Remnant II

Remnant II

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Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the Machine

Defeat 25 Aberrations

40 XP


How to unlock the Ghost in the Machine achievement in Remnant II - Definitive Guide

Now that the top guide has been patched, I believe the fastest and best way to grind Aberrations is with Imperial Gardens on Yaesha.

Roll an Adventure Mode and start at the Forbidden Grove. From there, go straight to the first optional area you come across and hope you get Imperial Gardens. If not, reroll and try again.

Once in Imperial Gardens, Mantagora is a guaranteed spawn Aberration that can be killed right after entering the zone by attacking it while it flies in the air.

What makes Imperial Gardens especially good is that there is also a good chance that it will have the Aberration duo Weald Stalker and Gnarled Archer, which if killed count for 2 towards the tracker, netting you 3 Aberrations per 10-15 minutes run if everything falls into place.

17 Aug 2023 03:31

I definitely know why it's getting downvotes.

I have rolled Forbidden Grove over 10 times now and have not gotten Imperial Gardens even once. I've either gotten very unlucky (or he got lucky), or he's just wrong. I'm just starting to look into it more & other options because this feels bad.
By Diggles on 25 Aug 2023 21:08
I wasn't even aware that the Root Nexus thing was considered an Aberration boss honestly lol

I am aware that rolling to get Imperial Gardens depends entirely on RNG but then again that's just the way the worlds are setup in the Remnant games. I was fortunate to get Imperial Gardens quite often when I farmed the rest that I needed.

Losomn as the other guide suggested is another good alternative, however I liked it less than Imperial Gardens since it required going through 2 zones and killing one dungeon boss every time which annoyed me enough to try and find another way.
By I Drakonian I on 30 Aug 2023 01:37
How is this got downvotes, this is by far the quickest way to get this achievement. Add the imperial garden + root nexus + root rot potential + the 2 you find in the nest. I've achieved 25 within 3 hours. you won't find a better route. Upvote this guy asap
By Buda94 on 30 Aug 2023 21:59
Also to make the run easier get Wheitless weight amulet + bisected ring. Allows you to run unlimited amount of speed
By Buda94 on 30 Aug 2023 22:02
Root nexus doesn't count for me. Killed it three times and no progress on the achievement.
By TheIVIuffin on 02 Sep 2023 18:08
Down voted because you provided zero information about where the duo location is in imperial Gardens so I've had to waste my time revealing the whole map area only to find nothing there. It would have been quicker for me to just reroll the location kill root nexus and just reroll.
By HoggyBear08 on 15 Sep 2023 13:20
Killing the Root Nexus did give me 4% progress every time and it surely counted towards my progress.

I never found the duo spawn location in the Garden's either but still a thumbs up from me I got the achievement just now from the Yaesha world, quite a few random glowing gate locations spawn aberrations in them if you know where to look, 100% the fastest way to farm this.
By Serious X Devil on 15 Sep 2023 22:19
If the root nexus is connected to that person it doesn't count, if it is on its own in the middle of the map it counts. I've gotten percentage each time all 3 times and I finally found it connected to the person and it did not count when I killed it there.
Once you find the pair of abberations mentioned in the guide you will know what to look for, there's an area that you can drop down to if you look down off a cliff and just keep going down till you find em, these abberations have i think 3 different dungeons they can spawn in
By ASpartan 0506 on 16 Sep 2023 03:40
I didn't mention a location for the duo because honestly the random aspect of Remnant 2 map system confuses the hell out of me, the layout of sections can be random any time you enter the gardens, but they seem to be in a sort of layered ruins section everytime I found them. But again, that's only if that section is included when you get to the Gardens in your current session, which just compounds my confusion and how to describe that whole mess accurately for a guide.
By I Drakonian I on 17 Sep 2023 05:48
if u find atrophy in endairas end he will keep spawning a clone of himself called rot stalker that u can kill over and over just got 10 kills in less than 10 mins :)
By AnxiousAbe on 30 Sep 2023 23:39
I posted another method if people are struggling with bad RNG like I was. It's a fairly quick 1 aberration guaranteed
By hkmortenson on 29 Dec 2023 20:39
I'm not quite sure why this solution has got downvotes, as of the latest patch this is definitely the fastest way to kill Aberrations.

I'd probably add the following information though that The Weald Stalker and The Gnarled Archer double Aberration boss spawn can appear in four different locations: Forgotten Field, The Expanding Glade, Imperial Garden, The Nameless Nest. The Root Nexus is also a good Aberration boss that you will likely come across during your rolls too.

Also in their infinite wisdom Gunfire Games rest the counters to zero for progress for the following two achievements, and then didn't bother to tell us in the patch notes.

Not So Special Now
Defeat 100 Special Enemies

Ghost in the Machine
Defeat 25 Aberrations

It is honestly absurd that they reset the counters for them with the latest patch (which doesn't reset the tracker progress - so you never know where you are till you get the required number of kills past the original number that you got, I was at 80% and 56% prior to the patch).

