (8 levels).
By kuproom on 17 Mar 2019 13:50
There is a way to quickly get the same amount of experience as described by "Kok". Let's say you make 499 kilos, make 499 kilos from a certain weapon, for example, from a revolver, and saddle 499 kilos from a horse. After that, get on the horse, take the revolver, kill the enemy, that’s it. You get 600 experience because... You will immediately receive 3 buckles. Count in two runs, which take a total of +-5 minutes, you get 1200 experience, which is equivalent to the method above, but you will do all the necessary conditions for this, it seems to me, faster
By FacaBOY on 09 Dec 2018 14:28
Farming experience for rewards, in my opinion, is the fastest.
1-Go to the marksman awards and see how many you have killed: with a revolver, with a pistol, with a horse.
If your reward approaches 500, then stop at 499 killed (THIS IS IMPORTANT), if it reaches 1000, then at 999 (Please note that when receiving a gold reward, you can do 999 several times, then gaining experience is blocked, unlike a silver one rewards where experience can be gained endlessly)
When killing from various weapons, use carved cartridges and shoot in the head, this will be +15hp, in practice, on all four awards, before completing the method you can earn more than 15,000 xp, which is 3-5 levels.
2-go to rewards, battle. if you killed 1000 enemies reset the reward and bring you to 499 kills (when you reset you will get some gold)
3-After you have completed 499 on a pistol, a revolver, killing from a horse and just killing, go to Saint-Denis, get on a horse, take a revolver in one hand, a pistol in the other. Agrim the cops, wait until 2-3 cops are nearby, take 2 headshots from 2 hands and see how the reward starts to fall out, then quickly close the game and enter it again. When we enter, we will see that there is more experience. Kills will remain at the same level , and you will receive 830hp experience.
This method, taking into account loading the game, takes approximately 2-4 minutes (depending on your speed), on average I get 1660 in 6-7 minutes
By Masarati on 28 Dec 2018 08:07
Use Free Aim = +20XP
By TPblH-TPABA on 05 Dec 2020 02:34
At the end of 2020. There was a noticeable nerf to the collector, and it became more difficult to search for collections, since the spawn points and the collection items themselves were subject to nerf. I would recommend taking the role of a bounty hunter. It's cheap and produces good emissions. Both money and experience + the role of a hunter often comes with 2x and 3x boosts of money and experience, which will also help in the future.
By Paavo_Dizonard on 16 Jan 2021 02:06
Here is the best farming method -
Enter this mission with a friend and start extinguishing everyone. To get the maximum amount of experience for a kill, take a rifle, put special bullets on it (issued automatically on missions) and execute all players while standing. Ideally, such kills should give 6xp(kill)+11xp(execution)+11xp(eyes wide shut)+6xp(special ammo). If your character knocks down the enemy, then press release and do so that your character pushes the enemy away and shoots him while standing. As a result, you can farm about 5-7k experience per hour. Depends on how many you kill
By GamerTech on 16 Dec 2018 11:19
I got this trophy on the 6th day of playing online. The Halloween event saved me. For such a start, it took 30 gold, 10 for the role of a collector and 20 for a pass to the event.
For successful solo farming, the collector role is the best. We buy a role from Madame Nazar, then turn on the interactive collector’s map and go. In a day you need to have time to collect 6 complete collections - Tarot cards, 4 decks, bottles of alcohol and family heirlooms (it took me about 4 hours for everything, without fast travel). These collections can be collected 100% in 1 day because... Each item from the collection spawns every day in a certain place without random selection. We select these items on the interactive map and start from a convenient place to build a collection route, 80 items in total. The location is updated every day, so you need to have time to collect everything in just one day. As a result, for selecting all 80 items we get about 20k experience, plus for selling these complete collections to Madame Nazar we get another 6k experience and about 4k RDO dollars. And if, as in my case, you sell these collections in an event, then the reward for experience is triple, that’s 3k for each collection, that’s 18k experience.
By Apollo_026 on 19 Oct 2023 23:24
It’s just that the task is called “kill every last one.” Text hint , revealing in as much detail as possible the essence of the process described above. They might fix it, so hurry.
PS. Guys, this method doesn’t make much sense. Just for the transition from level 15 to 16 you need about a hundred kills using the described method. This is only fast farming on paper. It’s easier to play for fun or wait for a more adequate way to level up.
By Gilaruil on 06 Dec 2018 22:29
On December 13, 2018, patch 1.05 was released. Buckle leveling still works. Following the written previous tips, I performed 3 buckles up to 499. In my opinion, the optimal way to buckle for a kill is to kill with a carbine and kill on a horse. I fulfilled the conditions in Saint-Denis right in the courtyard of the police station, while coming to the city from another location so that random players would not interfere. As the conditions are achieved, good leveling occurs on its own: +5 kill, +5 to the head, +5 in the saddle, +5 callus (killing horsemen), +5 accurate eye.

