RoboCop: Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City

27 Achievements

1000 XP


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Eliminate 3 enemies with 1 explosive.

35 XP


How to unlock the Nukem! achievement in RoboCop: Rogue City - Definitive Guide

Found this excellent spot to get achievement. This is more than past midway through game but this spot has canister right next to 3-4 enemies that are right by it when you enter the room.


31 Oct 2023 18:42

Quite easy and can be done in first mission as soon as you run in to explosive barrels.


18 Nov 2023 10:40

I got this on the first level, just after the slow mo breach section where you rescue the first set of hostages.

You find yourself at the bottom of a staircase, go up and enter a construction area. If you follow it, you enter a room and three enemies are across the other side.

If you enter quickly, you can pick up a red canister and throw it quickly at them. It should explode, killing them all and getting you the achievement .

If it doesn’t unlock, you can reload the checkpoint, which is back at the stairs, and retry again.

Good luck!!

17 Nov 2023 18:28

In this guide we'll show you how to take out three enemies simultaneously with one explosive to win "Nukem!" Achievement/Trophy in RoboCop: Rogue City.

In RoboCop: Rogue City you can use various items, such as propane tanks, as explosives to blow up your opponents.

To win "Nukem!" Achievement/Trophy you'll need to blow up three opponents at once, so approach a propane tank or other explosive throwable, pick it up (by pressing square on PS, or X on Xbox) and then detonate it by pressing R1 (RB on Xbox).

You'll encounter several of these items in the first mission, but it may take a few tries to earn the Achievement/Trophy. Note that you'll need to be quick, as enemies can shoot the throwable while it's in your hands and deal a lot of damage.


31 Oct 2023 21:52

This achievement is pretty situational, especially since you don't have any of your own explosives. Your only options are:
  • Shooting an explosive container (they glow green when ADS)
  • Throwing something explosive
  • Grabbing a grenade launcher during missions with enemies that use them
My experience is that explosive containers are your best option, and they show up quite frequently, especially during indoor mission areas. Since you'll likely be ADS continually during fights, you'll see these highlighted often. I also find it's best to shoot them all the time anyway, because they make it so much faster and easier to wipe out enemies. If you're shooting explosives throughout gun fights and missions, you'll likely unlock this naturally. I personally got it during the second main mission, "Soot's Final Encore," while pushing through the building to find him. Clip below.
Chapter "EXPO: weapons of Detroit" 22
After you destroy the big robot, you will meet the boss again. Find yourself in an arena with robots and people. Immediately on the top right there will be robots standing RIGHT NEAR THE BARRELS. We go up to them, shoot at the barrel and get the trophy.

10 Nov 2023 01:59

Easy to get in the mission “Old Factory” (the one you need to complete in 10 minutes to achieve the achievement). In this location, robots come out in groups, we pick up a mine and throw it at the center of the group.
By devilvergil on 19 Nov 2023 01:50
He did it at the very beginning of the game, where the scenery begins in the news studio, and threw a gas cylinder at the drug addicts. There were more than two such moments.
By dread29rus on 14 Dec 2023 22:39
The trophy was easily won at the very end of the prison mission, where the enemies were tightly clustered around parked cars. Just blow up one conventional minivan next to the enemies and the trophy will easily fall out.
By Don0r on 25 Dec 2023 12:46
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