Rock Band Classic Rock

Rock Band Classic Rock

12 Achievements



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Just Another Band Out of Boston

Just Another Band Out of Boston

Gold Starred "Rock and Roll Band" by Boston with a full band.


How to unlock the Just Another Band Out of Boston achievement in Rock Band Classic Rock - Definitive Guide

The gold star rating will require all players to be on Expert. Needless to say, you have to have a very good full band to get this achievement. I've added a video that should help out those of you who can't seem to come up with a good vocalist (or just a vocalist in general...). This video will hum the song on Expert for 100%, just put the mic up to your computer speakers with the volume up and start the video one bar on the note highway before the first guitar note. The first guitar note is a red/blue chord, so hold down red and blue and play the video with your strumming hand.

The guitar, bass and drums will most likely need to average around 95% notes hit, and the key will be to activate your overdrive at the same time, preferably when the vocalist activates overdrive. Though I was the best guitarist in my group, I ended up having to play drums because we could only get around 92% on drums otherwise, and we always fell short a few thousand points. So if you find that you are falling short, experiment with other instruments.

Also, the mic sensitivity must be turned all the way up or the vocal part will not be able to activate overdrive. I realize that the vocalist's overdrive path could use some improvement, but it's not terrible. But with the vocalist pulling 100% every time, the achievement is much more manageable.

Good luck toast Any questions, post a comment wave

26 Jun 2011 04:28

Amazing. Very helpful video (as always). Thumbs up!!! Might actually complete this game now. ;)
By Thrash Forever on 26 Jun 2011 08:45
Love <3
By KiNG Y0Y0 on 06 Dec 2011 16:23
Gold stars looks to be ~1,058,000.

I found a video of a decent band obtaining this trophy on the PS3 version. It's nice to see none of the four players play perfectly, yet still manage to hit gold just before the outro.
By Ham Salad on 21 Jul 2014 23:28
Is there any place that has more of these types of videos available? I'm trying to do something similar to finish Rock Band 1 and don't want to ask a friend for that much help
By otaku1412 on 06 Sep 2019 23:07
Unfortunately no, I don't know of such a place. These audio files take 5-15 hours a piece to produce, so there's not a lot of incentive.

For RB 1 Expert, I would recommend to just go for it. Don't sing, hum. You'll sound terrible, but you'll be able to hit notes. There's only a couple notably hard songs, Reptilia and Foreplay/Longtime, and a few others a bit challenging. But you just gotta go for it. It's not so bad. Once you get past a couple sets, you'll gain confidence, and that'll carry you even farther. All you have to do is pass.
By TetraVega on 20 Sep 2019 01:33
Thank you so much for this YouTube video. I finally found two other good instrumentalists locally and the video helped me get this achievement after TWELVE LONG YEARS. WOOOOOOOO!
By Lonsta DaMonsta on 19 Jun 2021 03:55
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This achievement can only be done via local play -- the track packs do not come with online play compatibility.

You will need all players to be on the Expert difficulty in order to Gold Star a song. The score required to achieve Gold Stars is unknown at this time, but is somewhere in the range of 1,045,000 and 1,087,000 points, according to scores posted on ScoreHero.

The key to getting lots of points, as many experienced Rock Band players will know by now, is to activate your Overdrive in unison with your other band members. If everyone activates at the same time, you will achieve an 8x band multiplier. Combined with max multipliers of 4x and 6x (bass), you can score insane amounts of points if you all choose the right time to activate.

Keep in mind that vocals will always have the rarest activation points, so if you want to achieve an 8x band multiplier, the vocalist should lead off the activations. Hopefully following close behind will be the drummer--both of these band members not only are likely to have the hardest time with this song, but also have set activation points, which can bring some headaches if you can't sync up your activations just right.

As always, Guitar and Bass can activate whenever they have sufficient Overdrive, so they should just follow the vocalist or the drummer's lead.

Be ready for some trial and error if you're not on a team of plastic instrument virtuosos. You may not be able to get an 8x multiplier every time, especially in crucial moments where you can score lots of points -- chords, lots of phrases, etc. So in the end, you should strive for AT LEAST a 6x multiplier, which should be very possible if you keep drums, guitar and bass on the same page and just let the vocalist jump in when they can, if they can.

Finally, listen carefully. If you hear a "ching" sound when you have five stars already, but the star display in the corner does not turn gold and the song ends, you have still achieved gold stars and the achievement will unlock when you get to the stats screen.

20 May 2009 00:05

When I got this achievement our ending score was 1,069,708, and the gold stars chimed at about 3-4k points before it ended. We had a real good drummer going (99%), our bassist wasn't so hot (95%), and I sang and played guitar at the same time (95% and 96% respectively). Our activation path was based on the drummer's, and we hit every single unison bonus which I believe is essential to get this achievement. I also hit 100% notes on the solo which may make or break the gold star score. Good luck for anyone going for's a tough one.
By New Paralyzer on 29 Nov 2009 18:04
Is this local play only?
By Will072 on 23 Apr 2011 18:02
Yes, it can only be done locally :/
By Koskovv on 06 May 2011 18:00
For those who haven't read the first guide, or are still looking at this, there is no online capability in these track packs.
By Manb3arSquirrel on 10 Aug 2017 07:13
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