Red Dead Redemption
51 Achievements
Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Dastardly achievement in Red Dead Redemption - Definitive Guide
It requires you to place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train
You will not be able to get this achievement until you obtain the lasso from Bonnie, I believe it's her fifth mission. Once you have it find a woman to lasso then hogtie her when she is down, I would recommend choosing a woman in the middle of nowhere so the town folk don't try to kill you. After that put her on your horse and see where the train is and the direction it's heading. Get on your horse and race to get far enough ahead of the train so that you have time to lay her down across the tracks, then watch her die for an easy 5G!
I might have been unlucky but I had tried for this achievement several times and it did not pop. Once when I laid the woman on the track I realized that Marston actually looked aside. A way to control where you look is aiming with your pistol, so next time I tried it that way. I laid a whore on the tracks, aimed at her with my pistol, watched her blowing into pieces when the train ran her over - may her rest in piece - and got the achievement.
Get a woman, you can find them anywhere but if you're having a hard time finding one then go to the nearest town e.g. Armadillo. Equip your Lasso by bringing up the weapon wheel (hold ) and aim it by locking onto a woman in the street with , get close to the lady then release the Lasso with and hogtie her with . Place her on your horse and ride to McFarlane's Ranch, there will be a train station there. Wait for the train to arrive and stop, place the woman on the train tracks and move out of the way and enjoy the show. Just make sure the camera angle is looking at the woman or her death won't count.
If this trophy does not unlock then attempt it again by using the opposite train as there are two different colored trains i.e one blue and one red. If the trophy did not unlock by using the red train to run over the victim, try using the opposite train i.e blue.
For more information on this possible glitch, please refer to this link: Dastardly Trophy Glitch.
Before you can attempt this achievement you will need to lasso, which you earn from Bonnie in the early missions. Once you do have it you can lasso and hogtie any women you desire, though there are some, which are easier than others. If you don't want to damage your fame or honor you can buy a bandana from Thieves' Land at the tailors shop.
Once you have either item you can now lasso your victim. Lasso and hogtie the lady of choice and place her on your horse. You can now make your way to the train track, check your map to see where the active train is. You will be looking for red train icon following the tracks. Head towards the train and play your victim on the tracks by pressing . Now just stand back and watch as the train plows down your victim and the achievement unlocks.
Using the map you can track where the trains are.
All that remains is to wait and watch.