Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

51 Achievements

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Western Stranger

Western Stranger

You completed 10 Stranger mission strands.

How to unlock the Western Stranger achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Definitive Guide

There are a total of 26 strangers which appear throughout the course of the game. For this achievement you will need to complete 10 multi-part stranger stories. Strangers which only have a single encounter do not count for this achievement.

Strangers appear on the map as a white dot with a question mark in the middle. Some appear automatically via story progression, whilst others will not appear until you are within a certain distance of their position. The following is a list of all strangers and the chapter which they unlock.

Strangers highlighted in bold will add progression towards this achievement:

Chapter 1
The Noblest of Men, and a Woman (Valentine)
All That Glitters (West of Flatneck Station)
The Smell of the Grease Paint (Van Horn Trading Post)
Arcadia for Amateurs (South-east of Strawberry)
Fundraiser (Saint Denis) *
American Dreams (Triggered by finding 3 map pieces)
A Fine Night For It (Triggered by a random encounter in the Bayou at night)
Geology for Beginners [Unlocks 'Rock Carvings' collectables] (North-west of Strawberry)
A Test of Faith [Unlocks 'Dinosaur Bones' collectables] (North-east of Flatneck Station)
Smoking and other Hobbies [Unlocks 'Cigarette Cards' collectables] (Flatneck Station)

Chapter 3
He's British, of Course (South of Emerald Ranch)
A Fisher of Fish [Unlocks 'Legendary Fish' collectables] (North side of Flat Iron Lake)
The Iniquities of History (Rhodes)
No Good Deed (Rhodes) ***

Chapter 4
Oh, Brother (Valentine)
The Ties That Bind Us (Rhodes)
A Bright Bouncing Boy (Saint Denis)
The Mercies of Knowledge (Saint Denis)
The Artist's Way (Saint Denis)
Help a Brother Out (Saint Denis) **
Duchesses and other Animals [Unlocks 'Exotics' collectables] (Saint Denis)
Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners (Saint Denis)

Chapter 5
The Wisdom of the Elders (West of Van Horn Trading Post)
The Widow of Willard's Rest (Willard's Rest, North-east of the map) *

Chapter 6
The Veteran (O' Creagh's Run, North of Emerald Ranch)

Epilogue 1
The American Inferno, Burnt Out (West of Blackwater)

* missions will be unavailable after chapter 6.
** Also an Honour Mission required for 100% completion.
*** Mulitple reports that this mission counts even though it doesn't fit the criteria!


13 Nov 2018 10:38

I started The Ties That Bind Us, once i collected all of the wanted posters... part II isn't there! i've searched all around rhodes but no luck. is this coming up later? any suggestion?

These missions will count towards completing all the missions right?
By Lassiedelikker on 15 Nov 2018 07:01
You should be able to find them sitting at a campfire just further in to the forest from where you first found them. I can't remember for sure if a marker pops up for it I'm afraid, it may just be a white 'random encounter' blip.

Interestingly though, I actually got that mission pop up twice in my run-through (once in Chapter 4 and once after the Epilogue), so it could be bugged. Did you get a bounty when getting the last poster? That's known to cause a few issues and bugs out some missions, stopping the objectives from reappearing once it's gone.

Only thing I can suggest is to leave the area, sleep for 24hrs at a campfire and then Save Game > Exit > Reload Save, that seems to weed out a lot of the niggly issues in this game.

