Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

51 Achievements

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The Real Deal

The Real Deal

Red Dead Online: You achieved MVP 3 times (in a round with at least 4 players).

How to unlock the The Real Deal achievement in Red Dead Redemption 2 - Definitive Guide

Just wanted to add a method I used that I found to be super easy. I cannot say if it is easier than the races, as I didn't try them but I was able to unlock the achievement at level 4 within an hour.

All I did was load the smaller showdown option and kept backing out and rejoining until I got into Hostile Territories. All you have to do in that game mode to be MVP is sit in a point that your team controls. Doesn't matter how many caps or kills you get. So just run to the closest capture point and sit in it the entire match and you will get MVP. If you happen to get killed just run to another point your team controls when you respawn.

This doesn't help you team really but I got MVP all three times I played this game type, the only reason it took me an hour was the back out and rejoining until I was put into a Hostile Territory match.

Hope this helps!

Edit: The Hostile Territories mode has been moved to the Takeover Series Playlist. Thanks to Rothio for pointing this out!

05 Mar 2019 14:24

This is by far the easiest solution. The races were good in the beginning, when everyone was still learning to play the game. Now there is too many experienced players racing and it is very difficult to win a race.
By N9ghtWolf on 14 Mar 2019 21:30
Dope works great backing out sucks though
By on 23 Mar 2019 02:30
Worked great, thanks.
By BadTriangle on 28 Mar 2019 05:40
Great find! This still works.
By Ripwarez on 10 Apr 2019 12:17
Great solution!
By MiggyBombs on 23 Apr 2019 12:53
I don't get it. I sat in a point our team owned for the full match and finished 7th of 7 on our team.
Edit: Nevermind I got it to work. Hardest part was actually finding games of hostile territories to do it. Great solution.
By ll Chief 23 ll on 28 Apr 2019 00:11
fantastic guide. got it done in the 3 games of hostile territory that finally came up. cheers
By xIImiseryIIx on 28 Apr 2019 15:56
fantastic guide. got it done in the 3 games of hostile territory that finally came up. cheers
By xIImiseryIIx on 28 Apr 2019 16:01
Thnx great and easy way to get it
By kirchroa rjc on 30 Apr 2019 07:36
This game mode is like a myth. 95% of the time it puts me into a match that isn't hostile territories. The 2 times I finally got put into it, they're both in progress, one with 3 minutes left, the other with 5. The one with 3 I had no shot for the mvp, the one with 5 my team is getting their shit pushed in. Go figure. Even when I stay in matches I get put into that are in progress, the next match has never been hostile territories. Anyone have any ideas or advice on this?
By Seitzz on 16 May 2019 01:26
So nevermind sort've to that above comment. The next lobby I got put into was hostile territories, not in progress, and I guess I got lucky, because after that ended and I was put into the lobby it was hostile territories again. I guess you just have to keep searching til you finally get it. I managed to get MVP in both those games which was nice. My team finally won.
By Seitzz on 16 May 2019 01:49
Ended up getting the final one in Spoils of War, I think that one you just need to have the most caps on your team to get it. That's what did it for me. Ended up playing against a really bad team.
By Seitzz on 16 May 2019 03:06
i just started the game and got mvp first match with your method..
By KOSTAS on 21 May 2019 00:07
Bravo good sir, perfect method.
By lukekelly on 24 May 2019 18:31
You da real MVP Galen! Perfect guide for this achievement. For those struggling to get the Hostile Territories match, try playing Showdown Series Large. It's a bit more challenging, but the game mode comes up way more frequently and the concept of camping at one point works. That's how I got my last MVP.
By RavenWraithe on 27 May 2019 11:39
This is definitely a great solution!
By Traguez on 29 May 2019 08:28
So many try hards can't get this done it comes in large game but it's hard to do. Everyone just waits behind things for you.
By A Batwoman on 12 Jun 2019 23:45
Got 2/3 using your method thanks bro. Too many hardcore players on this game makes it really hard to get MVP legitimately. Hoping to get 3/3 soon. Given you a thumbs up. I haven’t been backing it though just letting it run as the matchmaking system is atrocious
By Krushner20 on 26 Jul 2019 09:09
Trying this out today. If you get dropped in a match without the team selection screen, will it count against your 3 in a row? How about any match that you quit before the end?
By Caprice143 on 13 Aug 2019 21:08
Got this today - still works a treat!

