Red Faction: Guerrilla

50 Achievements



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Mad Genius

Mad Genius

Completed 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.


How to unlock the Mad Genius achievement in Red Faction: Guerrilla - Definitive Guide

Get 5 XP from every bonus XP event. (req 50)

As some of the "descriptions" are a little vague I have had a little trouble finding what to do on some of these so this will be an elaboration on the other solutions. I will list the bonus XP events with tips for getting them complete.

I've broken this list down into two sections the first section are events that you must have at least 3 or 4 people in the game to obtain. The 2nd part lists the rest that can be done with just 2 players.

I also made a little google document checklist that you are free to download/print and use for yourself (put an "x" in the left column to mark as complete and turn the cell green)
Bonus Exp Checklist (Google Doc)

Please use the comments to help me fill in things that may be unclear or just bad. wink

A few notes about session setup:
Unless the action states otherwise the best settings are:
(To update the games settings press (RB) if you are the party leader while in the party menu)
Mode: Anarchy
Map: Quarantine/ Crash Site (as these are smaller)
Respawn Time: 0:03
Health: 50%
Regeneration: 50%
Movement: 130%
Unlimited Ammo: Yes
Enemy icons: Always
Time Limit: 30:00 (If you are only going for one action then you can adjust this down to 10 minutes or something)

Weapons: (varies depending on what you are going for)
Backpacks: (varies depending on what you are going for)

3+ player Matches
4 players is ideal
Assist Unlocked at 150 XP
"Damage an enemy a teammate then kills"
Special set up notes: Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Easy, shoot a member of the opposite team and then have your team mate finish the job

Heal Teammate Unlocked at 325 XP
"Restore at least Half of a teammates health"
Special set up notes: Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Heal
Tip: stand next to your team mate and have another player shoot him (if friendly fire is on you may be able to shoot him yourself) once he is below 50% health just activate your Heal pack (LB) (Your teammate will also get a Survivor Point)

Pack Hunter Unlocked at 550 XP
"Be Near a teammate when they kill an enemy"
Special set up notes: Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Just stand near your team mate when they make a kill. If they kill multiple people in the same shot they will all count.

Rescue Kill Unlocked at 700 XP
"Kill an enemy near a teammate that has been knocked down"
Special set up notes: Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any but easiest with rifles that you can get headshots with
Backpacks: Concussion
Tip: The trick here is you have to be near a teammate while they are on the ground. best to find a building with a small room. Stand in a corner of the room and have your target stand a safe distance away. (so you don’t get knocked down by their concussion blast) now have your teammate stand next to your target but directly between the two of you. This way they will get knocked towards you. Line up a head shot on your target and have the target activate his concussion backpack. As soon as your teammate lands at your feet shoot and kill the target.

Synchronized Kill Unlocked at 900 XP
"Kill an enemy at the same time a nearby teammate does"
Special set up notes: This requires at least 4 people (2 on each team), Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any but easiest with rifles that you can get headshots with
Backpacks: Any
Tip: pick out who you are going to shoot and line up headshots on each. you can either count down and fire at the same time or have one person shoot and the other react. The “At the same time” part of this is fairly lenient so don’t worry if you don’t get it at exactly the same time which may be due to lag anyway as you should still be close enough to get it.

Vendetta Unlocked at 1,200 XP
"Kill an enemy who recently killed a teammate"
Special set up notes: This requires at least 4 people (2 on each team), Must be in a team game type i.e. Team Anarchy
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Get your teams together and work out who will be shooting who and in what order. for this example I will use 4 players.

Team 1: Player A, Player B
Team 2: Player C, Player D

D kills B
A then immediately Kills D
C then immediately Kills A

Players A and C in this example now have 1 “vendetta” point. Repeat 5 times then reverse the rolls on each team

A kills C
D then immediately Kills A
B then immediately Kills D

Players D and B in this example now have 1 “vendetta” point. Repeat 5 times

Knockdown Unlocked at 3,650 XP
"Knock down multiple enemies simultaneously with the Concussion pack"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: N/A
Backpacks: Concussion
Tip: Get next to 2 or more opponents and activate your concussion pack (LB) (Will count as 1 knockdown)
(If your targets are standing next to a border on the map you can nab Death by Boundary points as well)

Mega Kill Unlocked at 5,800 XP
"Kill multiple enemies within 3 seconds"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Preferably some explosives
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Easiest if you have 2 or more people stand in a group and send a rocket their way

BBQ Unlocked at 17,500 XP
"Hit 3 enemies simultaneously with the Arc Welder"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Arc Welder
Backpacks: Heal*
Tip: You don’t need to kill anyone simply “hit” them all with the bolts. so have 3 targets stand in a cluster. then just tap your (RT) until “BBQ” point is awarded then have the group use their heal packs and hit them again when they are at full health.

Lined Up Unlocked at 33,000 XP
"Hit 2 or more enemies with one Rail Driver shot"
Special set up notes: If using 3 people make sure the opposition has 2 people
Weapons: Rail Driver
Backpacks: Heal*
Tip: You don’t need to kill anyone simply “hit” them all with the shot, preferably not in the head area but must contact both bodies. so have 2 targets stand in a line. Shot them once (RT) “Lined Up” point should be awarded then have the group use their heal packs and hit them again when they are at full health.