Stranger missions don't count towards to the main 'story' missions for completion, only towards this achievement.
By crewdy#4923 on 15 Nov 2018 08:26
Alright! Thanks. I've tried all of the above... but maybe they will pop up some time. Didn't get a bounty either. But anyway this one doesn't count for the 100%. Some stranger missions do, like help a brother... but this one not thank god! Haha thanks for the reply!
By Lassiedelikker on 15 Nov 2018 11:21
That sucks - hopefully they might appear again when you get near the area in future. Help a Brother Out is a strange one actually, as it's classed as a stranger, but is also listed as a missable honour mission. You're correct though, it is in the Story log so counts towards completion!
By crewdy#4923 on 15 Nov 2018 13:06
Yeah it's a little bit confusion for some of them. but thank god this one isn't! still haven't found them... maybe they took them back to prison :p... I just completed the electric chair one. 50% right now. we're getting there!
By Lassiedelikker on 16 Nov 2018 11:12
Hmmm. Just finished the Widow of Willards Rest but it doesn't seem to have tracked. Should it do so after Arthur's third visit to Charlotte? Or when you (I gather) can go back subsequently for a further but of dialogue?

Looks like I'm going to finish 1 short. Will reloading an earlier chapter and doing one I missed count in bumping up the achievement counter?
By Lurking Lawyer on 18 Nov 2018 00:33
As far as I know it should. I had already got the achievement by then so cant confirm I’m afraid. It fits the criteria though. You can go back after the epilogue but it doesnt count as part of the mission itswlf.

I would assume that reloading an older chapter and starting additional ones would count. Other than the ones marked though, you should in theory be able to start all these after the Epilogue by visiting the right locations.
By crewdy#4923 on 18 Nov 2018 16:12
The Widow of Willard's Rest is avaliable DURING chapter 6, right? I'm on chapter 5 (Island) and I don't want to miss any of stranger missions. I already have the achievement by the way.
By rafa1000house on 21 Nov 2018 14:52
I did it during chapter 6, so it definitely should be :)
By crewdy#4923 on 21 Nov 2018 16:09
So once you enter the epilogue, and begin playing as john. Are you no longer able to unlock this achievement?
By PalmTreesBreeze on 26 Nov 2018 02:00
lost camera after epilogue so I can't finish The Noblest of Men, and a Woman
By Nazule80 on 02 Dec 2018 06:19
yeah I tried that and it didn't let me select anything besides Binoculars.
By Nazule80 on 02 Dec 2018 18:01
How do you access these once you’ve completed the game and the epilogue? I’ve only done 8 somehow so need two more. Thanks.
By RuthlessRemix on 19 Dec 2018 18:33
How do you access these once you’ve completed the game and the epilogue? I’ve only done 8 somehow so need two more. Thanks.
By RuthlessRemix on 19 Dec 2018 21:57
They should appear once you get within their radius on the map.
By crewdy#4923 on 19 Dec 2018 22:45
Okay thanks. I’ve seen 3 but they’re all find this and that not proper missions but I’ll keep looking about.
By RuthlessRemix on 27 Dec 2018 13:01 can you see which ones you completed? I don't remember doing "The Iniquities of History", so I went to the the starting point, but the stranger is not there....
By Warboy925 on 05 Jan 2019 17:45
Just an FYI. I got progress when I completed the “No Good Deeds” mission.
By RegentVirus201 on 08 Jan 2019 05:43
Same with Warboy925. Is there a progress track that shows which stranger missions you have completed? I'm aware of the stat page showing how many have been completed, but there's nothing showing the list of stranger missions only the main missions completed.
By Falcon SVN on 12 Jan 2019 00:16
Also my tracker is stuck at 80%. Anyone else having this problem. Ready to be done with this glitchy game.
By Falcon SVN on 24 Jan 2019 00:20
As far as I know there is no way to track. Unfortunately the Social Club website isn’t as in depth as it was for GTA. Powerpyx has a good run through of all the individual missions, you could check to see which ones you remember doing from memory but that’s it I’m afraid.

Could be that you just have to do the final part of one or 2 hopefully and they just need triggering. I’d not seen any reports of a stuck tracker when I was active playing, but I haven’t kept up to date with the game since I finished it.
By crewdy#4923 on 24 Jan 2019 07:03
i just recently completed "no good deeds" an i gained progress for it. I didnt do any other stranger mission besides that one
By tjw CENA2000 on 28 Jan 2019 02:29
I tried make all available on the game and did it. Very fun.
By netstryker on 17 Mar 2019 23:57
Should this pop when you hit the 10/10 strangers part in the 100% Completion tab?

