Ride to Hell Retribution

Ride to Hell Retribution

38 Achievements



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One Percenter

One Percenter

Complete the game on the One Percenter difficulty setting.


How to unlock the One Percenter achievement in Ride to Hell Retribution - Definitive Guide

Just completed the game, and I have some tips for the parts that gave me a little trouble on the One Percenter difficultly.

First of all, after you beat the game for the first time, you will unlock the One Percenter difficulty, and it will send you back to Dead End. Now you'll think the game has saved the One Percenter being unlocked, but you'd be wrong. So make sure you start a chapter, doesn't matter which, then head back to Dead End, to save it. The first time I beat the game, I assumed it saved it being unlocked, but nope, so I had to beat the last part again.

You can also unlock this by changing the difficultly at the chapter select, and playing through the game again. No need to start a new game and lose all your collectibles.


OK, to the tips. First, the part where you are diving the oil tanker to the dam.

This annoyed me at first, until I realized, taking too much damage, need to heal? Simple, just slow down. You can even slow down when cops on bikes are shooting at you, you'll slow down, they will keep going, and eventually crash on their own.

Next, the fight with Colt, where he's at at turret. Getting him off the turret is easy, but after that, you get attacked by a lot of Devil's Hand, at first I tried to fight them all, hiding behind the shipping containers to the left(Using the turrets throughout the game yourself is a death trap, so don't), but after dying a few times, since some minions do spawn in those spots, I tried something different.

(Tip from CLOWN TASTIC 08. If you use and RPG on Colt while he is on the turret for me it went straight to the cutscene and I didn't have to try chase him down.)

After getting Colt off the turret, you'll want to equip the Rocket Launcher(This is assuming you are doing chapter select to do the One Percenter Difficulty, though I don't know why you wouldn't be)and chase after Colt, ignoring the spawning Hand. Simply shoot a rocket at the first guy you see in the plane, and the splash damage should take out Colt, easy.

On One Percenter, King Dick has a RPG, instead of Dynamite, which actually makes the first part of the fight easier. At first I thought I could just shoot him with my own RPG, and that would be it, easy, just like Colt was. But I shot him about 4 times, and he didn't die. After that I just stood slightly to the right of the pillar you start behind, and took out all the minions. You'll be mostly protected, but watch for the guys shooting at you from in front of you, since the pillar can only protect you from one side at a time, because the developers decided to make Jake try to take cover behind the maybe 1-2 inch wide candlestick, instead of the large pillar.
You couldn't really stay at the pillar when he had dynamite, since he throws it a lot better then he can aim a RPG. After you take out all the minions, just abuse the shoulder camera. If you've beaten Dark Sector on its hardest difficulty, you know what I mean. I moved to one of the pillars on the left side of the church, hide my body behind one, and just moved my aiming cursor to shoot King Dick, he can't do anything about it, and died pretty fast with the best rifle.

When going for the 7 packages, if you get the package that's down in a fenced off area last, it's the first right turn after going under a large tree, you'll skip all the Devil's Hand that spawn and drive in with cars with guns. They simply won't spawn.

Then another annoying point, At Triple 6's Sawmill, this part was annoying, even on the normal difficulty. You'll fight your way to the cargo lift, after killing all the Hand, get on the weighted metal pad as far left as you can go. When the Hand start spawning, try your best to take them out, even getting off the pad, to go hide behind the nearest red shipping container to your left, the guys with the masks will be the most annoying since they can still fire at you, while you are firing at them. I'd say just hit them with the RPG, to take them out fast. This part is mostly annoying, because if you die, you go pretty far back, or at least compared to checkpoints in the rest of the game.

After that, the long and tedious part comes, where you have wait for the lift to slowly, and I mean SLOWLY go back up. You'll mostly be safe this whole time, but the minions will mindlessly run on the metal pad to bring it back down some, then leave it for no reason. The turret here, is probably the only turret that not a death trap the entire game(Guess I told a white lie earlier, whoops). The problem is once the lift gets to a certain height, you won't be able to aim at anyone right below you with the turret, and you'll probably be low on ammo by this point. So you'll have to hope you have enough ammo to shoot the guys right below you, who won't get off the damn pad! Though this part is really slow, it's not as bad as waiting for the lift to reach you at the bottom.

