Red Faction: Guerrilla

60 Achievements



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Courier of Pain

Courier of Pain

Scored 5,000 kills in Multiplayer.


How to unlock the Courier of Pain achievement in Red Faction: Guerrilla - Definitive Guide

Here's a much faster way. 100 kills in just over 5 mins with only 3 accounts! ...and you don't have to waste your time blowing up any buildings either, because that gets tired fast.

Match configuration:
Players: 1 vs 2
Mode: Capture the Flag
Map: Quarantine
Time: 30:00
Captures: 1
Enemy Icons: Always
Respawn Delay: 0:03
Starting Backpack: Fleetfoot
Health: 50%
Speed: 130%
Unlimited Ammo: On
Starting Weapon: Assault Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Rail Driver
Once the match starts, the person going for kills will go to the center of the map and switch to the 'Rail Driver'. The Rail Driver has the ability to see and shoot through walls/buildings, so those are no longer an issue. You'll be able to see your enemy's heat signature by pressing in on the 'cn_RS'. Zoom in and headshot your target. Since 'Enemy Icons' are always 'ON', you'll know exactly where to zoom in. Be sure to reload in between every couple of kills.

- If anyone has a turbo controller, have it turbo 'cn_RT' on the accounts that are being killed. This will immediately remove the spawn protection, once they respawn. Alternatively, as suggested, you could tape or rubberband 'cn_RT' if you don't have a turbo controller.

- Do not make the 'Rail Driver' your starting weapon if you plan to use turbo controllers on the accounts you're shooting. They will respawn and start shooting through the buildings.. at you!

- Ignore the results screen displaying 255 match kills. This is not the case. Everything you get over 255 will still count.

- If you have to end the match for any reason, just cap the flag. 'Fleetfoot' will speed that up.
That's about it. By your 2nd or 3rd match, you'll have this method down and if you're fast enough, you'll be looking at 900-950 kills an hour. I was pulling off 450 kill streaks per match.


15 Jan 2013 15:24

If you have a group of 3, then do 10 min matches, so people don't get bored. Should get about 150 kills per match.
By AC1DGro0ve 3o3 on 24 Jan 2013 16:54
I tried this just me and one other and I only got 170 odd kills every half hour? I appreciate it'll be less as there's only 2 of us but wouldn't have thought itd be that many less?
By Robhill on 26 Mar 2013 23:57
Should be much more than that, even with 1 other account. Is there a turbo controller on the account that is being killed? Removing the spawn protection off that other account is a key factor. Not doing that, will significantly reduce the amount of kills.
By AC1DGro0ve 3o3 on 27 Mar 2013 02:02
Ah that might be it. I don't have a turbo controller. Can u recommend one?
By Robhill on 27 Mar 2013 08:22
The best ones are the HORI EX2 Turbo.
By AC1DGro0ve 3o3 on 27 Mar 2013 12:49
Where is the play it legit option. i know the community is dead but lets bring it back! DUDE Hori EX2 Turbo is fucking expensive on amazon.
By Harbringernight on 30 Oct 2013 21:19
Awesome solution smile
By The Fury I84I on 26 Jan 2014 15:45
+1 Thanks!
By Musquito on 26 Jan 2014 16:04
Beautiful guide, thumbs up!
By D3midrol on 02 Dec 2014 18:09
you dont need a turbo controller. just tape the trigger down.
By OOOHHH YEAAHHH on 04 Jan 2015 16:54
Enjoy... my ass! wink

With only one other account this is roughly down to 8 kills a minute or 480 an hour. The spawn delay, even though its just three seconds is really bad for your kill rate.
By Epsilon Theta on 27 Dec 2015 11:25
Working well for me. Averaging about 1300 kills per hour. The whole boost from 0 to 10,000 should only take 6.8 hours or so (for two people to get 5,000 kills each), and for 3.4 hours of that, you don't have to play at all (:
By Manb3arSquirrel on 15 Jan 2018 18:58
This method is good so I gave it a thumbs up, but you should do it on Anarchy.

Anyone going for 100,000 XP or 5,000 kills should work out the fastest way to do it.

I set up a 5 minute game of Anarchy, and a 5 minute game of Capture the Flag. In both games I got 62 kills. For Anarchy I got 647 XP, whereas for Capture the Flag I only got 514XP.
By HolyHalfDead on 02 May 2020 23:02
For the most efficient combo of this achievement and 100,000XP, I'd recommend Capture the Flag grinding up to 40,000XP using Captures, then switch to Anarchy kill farming. I got up to 52,000XP before switching, for having the extra bonuses unlocked. Am at 105,000XP with 1500 kills to go.
By Blue Radium on 28 Feb 2023 03:07
Took me and a partner about 10 hours apiece to get it this way.
By My Ringtones on 22 Aug 2023 03:29
Sounds like a solid way to get this. I have been looking for a way to get tons of kills each match, but I am trying to make it so that the others will not be bored to death just sitting there. I guess we can share it so that we each are getting 100 switching off then or whatever. Great solution though. Thank you.
By Oceans 4 Ransom on 24 Jan 2013 15:17
After a lot of sessions, the choice for the spawn weapon for cannon fodder to rubberband is obvious: the grinder. Whether you use the thermobaric rockets or the rail driver, it's perfect. I'll detail my experiences below.