And are any of these missable, or can you get someone who unlocks in chapter 3 in chapter 4? Or do you have to do the mission in the chapter they unlock in?
By Lavindathar on 01 Nov 2019 15:50
@Lavindathar - not exactly, the 100% completion will also count single meeting missions. You need to do 10 of the ones that are bolded to get this.

You should be able to activate all of these after the chapter they first appear in, even after the Epilogue is finished, except:

Fundraiser (Saint Denis) *
The Widow of Willard's Rest (Willard's Rest, North-east of the map) *

which disappear after chapter 6.
By crewdy#4923 on 06 Nov 2019 13:04
There is definitely an issue with this achievement. I have completed 16 of the bolded missions above and still no achievement. My xbox tracker shows 90%, and under achievements in the compendum it says unlocked. These are the missions I completed and I made sure a medal showed at the end of each.

Noblest of men, and a woman
The smell of the grease paint
Arcadia for amateurs
He's British of course
The iniquities of history
No good deed
The ties that bind us
A bright bouncing boy
The mercies of knowledge
The artist's way
Help a brother out
Idealism and pragmatism for beginners
The wisdom of the elders
The widow of willards rest
The American inferno
Oh brother

I guess I will complete the collectable ones bolded above and see if I can get it to pop. Will edit this comment if it unlocks.
By One Reality x on 10 Mar 2020 14:06
In The Artist's way, i don't know if Charles appears at any specific time, but he show up for me at 14:35
By CR TROOPER 02 on 13 Jun 2020 04:02
For "The Ties That Bind Us", you must burn the posters & set them free, then complete parts III, IV, V.
Achievement did not pop when I captured & turned them in during part II, but after reloading save point, and choosing to burn posters, cheevo popped after part V.
By Turbo Diesel on 09 Jul 2020 20:14
Can confirm with Turbo Diesel's comment. Achievement did not pop until I chose this time to save them instead of the two getting captured.

By JSP The Great 1 on 10 Nov 2020 02:29
i just set them free and left them at their tree house still stuck at 70%
By CHRISTheCyclopz on 04 Jan 2022 16:22
I got it after the Epilogue Part 2. Watched the credits and everything. I can confirm that there are a number that you can finish after the Epilogue and some you can START after the Epilogue, for instance I came across the Oh, Brother missions after I've finished all the story missions.
By eNaRGe on 26 Nov 2018 03:54
Hmm. That sounds potentially like a bug. I’ve had the camera since the point that you get your old gear back in the epilogue (you also need it to finish A Fisher of Fish). In your Items wheel do you only have the binoculars, you can’t cycle to the camera?

You could maybe try replaying the final mission of Chapter 1 which is where you first unlock it and that might reset it for you maybe? Other that that I’m not sure to be honest.

Can anyone else confirm the same thing?
By crewdy#4923 on 02 Dec 2018 09:20
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To unlock the Western Stranger trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to fully complete 10 Stranger mission strands (so if the Stranger is involved in more than one mission, you need to complete the whole strand). Luckily this is one of a few trophies that are progression-tracked on Rockstar's Social Club.

Strangers initially appear as ?s on your map, often only if you ride sufficiently close to them. In most cases the ? will be a large vague circle and you need to find the individual Stranger within it. You should try and wrap up a few of these along your main quest play through, though it's by no means a missable trophy.

Here's the known Strangers and their missions. It's not known whether all of these contribute to the trophy at the time of writing. Bear in mind that many subsequent missions in a Stranger's strand take up to 48 hours to appear after completing the previous quest.

Available from Chapter 2

A Fine Night For It: This Stranger mission near Lagras will only appear if you encounter the Night Folk at night in the Bayou. Keep riding through the area at night and check out any noises or white blips on your radar.

