86 Achievements
1170 XP
Inspector Gadget (Gold)
Unlock 11 Gadgets.
20 XP
How to unlock the Inspector Gadget (Gold) achievement in Roboquest - Definitive Guide
There are 11 total gadgets and in order of the ui are.
Explorer Slipper- In the Canyon area, Dug up with the shovel. (Pretty sure spot is RNG but found mine near purple door)
Pogo Stick- In the quarry area in front of the purple door, up on a ledge is a small robot who needs a hug
Roller- Just need 5 data logs to give to the old robot at the canyon checkpoint
Hero Cape- Aqua Station map's checkpoint area, in a block of ice use any sort of Burn Damage weapon or ability
Business Briefcase- In the Ruins area there is a robot in a fedora who requests 1 Powercell, it is RNG and took me about 5-6 tries to get it from him
Battery Burger- This one has a few steps, First you need to open the area behind the waterfall in the 1st oasis area using Buddy Bot and getting the Swim Trunks, you then need to find the Golden area in oasis and go into the waterfall there and give the trunks to the robot(He then offers a free item in consecutive runs so stop by if you pass through)
Cooking Gloves- In the field map’s checkpoint area, There is another old robot who asks to see A Blunderbuss, Junk Rifle, and a Sheriffs Carbine These can be presented in multiple runs or a single run
Sunglasses- Some people were awarded this automatically but if you don't have it all you have to do is win a single run
Jetpack- In the fusion core checkpoint area you have to complete an obstacle course(or skip with grapple" to get Randy's nose, then you have to find the pits area(door is in the room where you unlock shovel in the Quarry" to find the Cinema Ticket to unlock the door in Haven City inside that room you trade Randy's nose for it
Grappling Hook- Must do a run with all 6 Crystals activated and go to the gold area in Haven City
Metal Detector- I don't remember the exact amount I think it was 35 or 36 data logs also received from the old robot who gives you Roller at the canyon checkpoint
1 Comment
Amazing thanx
By Har Miggido on 22 Nov 2023 14:59