Rock Band Country Pack
12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Make the Earth Quake
Hit 100% of the kick drum notes for any song on Expert
How to unlock the Make the Earth Quake achievement in Rock Band Country Pack - Definitive Guide
I personally got this achievement on "Cry Lonely." I'm a novice drummer so this shouldn't be that hard.
Two and a half years and no votes or comments?! Come on TA'erz out there....for me I had no clue what to try for this cheevo.Borrowed the game strictly for importing to RB3 and aquick cheevo whore session and was lost until I came upon this post. This is the first song I tried on the pack on drums per the rec. 1069 note streak, 1 bumped note, and a quick 15G! I can hold my own on the drums as a hard/expert player, but this was sweet and easy...I have since tried a couple others and nowhere near the simplicity of this one all around really, excellent tip! The Gambler lol....not even for me. I just fc'd Been Caught Stealin on x guitar on RB3...not gonna suggest it in a guide tho when ya got noob songs round the bend :) tnx bbb
By MonoxXxideChild on 27 Feb 2012 22:40
Your welcome. Thanks for up vote.
By AvengedAgainst on 28 Feb 2012 02:36
I went for this achievement on Hillbilly Deluxe. there is two parts where you'll need to move your foot a little bit quicker but still a very easy song. Also with what EvoHero said in his solution, hoard the OD, it helps!! Another thing I want to point out which no one else has, is that if you hit the drum pedal accidentally or hit it an extra time, you still get the achievement!! Hope this helps, and good luck.
Not as easy as you'd think, some of these songs have tricky-ish bass pedal parts, but not necessarily a deal-breaker. If you're having a lot of trouble, hoard OD so that you constantly get the drum fill window, which will mean you have to hit the bare minimum of kick drum notes. I personally got this achievement on The Gambler, but you may have a personal favorite: Just make sure, as the achievement says, that you are on the expert difficulty. The achievement will pop on the song results screen.