There are only 6 choices for a rubberband-able weapon:
arc welder: very good for the rail driver method because it has no recoil, but this weapon actually deflects thermobaric rockets at random angles. It's the single most dangerous and unpredictable weapon for everyone to have rubberbanded.
assault rifle, enforcer, peacekeeper: all automatic weapons, but have a very high probability of recoiling up far enough to shoot the rockets out of the sky in flight. This happens a lot more often than you may think, and in the majority of cases the game will register the cannon fodder as killing themself without crediting the kill to the person who fired the rocket. These are also poor choices when using the rail driver because of the upward recoil that causes the character to look up and bend backwards.
reconstructor: rapidly recreates sections of decimated buildings which effectively block the rockets from hurting anyone, exacerbated when you have many people spawn in a group, making them basically immune to damage when behind something like a building corner. This weapon also has completely random recoil and is a terrible choice for the rail driver method.
grinder: fires exactly once because the spooling is automatic but the weapon action is semi auto. The sawblade will be gone long before the rocket hits. When using it with the rail driver, it's perfect because there is zero recoil on the weapon and the character will never use up their clip to reload it.
By Mobius Evalon on 02 Mar 2015 23:49
A couple of things I've noted during my time working on this:
a) automatic weapons like the assault rifle are the only kinds that can have the trigger rubberbanded for folks without turbo controllers. If you set the default to a semi auto like a pistol or the rail driver then you're dooming them to sit there for 30 minutes tapping their left trigger each time they spawn.
b) the arc welder is a fantastic choice for a spawn weapon if you're using the rail driver. It has no upward recoil and their heads move very little when they reload, and the best part is that it's an automatic weapon so all the cannon fodder can rubberband their right triggers and walk away.
c) the thermobaric rocket method and the rail driver method are equivalent in terms of kills. The big difference is, of course, that the rail driver is a precision weapon and you'll only get a good kills/hour rate if you're consistently landing headshots; the thermobaric rocket is completely inelegant and you only have to land the rocket in their general zip code. With 4 total people (3 targets) the rail driver was consistently giving me 21 kills per minute, while standing on the roof with a thermobaric rocket gave me 21-23. You'll lose about 10% of your first 10 minutes' haul of kills clearing out the buildings if you choose the rocket, but you'll easily make it up in the following 20 minutes.
By Mobius Evalon on 28 Feb 2015 00:33
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Map: quarintine
Game mode:Anarchy
Respawn delay 0:03
Health 50%
Speed 130%
Weapons:Anything you want+Thermobaric rockets
Backpack: anything you want
Players: As many as you can get

When the game starts get your Thermo rockets out and blow up every building there.
Once all builings and debis have gone either split the time up among the players or split the time up amongst several games
Have all players run at you who is stood in the middle of the map and kill them all before they have a chance to get to you

10 mins killing 2 other players can grab you 100-130 kills

Thanks to:xTMDxMorbidDead and Alfietects

21 Jun 2009 16:51

I'd wait on farming the kills until after you get A Winner Is You. I'm trying for that stupid achievement and right now, I'm sitting at 163 wins and around 4000 kills. I did a little bit of boosting early on for ranks (CTF farming) and the Hidden Challenges, but when I started in on getting wins for reals, easily got around 2500 kills so far. If you are playing through normally and can get around 10-15 kills per game/win, you should hit CoP by about the time you get AWIY.
By Rhyolitic on 03 Jun 2010 05:15
Additionally if you choose to go this route you may want to consider rotationg weapons and make sure they you have the shuffle for the backpacks so that you can work on getting the 10 kills with each weapon, 100 xp with each weapon, and 100 xp with each backpack hidden challenges at the same time.
By Rufus Gufus on 22 Aug 2010 22:24
Faster method is to do this with Fleetfoot, so people can run into the centre quicker. Also using a Thermobaric rocket and firing into the centre is the quickest methos to kill the others. Set time to 30 minutes and set kill limit to 200, then take turns getting to 199, until the time runs out.
By Govo12 on 07 Nov 2010 21:49
A modified method utilizes the same settings only instead of thermobaric rockets, you equip the railgun. Instead of taking the time to blow away the buildings you can just shoot through them at the other players as they spawn. This can be done with just two people. Of course it takes longer but requires less effort as other people can just watch a movie or something until its there turn.
By ShadowKnight087 on 22 Aug 2011 01:01
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Map crash site
Game mode:capture the flag
Re spawn delay 0:03
Health 50%
Starting Weapon Thermobaric rockets
second weapon sniper rifle
i did it with a friend and 2 extra xbox's so 1v3 match.with your rockets blow-up all buildings then get on the rock in the middle perch yourself on top of it and snipe away
we were netting around 400 plus kills every 30 min
EDIT:read comment from BP42069 about re spawn delay