A Test of Faith: Head directly south from the H in HEARTLANDS on the map, to point south-east of Horseshoe Overlook and north-east of Flatneck Station. This lady needs you to find all of the dinosaur bones on the map. Luckily you can still hunt these down after the main story concludes.

All that Glitters: You will find this Stranger directly west from Flatneck Station, on a plateau above the Dakota River. The quest is a three-part treasure hunt.

American Dreams: If you track down three grisly murders in the wild you can end up with a Stranger mission. Check out PowerPyx's guide for all the details.

Arcadia for Amateurs: This is a longer sequence of missions, after the first ? you will see subsequent missions appear as AM throughout your journey. There are five parts, and all but the last involve dealing with some sort of wild beast -- none should give you too much trouble.

Fundraiser: Available until Chapter 6, this Stranger in Saint Denis simply wants a donation to renovate the church. The church is directly west of the tailors in the north part of Saint Denis.

Geology For Beginners: You need to head to a hut north-west of Strawberry and north-east of the Owanjila Dam to start this quest. Bear in mind that it will not be completed unless you track down all of the carved rocks on the map. Luckily you can still hunt these down after the main story concludes.

Smoking and Other Hobbies: Go to Flatneck Station to find this Stranger. Deliver a completed set of Cigarette picture cards to complete the mission.

The Noblest of Men, and a Woman: You will come across this in Valetine in the saloon near the church (as opposed to the saloon on the main drag next to the Store). You will be required to take down a series of formidable gunslingers. The strand won't complete until you track them all down.

The Smell of Grease Paint: You may not have cause to see this Stranger until much later in the game -- they are in the saloon in Van Horn on the eastern edge of the map. After a protracted scene you will have to hunt someone down in the nearby wilderness.

Available from Chapter 3

A Fisher of Fish: Head south from Flatneck Station and then east along the water's edge until you find a fisherman's hut and this Stranger. You'll need to track down all of the game's Legendary Fish to complete this mission strand.

He's British, Of Course: You can encounter a Stranger by a crashed circus caravan in northern Lemoyne, east of the Stables and west of Bluewater Marsh. There are three missions involved with this but you can get hold of a neat trinket at the end of it.

No Good Deed: Head to the Churchyard in Rhodes to find this Stranger. Recover their wagon to finish the strand.

The Iniquities of History: Head to Rhodes train station and this Stranger should appear on a bench at night. Retrieve some items for him to eventually finish the strand.

Available from Chapter 4

A Bright, Bouncing Boy: Marko Dragic can be found in Saint Denis by the lake north of the stables. This is another Stranger strand in which subsequent missions don't automatically appear. You need to complete the whole strand for a separate trophy anyway, here's a guide:

Red Dead Redemption 2Artificial IntelligenceThe Artificial Intelligence trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2 worth 31 pointsDiscover the fate of Marko Dragic.

Duchesses and Other Animals: East of the second E in LEMOYNE on the map, north of the main mass of Saint Denis. You need to complete a bunch of Exotics requests to complete this strand -- PowerPyx has an excellent guide.

Help a Brother Out: This Stranger can be found directly opposite the Trapper in Saint Denis. Note that you *must* complete this quest in Chapter 4 as it is unavailable later, and it is mandatory in order to eventually get:

Red Dead Redemption 2Lending a HandThe Lending a Hand trophy in Red Dead Redemption 2 worth 56 pointsComplete all optional Honor story missions.

Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners: After the posh party in Saint Denis during the main story, you'll eventually receive a letter from this Stranger, and his missions will appear back at the mayoral abode in northern Saint Denis. There are three missions in total and they appear at night.

Oh, Brother: Two missions of this Stranger strand can be found in Valentine -- note that the subsequent missions do not automatically appear like the other mission strands so you need to "find" the quest-givers again. This gets more tricky with the third mission, as they're all the way over at the top of Cumberland Falls west of Valentine.