@Caprice143 - the MVPs do not need to be in a row.
By XK I Ghost on 25 Aug 2019 19:58
Just got this using this method, you're a rockstar! (pun intended? haha) The only match I didn't get MVP on was a match where the opposing team captured all points and the match ended early (I assume in these cases, there is not enough time to get enough points to be MVP)
By Runner eGirl on 31 Aug 2019 21:16
I just want to add that after the latest update these game modes are in the Takeover Series playlist.
By Rothio on 20 Sep 2019 12:52
Worked perfectly! I feel kinda bad tho. my team was trying hard and getting kills and I was just standing in a point and smokingclap
By SoulyTheDude on 23 Sep 2019 07:48
I had the issue that ll Chief 23 ll had a while ago, sat on a point we owned and I finished last with no caps, no kills and 3 deaths. MVP was on our losing team but he had caps and kills.
He said he got it to work but didn't say how ...
By TangerineGamer on 06 Oct 2019 21:45
I just got this yesterday, and worked perfectly! One time I died 10 times, 0 kills, and still got the mvp!!! Amazing!!!!! Thanks a lot!!!
By Thay SA 23 on 07 Oct 2019 16:15
Tried again today, got the last MVP i needed on my first try but achievement didn't pop. Next HT I did I didn't get MVP but the team I was on was crap so my spot kept getting contested.
Third times a charm and it finally popped for me, good solution just can be finicky
By TangerineGamer on 07 Oct 2019 18:00
Where do I find this smaller showdown option?
By Medieval Dead on 11 Oct 2019 16:10
@Medieval Dead
A few posts up Kagean 30 says it is in the Takeover Series playlist
By TangerineGamer on 11 Oct 2019 18:49
Thank you Tangerine
By Medieval Dead on 11 Oct 2019 18:51
Just came to say this works great. Though I finished on an Overrun match waiting in between Hostile Territories and couldn’t believe how many people spend time going for kills while an opposing team player runs right by them capturing their points.
By CracklyKlover on 15 Oct 2019 03:38
As @Seitzz said this mode is like the white whale, I've been at it for an hour the last 2 days and haven't seen it. However, if you're good at spoils of war its practically every load. I believe this is the best solution I just can't get it to work for me.
By Freedumb0612 on 20 Oct 2019 04:19
Okay, got it after a few more hours, I am fairly certain you must be in the game from the very beginning. I joined one immediately after the start and got MVP but didn't move achievement progress.
By Freedumb0612 on 20 Oct 2019 22:11
I join mid game and was mvp and my achievement didnt when up
By LEGEND 0F DUTY on 09 Dec 2019 02:21
Next to impossible to get this shit to work, I've been doing it for 3 hours and have got 1, there was one other I was in but someone else trying to do the same stole my kill when there was a tiny bit of health left and got mvp for that round
By Gram101216 on 05 Feb 2020 23:34
Next to impossible to get this shit to work, I've been doing it for 3 hours and have got 1, there was one other I was in but someone else trying to do the same stole my kill when there was a tiny bit of health left and got mvp for that round
By Gram101216 on 06 Feb 2020 14:33
Super easy, thanks. Hardest part is getting Hostile Territories as the game mode. Just need 1 more and cheev is mine.
By SallyNasty on 11 Feb 2020 15:51
I'm now level 20 online and haven't had one single mvp I swear it's impossible to get mvp in anything
By Wozarnator W800 on 22 Mar 2020 15:16
Perfect, thank you, got all three within about an hour. Hardest part was loading back in finding a hostile takeover match
By Sir Lagselot on 31 Mar 2020 17:30
thanks bro, my friend told me about this post thxs so much it worked perfectly
By on 06 Apr 2020 20:03
Weird. I finally got hostile territories. Stayed in and came in 7th out of 8 spots. Wtf???
By TBS Nikolai on 29 Apr 2020 18:23
Thanks just got this
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 05 May 2020 06:17
Tried 3 matches today and got MVP in all of them. Just sat at an objective as much as possible.

Like some have said, the hardest part was getting in a Hostile Territory match. Took me a good hour or so to find the 3.
By Maverick Hiro on 18 May 2020 00:44
How do I choose small showdown?
By Illuzan on 20 May 2020 14:19
Trying to get this achievement is the least amount of fun I have ever had playing Red Dead 2. Of course, I've been racing though, so your mileage may vary.
By Lunguz on 30 May 2020 03:32
This and overrun made me get the achievement in an hour. Overrun, spam A before match starts and run towards flags. Don’t bother killing just run even if opposition is full u might get that one flag under ur belt to help get MVP.

And for Hostile, as noted. All your training in camping in Call of Duty, has all been for this achievement. Camp out and relax in any checkpoint doing fk all to get MVP. Got 2 MVP’s in overrun and one in Hostile takeover
By JSP The Great 1 on 10 Jun 2020 05:37
I just got it in three consecutive overrun matches. Just sprint around relentlessly, avoid fights and dodge bullets as best you can. I was super aggressive in going for captures.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 11 Jun 2020 22:28
How do I play an overrun match
By King KRool on 19 Jun 2020 18:15
Since the change to the takeover series, there are now a lot of other event types so Overrun and Hostile Takeover don't come up as often, and unfortunately there is no way to select them yourself. They are still on the rotation, and I was able to get the achievement using the techniques described by others in about 25 mins of actual game play. It took more than 2 hours to get the right combination of events though.
By kinnetique on 21 Jun 2020 02:25
Same here, 4 deaths and 3 kills, still mvp. Great solution!
By melkkman on 11 Sep 2020 04:47
Works great, thanks!
By trollzents60 on 18 Oct 2020 18:43
This does work. It's the best guide possible.
By Vindibudd on 22 Nov 2020 22:26
It gives points for kills and caps not sitting in the hill
By itsa pumaa on 05 Dec 2020 05:09
What’s the smaller showdown ?
By MrKoolxDood on 20 Dec 2020 13:59
Pretty sure this will be the achievement that prevents me from getting 100%. Overrun I get 25 captured and a few kills and someone else gets 20+ kills and 30 captures. I’m constantly getting one hit killed while it takes me three shotguns to down someone else.
By SquiSquiSquidio on 30 Dec 2020 02:52
I'm guessing they must have change how this game mode works cause I just sat in ring for entire game and not even a hint that I was close to MVP.
By Tucky90 on 24 Mar 2021 22:42
6hrs of trying this shit. doesnt seem to work. can never get the game mode hostiles to come up, seriously it came up like once in 5-6hrs of constant trying . always shitty plunder and war crap. And whats with the constant one shot kills no matter where or how fast i run, shitty rockstar online game again.
By Diesel Foley on 28 May 2021 02:40
Does this no longer work?
By Reabo on 14 Jul 2021 23:35
This is incredibly stupid that this works but as horrible of an experience it has been playing these series games, I can't complain.
By FruitofPassion on 20 Jul 2021 20:58
Yes this still works perfect
By MrKoolxDood on 28 Jul 2021 22:52
conquista retardada, deviam por outro modo mais facil, corrida de cavalos com caras atirando em voce. babaquisse.
By BenoRegis on 22 Aug 2021 16:09
Why I played showdown with takin goods to ur camp. I`ve received MVP at the end of the match and progress was still at 33%.. WTF

Yeah there was more players than 4
By RyanDunn0554 on 23 Oct 2021 18:55
Got it today, if you are from Central Europe (as me) I recomend to play in late hours between 11-12 pm because Takeover and Racing series have only a few players, I got it in 15 minutes during Overrun mode by just runnning and capturing the points. Hope it helps ;)
By BajerKR on 02 Dec 2021 07:50
"Smaller showdown option"... what does this mean??
Also every time I back out I'm spit out very far from the series signpost. Is this normal? Is there a better way to do this?
Why isn't anyone else asking these questions?