20 Sep 2011 07:37

glad i could help
By DeceptiveTen on 18 Oct 2011 08:08
thanks for the guide thumbs up from me this method is so much better then anarchy method seem to get alot more done and you dont have to worry about the 200 kill cap thats in anarchy
By ProudBowdy on 15 Oct 2011 00:44
I know, I was just putting a tip out there, you can manually change the respawn time to 3 sec., but there will always be a respawn shield of 5 sec. A lot of the times you will have to wait 2-3 sec before shooting because of the spawn shield. If the person dying shoots right away as they spawn you will not have to wait for the shield. I tried that with the rockets as the main weapon and the dying account would blow up the shooter just by spawn shooting.
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 24 Apr 2012 03:49
Can go a bit faster if you make it to sniper is first weapon, then when the people dying spawn they can shoot to get rid of the spawn shield without having a rocket hit you.
By BPBPBPBPBPBPBP on 22 Apr 2012 18:16
You shouldn't have to shoot a shield i never did.You can use any weapon you want too....this is just a guide of showing you how me and my friend did it.You don't have to follow it to a tee.Use what works for you.
Thanks for the comment....BP42069
By DeceptiveTen on 22 Apr 2012 21:52
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I recently started boosting this in sessions and found this method to be fairly simple, albeit boring:

Players: 8
Game Type: CTF
Map: Crash Site
Time: 15 mins
Captures: Doesn't matter
Flag Duration: 1 min
Respawn Delay: 0.03 secs
Health: 50%
Regen: 50%
Speed: 130%
Backpack: Fleetfoot
Unlimited Ammo: On
Primary Weapon: Thermobaric Rockets
Secondary Weapon: doesn't matter
Enemy Icons: On

To get the most bang for your buck you need 8 people. The method we have been using is the person getting kills is the Red Faction, and the lambs going to slaughter are the EDF (1 v 7 setup). When the match starts everyone runs to the center of map (the area with the boulder) and one person from EDF grabs the RF flag and brings it to the center. The flag acts like a marker for both where the EDF players need to be and where the RF player will be shooting his rockets.

The Red Faction member can be anywhere with a shot at the flag. As the EDF pile on the spot, the RF guy hits them with a rocket. Easy enough. EDF players will need to continually go for the flag to keep it in a relatively stationary position.

Killing 7 people in 15 mins = ~480 kills.

Take turns for 15 mins with the 7 other people and after 2 hours everyone has close to 500 done. 9 or 10 more rounds of that (preferably not on the same day) will net you this achievement.

12 Apr 2013 16:35


This is glitched but in a good way as it can pop early like it did for Terminator, when it popped for him he had 4,999 kills so there's a good chance that it could pop even earlier if you're very lucky. Use weapons like the Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Proximity Mines or anything that can kill quickly. Also use Backpacks like Firepower, Heal or Vision to help get kills.

Boosting Method 1:

If you have to boost this then you can use the xp grinding methods we have listed for War Veteran only instead of finishing the match the moment you get 10 wins, you can modify it slightly and have it so the person who’s meant to win that round spends the remaining time running round the map killing the other person over and over again with the other teams' flag. Once you have 10-15secs left on the clock, win the match by taking their flag to your base.

Boosting Method 2:

Alternatively you can use this setup:

Boosting Kills Method (requires 2 players total)

Step 1: Play a Custom Match with these settings:
  • Gamemode: Anarchy
  • Map: Quarantine
  • Player Movement Speed: 130% (Max)
  • Respawn Delay: 3 seconds (Min)
  • Total Kill Limit: 200 (Max)
  • Total Time Limit: 30 minutes (Max)
  • Default Weapon 1: Thermobaric Rocket
  • Default Weapon 2: Sniper Rifle
  • Default Weapon 3: Rail Driver
  • Default Backpack: Firepower
  • Ammo: Unlimited
Step 2: After starting the match, destroy all of the structures.

Step 3: The person who will be getting killed will spawn and immediately activate their Backpack or shoot their weapon so their shield goes away. The killer then uses one of his weapons to eliminate the other player. Repeat as necessary. Depending on how quickly you get kills, you can reach 200 within the 30 minute time limit.

Alternative Step 3: The same idea as the other Step 3 but instead both players rotate back and forth between kills.