2 player Matches
note: these can be done faster and more efficiently with more people but 2 is the minimum
Crush Unlocked at 1,500 XP
"Kill an enemy with building debris"
Special set up notes:
Weapons: Pistol, Singularity Bomb, *Reconstructor
Tip: The best way I've found to do this is to have them stand next to a building wall. place a Sing. bomb at their feet then quickly switch to your pistol and fire 3 shots into their chest before the bomb goes off. That way their health is low because what you need to have happen is a piece of the building that gets caught up in the vortex must hit them and kill them before the explosion happens for it to count as a "crush"

rinse and repeat until everyone has done this 5x
note: you may be able to get multiple people in the same blast just make sure to injure them before the vortex starts up
*(use the reconstuctor to rebuild walls if you start to run out of debris to use)

Beat Down Unlocked at 1,600 XP
"Kill an enemy with a melee attack"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Any melee attack will do, doesnt matter if its with a hammer or gun just go to your target and hit (LT)

Streak Stopper Unlocked at 1,800 XP
"Kill an enemy who is unstoppable"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Kill someone who has at least a 5 kill streak and got “Unstoppable

Death From Above Unlocked at 2,150 XP
"Kill an enemy by thrusting down"
Special set up notes:
Tip: Stand next to your target and jump over him, hold the jump button (A) and activate your thrust (LB) and you should pound down on him. If you need help you can use a building or the rock in the middle of the Crash Site map to gain a height advantage

Remote Save Unlocked at 2,300 XP
"Kill an enemy before they can detonate a Remote Charge stuck to you or a teammate"
Special set up notes: none
Weapons: Remote Charges
Backpacks: none
Tip: Meet your target and each of you throw a remote charge onto the others body. detonate your charge (B)
* You will also get “Stuck” this way if you have unlocked that already

Survivor Unlocked at 2,600 XP
"Recover to full health after nearly dying"
Special set up notes: not necessary but you could set regeneration to 100%+
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Have your partner shoot you in the leg until your health bar is flashing (about 3 shots with the pistol in the chest with health set to 50%) wait until your health has fully recovered and you should see a “Survivor” point added you your score. let your partner know that he can shoot you again.

You can shoot your partner while you are healing and you can both recover at the same time

Unstoppable Unlocked at 3,050 XP
"Kill 5 or more enemies in a row"
Special set up notes: none
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Simply put, get 5 kills without a death

Backwhat? Unlocked at 3,200 XP
"Kill an enemy that is wearing a backpack while you are not wearing one"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Starting: None, Spawn: on/regular
Tip: Have your partner go grab a backpack from one of the docks, then kill him

Death by Boundary Unlocked at 4,100 XP
"Knock an enemy out of the level boundaries"
Special set up notes: Any Small map
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Start or find the Concussion Backpack
Tip: Have your partner stand right next to the boundary of the level It is marked by a line of beacons, you will “Blow yourself up” if you cross this while they are standing next to the boundary stand next to them so that when you activate your pack (LB) you will push them out and they will explode.
If you time it so they jump right before you push them out you can also get an Interceptor point providing you have that even unlocked of course.

Stuck Unlocked at 4,400 XP
"Detonate a Remote Charge stuck to an enemy"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Remote Charges
Backpacks: *Jetpack
Tip: Stick your partner with a remote charge and detonate it.

*you can also get an achievement if your partner has a jetpack or thrust pack on. let them fly into the air a ways before you detonate and you can grab this if you don’t already have it.
Red Faction: GuerrillaThe High and MightyThe The High and Mighty achievement in Red Faction: Guerrilla worth 40 pointsKill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them.

Headshot Kill Unlocked at 4,550 XP
"Kill an enemy with a headshot"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Sniper, Rail Gun
Backpacks: Any
Tip: You can get this with almost any weapon. just line up your shot and as long as the kill shot hits their head you should have this.

Whos #1? Unlocked at 5,000 XP
"Kill the enemy with the highest number of kills"
Special set up notes: turn “highlight Leader” on
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Kill whoever is in the lead. you can see who's leading in the top right corner. If you pass them just let them get more kills to pass you up.

Full Control Unlocked at 5,400 XP
"Fully Repair a target"
Special set up notes: Game Type: Damage Control
Weapons: Reconstrutor
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Just find a target to repair Marked by a white triangle once it is repaired to 100% you or a partner can destroy it. then just build it up again as many times as you need.

Achievement related to this task
Red Faction: GuerrillaDoozerThe Doozer achievement in Red Faction: Guerrilla worth 12 pointsReconstruct a Damage Control target.

Back Off Unlocked at 6,600 XP
"Kill an enemy who is melee attacking at close range"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any (Hammer recommended)
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Simply have the other person stand next to you but with their back turned to you. have them melee and while they are swinging away from you kill them with your hammer and you should get a "back off" point

Ghost Kill Unlocked at 7,000 XP
"Kill a stealthed enemy"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Cloak? (I don’t rememberwhat it is called I will come back and update it)
Tip: have your partner activate their cloak so they turn invisible. then kill them while they are cloaked. I find the hammer to work just fine.

Bullseye Unlocked at 7,200 XP
"Kill an enemy with a direct rocket hit"
Special set up notes: Any
Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Thermobaric Rocket
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Stand a safe distance away from your partner and fire a rocket at them. (Do not hit the fire button to make it explode if using the thermo) If you are having trouble tell your partner to move or jump into the rockets path.

Backfire Unlocked at 7,800 XP
"Kill an enemy with their own explosive"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Rifle/Pistol, Remote Charges, Proximity Mines, Singularity Bomb
Backpacks: Any
Tip: have your partner throw one of their mines at their feet, then shoot it with one of your guns to make it explode and kill them

You're Doing It Wrong! Unlocked at 8,250 XP
"Kill an enemy with the Reconstructor"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Reconstructor
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Just use the Reconstructor on your partner until they die

Charge Unlocked at 8,750 XP
"Rhino charge through a wall and kill an enemy"
Special set up notes:
Weapons: Reconstructor
Backpacks: Rhino
Tip: have your partner stand behind a wall, from the opposite side activate your backpack (LB) and you will charge though it and kill them.