This info should 100% have been included in the patch notes from Gunfire Games.
By GameOverRob on 24 Aug 2023 11:27
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Aberrations are a more powerful versions of enemies and can be found in all worlds. You recognize them by having an health bar at the top of the screen and one or several modifiers (drain, regenerator, hearty...).

Here the list of Bosses belonging to Aberrations :


Grime Crawler (Butcher's Quarter/Cotton's Kiln)
The Executioner (Council Chamber/The Great Hall)
Ripsaw (Morrow Parrish)
Firth: The Oathkeeper (Malefic Palace)
Barghest the Vile (Harvester's Reach)


Fetid Corpse (Void Vessel Facility)
Restless Spirit (Terminus Station/Tower of the Unseen)
W.D. 109 (Void Vessel Facility/The Putrid Domain/Vault of the Formless/The Hatchery)
The Progeny (The Hatchery/The Dark Conduit)
E.D. Alpha (Tower of the Unseen)


Defiler (Forgotten Field)
Rot (The Chimney/The Twisted Chantry)
Wither (The Lament)
Mantagora (Imperial Gardens)
The Weald Stalker and The Gnarled Archer (Forgotten Field/The Expanding Glade/Imperial Gardens/The Nameless Nest)

This guide has been made with the help of the Remnant 2 Wiki.

15 Aug 2023 17:24

I would also recommend Losomn. Re-roll till you get Morrow Parish. Run through bypassing everything until you get to the either the Great Sewer or Cotton Kiln. Run through that level and defeat the boss. Leave dungeon run to the Asylum, to the basement, out the door, and open the shed to kill Ripsaw. I had it narrow down to about 10 to 15 mins a run. The reason for this is, you’re always guaranteed Ripsaw and a Simulacrum. Also if you didn’t get the Sewer dungeon, you’ll get Cotton Kiln which gives you a chance to kill the Grime Crawler. So you always get the Ripsaw with an upgrade material, 50/50 chance for an additional red name enemy being the giant pig or giant rat. All methods are tedious outside of normal progression, but you get more bang for your buck.

19 Aug 2023 18:43

I would also recommend Losomn. Re-roll till you get Morrow Parish. Run through bypassing everything until you get to the either the Great Sewer or Cotton Kiln. Run through that level and defeat the boss. Leave dungeon run to the Asylum, to the basement, out the door, and open the shed to kill Ripsaw. I had it narrow down to about 10 to 15 mins a run. The reason for this is, you’re always guaranteed Ripsaw and a Simulacrum. Also if you didn’t get the Sewer dungeon, you’ll get Cotton Kiln which gives you a chance to kill the Grime Crawler. So you always get the Ripsaw with an upgrade material, 50/50 chance for an additional red name enemy being the giant pig or giant rat. All methods are tedious outside of normal progression, but you get more bang for your buck.

19 Aug 2023 18:43

Not sure why this method hasn't been mentioned but it's a quick guaranteed 1 aberration spawn. You need the Dreamcatcher melee weapon. You can look up on the wiki how to get it if you don't already have it.

Go to Root Earth -> Corrupted Harbor. Run towards the end but go towards the bottom area before the Blackened Citadel door. There will be a dead Root Walker with a blue mist around it. Use your staff on it to receive the Walker's Dream consumable. Hotbar this consumable to any of the 4 slots.

DO NOT USE IT IN YOUR CAMPAIGN. It sounds like you'll have to reroll your campaign if you've already used it.

Kill yourself with potion. Return to Ward 13. Reroll adventure mode (anywhere is fine). While still in Ward 13 on adventure mode now, use your consumable via the hotbar. It will return you to Root Earth to fight a corrupted Root Walker. If you walk too far in you'll spawn some other elites, so I stay by the entrance and kill him there.

Once dead you can pickup 7 corrupted lumenite crystals as well. Drink your death potion again to be returned to Ward 13.

Now you can repeat the cycle but speed things up a bit. Switch back to campaign mode but this time use your "Last Visited" checkpoint to return towards the end of Corrupted Harbor to skip the long run. There may be faster methods, but I wasn't happy with the bad RNG I was getting so this was more dependable for me.

Video showing process:

29 Dec 2023 20:37

I just wanted to add that I have confirmed that in co-op, only the player who lands the killing blow receives progress towards the achievement. The achievement tracker does show progress when a killing blow is landed even though it is a secret achievement. Additionally, looks like they all need to be done on one character. I started a character to play solo and progress was not going up.

30 Aug 2023 14:03

Aberrations in Remnant 2 are effectively elite version enemies that have modifiers and such to make them tougher to beat. You’ll know when you come across an Aberration in the game as not only will they have a red glowing hue around them, but they’ll also have a boss-like health bar at the top of the screen as well.