The fight with Triple Six isn't much different then on Normal, it's all about timing. If you see him swing the chainsaw from the side, you hit cn_RB to roll, if his head goes back he's going for a headbutt, so you block with cn_Y, the same if he raises his chainsaw from the top, you block it. Just do that, until he gets the counter symbol above his head, then beat him up normally and that's pretty much it. You'll have to do this a few times, before he goes down.

Now for this part, I didn't have any trouble with, but it believe it could be annoying. It's the part just after you get the bombs planted on Pretty Boy's bike, you and Mack will assault his hideout. You'll have a Machinegun, but to make this really simple, don't go full auto, stick to single shots, and you're accuracy will be so much better. Do the same thing when you and Mack are chasing after him and hit that ambush spot, focus on single shots, and headshots of course if you can get them.

Driving the Army Truck is the same as the Oil Tanker, taking too much damage? Slow down. Course driving this truck, you'll find a checkpoint or two, which you didn't for the Tanker, so it's pretty simple.

During the last mission at the Stadium, once again, don't be a dummy and try to use that turret, just get close enough to it to get the minions to spawn, then turn back and hide, taking the Hand out that way, be sure to watch out for the guys with the RPGs. There a hole between the wall you're hiding behind and the fence with the green tarp, you can use that hole to easily kill some of the Hand, including the guys with the RPGS, if they are positioned correctly.

While chasing Caesar on your bike with Elle, you'll come to a part where two Oil Tankers will be to the left and right of you, and Caesar will be shooting a RPG at you, you may think it's really hard to dodge, but then there's that slowing down trick again, seems to solve a lot of problems. If you simply stop holding the Right Trigger and slow down, you'll actually be able to get behind the two tankers, making it so much easier to dodge the RPG fire.

And that's it, the rest of the game is just following Caesar, and QTEs.


Well that's all the points that gave me a little trouble. If you are stuck, or need some tips for another part of the game, leave a comment, and I'll see what I can add. Just be aware, this was a rental for me, so it won't be in my memory for long. But of course I'll try my best to remember and help you out.

And oh! If The Hell and Back doesn't unlock for you after you get the rest of the achievements, load up the last mission, and kill one bad guy. I didn't get To Hell and Back after getting all the rest of the achievements myself, did this, and it popped right away.

05 Aug 2013 10:08

Just something you should change, if you use and RPG on Colt while he is on the turret for me it went straight to the cutscene and I didn't have to try chase him down.
By OldMateClown on 31 Aug 2013 03:33
Oh, interesting, I didn't try that, just shot him off the turret.

I'll add it.
By EarthboundX on 31 Aug 2013 04:32
I just wanted to warn anyone who is unfortunate enough to own this unholy piece of shit game like me that the boss fight with Triple 6 can be game-breakingly glitchy!

If you encounter a "crossed swords" duel with him (via your hook against his saw) too early in the battle, he will suddenly vanish, ending the boss fight and forever locking you inside the room with no escape because it checkpoint locks you... The only option you will have is to restart the mission and have to make your way to his office again (luckily starting from the interior of the sawmill, not having to repeat the lift section).

I advise that you make a backup save file to a usb stick or the cloud once you checkpoint in the boss fight encase this glitch happens to you!
By TitleInLarge on 24 Feb 2014 00:32
This fucking lift thing is impossible... -_-
By Angels Kill Too on 04 Oct 2015 19:30
i finally got past it by hiding behind the truck while still being on the pad, it helps to bring the rpg then as soon as it lands run the fuck to that gun.
By Angels Kill Too on 04 Oct 2015 19:54
By Angels Kill Too on 04 Oct 2015 20:00
did it again first try... after i get a checkpoint... I'm copying my save JUST IN CASE
By Angels Kill Too on 04 Oct 2015 20:11
BACK UP EVERY SAVE... got to the last fucking level only to die while a checkpoint popped up... yeah this games shit.
By Angels Kill Too on 04 Oct 2015 23:09
I'm not voting on this solution one way or the other, but I just wanted to mention that slowing down on the tanker escape in Colt's act makes absolutely no difference. It allows you to heal, but the overall damage to your tanker remains. So the very first shot after you've "re-healed" turns your whole screen gray and it's only a couple shots more until you're destroyed. Given that, I'm currently trying to figure out how the fuck this part is possible besides pure luck.
By Mister Buds on 25 May 2016 00:45
I admit I haven't played the game since I posted this solution, but I do recall slowing down at that part to help a lot. Sorry it doesn't seem to be helping you.
By EarthboundX on 25 May 2016 03:11
The elevator part is kicking my ass I can get to it no problem then i RPG the first hockey mask guy! And I hide behind the red container on the far left but an enemy always hides round the side and ends up killing me how can I pass this part ?

