Rez HD

Rez HD

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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The Rezident

The Rezident

100% shot down/support item or played 10+ hrs in play mode areas1-5! Secret character unlocked!


How to unlock the The Rezident achievement in Rez HD - Definitive Guide

Very simple achievement.
Simply hook up a wired controller, and stick it on the Trance* mission in beyond mode and leave it running.
Go write a book, watch youtube, sleep..10 hours later you'll be 15GS higher =D.

* : Trance is unlocked by getting the high score (150,000) on the lost area.

20 Sep 2009 22:47

surely not in one sitting?
By DangerPigg on 07 Oct 2010 11:09
Fairly sure it's playtime overall, not just for the current sitting.
By DakuTree on 12 Oct 2010 12:24
If anyone is still reading this, it is definitely overall play time, not one sitting! I already had 7 hours played. I just had to do another 3 for it to pop. Incidentally, I didn't yet have access to Trance (it's one of the last things to unlock), to I just did Area 4 (any area will do) in "Travelling" mode, with an turbo controller set to autofire A. You are invincible in this mode, and it doesn't matter if you shoot stuff down or not, each level of it with move on and even the boss will eventually die without you shooting them very much. The game then returns to the area select screen (still in travelling) and your controller will automatically select the same area and so it goes on. I fell asleep while the work was done and awoke to find the achievement popped. You just need a controller that an autofire...
By Izzy of Albion on 11 Aug 2012 19:03
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If you are aiming to get all other achievements in Rez HD, especially Power Breaker, you'll find that you will rack up 10 hours play fairly easily, as this count is cumulative.

However, if you're a hard nut and fancy doing 100% runs on the levels, the videos below should help you get your strategy down.

Practice is key - if you find yourself allowing an enemy to slip by each time you attempt the level, change your strategy and be ready for him.

If you find there are many enemies on the screen, it is often best to tap your fire button and take them out individually - you're not aiming for a high score, only percentage shot down.

Credit to etoothy for the videos for areas 1-4 and to MattyBoy714 for the videos of area 5. These are for the PS2 version, but the level layouts are the same on the Xbox360.

23 Feb 2011 12:39

1 Comment
Awesome vids! Definitely saved me a lot of time (:
By on 08 Mar 2012 06:50