Power Trip Unlocked at 9,500 XP
"With Firepower active, kill an enemy with a melee weapon"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Sledgehammer
Backpacks: Firepower
Tip: Activate your Firepower backpack (LB) and kill your partner with a melee attack.
This pack takes a long time to discharge and recharge

Interceptor Unlocked at 10,600 XP
"Kill a ragdolling enemy in mid-air"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Singularity Bomb
Backpacks: Concussion
Tip: The nature of the S Bomb will throw them around enough that you should get this no problem, if you are having trouble try the “Death by Boundary” method with your concussion pack

Hail Mary Unlocked at 10,900 XP
"Kill an enemy from far away without using a gun"
Special set up notes: May have to use a bigger map than Quarentine. Crash Site works fine
Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Thermobaric Rocket
Backpacks: Any
Tip: find a place on a map

Blast Unlocked at 11,500 XP
"Kill an enemy with an explosive barrel or tank"
Special set up notes: Crash Site has a few tanks for sure
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Have your partner stand next to the big white propane looking tanks and shoot the tank to make it explode

Flagman Unlocked at 12,200 XP
"Kill an enemy with their team flag"
Special set up notes: Game Type: Capture the Flag
Weapons: Flag
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Just grab the flag and instead of returning it to the post melee your partner with it.

Air Strike Unlocked at 13,000 XP
"Kill an enemy while in the air"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Thrust or Jetpack
Tip: Any kill while you are in the air will work, launch yourself into the air and shoot a rocket at your partner below you or throw a remote mine on them and then detonate it while you are in the air.

Shake It Up Unlocked at 14,200 XP
"Kill an enemy while your Tremor pack is activated"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Tremor
Tip: I found it easiest to use the sledgehammer on your partner while your Tremor backpack is activated (LB)

Dust Bunny Unlocked at 15,500 XP
"Kill an enemy who is in mid-jump"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Rockets
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Fire a rocket at your partners feet, or place a remote charge. Then have them jump right before it hits/ you set off the charge

Good Timing Unlocked at 16,500 XP
"Use the Rhino or Thrust pack to survive an attack"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Remote Charges
Backpacks: Rhino or Thrust
Tip: Have the other team stick a remote charge to your body, activate the Thrust pack and as soon as you start moving up have them detonate the remote charge. It might take a few attempts to get the timing down but once you do you just need to wait for your pack to recharge and try again.

Blindside Unlocked at 18,500 XP
"Kill an enemy from behind"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Stand behind your partner and shoot

Payback Unlocked at 20,250 XP
"Exact revenge within 15 seconds of respawning"
Special set up notes: (Make sure you have enemy Icons set to “Always”)
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Fleetfoot
Tip: have your partner kill you, as soon as you respawn both of you need to run towards each other. Kill your partner. as soon as he spawns find each other and repeat as necessary

X-Ray Unlocked at 22,500 XP
"Kill an enemy through a wall with the Rail Driver"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Rail Driver
Backpacks: Any
Tip: The Sight on this gun makes this easy as you can see the outline of your target in the scope. to make it even easier have your partner stand on the opposite side of a wall and aim for a headshot.

Sharpshooter Unlocked at 24,000 XP
"Shoot and kill an enemy from far away"
Special set up notes: Crash Site works fine for this map
Weapons: any Rifle, Sniper or Rail Driver rec.
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Get as far away from each other as possible on the map with a clear line of sight. clear some buildings if you have to, then just aim and kill

Sleeper Kill Unlocked at 27,000 XP
"Kill a fallen enemy with a melee attack"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Sledgehammer
Backpacks: Concussion
Tip: Knock your partner to the ground using the concussion pack (LB) then kill them with your hammer before they can get up.

Death From Below Unlocked at 29,000 XP
"Kill an enemy by thrusting up"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Thrust
Tip: Have your partner jump over you and activate your Thrust pack (LB)
Tip: (Malicious Fury - Death From Below can be gotten with a partner who is AFK. Shoot him in the chest three times, then crouch down in front of him and use thrust)

Rainbow Wars Unlocked at 31,000 XP
"Kill an enemy that is using the Heal Pack"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Heal
Tip: Have your partner Activate their Heal pack (LB) and Kill them while it is active

Doppleganger Unlocked at 38,000 XP
"Kill an enemy that has the same backpack you do"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Should get this going for any of the others if you chose a starting backpack. Just kill them anyway you want. as long as you are both wearing the same pack i.e. both have Heal packs on you will get this.

Zombie Kill Unlocked at 44,000 XP
"Kill an enemy from beyond the grave"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Singularity Bomb, Proximity Mines
Backpacks: Any
Tip: Set a Singularity Bomb next to your partner. Before it goes off have them kill you. when it goes off you should get the kill and the points.
If you can't get the timing of the bomb right and end up respawning before they die you can try the proximity mines. Set one on the ground near you then have them kill you and as soon as you are gone run themselves into the mine to set it off.

Vertigo Unlocked at 48,000 XP
"Kill an enemy above or below you"
Special set up notes: none
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any but easier with Jetpack or Thrust
Tip: You just have to have an elevation that is significantly different than your partner. If you can boost up to the top of a building you can stay there and get your kills. otherwise just jump and thrust above them and shoot a rocket at them while you are at your highest point.

Camper Unlocked at 52,000 XP
"Kill an enemy while standing still"
Special set up notes: none
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: "Kill an enemy while standing still" doesn't get much easier then that. wink

No Problem Unlocked at 56,000 XP
"Kill an enemy while at full health"
Special set up notes: None
Weapons: Any
Backpacks: Any
Tip: "Kill an enemy while at full health" wink

Again hope this helps someone. Let me know if theres anything I can add.