EDIT: Managed to do it buy hiding behind the truck while staying on the metal plate using an RPG firing 2 shots down the left to kill the hockey mask guys and then the rest of the the shots on the right I almost died but I managed
By Oliversuddenn on 07 Jan 2018 23:06
I did what oliver did, stay on plate behind the truck, but just use rifle, and over left shoulder camera. Killed regular dude, then laid into mask dude, he was dead before he got a shot off. Picked off about 5 people and just cleaned up. Had to move off the plate once to recover. Once you can get on the platform, just run all the way to the back left side and stay there facing towards the stop sign. It will take a while to get to the top, but didnt have to fire a single shot. They couldnt hit me and the plate going back down was very minimal. This is probably the hardest section in the entire game.

The other tip i have is always try and use the Y combo in melee, after you get this, dont go for any of the combo AXA AXX etcetc, slowly tap A, you will hit them everytime (if timing is right), if you use combo the second and/or third hit usually miss.

When doing the motorbike section where you have to press/spam a button - just spam all 4 its so much easier.

One other tip... when you die (and you will) wait for the logo in bottom left to disappear before pressing button to load last checkpoint, this will cut down on a lot of game freezes.
By Onsidic on 24 Sep 2020 17:04
Yeah, the lift is the hardest part of the game if I'm remembering correctly. Glad you got past it.
By EarthboundX on 04 Oct 2015 21:43
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First at all, u need finish the game on any difficult, easy or badass.

some tips that is very useful for me:

- When u face that big guys using masks, try to go for a melee combat or look fast for something to shot and explode.

- I note when u start a new game, u lose all your cards but u dont lose the weapons, now i dont know if this is real for everybody or happen to me hahahaha !
the best pistol > the s91 Magnum
the best rifle Hanson Spearhead Model 9

- try to take all cards in your fist time because repeat is boring a lot.

- when u are in open battles, when u see a lot of guys running in your direction to use melee atacks, use your gun to shot and make this more easy and fast :)

- for now, i am using this things and help me a lot to play in 1%, if somebody have more tips to help others please comment !

UPDATE: in my opinion the big problem in 1% is the last one in triple 6, when u need wait an elevator, in this i found a easy spot, take your dynamites and aim in the middle in the middle of spot where the spot is infinite until u take the elevator, once the elevator come, run to the end and stay calm, the enimies dont kill u there, u need only calm there.


05 Jul 2013 18:46

Any tips for the Tanker section near the beginning? I've tried at least 20 times now and still cannot get passed it. I tried swerving, running into the cops, and even hitting traffic to try and blow them up, but nothing I've tried has worked.

Also, are you able to unlock this by just switching the difficulty on the Bulletin Board at Dead End?
By Mainstream on 19 Jul 2013 06:05
Mainstream, first at all, what i did is start a new game on one percent because nobody knows if u change the dificult on the main bord at the city u can get the achiev, so its better u make 2 plays that 3 hahaha !
tanker section ? be more expecifc, what chapter ?
By RoDD Cah on 21 Jul 2013 16:34
OWWW REALLY ? i played and take everything again :( if i know that ow my god hahahaha! anyway man, sorry for something :D i hope helped u :D
By RoDD Cah on 24 Jul 2013 21:30
The dynamite at the elevator/cargo lift sounds like a good idea. I just tried for headshots, and shot my RPG at the masked guys.

Crap, forgot to upvote this before I posted my solution for this, sorry.
By EarthboundX on 05 Aug 2013 10:15
I managed to get past it a little while after posting the comment. You CAN unlock the One Percenter achievement through changing the difficulty on the Bulletin Board and going through the chapters in order. I only asked this as I had already collected most of the collectibles and didn't want to start a new game in order to unlock that last piece that requires you to play on One Percenter.

But thanks anyway man! +1
By Mainstream on 23 Jul 2013 05:48
dynamite worked very well because i tryed everything and nothing -.-
By RoDD Cah on 22 Aug 2013 21:19
didnt unlock for me.
By MagmaticNevada8 on 14 Sep 2021 06:05
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