Remnant II

Remnant II

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The Agenda

The Agenda

Discover Leto's Lab

10 XP


How to unlock the The Agenda achievement in Remnant II - Definitive Guide

Hello All,

Remnant 2 - The Agenda Achievement / Trophy Guide (Discover Leto’s Stash)

In this video we show you how to obtain The Agenda Achievement / Trophy Guide (Discover Leto’s Stash) To unlock this achievement you must have defeated the Labyrinth Sentinel Boss. Once you have done that you will proceed through another Portal and you will end up having a discussion with a Giant Eye called “The Keeper”.
Once the conversation ends he will give you the Biome Portal Key.

We hope you find this guide helpful thanks for watching smile


23 Jul 2023 14:16

Video was helpful but Zero G’s comment is correct.
By webdoggy on 21 Dec 2023 18:08
Good solution.
By ReiZero2 on 21 Mar 2024 19:06
Zero G's comment is NOT correct. Achievement unlocked for me as soon as I picked up the Chicago Typewriter. But no reason not to grab the armor while you're there anyway. Thanks for the video.
By ThePaleHorseman on 14 Jun 2024 01:41
Made it a point to sit and wait for about 5 minutes after picking up Chicago typewriter and no achievement. Pulled up the achievement list and everything. Popped immediately after grabbing the armor.
By Paul Laserbeam on 26 Aug 2024 16:47
In co-op this only popped for host in our game. Not sure if that's by design or not as all other cheevos have popped for me as guest in co-op. It did unlock after I finished Labyrinth solo and picked up the armor.
By xZHCx on 19 Nov 2024 16:05
Not a good video guide this achievment doesn’t pop for picking up the Chicago typewriter it pops for picking up the armor in the open nearby blue storage container
By AO l Zero G l on 30 Jul 2023 21:19
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Hello All,

Remnant 2 - The Agenda Achievement / Trophy Guide (Discover Leto’s Stash)

In this video we show you how to obtain The Agenda Achievement / Trophy Guide (Discover Leto’s Stash) To unlock this achievement you must have defeated the Labyrinth Sentinel Boss. Once you have done that you will proceed through another Portal and you will end up having a discussion with a Giant Eye called “The Keeper”.
Once the conversation ends he will give you the Biome Portal Key.

We hope you find this guide helpful thanks for watching smile


23 Jul 2023 14:16

Not a good video guide this achievment doesn’t pop for picking up the Chicago typewriter it pops for picking up the armor in the open nearby blue storage container
By AO l Zero G l on 30 Jul 2023 21:19
Video was helpful but Zero G’s comment is correct.
By webdoggy on 21 Dec 2023 18:08
Good solution.
By ReiZero2 on 21 Mar 2024 19:06
Zero G's comment is NOT correct. Achievement unlocked for me as soon as I picked up the Chicago Typewriter. But no reason not to grab the armor while you're there anyway. Thanks for the video.
By ThePaleHorseman on 14 Jun 2024 01:41
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Start off by progressing the story until you defeat the first world boss. Next, enter the Labyrinth and work your way to the center where you will find the Keeper. The Keeper will give you the Biome Portal Key which is required for reaching Leto’s Stash.

Now, fast travel to the Fractured Ingress checkpoint in the Labyrinth. From there, take the path on the right until you reach a portal on a ledge. Next, walk behind the portal on the ledge and carefully drop off into another portal below. After dispatching the enemies, take the next portal on the left. Then, duck under the wall on the left side, climb to the top of the wall, and jump over the portal you recently came out of.

Continue along the path until you reach a locked gate. Use the Biome Portal Key to open the gate and take the portal back to Ward 13. In this room you will find the Chicago Typewriter and Leto’s Stash which contains the full Leto Mark II armor set.


24 Jul 2023 15:53

In order to get Leto’s Stash in Remnant 2, you’re going to need to have completed 1 game world and finished the Labyrinth, which rewards you with the Biome Portal Key. Once you have that, you’ll be able to open a portal that actually leads to the small area on the far side of Ward 13.

Once you’ve got the Biome Portal Key, head to the Engulfed Gauntlet world stone checkpoint and head to the right towards the portal. Then, when you come out of that portal, actually turn around and go around the back of it. If you look down you’ll see another portal. Jump into it.

In the next area, follow the route around until you’re in a large room. If you look to the wall on the left (of you going through the door), you’ll notice that the rocks stick out a bit all the way up the wall. You can actually climb them to around the midpoint.

Climb up them, while using the run and jump mechanic to jump across large gaps. After climbing a few blocks you should see a hole to crouch walk through. Do that, and when you come out the other side, look across to the right and jump over the gap to another ledge (slightly right). Crawl again and follow the path until the end, where you’ll find a portal.

Use the Biome Portal Key, go through the portal back to Ward 13. Once you’re there, head to the container on the far wall and go inside it. Inside you’ll find a chest, which has Leto’s Stash inside.

His stash includes:
  • Leto Mark II Helmet (armour 22, weight 13)
  • Leto Mark II Armor (armour 83, weight 44)
  • Leto Mark II Leggings (armour 46, weight 23)
  • Leto Mark II Gloves (armour 17, weight 10)
The Chicago Typewriter gun is also in that area. Pick up the armour stash and this trophy will unlock.

If you're after more of a step-by-step guide on where to go and how to unlock and where Remnant 2's Leto stash location is, then we've prepared a separate guide to assist you.
In order to get Leto’s Stash in Remnant 2, you’re going to need to have completed 1 game world and finished the Labyrinth, which rewards you with the Biome Portal Key. Once you have that, you’ll be able to open a portal that actually leads to the small area on the far side of Ward 13.

Once you’ve got the Biome Portal Key, head to the Engulfed Gauntlet world stone checkpoint and head to the right towards the portal. Then, when you come out of that portal, actually turn around and go around the back of it. If you look down you’ll see another portal. Jump into it.

In the next area, follow the route around until you’re in a large room. If you look to the wall on the left (of you going through the door), you’ll notice that the rocks stick out a bit all the way up the wall. You can actually climb them to around the midpoint.

Climb up them, while using the run and jump mechanic to jump across large gaps. After climbing a few blocks you should see a hole to crouch walk through. Do that, and when you come out the other side, look across to the right and jump over the gap to another ledge (slightly right). Crawl again and follow the path until the end, where you’ll find a portal.

Use the Biome Portal Key, go through the portal back to Ward 13. Once you’re there, head to the container on the far wall and go inside it. Inside you’ll find a chest, which has Leto’s Stash inside.

His stash includes:
  • Leto Mark II Helmet (armour 22, weight 13)
  • Leto Mark II Armor (armour 83, weight 44)
  • Leto Mark II Leggings (armour 46, weight 23)
  • Leto Mark II Gloves (armour 17, weight 10)
The Chicago Typewriter gun is also in that area. Pick up the armour stash and this achievement will unlock.

If you're after more of a step-by-step guide on where to go and how to unlock and where Remnant 2's Leto stash location is, then we've prepared a separate guide to assist you.
After killing the first world boss (the final boss of the world), the story will take you to the world of the labyrinth, where you can get to Leto’s hideout through teleports. There lies Tomigan and very heavy armor. For clarity, like a video:
Timing 9.55

24 Jul 2023 09:17