In 1 Life: Get 15 Bonuses. (15 different bonus exp tasks) (req 15)

This challenge is best done when you have all of the bonus xp events unlocked, but it is easy to do with 2 people after you reach 11500xp (maybe 9500xp, but I can never get "Crush" or "Charge" to work). Set up this game in Custom Match:

Just putting this together to show one of, if not the fastest way to get you to 15 Bonus objectives in 1 life. (Note: must have all Bonus Exp unlocked to do it the “fastest” I made the guide go past 15 events in the case you don’t have all those events unlocked I continued the list to include 25 different events)

A few notes about how to have the session setup:
(press (RB) if you are the party leader in the party menu)
Mode: Damage Control
Map: Crash Site
Respawn Time: 0:03
Health: 50%
Regeneration: 100%
Movement: 130%
Unlimited Ammo: Yes
Enemy icons: Always
Time Limit: 30:00 (If you are only going for one person you can adjust it down to 15-20 minutes)

Starting weapon 1: Pistol
Starting weapon 2: Reconstructor
Starting weapon 3: Thermobaric Rocket
Weapon Respawn: Always

Starting Backpack: Thrust
Backpack Spawns: Default

Player 1 (P1) will be going for this challenge
Player 2 (P2) will be assisting

As soon as the game begins have P2 kill P1 5 times. This gets them “Unstoppable” so you can get Streak Stopper.

-- From this point on make sure (P1) does not die as it will reset your counter --
Step A:

Have P2 shoot P1 in the chest with the pistol 3 times, (Enough to get you below 50% health) wait for P1’s health to regen to 100%
BXP#: 1

BXP#: 2-6
P1 Stand still and Shoot and kill P2 with a headshot
[Streak Stopper, Who's #1, Doppleganger, No Problem, Camper]

Have P2 Find and grab some Remote Charges , let them stick one on P1’s body (DO NOT DETONATE!!). Then have P2 Throw one on the ground at their feet. make sure P1 is at a safe distance away and shoot the Remote Charge that is at P2’s feet with the pistol.
BXP#: 7,8
[Remote Save, Backfire]

P1 Pick up the Remote Charges that should have dropped from P2. Stick a charge on P2, P1 will Thrust up into the air with Thrust pack (LB) and detonate the charge while in the air.
BXP#: 9-11
[Stuck, Air Strike , Vertigo]

Stand next each other. Have P1 jump over P2 and when they are at the top of their jump Thrust down with the Thrust pack (hold A and hit LB) to kill them.
BXP#: 12
[Death From Above]

Stand next each other. Have P2 jump over P1 and when they are at the top of their jump Thrust up with the Thrust pack (LB) to kill them.
BXP#: 13,14
[Death From Below, Unstoppable ]

P1 use the Reconstructor and kill P2
BXP#: 15
[You're Doing it Wrong!]

-- If you did everything correctly and you have all Exp events unlocked P1’s hidden challenge should pop up here--

Find the Firepower Backpack and have P1 equip it along with the sledgehammer. P1 will activate Firepower, P2 will Jump (A) and while the pack is active and P2 is in the air kill them with a hammer swing
BXP#: 16-18
[Beat Down, Power Trip, Dust Bunny]

Find one of the White Tanks that are next to the buildings. Have P2 go find and equip a Stealth pack. have P2 activate and stand next to the tank. P1 shoots the tank with the pistol until it explodes.
BXP#: 19,20
[Blast, Ghost Kill]

Head to opposite sides of the map with a line of sight to each other. P1 Fire a Thermobaric Rocket at P2. (If P2 can get in the way of the rocket so it actually hits him you can get Bullseye as well. If not P2 can also Jump into the air as the rocket reaches him and get Dust Bunny as well/instead)
[Hail Mary, Bullseye]

Have P1 find and equip the Concussion backpack. Have P2 stand next to the cliff. P1 activate the pack while standing next to them to throw them off the cliff, killing him.
[Death By Boundary (Possibly Interceptor]

Find the Rhino backpack and get to a point where there is a wall P1 and P2 can stand on opposite sides of. P1 Activates the pack charging through the wall and killing P2

Once it pops up then you can go right back to step A a switch who is P1 and P2 for the other person to get this.

You can get this event as early as 3650exp (Team of 4) or 8250 exp (2 players) following this part of the guide

Assist Unlocked at 150 XP
Damage an enemy a teammate then kills
Heal Teammate Unlocked at 325 XP
Restore at least Half of a teammates health
Pack Hunter Unlocked at 550 XP
Be Near a teammate when they kill an enemy
Rescue Kill Unlocked at 700 XP
Kill an enemy near a teammate that has been knocked down
Synchronized Kill Unlocked at 900 XP
Kill an enemy at the same time a nearby teammate does
Vendetta Unlocked at 1,200 XP
Kill an enemy who recently killed a teammate
Crush Unlocked at 1,500 XP
Kill an enemy with building debris
Beat Down Unlocked at 1,600 XP
Kill an enemy with a melee attack
Streak Stopper Unlocked at 1,800 XP
Kill an enemy who is unstoppable
Death From Above Unlocked at 2,150 XP
Kill and enemy by thrusting down
Remote Save Unlocked at 2,300 XP
Kill an enemy before they can detonate a Remote Charge
Survivor Unlocked at 2,600 XP
Recover to full health after nearly dying
Unstoppable Unlocked at 3,050 XP
Kill 5 or more enemies in a row
Backwhat? Unlocked at 3,200 XP
Kill an enemy that is wearing a backpack while you are not
Knockdown Unlocked at 3,650 XP
Knock down multiple enemies simultaneously with the Concussion pack
Death by Boundary Unlocked at 4,100 XP
Knock an enemy out of the level boundaries
Stuck Unlocked at 4,400 XP
Detonate a Remote Charge stuck to an enemy
Headshot Kill Unlocked at 4,550 XP
Kill an enemy with a headshot
Whos #1? Unlocked at 5,000 XP
Kill the enemy with the highest number of kills
Full Control Unlocked at 5,400 XP
Fully Repair a target
Mega KillUnlocked at 5,800 XP
Kill multiple enemies within 3 seconds
Back Off Unlocked at 6,600 XP
Kill an enemy who is melee attacking at close range
Ghost Kill Unlocked at 7,000 XP
Kill a stealthed enemy
Bullseye Unlocked at 7,200 XP
Kill an enemy with a direct rocket hit
Backfire Unlocked at 7,800 XP
Kill an enemy with their own explosive
You're Doing It Wrong! Unlocked at 8,250 XP
Kill an enemy with the Reconstructor