Edit: ok so "smaller showdown option" is an outdated mode, and you can quick join games from the Player Menu (left on the d-pad)

Second edit: Also play Overrun if you manage to get that mode, as it's very easy to just kamikaze yourself into as many capture points as possible for the duration of the three rounds for an easy MVP.
By Octobot Super on 22 Jul 2022 10:54
Unbelievable! When i finally got a match of hostile territories my team is useless and didnt make a single capture. I give up on this achievement without boosting
By ClaudioChamp on 05 Jun 2023 04:28
Aiming to get 4 people who can queue early so we can rotate and all get this achievement. Add me Buda94#8286 Xbox
By Buda94 on 22 Jun 2023 07:52
I am looking to boost this. GT: HighClassHobo47
By HighClassHobo47 on 17 Aug 2023 00:01
Still works, you dont even have to win, just stay at the point whatever it takes.
By Bomjahed on 28 Aug 2023 04:46
Need to boost this. MRD00M22
By MRD00M22 on 11 Sep 2023 23:36
Only can find players in the featured series each week. All other lobbies dead. This week has Smoke it up. Just keep delivering as many bombs as you can to the other teams base. I got all 3 MVPs in about 6 games.
By FLUDD on 13 Sep 2023 09:25
like FLUDD already said. The Smoke it up is a good oportunity, because at late night hours there are also a lot of afk people in the series
By MXEB on 19 Sep 2023 00:29
Are there any players around which need it too? 3 others so we are 4 Players to start a game and everyone kill the others 3 times? Should be the best way
By Rkranl on 29 Oct 2023 04:11
Anyone still looking to boost this? GT: nickpotter
By nickpotter on 19 Nov 2023 16:10
Anyone still looking to boost this? GT: nickpotter
By nickpotter on 19 Nov 2023 20:16
@nickpotter Me. Added you on Xbox.

From Vienna. Time 20:00 evening My Time?! Today
By Rkranl on 25 Nov 2023 06:25
Have got MVP legit multiple times now, and still the achievement will not pop even in lobbies of 7 and more people. Really needing help with this one. Gamertag is iiSup3rmanzxX
By ii Sup3rmanz xX on 02 Dec 2023 22:39
add me i need 2 more
By Blade Saiz on 16 Feb 2024 03:37
if someone need boosting my GT I Dulac I message me
By I Dulac I on 28 Feb 2024 21:43
Looking to boost this one too
By JediComplete on 05 Mar 2024 07:06
Looking to boost this, I have two accounts, GT: Cracka Sacka
By Cracka sacka on 25 Mar 2024 19:33
Looking to boost this one Welsh Shady4206
By Welsh Shady on 27 Mar 2024 10:15
Message me if anyone needs a 4th to get this done, last achievement I need
By Trizurp on 11 May 2024 19:08
Just wanted to say thanks and clarify a couple of things as their are alot of assumptions in these comments. I played 4 matches and I got MVP twice not sure what triggers it but a couple things I noticed on my last match when I got the cheeve were I came into the match late about a 1/3 of the way through and camped at the closed site. Got overrun had 1 kill 1 death and camped again. My team lost but got the mvp and was second place on my team not sure about the other. So you can get it if you join late and if your team wins.
By skew44 on 04 Nov 2019 22:48
Galen you are the man! This is by far the easiest method! I wish I could up vote this past the first because people really need to see this guide.

No offense meant to the other guide writers but this needs to be at the top. For the grinders out there, go with this method. Got it done in about 45 minutes, only thing that took a while was just loading and sitting on the point. Even if your teammates suck, just stay on the point, yes it's kind of a d*ck move but stay on the point and you still might pull of the MVP. You don't have to win to be MVP, I wasn't.
By No Politics on 30 Mar 2019 00:12
Thanks so freakin much for this. Tremendously simple and easy. Also S/O to @Rothio for letting people know it's in the Takeover Series playlist now I can confirm.
By Kagean on 30 Sep 2019 00:47
Need this and pretty much every RD Online achievement.

Gt: J The Altruist
By J ROLL 1998 on 24 Jul 2020 19:21
Wow... this actually works! I have no idea how. 0 kills, 0 caps, 2 deaths.

I'll take it! toast
By Sashamorning on 30 Aug 2020 06:37
Ok I finally got this done. Managed to get all 3 MVP on Overrun . I would load up takedown series from online menu, it would nearly always be plunder or spoils of war. I'd play it out and if the next map wasn't overrun , I would dashboard and reload. I think I only played 6 games of overrun in 6hrs... hugely biased to other game modes. Once in overrun just ignore all other players and collect as many capture points as possible. Start spamming A in loading screen so as soon as game starts your in front of your team mates. I would die alot but as soon as I would spawn just head for the nearest point you can capture.. usually get 1 or 2 before being headshot one shot killed even though I'm sprinting and Zig Zagging...
You don't need any kills or wins to get MVP if you can get the highest capture points in the game .
By Diesel Foley on 28 May 2021 15:08
Ciao se avete bisogno anche io sto cercando di fare l'obbiettivo GT: HolDStylE
By olDStyle90 on 21 Dec 2023 17:03
I was able to get this yesterday in a little under 2hrs. I was having trouble finding games in the Takeover Series. Hardcore Series has Hostile Territory games in the rotation. I would play and camp in a territory, but I had to be on the winning team. You can either play through each game type, or quit out and search again to attempt to get in a Hostile Territory game.
By eXciter1 on 20 Feb 2024 13:47
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To unlock this achievement I highly recommend playing the races. During these events you can pick up weapons to damage your opponents, but it seems there is no auto aim. In normal races I won one and achieved MVP by being very close to the first guy, and right before the last checkpoint, I killed him using the dead eye with the tagging ability.
the easiest way, however, it's winning the free races (i don't really know how they're called in English): during these ones you need to get all the checkpoints in any order you want and then go to the finish line. My tip is to go immediately to the outer checkpoints because after getting those the remaining are all pretty close to where the finish line will appear (and by avoiding the checkpoints in the middle you lower the chances of being killed or crashing into other players since the majority will go right there).