In the first run at 499 and the subsequent 1 kill, I got burned because I didn’t close the application quickly enough. I had to beat up to 1000 and again 499. Keep this feature in mind.
By Ronyo on 14 Dec 2018 14:52
An alternative option for farming is to start the “elimination” (battle royale for survival). You can either play, receiving additional experience for each kill, or die immediately and go about your business until the end of the rink. The skating rink lasts up to 10 minutes, experience (~300xp) will be given in any case upon completion. They give you about 1000xp for winning. There is no kick for inaction in the form of spectacle.
In Elimination (Large), it's the same thing, but with firearms scattered around the map. Your goal is not to kill everything - but to stay alive as long as possible, because... The amount of experience you gain is directly proportional to the time you remain alive. You can hide somewhere in the center of the map in a house and sit out, or move along the edge of the narrowing playing field. Surviving for 10 minutes gives more than 1000xp + experience for kills. You can often find people farming experience, and who do not kill the last remaining ones, waiting 10 minutes. Look, don’t kill them or provoke them. Just wait for the end of the skating rink together
By Vlastelin on 20 Aug 2019 20:55

Stage I : we save 15 gold and buy a license from Madame Nazar (you can find it on the interactive map), we begin collecting plants before purchasing a shovel and a metal detector (from Madame Nazar).
Stage II : on the interactive map I removed everything except: bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, coins. Routine : looked at the map, reached the mark, during the excavation animation, opened the map and put a new mark. I did it slowly for about 10 days

Additional Information

All items are updated every 24 hours in real time, 5 types of items are cleaned in about 4-5 hours (about 50 items, each gives from 200 to 300xp). For any collection they give 1500xp, so you can spend less than 1.5 hours collecting 9 plants of 3 each (there are 2 types of night plants, there are 3 in total on the map, one such collection costs about 300, so it’s better to collect them because there is no randomness , so save up xp for a shovel and a metal detector and money to buy them). After purchase, the metal detector is located in the same place as the camera. When there is a treasure or plant nearby, the gamepad begins to vibrate, Dead Eye mode also helps. Any collection was assembled by itself, often 2-3 items are missing from any collection, and at some point I had 6 collections assembled in a day

Interactive map : if you click on the icon, there is a description of where exactly the item is located and the type of profession item that needs to be collected (a shovel or a metal detector). I looked on my phone, you can change it to Russian, I placed 5 items, crossing out all the others, clicked “create route”, when you pick up the item, click on the label, then click “show/hide” and you are transferred to the next marker along the route.
By Veter1nar on 27 Jun 2021 14:02
If you don’t want to struggle with collections, I advise you to follow events with 2 or 3 RDOs and experience, and also use the role of a bounty hunter:
1. Bounty hunter - take on the legendary task for Etta Doyle. There are many guides on the Internet on how to catch her and not shoot back from the gang. If completed in 12 minutes (I recommend setting a timer), you will receive 0.24 gold, $170 and 750 experience. The task will be available again in about an hour, MB faster.
2. By Halloween, 2x experience and money were given for the weapon mode. For each kill from a horse you can get about 10-15 HP, for 6 incomplete waves they give 1200 HP, that is, in one run you can get at least 1500 HP.
By Artemon4 on 28 Oct 2023 20:26
I got this trophy in a couple of evenings and started from level 25. If it weren’t for the update where Rockstar changed the appearance of items, it would have been faster.

Another way to quickly level up online both in terms of money and level is through the Collector

saving up gold for a license

Interactive map .

We build a route along it, and almost at once you can collect everything, or several collections.

Cycles represent days of the week:
1 - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
2 - Wednesday and Sunday
3 - Monday and Friday

finding, for example, a tarot card 100-150 hp, a buried object 250 hp, with a metal detector 300. Sell a collection 1000-1500 hp.

for a successful search you still need 2 devices: a shovel and a metal detector
first we collect without a shovel, upon reaching the level with it, and then the metal detector will open

The location of Madame Nazar is also marked on this map daily.
By TEMHblU_XOJlOD on 12 Dec 2019 07:25
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Most of the tips indicated here are no longer relevant, because with the patches all the bugs were fixed, and police officers only give 5 experience for killing and no bonuses.
I found a great way to farm, it comes out to about 6 thousand experience per hour (1+ lvl)

How I did:
Go to Thief's Landing (south of Blackwater)

All NPCs (except the Buyer and Sheika, who gives you tasks) give full experience for killings.
Actually, what is your task: You arrive on a horse (it is advisable to use a carbine) and begin to clear the entire settlement, from the stables to the exit. All enemies will respawn almost immediately. I advise you to shoot directly in the head, without aiming (they give +10XP for “Eyes Wide Shut”) and on a horse. When you reach level 28, I advise you to buy a recipe for Notched Ammo from the buyer (+5XP for killing with Special Ammo), and at 31 and 41, buy Express Ammo and High-Speed ​​Ammo, respectively, for stuffing. If you are killed during a shootout, then it’s not a big deal, get on your horse and ride back to shoot the Del Lobos bandits.

In addition to a huge XP boost for killing, you will also get the following buckles:
-Kill in the head with a carbine
-Kill while on horseback
-Murder with a carbine
-Kill from the hip
-Production of potions (for sharpening cartridges)

I also strongly recommend searching all bodies whenever possible. From them you will collect money for ammunition and dynamite. We will need dynamite for another side income of experience. At level 14, we buy a fishing rod from the catalog and, in between shootouts, check the nearest bodies of water for the presence of ripples in the water. This means there are fish there. We take the fishing rod in our hands and press L3+R3 and look at the source of the ripples. If there are quite a lot of fish there (from 6 pieces, but more is better), then we throw dynamite there and swing another buckle.

Thus we download two more buckles:
-Rob bodies
-Killing 2 animals with one explosion

When you reach gold, we reset the buckles to Progress Rewards by selecting the desired buckle. Buckles can be reset up to level 10(X). For each gold buckle you receive 500 experience + 500 experience in total for previous buckles. You will get the buckle for the fish relatively quickly, but the rest will still help you a lot in boosting your experience.

Among other things, sometimes you will collect all sorts of trinkets from corpses. Sell ​​them to the Buyer and you will receive a nice bonus in the form of money, as well as little by little, but pump up your buckle for selling items to the buyer. I hope this guide will help someone. Now I’m already level 44, I’ve been leveling here since 25 and I’ve started to gain experience rapidly.

12 Apr 2019 13:20