Aberrations are hugely important too, as you’ll need to kill a ton of them (13) to get enough Corrupted Lumenite Crystals to finish off the Transmutate trophy_bronze.png trophy. Good job you need to kill 25 of them for this trophy then!

The truth is though, that you won’t encounter these on one playthrough, and you’ll likely have to replay Adventure mode a few times to flush them out. First things first, though, yes, if you kill the same one twice it counts twice. 

For a list of all the Aberrations and where to find them, check out our Remnant 2 Aberrations locations guide.
Aberrations in Remnant 2 are effectively elite version enemies that have modifiers and such to make them tougher to beat. You’ll know when you come across an Aberration in the game as not only will they have a red glowing hue around them, but they’ll also have a boss-like health bar at the top of the screen as well.

Aberrations are hugely important too, as you’ll need to kill a ton of them (13) to get enough Corrupted Lumenite Crystals to finish off the Transmutate (10G) achievement. Good job you need to kill 25 of them for this achievement then!

The truth is though, that you won’t encounter these on one playthrough, and you’ll likely have to replay Adventure mode a few times to flush them out. First things first, though, yes, if you kill the same one twice it counts twice. 

For a list of all the Aberrations and where to find them, check out our Remnant 2 Aberrations locations guide.
ARE YOU TIRED OF REROLLING? This solution only has you reroll until you get the Forgotten Fields tileset on Yaesha. After getting the map unlocked run through to the stone just before the boss door. Save at the stone and enter the area to fight the boss. Kill the Root Nexus making sure not to kill the archers that spawn. Once the aberrant Defiler spawns kill him ensuring that one archer survives and after he dies let the archer kill you. It will respawn you at the stone with the boss door intact. Rinse and repeat to get the achievement.

01 Apr 2024 15:25

I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but you can easily get this trophy very quickly.
You need to find the Tower of the Invisible location in the Nerud location .
It has a mini boss ID Alpha, he constantly summons 4 small balls during the fight with him, each kill of them goes into statistics, so you can get a trophy in literally 5-10 minutes.

28 Jul 2023 13:17

The hint does not work for everyone, more than 25 were killed and even for 10 the trophy did not drop.
By limonkv on 29 Jul 2023 00:14
It turned out as Black_Nero wrote, but only from the main menu I entered the game in the “Local” mode, ran to Loki and to the boss after the puzzle with the doors, he is at the bottom of the hall, should be named “ID Alpha”.
By rune13 on 31 Jul 2023 12:59
Let me add that this location only happens in the tower in the second large location.
By Laviar on 02 Aug 2023 02:46
Distortions in the game are mini-bosses with a red aura and a health bar at the top of the screen. So you need to kill 25 of these same mini-bosses. You can kill the same one 25 times.
By FuzzDistortion on 27 Aug 2023 09:40
we farmed Alpha by uploading saves to a Turr account with a subscription
found the boss, saved, saves to the cloud and went to unload them as many times as necessary until the trophy drops. In this case, the main thing you need is a partner
By npoctoX on 29 Aug 2023 14:30
After the latest patch, the trophy for 10 and 25 distortions no longer drops for killing balls. The trophy drops for killing id alpha 25 times. You can do it with a friend who has the opportunity to throw the save before the boss into the cloud, so we did our own
By Smith49rus on 24 Aug 2023 14:54
10 distortions were missing, but with the new addition everything became easier, knocked out the achievement in 35 minutes, choose easy mode, almost at the very beginning of the abandoned shore location, go to the square where the mobs stand and they are given a speech, shoot at the preacher, he turns into a distorted boss, kill and restart the world, do this until you get an achievement, sometimes it happens that there is no preacher, you need to restart the world again.
By PartyBlow47 on 25 Mar 2024 12:56
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As written above, the latest patch fixed the farming of balls with Alpha ID. I found another way without unloading the safe.
1. You need a nearby Dreamcatcher, location Root World, distorted shelter. We reach a small fragment and go down below, where through a container we find ourselves in an arena with some kind of mushroom in the center. You can also take the Escalation Protocol amulet from it.
2. Use the dream catcher on the mushroom and get the Traveler's Dream consumable
3. For speed, we commit suicide, appear on the previously activated small fragment and do a TP in Block 13.
4. Create a new adventure through the stone (no matter what world, I rerolled Nerud on minimum difficulty). We put the Traveler's Dream in quick access and activate IN THIS NEW WORLD, NOT IN THE PLOT.
5. We get into the arena of the boss Thunderstorm, kill, loot materials, commit suicide.
6. Appear in Block 13, load the story. There will be a last checkpoint, a small fragment, just hit it. We run again to that mushroom from point 1, use the Dream Catcher, get a traveler’s dream and repeat the above described ad infinitum. The main thing is to recreate the world in adventure mode before using the Traveler's Dream. You can also farm shards for upgrading relics using this method. It took me an average of 5 minutes per wound.

05 Sep 2023 16:19