This is how I got this achievement in roughly 30 minutes playing solo. Sorry about my probably broken English, it's not my first language, but I really wanted to share these tips :)

29 Nov 2018 14:36

I found it was pretty easy to get by playing choose your weapon and using tomahawks and shotguns. YMMV
By RyazTheRasta on 29 Nov 2018 17:18
Yeah the tracking is definitely off on the races ive won 6 races with like at least 6 people finishing and I only got credit for two on the tracker. If this happens to anyone else I finally got it to pop by winning and getting MVP in choose your weapon.
By shinyshirthero on 29 Nov 2018 22:46
Dear god, thank you for this ;)
By Valdimier on 30 Nov 2018 10:27
Is it the series races or different races on the map?
By leprekon666 on 30 Nov 2018 11:53
unlocked on my 6th mvp in races, 3 open 3 checkpoints
By Barad 007 on 01 Dec 2018 20:37
I pretty easily got this on my 3rd try doing standard series event. I did it at midnight/1am my time locally so there was onlt 6 players on. If you're careful, you can easily get MVP during territory control or the most wanted gametypes. Tip is to go stealth so you dont appear as a radar blip.
By count023 on 05 Dec 2018 14:28
Free Roam Event MVPs don't seem to count for this achievement. I was the highest scoring player in two matches and the progress tracker is still 0%.
By KongQuest on 06 Dec 2018 18:59
It tracked when I played series as a team, but when I got mvp in Most Wanted it didn't track. Also, free roam events don't count for this achievement.
By DentonXCVI on 08 Dec 2018 08:23
300 hrs wasted on a game i'll never finish all because of this fucking thing. Nice one rockstar I feel like a right mug.
By JakThaRiPP3R84 on 08 Dec 2018 16:56
Won 3 races out of 4. Thanks!
By overyonder on 09 Dec 2018 20:34
Smart solution. Did the same thing: killed an opponent before the final checkpoint in normal race and then won two open races in Tumbleweed (the easiest one FMPOV, just start from the left ones bonfires) and in Saint Denis.

The thing is people don't really care about checkpoints. They are rather focused on killing each other.
By FayMoon on 10 Dec 2018 12:32
Anyone want to boost this? Cant seem to become MVP...
By Lassiedelikker on 17 Dec 2018 07:17
sadly can confirm free roam events do not count, have mvp'd those many times (believe 7 to be exact) and still no movement on the achievement tracker
By Dizyne on 17 Dec 2018 21:43
OK so I've won two games of make it count but for some reason only the first one tracked and the second didn't so the achievement still says 33% even though I've won two. What the hell
By fAzE DuckLord on 28 Dec 2018 04:21
But it is not easy when there are 12+ people who are running in same race. It is more easy when you run with 5-7 people. While you are in race, there are a lot of "incidents" from others who try to push you to fall from your horse.
Try to get more resistance icons in your map, so you can run more.
By Centurion 47th on 03 Jan 2019 10:05
What are resistance icons?
By metallicafan459 on 09 Jan 2019 12:32
Stamina barrels are the key to winning. Even if it appears that a barrel might be slightly out of your way, it's important to nab it.
By Centurion 47th on 09 Jan 2019 13:26
You can get MVP in the new Team Gun Rush mode. I imagine this is much faster and easier than races as games are very short. As an example, I was the only player on my team, got 1 kill (the final kill to win the game) and got MVP.
By t0xz on 11 Jan 2019 19:03
So thumbs up for this - loaded up race series from the main menu and won the first 3 Open Races that loaded up.

It seems there are a lot of people idle boosting in the race mode so makes it easier as they aren’t interested in racing, just making it last as long as possible. Does male it harder to win races with pls though as they’ll stalk the start/finish line trying to rack up kills.
By metallicafan459 on 15 Jan 2019 09:24
Second thoughts, Team Gun Rush may not be the best. I got 4 kills, 0 deaths and my team won with me getting the final kill and MVP went to a guy with 2 kills...
By t0xz on 16 Jan 2019 22:23
Gun rush mvp goes to whoever gets the final kill of the match. Just for those wondering.
By ballgreezy44 on 29 Jan 2019 21:31
I’m looking for a boosting partners. Add me if anyone else is still looking
By STEVEN LEE 20 on 02 Feb 2019 02:34
doing Battle royale mode (small mode) and easy to get, sometimes, guys kill each other with knifes or be out the zone. try it :)
By LuDoMaC on 08 Feb 2019 08:31
This solution is, if you pardon the pun, the real deal.
By JackBlaise on 30 Dec 2020 16:53
Why does the showdown series not count for this I’ve won 4 matches with more than 4 people. This game is so trash I just want to be done with it.
By Lightz on 19 Jun 2021 17:56
This achievement must be glitched honestly. Have got MVP in countless races and showdowns with full lobbies, and still will not unlock. Stuck at 66%. Depressed is an understatement
By ii Sup3rmanz xX on 03 Dec 2023 12:13
Ive gotten mvp twice since getting my first two and it isnt unlocking. It increased my tracker when i won the first couple but it wont pop. Any ideas?
By Ron69Bongkowski on 24 Feb 2019 07:53
Is there no way to setup invite only races like in GTA? Somebody is a host, and then just invite friends?
By Load Droppers on 01 Feb 2019 15:20
For doing this with the open races I recommend this video, just did the achievement by winning in Rhodes and Blackwater using these routes (the Tumbleweed one shown in the video might not be the best):
By el p1nko on 23 Feb 2019 13:20
@Ron69Bongkowski my MVPs in the races all counted as they should so can‘t say unfortunately
By el p1nko on 24 Feb 2019 14:04
I agree with this. I would of had the achievement in about 6 races but I lost connection to their servers sitting on my last MVP.....cry The other modes with shooting, knives, or bow are more difficult to control. The no auto aim is nice as well
By wildwest08 on 29 Nov 2018 17:08
@el p1nko, thanks a lot buddy! Win all 3 MVP's in less than an hour with those videos! The easiest one is definitely Blackwater. And races are definitely easier than Hostile Territories farming.
By Serge Goujon on 28 May 2020 16:39
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IMHO, the easiest way to win MVPs in RDR2 online is playing races. Bellow I’ll give some tips:

General Tips:

- Avoid bumping at other players at all costs. It’s a 50/50 chance of getting you knocked off the back of your horse, and you don’t need that.