06 Jun 2012 13:31

Your welcome! Thanks for the comment, glad to know its a help. I was surprised I couldn't find a list already out there somewhere of exactly what to do for each event instead of just listing how much exp you need to unlock them.
By NickHawkeye on 15 Aug 2012 12:18
Indeed, quite an impressively detailed solution. I wish you had made it a few months earlier when I got the achievement :P Thumbs up!
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 23 Jan 2013 22:27
Ha sorry it wasn't available to you then. Thanks for the up vote
By NickHawkeye on 24 Jan 2013 15:09
AWESOME solution!
By spxyu02 on 04 Feb 2014 15:32
Thanks! glad to assist
By NickHawkeye on 05 Feb 2014 03:35
Death From Below can be gotten with a partner who is AFK. Shoot him in the chest three times, then crouch down in front of him and use thrust
By Malicious Fury on 05 Jun 2014 01:17
Thanks for the Tip, added and credited. Thank you!
By NickHawkeye on 05 Jun 2014 20:30
Thanks. Also, for Synchronized Kill, I misinterpreted the tip and thought you both had to kill the same guy simultaneously. You have to shoot different enemies. Glad to finally have this!
By Malicious Fury on 03 Jul 2014 05:56
Very good detailed information here on making this a lot easier by the looks of things. Easily one of the best written guides on here for sure
By Steve Redman on 18 Jul 2014 14:20
Thanks! glad it's been able to help
By NickHawkeye on 18 Jul 2014 18:24
As silly as this sounds, Mega Kill can be done with two players total. Suicides and Friendly Fire kills count towards it. So you could just blow yourself and the other player up with Thermobaric Rockets or Singularity-Mines for example and it would count.

I noticed this when I fell victim to my own singularity mine while luring someone onto it and when someone from my team managed to step in there when Friendly Fire was on.
By Novaan Verdiano on 22 Nov 2014 03:49
Out of all solutions on TA, this is the best one. You should be nominated for the best achievement solution or something.
By on 24 Jan 2015 13:15
Glad to see my +1 vote made this the top solution. Its an excellent guide and not just a copy of the Challenges page, like the previous top solution. TA should have more guides like this. If you can't follow this, you should give up gaming now smile
By FoolsAndKings on 19 Jun 2016 14:47
Thanks for the votes and support and makes it even better that its actually still helping people navigate this achievement!
By NickHawkeye on 20 Jun 2016 15:47
Excellent guide! toast
By wagnerasa on 19 Dec 2018 19:33
I can't vote due to not owning the game on 360 (I have it on PC) but I thought I should comment at least. EPIC solution dude! lol. I would give you one million thumbs up if I could. I appreciate all of the effort that went into this, thanks a lot!
By Tully123 on 15 Aug 2012 03:37
For anyone having trouble with crushes the best method is to use the map Pinnacle, in the center is a tall spire with a stone ball, use weapons singularity bomb, reconstructer, and pistol. jet pack for backpack, break the tower to drop the ball, it will roll to the rocks next to the tower have player squat next to ball place bomb shoot 2 times and it will almost guarantee a crush everytime if ball falls or despawns use reconstructer to rebuild tower and ball comes back. do not destroy bridges you need them to rebuild top of tower, there is a video on youtube and playstation trophies website that can show you the method. I take no credit for this.
By KamikazeSeeker on 12 Feb 2015 19:27
Thanks for all the explanations and methods.

These are the only bonuses that require 4 players, and they can be done offline:

Synchronized Kill - Kill an enemy at the same time a nearby teammate does
BBQ - Hit 3 enemies simultaneously with the Arc Welder

And here are the other hidden challenges in the order the icons appear (1-8 top row, 9-16 bottom row):

(01) 5000 XP - Any Weapon
(02) 100 XP - Every Weapon
(03) 1000 Kills - Any Weapon
(04) 10 Kills - Every Weapon
(05) 5000 XP - Any Backpack
(06) 100 XP - Every Backpack
(07) 100 Wins
(08) 10 Wins - Every Mode
(09) 1 Life: 10 Kills - 1 Weapon
(10) 1 Life: Kill - 5 Weapons
(11) 1 Life: 5 XP - 5 Backpacks
(12) 1 Life: 50 XP
(13) 1 Life: 25 Bonus XP
(14) 1 Life: 15 Bonuses
(15) 500 XP - Any Bonus
(16) 5 XP - Every Bonus

They become unhidden once you have made a some progress on them.
By HolyHalfDead on 03 May 2020 10:40
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Here is the list of all of the secret challenges:
Score 10 kills with every weapon. (req 18)
Get 10 Wins in every game type. (req 6)
100 overall wins. (req 100)
Get 100 XP using every backpack. (req 10)
Get 100 XP using every weapon. (req 18)
Get 1000 kills overall with a single weapon. (req 1000)
Get 5000 XP overall with a single backpack. (req 5000)
Get 5000 XP overall with a single weapon. (req 5000)
Get 500 XP from any single bonus event. (req 500)
Get 5 XP from every bonus XP event. (req 50)
In 1 Life: Get 10 Kills with a single weapon. (req 10)
In 1 Life: Get 25 Bonus XP (any amount of combined events) (req 25)
In 1 Life: Get 5 XP using five different backpacks. (req 5)
In 1 Life: Get 50 XP. (normal+bonus combined) (req 50)
In 1 Life: Get a kill with five weapons. (req 5)
In 1 Life: Get 15 Bonuses. (15 different bonus exp tasks) (req 15)

You may want to boost as some of these can be quite difficult, you can check your progress by going to statistics and using the LB and RB to maneuver through the various stat pages.

The earliest you can get this achievement is at 56,000 experience points due to the '5 Exp - Every Bonus Event' making this a tedious achievement within' itself.

