Rez HD
12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Laser Assassin
95% shot down rate achieved in play mode areas1-5! Boss rush unlocked!
How to unlock the Laser Assassin achievement in Rez HD - Definitive Guide
To unlock this achievement, you have to get higher than 95% shot down in each stage. Note, this is *not* for score attack mode - you must play each stage in regular mode, *not* score attack. Stage 5 is likely to be the sticking point - it's by far the hardest to get a high shot-down score on.
Here's some general tips for getting a high shot-down score
1: LEARN THE LEVEL!!! I can't stress this highly enough. If you don't know what to expect, you've got very little chance of getting this. Practice is your friend.
2: LEARN THE ENEMIES!!! This is almost as important. Learn how each enemy moves, and most importantly, how many hits it takes to kill, and for larger enemies, which part you need to shoot.
3: Chain kills together. If you have a bunch of enemies on screen that take 4 hits each to kill, hover the reticule over one until it gets 4 lock-ons, then move onto another and get another 4 lock-ons, maxing out your reticule. Fire, and repeat. With this technique, you can quickly clear large groups of enemies
4: For enemies that take more than 8 hits, forget the lock-ons and spam the fire button for multiple quick hits. Particularly good for the big snake enemies that need a bunch of hits on the head segment. This is also a good technique for boss battles, where you need to get as many hits in while the boss's weak point is available.
5: Use smart bombs smartly! Save your smart bombs for when you're getting overwhelmed, and would otherwise allow a bunch of enemies to escape
Here's some general tips for getting a high shot-down score
1: LEARN THE LEVEL!!! I can't stress this highly enough. If you don't know what to expect, you've got very little chance of getting this. Practice is your friend.
2: LEARN THE ENEMIES!!! This is almost as important. Learn how each enemy moves, and most importantly, how many hits it takes to kill, and for larger enemies, which part you need to shoot.
3: Chain kills together. If you have a bunch of enemies on screen that take 4 hits each to kill, hover the reticule over one until it gets 4 lock-ons, then move onto another and get another 4 lock-ons, maxing out your reticule. Fire, and repeat. With this technique, you can quickly clear large groups of enemies
4: For enemies that take more than 8 hits, forget the lock-ons and spam the fire button for multiple quick hits. Particularly good for the big snake enemies that need a bunch of hits on the head segment. This is also a good technique for boss battles, where you need to get as many hits in while the boss's weak point is available.
5: Use smart bombs smartly! Save your smart bombs for when you're getting overwhelmed, and would otherwise allow a bunch of enemies to escape
Could you possibly tell us the best times to bomb on level 5? I keep thinking I am using them wisely, and I always end with about 93%. Do the missiles from the boss count?
By DarkSpin on 18 Aug 2010 00:06
I *think* that the missiles on the very final boss don't count, but I'm not certain. I use smart bombs on 5 in the main section of the level, before you get to the 4 mini-bosses, to ensure that I get as much as I can before the bosses. Focus on the main part of the level, and you'll be in good shape.
By Spiffing WotWot on 18 Aug 2010 15:46
Areas 1-4 are fairly easy to get 95%+ shot down, area 5 is much harder and will require practice.
It is best to aim to destory all enemies - if you find yourself allowing an enemy to slip by each time you attempt the level, change your strategy and be ready for him.
If you find there are many enemies on the screen, it is often best to tap your fire button and take them out individually - you're not aiming for a high score, only percentage shot down.
For a visual guide, watch the videos below (credit to etoothy for the videos for areas 1-4 and to MattyBoy714 for the videos of area 5). These are for the PS2 version, but the level layouts are the same on the Xbox360.
It is best to aim to destory all enemies - if you find yourself allowing an enemy to slip by each time you attempt the level, change your strategy and be ready for him.
If you find there are many enemies on the screen, it is often best to tap your fire button and take them out individually - you're not aiming for a high score, only percentage shot down.
For a visual guide, watch the videos below (credit to etoothy for the videos for areas 1-4 and to MattyBoy714 for the videos of area 5). These are for the PS2 version, but the level layouts are the same on the Xbox360.