- Before attempting this, It’s a good idea to increase your Bonding Level with your horse to at least to level 3, increasing its stamina that way. This achievement is totally doable with the horse you’re given from the tutorial, so don’t bother buying an expensive horse, unless you really want to increase your odds.

- Choose the “Paint it Black” Dead Eye ability given in the tutorial or buy it for $50 in case you picked another one. It makes killing players a lot easier while riding your horse.

- Always go for the stamina barrels along the way. Fail to pick one of those and you will find yourself with very low stamina until you come across another one.

- Double tapping cn_down will expand the mini-map, helping you foresee what’s ahead of you. It’s REALLY useful.

- Playing after midnight (UTC-3) increases your chances of finding emptier lobbies, with 6 players or less, so you’ll have fewer players to beat.

Open Races Tips:

- There are currently 5 open races: Valentine, Rhodes, Tumbleweed, Saint Dennis and Blackwater. The best, shortest and most efficient routes to follow in each of those races are shown in the pictures bellow. Following them, will most likely net you the victory, unless someone is also following that same route with a faster horse than yours.

- In the match lobby, go for the “game details” option, and you can see which race is coming up next, giving you around 30 seconds or more to check on the images bellow and memorize the route.

- Don’t bother shooting anyone, as it will only slow you down, just focus all your attention on riding the path suggested as best as you can, UNLESS you’re in the final checkpoints and you know for sure that the opponent ahead of you is going to win.

External image

External image

External image

External image

External image

Standard Races tips:

- Avoiding taking the lead at the beginning of the race. The chances of you getting shot in the back are huge. Instead, let the front pack kill themselves, and when there’s only one player left ahead of you, go for the kill (using the paint it black ability, preferably) and then you should have a smooth sailing till the end.

- When you are getting shot at, it’s a smart defensive maneuver the hit the brake (cn_RB) and let the shooter overtake your position, and then shoot him yourself to take him down.

-When you’ve a good weapon in your possession that you’re comfortable playing with, stop going for weapons barrels, as it may change your weapon for another one worse. Weapons I recommend: Double Barreled Shotgun, Semi-Automatic Pistol and Lancaster or Litchfield Repeater.

If you’re going to downvote this solution, please share in the comments suggestions so that I can make it better. Good riding, folks.

24 Feb 2019 22:53

By far the best solution! clap
By netstryker on 25 Feb 2019 00:47
Thanks for the help! Used the open race methods to get this. Took a few attempts to learn the routes, but after I knew them, I started winning races consistently! laugh
By JJR0906 on 07 Mar 2019 14:56
Congrats JJR0906! Thanks Netstryker!
By Cakau on 08 Mar 2019 12:22
Excellent solution, good work.
By Ginn0rz on 15 Jun 2019 09:05
I swear I’m getting assholes that are gunning me down every time. Got to be an easier way than races.
By Falcon SVN on 05 Jun 2020 20:56
Best solution, thanks for the maps, they were helpful.

Tips: get to level 40 doing the collector role, get a horse with decent speed and stamina. The Criollo is what I used. It has high stamina when you get to bond level 2. Your horse wont go out stamina so you'll most likely have advantge over low level players.Try to get in a lobby with 4/6 players. If you see a lot of 100+ level players back out and search a different lobby.
Did this this afternoon and got 4 victories, 3 of them in a row. Good luck.
By LeGagnan on 14 Jul 2020 19:40
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The absolute easiest way to do this is not races!! Play in the small showdown series and your looking for the game Overrun. The rounds are super short and the objective of the game is to hold the most spots. Literally just keep running from circle to circle And don’t worry about killing people, if you die it’s fine just respawn and keep running!

Cheers 🙂

05 Sep 2019 23:33

With the currect (unpopulated) state of the game you might have to boost this.

get a group of 4 ppl.
Search Elination Series.
Votekick any other players.
Allow one player to win the game, three times.
-> Achievment should pop

Repeat for the other players.

Hope this helps.

Watch out for super high rank randoms or low ranks with 0G and 0Firends, since there are many smurfs around.
If someone makes it into the lobby start communicating and team up, call them out. As soon as one of you dies, spectate the random and call everything out he does. Its not nice but effective.
The winner is MVP, not the player with most of the kills.

24 Jul 2022 17:45

I made it easy in the new Halloween mode "Dead of Night" you can easily achieve the mvp if you focus on killing as many zombies as you can. In this mode the mvp is who have more kills. This mode is temporary and can be found when searching for featured series.

25 Oct 2020 01:12

Quick & Easy MVP, I've helped many players doing it simply in Call to Arms, Using the Blackwater map.

Designate a player to be posse leader, set up the posse and invite 3 others. There will need to be another player to leave and rejoin the posse after each match. (It bypasses the cooldown timer, on the Call to Arms mode).

Soon as you are all in the posse, the leader will start the match. To start Call to Arms, Press right on d-pad, to open the Satchel, so it's: Satchel > Documents > Telegrams > Call to Arms. (If you don't have call to arms mode available. go to the post office or lockbox to pick up the telegram. (Must open it whilst on foot, not on horse).

After the Introduction cutscene has ended, everyone holds CIRCLE to skip the preparation timer, have the player who is going for MVP, kill ONE enemy then die. The other 3 die immediately after wave 1 starts, - There are red explosive boxes / barrels around the map, just run up to one and shoot.

When all players are dead, ONLY the posse leader presses the button on the "Failed" screen. Posse leader holds SQUARE on the "Abandon with Posse" option. You will then see the outro play and the person with one kill gets MVP.

After you load back into the map, the designated leave and rejoin player, quits posse then rejoins immediately. (Tap left on d-pad go to posse, find the settings and select abandon.) - Ideally to make it easier the player leaving posse should count to 10 then do it so it gives time for the leader to navigate to the telegrams page, if the page is still greyed out, have the designated player leave and rejoin again, whilst posse leader is on the map selection page. Repeat the same steps till everyone has the trophy.