Let me know if this needs more clarifying... again.

Thanks to Turduken for the requirements.

06 Jun 2009 01:15

what exactly is the 15 bonues in 1 life ? is it 15 different bonuses?
By L0TS OF PIE on 10 Jun 2009 02:31
Yes, I would recommend unlocking most of the bonuses before attempting that one.

Sorry for making it unclear, I updated the guide.
By Yin on 10 Jun 2009 10:40
In which gametype can I find thermobaric rockets? It's the only weapon I'm missing.
By Arno Vicidorian on 03 Jul 2009 22:54
thermobaric rockets are onthe excavation map
should be easy to get to in a team anarchy like I did
By Rocker Jd on 13 Jul 2009 02:32
I was thinking of buying this game however i want to know more about it before i dive in, what do you mean by requirement 5000, etc.
By PHT999 on 03 Dec 2010 20:34
The requirement is the amount that needs to be completed for each hidden challenge. In the example for '5000 XP overall with a single weapon' it is pretty straight forward. The requirement is 5000.

For 'Get 10 wins in every game type' the requirement is 6 which means there are only six game types.
By Kung Fu Riki on 24 Dec 2010 08:27
can the 100 wins be done in custom game type????
By vBURSToACTIVZv on 22 Apr 2011 15:56
That would be more or less my question too? When playing around in custom games and changing health, run speed, weapon loadout and similar, will you still be able to unlock challenges and will your kills and XP count towards the goals?
By Epsilon Theta on 28 May 2011 06:45
I dont believe it makes a difference if you unlock them in custom or not. I believe I had some other people say that they got them in a custom match. The easiest way to test it would be check on the stats page the specific XP bonus, start a custom game, get it, finish the game, and then check the stat page to see if it updated. Everything is more or less manageable on the bonus exp without boosting except for BBQ and Lined Up.
By ShadowedIce on 05 Jun 2011 19:15
For those wandering; all can be done in custom matches. There are two challenges though which require more then two people (Lined up reguires 3 and BBQ requires 4).
By Parallax Demon on 03 Jul 2011 22:27
Anyone know what the Get 5xp using 5 Different Backpacks is? I tried it in custom, got 6 xp with one than changed it to another, and changed it to different backpacks and it didn't unlock.
By mast3r 0r0m1s on 08 Aug 2011 22:32
You have to get 5xp points with each of the 5 backpacks. Meaning a total of 25xp in 1 life. Not 5xp then just switching out backpacks.
By Rhyolitic on 12 Aug 2011 17:41
I made a spreadsheet to keep track of all the requirements for this achievement that do not have to be done in one life.
(File>Make a copy or File>Download to edit your own copy)

Enter your current EXP at the top right and all of the challenges that are available to you will remove their greyed-out background. Simply fill in the red squares using the details from the multiplayer Statistics screen, and each red box will turn green when the requirements have been met.
By Mobius Evalon on 21 Feb 2015 06:34
Can anyone confirm if the 'Win 10 times in each game type' can be done in custom matches? Can it be done solo or do you need at least 2 people? Siege and Demolition lobbies are dead at the moment.
By lnertiatic ESP on 18 Jul 2015 02:02
Here is the list, in the order of the icons:

(01) 5000 XP - Any Weapon
(02) 100 XP - Every Weapon
(03) 1000 Kills - Any Weapon
(04) 10 Kills - Every Weapon
(05) 5000 XP - Any Backpack
(06) 100 XP - Every Backpack
(07) 100 Wins
(08) 10 Wins - Every Mode
(09) 1 Life: 10 Kills - 1 Weapon
(10) 1 Life: Kill - 5 Weapons
(11) 1 Life: 5 XP - 5 Backpacks
(12) 1 Life: 50 XP
(13) 1 Life: 25 Bonus XP
(14) 1 Life: 15 Bonuses
(15) 500 XP - Any Bonus
(16) 5 XP - Every Bonus
By HolyHalfDead on 03 May 2020 10:38
Awesome guide. As a bonus, I'd suggest adding the requirements in the list. Granted they're avail under the stats, but it'd be nice to see them here in one place where they're not all hidden like in the stat list. I'll add them below, feel free to copy/paste/format/edit to your liking for the original post.

Score 10 kills with every weapon. (req 18)
Get 10 Wins in every game type. (req 6)
100 overall wins. (req 100)
Get 100 XP using every backpack. (req 10)
Get 100 XP using every weapon. (req 18)
Get 1000 kills overall with a single weapon. (req 1000)
Get 5000 XP overall with a single backpack. (req 5000)
Get 5000 XP overall with a single weapon. (req 5000)
Get 500 XP from any single bonus event. (req 500)
Get 5 XP from every bonus XP event. (req 50)
In 1 Life: Get 10 Kills with a single weapon. (req 10)
In 1 Life: Get 25 Bonus XP (any amount of combined events) (req 25)
In 1 Life: Get 5 XP using five different backpacks. (req 5)
In 1 Life: Get 50 XP. (normal+bonus combined) (req 50)
In 1 Life: Get a kill with five weapons. (req 5)
In 1 Life: Get 15 Bonuses. (15 different bonus exp tasks) (req 15)
By Turduken on 13 Aug 2009 04:53
Although all of these can be boosted in custom games, you will still have to play for a decent amount of time to have a chance at getting all of them. The last bonus XP event is very high up in the unlocks, so you're going to have to play MP for a while just to even unlock it.
By JaggedEdge00 on 06 Jun 2009 23:58
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For the 5 xp every bonus event I've just made this:

Assist Unlocked at 150 XP
Damage an enemy a teammate then kills

Heal Teammate Unlocked at 325 XP
Restore at least Half of a teammates health

Pack Hunter Unlocked at 550 XP
Be Near a teammate when they kill an enemy

Rescue Kill Unlocked at 700 XP
Kill an enemy near a teammate that has been knocked down