The Artist's Way: A Stranger can be found in the northern Saloon of Saint Denis. There are four missions in total.

The Mercies of Knowledge: This Stranger can be found in the north-eastern corner of Saint Denis and you'll have to complete three quests before it reaches a dramatic conclusion.

The Ties That Bind Us: Head to the hills opposite the train tracks in Rhodes to find this pair of Strangers. Once again subsequent mission in this strand do not appear automatically; part II is simply completing the request given in part I, and part III can be found pretty much on top of the L in LEMOYNE on the map.

Available from Chapter 5

These are only available once you

towards the end of Chapter 5, and all are still available in Chapter 6. Don't worry if you miss that small window to explore between main missions at the chapter cross-over.

The Wisdom of the Elders: This Stranger strand can be found west of Van Horn near the train tracks. It's a long haul to get through the five mission strand, but an interesting story.

The Widow of Willard's Rest: This Stranger is right up north-eastern corner of the map, north of Annesburg and just east of the river (the abode is labelled as Willard's Rest). There are two missions.

The Veteran: Head north from Emerald Ranch to a spot just south-west of the lake called O'Creagh's Run to find this Stranger. There are four parts to the strand.

Available from the Epilogue

The American Inferno, Burnt Out: This Stranger is East of Blackwater, on the west shore of the Upper Montana River (directly opposite the word "Montana" on the river's map label). There are four missions.

If you know of any more or know of any problems completing any of these let me know and I will update with credit!

15 Nov 2018 15:49

According to the tru achievements solution by crewdy4923 you will need to complete the 10 multi-part stranger stories in order for the trophy to unlock. He also has those specific missions highlighted in bold.
By LedDroppings on 12 May 2019 18:44
I can confirm that few of the single part stranger events do not count. As stated in previous comment, they have to be multi part. Hence the trophy description says "Strands". Upvoted anyway for the effort taken to compile.
By LaxmiNarayanan on 11 Jun 2019 16:20

Credit to PowerPyx for the map.

Stranger missions are denoted by white ?s. Once you track down the Stranger and talk to them, they will give you a mission that will often span multiple parts and chapters. There are 26 Strangers in total but only 22 of them count towards this trophy (the others are short and will give you honor points and also count towards Best in the West). They are listed below in order of the chapter in which they first appear.

  • A Fine Night For It – an old man in the Bayou asks you to check out the Night Folk (you need to have encountered them first; they'll be a grey dot on your minimap and are creepy voices, lights, etc).
  • A Test of Faith – a woman in the Heartlands wants help finding 30 dinosaur bones. Will also unlock Collector's Item but there's a better one for that. This can't be completed until the Epilogue, but is required for 100%.
  • American Dreams – a murderer has decapitated three bodies and left pieces of a map in the heads. Find all three pieces to track him down. Look for an X on your large map when in the areas to help you find the bodies – one is near Braithwaite Manor, one is near Valentine, and one is near Wallace Station. The murderer himself is in a cabin south of Valentine.
  • Arcadia for Amateurs – a man near Strawberry wants help taking pictures of wildlife (5 parts)
  • Geology for Beginners – a man near Strawberry wants help finding 10 rock face carvings. This is a great one to do, as it will also unlock Collector's Item. This is required for 100%.
  • Smoking and Other Hobbies – a man in the Heartlands wants cigarette cards. All 144 of them. This one is best avoided early on; it's too time-consuming and is much easier after the story, but if you do decide to go for it, you will unlock Collector's Item. This is required for 100%.
  • The Noblest of Men, and a Woman – a man in Valentine will ask you to take pictures of famous gunslingers. This is a great one to do because you get several unique weapons which will help with Best in the West (4 parts)
  • The Smell of Grease Paint – a traveling sideshow at the Van Horn Trading Post needs you to track down its missing members (2 parts)