Quick Summary

1 host
MVP gets 1 kill then dies
Other 3 die immediately
Only leader presses button on failed screen
1 player quits posse and rejoins - to bypass cooldown
Repeat above steps

Hope I made it clear for you guys.

23 Sep 2021 17:04

1 Comment
Looks like the cool down timer has been patched. I was not able to replicate your method.
By LoomingLuck on 24 Dec 2023 01:07
At the end of each competitive match, the MVP title is rewarded. You'll see a clip showing a character celebrating and the game identifying that character as the MVP. You need to win three MVPs yourself to earn this trophy. There are a few ways to go about this:

Races: You automatically win MVP upon winning. I, personally, recommend this route as I find races less skill dependent than combat modes and thankfully there isn't much parity low and high level players. For standard races, I recommend sticking to the side at the start of the race, going around the group of players and reaching the front. From there, try to knock off the nearby players with . How you start these races are important as it's tough to come back when you've fallen behind and it's tough to lose a lead when you’re far ahead of the pack. For open races, you must hit each checkpoint scattered across the map. Upon doing so, make your way to the finish marker. The key to this is finding the right path. Typically, you want to start hitting the checkpoints along the outside and work your way in as the finish marker will be near the center of the map. Here's a link with images depicting the ideal route (Credit to LINK. If you have friends to help you, you can make this a little easier by having them kill the race leaders to help you overtake them.

Make-It-Count: You automatically win MVP upon winning. This is a Battle Royale type mode where you'll be going up against other players for the title of sole survivor. In this mode, you will only have access to a certain weapon (throwing knives, bow/arrow, tomahawk) with limited ammo. You'll need to be stealthy and sneak up on unsuspecting players. You can't stay in one position too long, because it will reveal your location on the map. You could use that to your advantage and lure other players your way. Be aware of your surroundings. Look every direction. Don't get too excited when you see someone. Focus and make every shot count.

Standard Competitive Modes: The trick to winning MVP in these modes is to not die. You could have 0 kills and 0 deaths and win MVP over someone who went 30-5. In matches like these, find a place to hide. Maybe have a Shotgun on hand in case anyone stumbles upon you.
To unlock The Real Deal trophy in Red Dead Online, you need to be the most valuable player in a Series event three times. It doesn't have to be consecutive rounds.

If you're a good shooter this won't be a problem to achieve in a Showdown Series, but if you aren't too hot with the shooting mechanics you can take advantage of the fact that there are MVPs in the Race Series as well. It seems that the MVP is always awarded to the race winner though there may be some rare circumstances where this isn't the case.

There are two modes here: Race and Open Race. While you may be able to win a round of Race, in which you can pick up boosts and weapons along a point-to-point route, the problem is that once someone gets ahead of you it's hard to catch up. Your best chance is in the Open Race, in which you need to pick up all of the checkpoints in a large area -- but you can collect them in any order. Get a lay of the land and aim to collect the "outer" checkpoints in a wide circle before spiralling in to the checkpoints near the centre of the map. The reason for this is that you will need to race to a finishing square after collecting your last checkpoint, and this is almost always near the centre of the map.

I found that the Tumbleweed map was the easiest to consistently win. From the starting point turn your horse immediately left and get the nearest checkpoint, then 180 and head for the furthest checkpoints to the right of your starting point. From here you should head uphill and work your way around the outskirts anti-clockwise, until you get to a sharp bend left and down hill into town. From here it should be fairly obvious how to mop up the remaining inner checkpoints.

Keep trying and learning the routes; at this early stage of the Beta you will likely find that the majority of other players are either unfamiliar with the mode (or horse riding in general) or they are rubber-banding at the starting line by walking their horses in circles, presumably in an effort to level up while they idle. Because of these two factors this trophy is currently a lot easier than it perhaps will be when the idlers disappear and the more skilled players take to the tracks.

04 Dec 2018 10:49

I’ve won 3 throwing knife only games and been MVP all3 times!!
Any idea?
By caubrey on 04 Dec 2018 20:40
Hmm, that sounds like a bug. I have had a few events glitch out on me after completing them and they have not added to my counter on e.g. the Free Roam Events trophy. I can only think something similar is happening there for you. Unfortunately it might just be a case of continuing to get MVPs until it triggers :(
By kintaris on 04 Dec 2018 23:03
I’ve had MVP more than 3 times on throwing knives only and it didn’t unlock for me either
By caubrey on 31 May 2020 13:46
There has to be 4 players left in the game at fin otherwise MVP isn’t awarded to the winner I’ve won 3 of those today only 1 counted as mvp
By ItsMeBiscuit on 21 Feb 2022 22:02
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I think the easiest way to get it is in races, for this you need to come to the finish line first 3 times, the easiest races seemed to me in which you need to go through the points in any order, since the rest are complete chaos)