Synchronized Kill Unlocked at 900 XP
Kill an enemy at the same time a nearby teammate does

Vendetta Unlocked at 1,200 XP
Kill an enemy who recently killed a teammate

Crush Unlocked at 1,500 XP
Kill an enemy with building debris

Beat Down Unlocked at 1,600 XP
Kill an enemy with a melee attack

Streak Stopper Unlocked at 1,800 XP
Kill an enemy who is unstoppable

Death From Above Unlocked at 2,150 XP
Kill and enemy by thrusting down
Hold A and thrust when above or near an enemy

Remote Save Unlocked at 2,300 XP
Kill an enemy before they can detonate a Remote Charge
stuck to you or a teammate

Survivor Unlocked at 2,600 XP
Recover to full health after nearly dying

Unstoppable Unlocked at 3,050 XP
Kill 5 or more enemies in a row

Backwhat? Unlocked at 3,200 XP
Kill an enemy that is wearing a backpack while you are not
wearing one

Knockdown Unlocked at 3,650 XP
Knock down multiple enemies simultaneously with the Concussion pack

Death by Boundary Unlocked at 4,100 XP
Knock an enemy out of the level boundaries

Stuck Unlocked at 4,400 XP
Detonate a Remote Charge stuck to an enemy

Headshot Kill Unlocked at 4,550 XP
Kill an enemy with a headshot

Whos #1? Unlocked at 5,000 XP
Kill the enemy with the highest number of kills

Full Control Unlocked at 5,400 XP
Fully Repair a target

Mega KillUnlocked at 5,800 XP
Kill multiple enemies within 3 seconds

Back Off Unlocked at 6,600 XP
Kill an enemy who is melee attacking at close range

Ghost Kill Unlocked at 7,000 XP
Kill a stealthed enemy

Bullseye Unlocked at 7,200 XP
Kill an enemy with a direct rocket hit

Backfire Unlocked at 7,800 XP
Kill an enemy with their own explosive

You're Doing It Wrong! Unlocked at 8,250 XP
Kill an enemy with the Reconstructor

Charge Unlocked at 8,750 XP
Rhino charge through a wall and kill an enemy

Power Trip Unlocked at 9,500 XP
With Firepower active, kill an enemy with a melee weapon

Interceptor Unlocked at 10,600 XP
Kill a ragdolling enemy in mid-air

Hail Mary Unlocked at 10,900 XP
Kill an enemy from far away without using a gun

Blast Unlocked at 11,500 XP
Kill an enemy with an explosive barrel or tank

Flagman Unlocked at 12,200 XP
Kill an enemy with their team flag

Air Strike Unlocked at 13,000 XP
Kill an enemy while in the air

Shake It Up Unlocked at 14,200 XP
Kill an enemy while your Tremor pack is activated

Dust Bunny Unlocked at 15,500 XP
Kill an enemy who is in mid-jump

Good Timing Unlocked at 16,500 XP
Use the Rhino or Thrust pack to survive an attack

BBQ Unlocked at 17,500 XP
Hit 3 enemies simultaneously with the Arc Welder

Blindside Unlocked at 18,500 XP
Kill an enemy from behind

Payback Unlocked at 20,250 XP
Exact revenge within 15 seconds of respawning

X-Ray Unlocked at 22,500 XP
Kill an enemy through a wall with the Rail Driver

Sharpshooter Unlocked at 24,000 XP
Shoot and kill an enemy from far away

Sleeper Kill Unlocked at 27,000 XP
Kill a fallen enemy with a melee attack

Death From Below Unlocked at 29,000 XP
Kill an enemy by thrusting up

Rainbow Wars Unlocked at 31,000 XP
Kill an enemy that is using the Heal Pack

Lined Up Unlocked at 33,000 XP
Hit 2 or more enemies with one Rail Driver shot

Doppleganger Unlocked at 38,000 XP
Kill an enemy that has the same backpack you do

Zombie Kill Unlocked at 44,000 XP
Kill an enemy from beyond the grave

Vertigo Unlocked at 48,000 XP
Kill an enemy above or below you

Camper Unlocked at 52,000 XP
Kill an enemy while standing still

No Problem Unlocked at 56,000 XP
Kill an enemy while at full health

Trying to compile videos on YOUtube on how to do each of these

21 Jun 2009 21:32

What is Arc Welder and Rail Driver?
By Anita23 on 25 Aug 2009 07:42
Arc welder is the eletric shooter gun

The rail driver is the gun that can shoot through walls and leaves a blue trail
By Seanrock101 on 28 Aug 2009 22:58
Are these counted if you do what the description says before you unlock it? i.e. If I kill 5 enemies while at full health, when I hit 56,000XP will I have 5 No Problems?
By hunterIV on 19 Sep 2009 06:16
no,Well when I did these when the game first came out I couldn't so unless they changed it now you need to do them again at 56,000 exp.

Well there are only like 2 or 3 you need more than on person fore so just have a boosting buddy to help get th other lot of challenges
By Seanrock101 on 19 Sep 2009 13:30
Lined Up Unlocked at 33,000 XP
Hit 2 or more enemies with one Rail Driver shot

this is the only one I need :/
By ohyeahbbrush on 14 Jun 2010 16:13
Can these be done in player matches or does it have to be ranked?
By AC1DGro0ve 3o3 on 01 Aug 2011 16:20
They can be done in private matches.