  • A Fisher of Fish – a man near Flatneck Station wants you to catch all 13 Legendary Fish. You should at least start this quest in order to get the Legendary Fish to spawn – catching them is helpful towards a few trophies. This can't be completed until the Epilogue, but is required for 100%.
  • He's British, of Course – a wrecked circus caravan needs help finding its missing animals (5 parts). This is a good one to do because it gives you the opportunity to craft the Lion's Paw Trinket, which ups the XP you gain on your stamina meter.
  • No Good Deed - a man in Rhodes wants you to get his missing medicine wagon back.
  • The Iniquities of History – a man in Rhodes wants you to sneak into his repossessed house and get his valuables back.

  • A Bright Bouncing Boy – see Artificial Intelligence for more details, as this is required for that.
  • Duchesses and Other Animals - a man outside of Saint Denis wants exotic plants and bird plumes. This is another time consuming one that you may want to avoid early on, but is required for 100%.
  • Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners – the mayor of Saint Denis needs your diplomacy skills (3 parts). You first need to have received a letter from him at the post office so make sure you're checking the post office icon from time to time.
  • Oh, Brother – two brothers do stupid things to try to impress a woman (3 parts). You need to actively find these guys to advance their strand – they will always show up as ?.
  • The Artist's Way – an artist in Saint Denis needs your help to stay out of trouble (4 parts)
  • The Mercies of Knowledge – an inventor in Saint Denis wants help building and testing his electric chair (7 parts). Despite the number of parts, this one is pretty quick.
  • The Ties That Bind Us – two prisoners need help staying out of jail (5 parts). Make sure you burn the posters they ask you to collect in the first part to keep their quest line going. Like Oh Brother, you need to actively seek these guys out (they always show up as ?)

  • The Wisdom of the Elders – helping a man near Van Horn starts to unravel a weird mystery of a nearby town (5 parts). This can only be started and concluded in Chapter 5.

  • The Veteran – in Grizzlies East, at the Veteran Homestead on the large lake, a veteran needs your help (4 parts).

  • The American Inferno, Burnt Out – midway between Strawberry and Blackwater is a familiar author (5 parts).
[Credit to themindisacity and danc]
I received this trophy after completing about 15 side quests from strangers. So don't be surprised if you don't get a trophy after 10.

06 Nov 2018 03:22

Be sure to complete all the white tasks, after the yellow ones and the very last ones, Dutch, which I got in chapter 4.
By Donovan on 11 Nov 2018 19:45
The tasks are white on the map, mostly in one branch from 1-5 tasks. After completing the first task, they appear about a day later or immediately. Completing one branch means when a gold reward appears, no matter how you completed it.
By DesantnikRus on 13 Dec 2018 02:03
I got a buzz when I farmed and sent cigarette cards to a collector. What I'm saying is that grinch bonding with strangers also counts.
By JellyCvash on 31 Jan 2019 08:14
We are talking about task branches. One branch most often consists of >1 task.
By alexander-lizhin on 07 Nov 2018 02:14
The trophy is clearly glitchy. For some it drops out in chapter 4, for others earlier. I completed all the missions from strangers as they appeared and the trophy only dropped in Chapter 6 after completing 18!! missions. Fortunately, there are 26 such strangers in the game
By ACE on 18 Nov 2018 18:49
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In general, the trophy is never glitchy or missable.
Players simply misinterpret the description.

Throughout the game you can come across 26 white question marks - these are strangers, i.e. you need to meet at least 10 of them .
Further, each stranger will have his own branch of quests (usually no more than 5 from one stranger).
The trophy is given for completing exactly 10 branches completely . For example, we can meet a photo-animal hunter 5 times throughout the game - which means that one branch from one stranger will be 5 quests long.

Here there is a map with the location of ALL strangers, as well as descriptions and conditions for their implementation.

13 Jul 2019 14:21