28 Nov 2018 20:21

The best weapon for PVP (current patch 1.05) is the Varmint carbine. It has the lowest damage, but the auto-aim aims directly at the head, and this carbine has the fastest aiming speed.
By kipetskiy on 21 Dec 2018 12:46
In the mode where you capture points, you just need to defend one of the points for the entire round!! I only had one kill and my allies had 25!! I became the best player!
By ViToZzz-_- on 22 Dec 2018 06:18
While you are leveling up to lvl 50, you will fulfill this condition many times.
By Farvbyl on 06 Dec 2018 02:18
The Saint Denis Open race is probably the easiest way to get this trophy. At the beginning of the race, turn around and jump around the points clockwise, when, like most players, they jump forward and interfere with each other. This way you save time and if there are no other very smart people besides you, then you win. And so three times - the trophy is yours!
By Madari on 17 Aug 2019 01:21
It’s quite quick to do when capturing territories, you just sit on the point closest to the base and don’t leave it at all)
By krsktilos on 07 Feb 2020 05:01
IMHO, the easiest way for me was the “Alien Land” mode, where you need to capture points. At the beginning of the game, he immediately ran to an empty point, captured it, then captured another one. I tried to capture those where there were no enemies. I had about 2-3 murders. There were 2 deaths. Mostly I hung out at the point with a sniper and stupidly shot. I tried not to die again, since I am a handyman, the likes of which the world has never seen. And with 2 points, 2 deaths, 2-3 kills, I became a valuable player. In my opinion, this mode is the best for getting a trophy, especially for those who have just started online and who have a low level, naturally, and very little experience. Because the guys are playing madly there, and before you have time to take aim, they’ll kill you.
By Warrior_13 on 16 Feb 2020 16:43
Many here write that you can win other pvp modes by capturing points, maybe it’s possible if you’re really lucky or you’re really a god of shooting, but it’ll just waste a lot of nerves and have zero fun. Nowadays there are a lot of players who are level 100+, and what a hundred, yesterday they were 350+ against me, it won’t even be a matter of the difference in weapons, but the fact that they have maxed out the scale of life, stamina and marksmanship, mine is at 30 level at 80 percent, only this is all pumped up, but the most important thing is that they have 4 abilities unlocked and all the cards have already been pumped up to level 3, that is, you can put together quite good builds there and they actually become very tenacious!

My advice is to still go through the races, knock out the trophy in 1 evening, just choose a quick transition through me and play! There will be simply routes to the finish, with points in different orders, with targets, I won the first race with targets, it was my first time on this map and somehow I was lucky, I overtook 2nd place by a couple of seconds, then I entered and exited the races and got caught for a session where there were 4 players and a short circular race, two immediately collided, I kicked the last one into the fence and then took first place without any problems, he could not overtake me, well, the 3rd victory was actually when I entered the track with targets and the race I was already walking, I thought, okay, I’ll look at the map and overtook everyone, there were just players here of about my level, not a single high level, but I came across this one time! There were a lot of 2nd and 3rd places, either bad luck or really cool dudes, but at least it was interesting, especially when you already memorize the cards! If there were really bad players against me, I went back to free mode and found a new session through me quickly.
By ScaryKirill on 11 Mar 2020 13:50
All the tips above are not very relevant today. You won’t be able to sit out the capture of territories, there’s not much chance in a knockout game, and even more so in skirmishes. Today there are a lot of nerds and pests in the game, playing with them is like breaking a mountain with a hammer. That’s why I’m telling you the most realistic way to date. You can only get a trophy in races. The most realistic way is through passing points or on a circular route. The best time to play is weekday mornings. Sessions of 4-6 players, nerds and experienced fighters are not enough. I got it this way.
By yaspas84 on 07 Dec 2020 09:45
In races and skirmishes now (beginning of 2021), it is very difficult to get this trophy: there are a lot of players of 200+, 300+ and even 500+ levels. At level 27, I knocked out this trophy in one evening in a series of captures, Occupation mode. You just run from fire to fire, you don’t need to shoot, if you kill, it’s not scary. The maps "Shishika" and "Dakota River" are the easiest to become MVP.
By toha_toha on 21 Jan 2021 12:18
A little advice: if possible, enter confrontations in the morning, there are few players and taking first place is much easier than in evening battles.
By Mr_Vanse_Bars on 08 Mar 2019 11:06
Yesterday I received this trophy with 4 friends. Mode - last man standing, 8 people max. There were 4 of us, this was enough to take control of the mode (we could kick out one player in each round). Basically, it turned out that besides us, two more left players tumbled in. While one of us sat in the rear, the other three did all the work. As a result, all four of us made the trophy in about 3 hours.
By BJr-V8 on 10 Jun 2019 11:04
Collecting in any order is not the best way. It was convenient for me to do it clockwise/anti-clockwise from the very start. so slowly to the center, because if you miss the last light from the edge, you will waste seconds of time to get to the finish line first
Don’t pay attention to those who want to stop you, and most importantly, if there are less than 4 players left in the match before the rewards are credited, you will not be counted towards the trophy
By Dizlight on 30 Nov 2018 09:30
I received a trophy in a series where you need to capture points. In this series there is a mode where two teams compete and you need to collect resources from the enemy base for your base. In this mode, both teams constantly put pressure on each other and I alone carried these resources and for this they gave me a valuable player (maybe I was lucky, but in my opinion it’s much more difficult to get in races). I advise you to at least try this series, maybe you will be lucky too.
By Guro68 on 20 Nov 2019 11:13
You don't need to win all three races in one round.
The main thing is to win three races (possible in a few days).
By omck136 on 28 May 2020 08:52
In the mode of capturing points, there are two free maps, just don’t pay attention to other players, dull the boosts, use and run around the points - that’s all.
By EXTAZ on 12 Dec 2021 09:22
You need to become the best player in the team, not in the session.
By GAVE on 10 Apr 2023 23:59
Most likely you are doing this trophy for platinum. Having leveled up to level 50, I didn’t try to make a trophy. The first evening I tried all the modes and realized that it was not for me. Therefore, we calmly level up to level 50 as a Collector (described above). Next, unlock and buy the Collector's saddle and the Creole bay-frame overo horse. We swing the saddle with a stirrup in the stable and then go out to the races. An important point: 90% of all races are competitions with targets. The remaining 5% is racing in a circle (two circles) and 5% driving along the lights (there are maps above). The trophy was made in two days. The main thing: we play from 12 to 18 Moscow time, then monsters with levels 300-700 come out and you simply won’t be the first to arrive. If you find yourself racing in a circle, don’t get ahead, be 3rd. Otherwise, I’ll shoot at you (here it’s better to upgrade ability cards like hats, so as not to die from the first shot to the head). Drive through the barrels and always keep your weapon ready. If it works, take out the enemy who is galloping ahead with your weapon and win. During the day, he often drops into a session with levels 15-30. They are easy to defeat. But it’s better to play racing for a couple of days, then you’ll have an understanding of each track. There are not many of them)))
By airsteward on 08 May 2024 21:19
For those who can't make it to an open race, here are the routes. They are not the most optimal, since the opponents did not give a reason to bother, and were invented on the fly, sometimes on the 1st and sometimes on the 2nd try.
By Ronyo on 15 Dec 2018 12:36
In the settings, I recommend setting the Weapon Sight to Simple ( Settings->Screen ) - this will help you avoid smearing and the target acquisition mode is Wide ( Settings->Controls ) - this will help you catch the target easier.