Thanks a lot for the list, really helped me !
By Wicelow on 27 Aug 2011 23:06
I'm hosting kill/exp sessions for anyone that wants to get some of these on their turn. i don't have enough exp to get them all yet so im just going for kills right now but always willing to help out
By NickHawkeye on 08 Feb 2012 13:50
How do u get the blast bonus. I never saw any barrels on multiplayer maps.
By MASTERCHEATZ930 on 13 May 2012 05:35
I'm not 100% on this one. But as far as I remember there are gas tanks about in siege mode to help destroy the objectives.
By Seanrock101 on 13 May 2012 11:59
There are also tanks in crash site I believe. they are big white propane looking tanks. and you can get more than 1 from each. i.e. have 2 or 3 people standing next to the tank when you shoot it and you will get that number of "blast" points
By NickHawkeye on 05 Jun 2012 11:28
I made a fast and crude reference map for Crash Site. It has all 10 backpacks on it so it's a great place to work on all those assorted backpack challenges. I also marked the explosive barrels on the map with red dots.
By Mobius Evalon on 28 Feb 2015 00:54
Tip for Crush...

You need to damage the person before the debris hits them. I had multiple "x has Crushed himself" which didn't count for me.

At 50% regen, 100% health, you can shoot a person 8 times in the leg with the pistol. Shoot 6 times, set a Singularity Bomb next to them (making sure to be in an area with a bunch of buildings), as soon as it is set, back off and pop them twice more in the leg. When the bomb detonates, you should get the Bonus.
By Rhyolitic on 15 Dec 2009 03:44
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This is glitched but not in a good way. The problem is with the "Rescue Kill" Bonus xp award, as the game has a nasty habit of not recognising when you actually do one but will suddenly shoot up to the required 5 without warning. You can end up wasting a lot of time trying to get any Rescue Kills you may be missing so if this xp Event does glitch, leave it until last.

This trophy is up there with War Veteran, Courier of Pain and A Winner Is You! as all four are massive time sinks and where you will be spending the bulk of your boosting time.

Challenge List & Tips:
  • 10 Kills with each weapon. For a list of all of the weapons, see this link: LINK. The only gun that you'll most likely need to boost is the Reconstructor.
  • 10 Wins - Every Mode. For this you need to win 10 Matches in Anarchy, Team Anarchy, Demolition, Capture The Flag, Siege and Damage Control. The Bagman and Team Bagman DLC modes are not needed for this trophy. Since all most people play is Team Anarchy, you will have to boost this.
  • 100 wins. This can be done either in Ranked matches or in Custom matches. You will get this along the way to 250 Ranked wins.
  • 100xp each Backpack. Just grab a Backpack and keep getting kills, once you reach 100xp switch to a different Backpack.
  • 100xp each weapon. This is the same idea as the "10 kills each weapon" challenge. Just keep killing enemies and switch weapons once you reach 100 xp. Note: You can rebuild structures with the Reconstructor to reach 100 xp more easily.
  • 1,000 kills with one weapon. This will come along the way to 250 Ranked wins. The most likely weapons you'll get this with is either the Assault Rifle or the Rocket Launcher.
  • 5,000xp with one weapon. Just keep using the same weapon and this should unlock before you reach 250 Ranked wins. If it doesn't, then boost it by playing Capture the Flag on Quarantine and you'll reach the remaining xp with the Sledgehammer since the flag counts as the Sledgehammer.
  • 5,000xp with one Backpack. Just keep using the same Backpack, Firepower, Heal or Vision are recommended and you should unlock this before you reach 250 Ranked wins. If it doesn't, then boost it by playing Capture the Flag on Quarantine and you'll reach the remaining xp with a Backpack quickly.
  • 500xp any bonus. This not as hard as it seems as you will most likely get this with the "Assist" bonus xp event.
  • 5xp every bonus xp event. You need 56,000 xp to unlock all the bonus xp events, then you have to do each one 5 times for it to count.. See our Bonus xp guide at the bottom of the guide, here: LINK
  • 1 life: 10 kills - 1 weapon. This isn't easy and is best boosted as it's tough to stay alive long enough to get even 1 kill, let alone 10.
  • 1 life: 25 bonus xp. The more you rank up, the easier this will become since you unlock more bonus xp events.
  • 1 life: 5 xp - 5 Backpacks. Grab a Backpack and get xp by killing enemies, once you reach 5 then switch Backpacks and repeat. If you die then you must start over. This becomes easier the more you rank up. If you're having trouble then you can easily boost this.
  • 1 life: 50xp. This is the same idea as the 25 bonus xp in 1 life, except double. This becomes easier the more you rank up, just get as many kills as you can. If you are having trouble then boost it by playing Capture the Flag on Quarantine since capturing a flag grants you 40xp. To unlock all the xp events, you need to earn 56,000 xp and events are not retroactive i.e if you complete the requirements for one before you've unlocked it then it won't register.
  • 1 life: 1 kill each - 5 weapons. Grab a weapon, get a kill, switch weapons, rinse and repeat. Not too difficult, using Backpacks can help.
  • 1 life: 15 different bonuses. This is one of the harder challenges. There are 50 total bonus xp events. The best strategy would be to write down a plan ahead of time of which xp bonuses you will get. If you have trouble with this trophy then you can always boost it. Since there are so many bonuses to choose from you shouldn't have any trouble, just make sure to set a long time limit in case you’re struggling to get the last few.
You can go to "Statistics" in the multiplayer menu to see your progress with each challenge.
1. Kill 10 players with each weapon (18 types of weapons).
2. Win 10 victories in each online game mode (6 modes).
3. Win a total of 100 victories.
4. Accumulate 100 XP with each backpack (10 backpacks).
5. Accumulate 100 XP with each weapon (18 types of weapons).
6. Kill 1000 players with any one weapon.
7. Accumulate 5000 XP with any one backpack.
8. Accumulate 5000 XP with any one weapon.
9. Accumulate 500 XP from any one bonus.
10. Accumulate 5 XP of each bonus (50 bonuses).
11. Without dying: Kill 10 players with the same weapon.
12. Without dying: accumulate 25 XP bonuses.
13. Without Dying: Gain 5 XP with each of five different backpacks.
14. Without Dying: Accumulate any 50 XP.
15. Without Dying: Kill with five different types of weapons.
16. Without dying: get 15 different bonuses.

01 Apr 2017 10:55