I got it during a series of confrontations where I needed to capture points: I captured one myself, helped to capture the second - they gave me first place (dead matches also went well, but that’s not my thing, I didn’t reach 1st place)
I knocked out the rest 2 times in races on free Arabic, but first upgraded it to level 3.
A race for an arbitrary sequence of passing all checkpoints - the right tactic is to remember where you started (the finish will be there) and collect all the points clockwise or counterclockwise (depending on how many fewer players rushed), in the end I picked up the last point almost at the start and went straight to the finish, breaking with 2nd place 15-20 seconds usually with this tactic, unless you fall or get shot
By EduardoElrick on 12 Dec 2018 21:32
It was very difficult to achieve this trophy in 2021. I tried to do it at the races 2 evenings on weekdays, there really are chances, but I got a maximum of 2nd place several times. In the end, the ideal mode for me was a series of captures. I lost several times, but on the third evening I won the trophy in about 2 hours. 1 victory came in a series called “foreign land”, just sit on the captured point, there will be drops while teammates try to capture other points. The second victory was in the same series of captures, when he brought in more bombs during the explosion of the base. The 3rd victory was in the occupation mode on the shishika map, I just completely neglected shooting and ran around capturing points, the main thing is to run ahead of my entire team. I knocked it out on weekday evenings after work.
By Wolf_59 on 03 Feb 2021 20:40
I found 2 modes for myself and completed them in a few hours at level 47:
1. To arms (knocked out in Armadillo, where it’s easiest to shoot enemies on horseback, but at levels less than 20 it’s almost impossible to take first place).
2. Races (in Annesberg and Rhodes, in the rest only 2nd place, I advise you to skip those where the terrain is predominantly mountainous). The easiest mode for this trophy, as it takes little time and everyone has approximately equal chances in the race. Maps with routes for races without targets are freely available.
I also noticed one trick: if there are 2-3 people at the start, then several more people can join, even closer to the end, and if you take first place, you will receive a trophy. This happened to me in Rhodes: at the start there were two of us, I took first place after 3 minutes, the enemy was afk and during this time 3 people joined. As a result, first place out of 5.
The easiest mode at the end of 2023, in the rest, 70+ levels almost always take first place. Free mode tasks (king of the hill and others) are not taken into account in this trophy.
By Artemon4 on 28 Oct 2023 20:00
It seems to me that this is a rather difficult trophy now, since many people have learned to play very well online. It took me three serious runs of 2 hours each to get the trophy (since I had never played adversarial games before)... Alas, that’s how it is. Am I playing really bad? , or everyone has become very good online (Having collected all the clues together, I can reveal the following):

1. Choose one opponent to play (I recommend elimination). We go in, play calmly, train, learn all the intricacies, and play it purposefully.
2. It’s better to go on a weekday before lunch, the players there are much weaker (thanks for the tip above Mr_Vanse_Bars).
3. In the process of trying to obtain this trophy, you will receive 300+ XP, which will have a pretty good effect on raising the overall level in achieving the “Infamous” trophy.
PS tried to get a trophy in the races in the evening - I wasted almost three hours, barely rising to 6th place in each race (Always 16 players in the lobby). Then I tried again - and was at most third or second. Chose survival (elimination series).
The elimination series turned out to be much simpler. Having played 15 matches, I began to always move along the edge of the narrowing zone (as described above in the Vlastelin tip), while the rear is always protected, only from the right to the left and in front there can be danger. He waited until everyone killed each other, and then killed the last three or the last player. You will still have to sit in this series for several hours - to become the first (or how lucky).
Or forget it sometime with friends - it will be much easier. But I don’t have that many friends online, so I had to do everything myself as always.
By romansway777 on 22 Nov 2019 13:29
IMHO the easiest way for a single player: start the "elimination" mode (a kind of battle royale, in which the playing area gradually narrows, and players are killed in one hit), just run (always in a crouch) along the edge of the narrowing playing area, because . The chance of meeting an enemy on the edge is very small. While you are moving, the opponents will kill each other, leaving you and the last survivor, whom killing is not such a big problem: either enter unnoticed from behind, having previously tracked through the "eagle eye", or go head-on and shoot (here you need to be able to jump to the side in time when the enemy is shooting at you). Well, or if you have the skill, just play for fun. The last one standing is the best player. I won the trophy, surviving almost 3 times in a row =). Another option (far from the most honest) is to go into one session with friends in this mode, find each other on the map (moving either along the edge of the zone, or in a designated place, if you know the map), and two or three of them kill enemies in a crowd). The main thing is not to kill each other by mistake; it is better to choose clothes that you can use to recognize each other from afar.
By Vlastelin on 25 Aug 2019 21:57
- Find the series in which you have at least some chance of winning. I got good at capturing points. I’ll tell you this example.
- First of all, forget about shooting. Your job is small - to drag and grab, not paying attention to anything around.
- As soon as the round begins, grab dynamite or run to the points if the goal of the task is to capture points. In one game I had zero kills, but I captured 27 points and became the most valuable. In another, he delivered 4 shipments of dynamite to the enemy base and also became the most valuable with 0 kills.
- If you see that your team is fighting, then in the next round try to join the one that won. And then according to plan: we run forward and capture points, deliver dynamite, and loot supplies.

Another option is elimination mode. You need to study the maps, move along the edge of the narrowing zone and try to kill the last player. Killed - you get a valuable one with a machine gun.
By Zeus_Angry on 22 Aug 2020 12:05
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Some players (like me at first) get the trophy description a little wrong. Those. They think that you need to become a valuable player 3 times in a row in one round. In fact, you need to become a valuable player in round 1 1 time and so 3 times. It doesn’t have to be in a row, you can come first on a horse, go capture points, etc., the main thing is to become valuable 3 times.

08 Dec 2018 19:25